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‎2019届高考英语一轮复习全面回扣训练5‎ ‎ 1. Russia, ______ country in the world, covers 17,070,000 square kilometers. (2019·雅礼月考四)‎ A. it is the largest  B. that is the largest C. is the largest D. the largest ‎ 2.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ______it comes to classroom tests. (2019·长郡月考二) ‎ A. since B. as C. after D. when ‎ 3. To have a dinner at a restaurant on the Eve of the Spring Festival, you need to reserve the restaurant months before, ______?(2019·师大附中月考五)‎ A. mustn't you B. didn't you ‎ C. don't you D. needn't you ‎ 4. ______ today, he would get there by Sunday. ‎ A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving C. Were he to leave D. If he leave ‎ 5. It is required that under no circumstances ______ betray ourselves even if there are temptations like money or beauty. (2019·长郡中学月考五)‎ A. we will B. should we C. we shall D. we should ‎ 6. His failure in the experiment suggested that he ______ his teacher's proper instructions.‎ A. should not have followed ‎ B. should not follow ‎ C. mustn't have followed ‎ D. hadn't followed ‎ 7. Thank you for giving me a hand. I ______ in the experiment without your valuable help.‎ A. have failed B. will fail C. would have failed D. must have failed ‎ 8. — Mummy, I have broken my bike.‎ ‎— I told you so. You ______ on it.‎ ‎ A. mustn't have ridden ‎ B. couldn't ride ‎ C. shouldn't have ridden ‎ D. needn't ride ‎ 9. It would be impossible for him to leave hospital tomorrow if he ______ first aid when the accident happened. ‎ A. hadn't been given B. wasn't be given C. shouldn't be given D. wouldn't be given ‎ ‎10. Why didn't you make me a telephone call yesterday? I ______ about it.‎ A. ought to tell B. ought to have been told C. might have told ‎ D. might have been told ‎11. GM, Chrysler and Ford expressed their desire that they ______ in want of a $25 billion government aid to pull through the financial crisis.‎ A. were B. would be C. be D. ought to be ‎12. Mr. Woodhead must have been punished for his being rude at the meeting, ______ he?‎ A. mustn't B. wasn't ‎ C. hasn't D. didn't ‎13. — Would you like to come to the dinner party on Saturday? ‎ ‎— Thank you. I'd love to, ______ I'll be out of town at the weekend. ‎ A. because B. and ‎ C. so D. but ‎ ‎14. It is high time he ______ up his mind. (2019·长沙市一中月考四) ‎ A. made B. makes C. make D. making15. What a beautiful city, ______?‎ A. is it B. isn't it ‎ C. will it D. won't it ‎ ‎16. No one is going to climb next week, ______?‎ A. is she B. isn't he C. are they D. aren't they ‎17. There used to be a church behind the school, ______?‎ A. didn't there B. used there ‎ C. didn't it D. usedn't it ‎18. It is love novels that Miss Williams enjoys reading, ______?‎ A. doesn't she B. isn't it ‎ C. does she D. is it ‎19. ______ the expense, I ______ to Italy.‎ A. If it were not; go ‎ B. Were it not for; would go C. Wasn't it for; will go ‎ D. If it hadn't been; would have gone ‎20. ______ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.‎ A. It was we being late B. It was our being late ‎ C. It was we were too late ‎ D. It was because we were late ‎ ‎21. The door burst open and ______, shouting with anger. ‎ A. rushed in the crowd B. in the crowd rushed C. the crowd in rushed D. in rushed the crowd ‎22. ______, he never seems able to do the work beautifully.‎ A. Try as he does B. As he tries C. Try as does he D. As try he does ‎23. — David has made great progress recently. ‎ ‎— ______, and ______.‎ A. So he has; so you have ‎ B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you ‎ D. So has he; so you have ‎24. This is the first time you has visited our city, ______?(2019·长沙市一中月考一)‎ A. hasn't you B. didn't you ‎ C. hasn't it D. isn't it ‎25. Only by practising a few hours every day ______ be able to master the language. ‎ A. you can B. can you ‎ C. you will D. will you ‎26. The students in our school each ______ an English dictionary. (2019·雅礼月考五)‎ A. have B. has C. had D. are having ‎27.— Why didn't you come to the English party? We were very disappointed.‎ ‎— Sorry, I ______, but I had an unexpected visitor. (2019·长郡中学月考五)‎ A. would like have B. would like to C. would like to have D. would like ‎28.—Did you go to see the movie Love Is Not Blind last night?‎ ‎—Yeah. Every boy and girl in our class ______ invited. (2019·师大附中月考五)‎ A. were B. have been C. has been D. was ‎29. ______ it to clear up tomorrow, the tourists would climb to the top of the mountain to wait for the sun ______. ‎ A. If; to raise B. Were; to rise C. Should; to rise D. Because; raising ‎30.Hardly ______ with my parents when I realized that I was wrong and shouldn't have done this to them. (2019·长沙市一中月考四)‎ A. did I quarreled B. had I quarreled C. I quarreled D. I had quarreled ‎1.选D。考查固定句型。句意为: 世界上最大的国家——俄罗斯,占地1707万平方公里。空前有逗号,若是非限定性定语从句,用which连接。D项是形容词作定语。‎ ‎2.选D。考查固定结构。when it comes to sth. 当谈到(涉及)某事或某人时。‎ ‎3.选C。本题考查反意疑问句。need 在此为行为动词。‎ ‎4.选C。if条件句中有were时,可将if省去,而将were提至主语前构成倒装。‎ ‎5.选B。考查倒装和虚拟语气。句意: 即使面对金钱或美色,都要求我们决不能出卖自己。表示“建议、要求、命令”的词后接从句时用“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气,其中should可以省略;否定意义的词under no circumstances“绝不”放在句首,引起部分倒装。‎ ‎6.选D。suggest在此意为“表明”, 后接宾语从句用陈述语气。‎ ‎7.选C。根据语境可知,这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故选C。‎ ‎8.选C。句意:你本不应该骑它的。‎ ‎9.选A。与过去事实相反, if从句的谓语常用过去完成时。‎ ‎10.选B。句意为:我本应该被告知此事的。‎ ‎11.选C。desire后的同位语从句的谓语需用虚拟语气,即“(should)+动词原形”的形式。‎ ‎12.选B。陈述部分有表推测的情态动词时,需先将它变成非推测的句子,然后再变反意疑问句。本句的非推测句为: Mr. Woodhead was punished for his being rude at the meeting. 再在此基础上写出反意疑问句: wasn't he。‎ ‎13.选D。but 引导并列句表转折。‎ ‎14.选A。考查虚拟语气。固定句型It is (high/about) time (that) +‎ ‎ 虚拟语气;从句中用(should) do或一般过去时。‎ ‎15.选B。陈述部分是what a beautiful city it is的省略。‎ ‎16.选C。陈述部分的主语是no one时,反意疑问句用are they或is he均可。‎ ‎17.选 A。陈述部分是there used to be 句型时,反意疑问部分用didn't there或 usedn't there。 ‎ ‎18.选B。强调句后的反意疑问句的主谓需与that前面的主谓保持一致。‎ ‎19.选B。if条件句中有were时,可将if省去,而将were提至主语前构成倒装。‎ ‎20.选B。考查强调结构。强调的是句子的主语our being late, 此题若还原成非强调句,即为:Our being late caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.‎ ‎21.选D。以in等副词开头的句子,如果主语是名词,则用完全倒装。‎ ‎22.选A。as引导的让步状语从句中,可将表语、状语以及动词原形提到as前,构成倒装句。‎ ‎23.选B。so he has 表示对前句内容的肯定。“他确实如此”;而so have you表示“你也一样”,即:你最近也取得了很大进步。‎ ‎24.选D。主从复合句的反意疑问句与主句保持一致。‎ ‎25.选D。“Only + 状语”置于句首时,主句的谓语部分采用部分倒装形式。‎ ‎26.选A。考查主谓一致。句意: 我们学校的每一个学生都有一本英语字典。主语是The students,而each是主语的同位语。谓语与主语保持一致,故选A。‎ ‎27.选C。考查省略和虚拟语气。根据语境可知,答话人是“没有参加”的,因此谈到“参加”只能是虚拟;表示对过去的虚拟,省略时只保留至have即可。‎ ‎28.选D。本题考查主谓一致。 主语是every boy and girl, 表示单数概念, 故谓语动词用单数, 且询问昨晚的情况, 有明确的过去时间, 所以应选择was。Love Is Not Blind《失恋三十三天》。‎ ‎29.选B。与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。‎ ‎30.选B。考查倒装。句意: 我一和父母吵架就意识到我错了,不该那样对待他们。固定句型hardly…when…一……就……。否定词放在句首用部分倒装,该句型常用于过去完成时,when的从句用一般过去时。‎

