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新人教版高考考纲词汇分类整理(动词)‎ accept 接受,承认,同意 ‎(通常指主观上接受) ‎ 对比:receive 强调客观收到的动作,不一定接受。‎ achieve 达到;取得 ‎(指通过努力而获得成功或达到某种目的)(n .)achievement ‎ ‎ achieve one’s goal/aim act 行动,做,做事,扮演 ‎ act/work/serve as 作为,充当,扮演 ‎ (n .)actor& actress ; activity& action ‎ ‎ take action to do 采取行动 add 加,增加,接着说 add…to… ‎ add to… 增加add up 加起来add up to总计 ‎(n .)addition in addition 另外,此外 admire 钦佩,羡慕,赞美 (n .)admiration admit 承认,接收,让……进入 (admitted)‎ admit doing sth. 承认做某事 ‎ be admitted into 被录取 advance推进,促进 in advance 提前,事先 (adj.)advanced高级的,高等的 advise 劝告,建议 ‎ advise doing /advise sb. to do ‎ ‎/advise that (虚拟语气)‎ ‎ 对比:persuade劝服 afford 负担得起,提供 agree 同意,赞成 agree to do sth. 同意去做 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 agree to sth. 同意某种意见、建议 ‎ agree on sth. 与某人达成一致意见 ‎ (n .)agreement ‎ allow 准许,允许 ‎ allow sb. to do sth. / allow doing ‎ announce宣布,宣告,通知(强调郑重其事预先通知) (n .) announcement apologise 道歉 ‎ apologise to sb. for doing sth. ‎ ‎ (n .)apology apologies(pl.)‎ appear出现,显得,好像 (反disappear)(n .)appearance 外表 外貌 argue争论,争辩 ‎ argue with sb. over/about sth. ‎ ‎(n .)argument 论点,论据 ask ask for / ask sb. for sth.‎ astonish 使…诧异 astonishment attack v./n. be under ~ 遭到攻击 ‎ an air ~ 空袭 attempt n./v.努力;尝试 ‎ ‎ ~ to do sth.= make an ~ to do sth. ‎ ‎ in an ~ to do sth.努力/尝试去做......‎ attend v.出席;照顾 attendant n.服务员 ~ to sb./ sth. 照料;从事;处理 attract vt .吸引 ‎ attractive adj.有吸引力的;迷人的 attraction n.吸引(人的人或物) ‎ be attractive to sb.吸引某人 ‎ be attracted to sth. 被......吸引 bake 烘烤 bargain v. 讨价还价 ‎ n. 讨价还价;便宜货 a real ~ 便宜货 base n. 基地;基础 vt.以......为基础 ‎ ‎~ A on B A以B为基础/依据 ‎ be ~d on以......为基础 be am/is/are/was/were/being/been bear vt.忍受;承受(bore/born-borne) ‎ ‎ He can’t ~ being looked down upon.‎ He was born in Shanghai. ‎ They have borne three children.‎ beat(beat,beat) v.打;击败 become/became/become link.v.系动词 beg v.乞讨;哀求 begging begged beggar n.乞丐 ~ sb. for sth. ‎ go ~ging去乞讨 begin/began/begun v. ‎ beginning beginner初学者 ‎ Well begun, half done.‎ 良好的开端是成功的一半。‎ ‎ to ~ with首先=first of all ‎ in the beginning at the beginning of believe vt. belief n.信仰;信念 belong 属于 ‎ belong to 无被动无进行时态 ‎ bend/bent/bent v. 弄弯 ‎ ‎~ over sth. 伏在......上面 ‎ be bent over......一心想/做 bite/bit/bit:bitten v.咬 ‎ Never bite off more than you can chew.‎ 要量力而行 blame vt.责备 ‎ be to ~ (for doing sth.)因......而应受责备 ~ sb. for doing sth. 因......而责备 Don’t ~ the child for the broken glass. It was my fault.‎ ‎ I wonder who is to ~ for the broken glass.=I wonder who to ~ for the broken glass.‎ blow/blew/blown v.吹~ up爆炸 ~ sth. up把......炸毁 ~ ...away把吹走 ‎ boil v. boiling water在沸腾的水 boiled water沸水 boiling hot超热 borrow 借出 break/broke/broken v. ~ down出故障;破除 ~ up破坏;解散;开垦 ‎ ‎~ into sp.闯入;侵占 ‎~ the law/rule违反 ~ one’s promise食言 ~ away (of) 脱离 ‎~ forth/out爆发 ~ off折断;突然中断 ‎ ‎~ open撬开 ~ with与......断交 ‎ c.n.休息 take/have a ~‎ bring/brought/brought vt. ~ sb. up抚养 ~ sth. up呕吐;提出 bring sth. forward提出 broadcast/broadcast/broadcast vt.广播 ‎ ‎~ sth. live现场直播 Cf. cast/cast/cast forecast/forecast/forecast ‎ build/built/built vt.建造;建设 building n. ~ ...up建造 ~ A into B把A建成B burn/burnt/burnt v. ~ sth. up烧光 ‎ ‎~ sth. to the ground=~ sth down夷为平地 It’s ~ing hot.‎ burst vt.爆发;爆炸 ‎ ‎~ sth. up =blow sth. up炸掉 ~ into tears/laughter/cheers ‎ ~ out crying/laughing/cheering ~ into...闯入 ‎ ‎~ forth= ~ out= break forth= break out爆发 bury vt.埋葬 burial n.葬礼 ‎ ‎~ sb. alive活埋 buy/bought/bought vt. ‎ I won’t ~ your story.我才不信呢 call v./n. ~ for请求;要求;需要;呼吁 ~ at sp.参观 ~ on sb.访问 ~...off取消 ‎ ~ out大声叫喊 ~ forth...唤起;鼓起(勇气等) call (on) sb. to do sth.号召 camp v.宿营 n.帐篷 ‎ go camping去宿营 can 能,能够 could care v. ~ for...喜爱;关心;照管 ~ about...关心;顾虑 care n. take ~ of...照料;照看 ‎ take ~当心;保重 under the ~ of在...... with ~ =carefully小心地;慎重地 careless 粗心的 carry vt. ~ sth. in one’s arms抱着 ~ sth. on one’s back背着 ‎~ sth. in one’s hands捧着 ‎ ‎~ sth. in one’s hand拿着 ‎~ sth. out实施;执行 ‎ ‎~ ...away带走;冲昏...的头脑 ‎~ sth. on继续下去 ‎ ‎~ through坚持到底 catch/caught/caught vt.抓住 ‎ ‎~ sb. = ~ up with sb.追上 ‎ catch sight of突然看到 ~ hold of突然抓住 ‎~ (a ) cold得感冒 ‎ ‎~ sb.’s attention/ eye吸引的注意力 ‎ ‎~ sb. doing sth.‎ be caught in a rain遭遇风雨等 ‎ be caught in/between the trees卡在树中 celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n. ~ one’s birthday/Christmas/Easter/New Year’s Day (=mark/observe/keep)‎ change v./n.变化 ~/turn A into B 把A变成B ‎ ‎~ trains/planes/clothes换车、飞机、衣服 ‎ ~ for the better/worse边得更好/坏 ‎ ‎ ~ with...随着......而变化 ~ oneself=get ~d换衣服 ‎ Great ~s have taken place in China since the reform and opening up in 1979.‎ charge v.收费;控告;冲锋 ~ sm. sb. for sth. He ~d me $10 for the book.‎ ‎~ sb. with (doing) sth. ‎ He was ~d of sealing books from the newsstand.‎ ‎ n.主管;收费;控告;冲锋 in ~ of 主管 in the ~ of由......主管 free of ~免费的 chat 闲谈 chatting ‎ clap v. n.拍(手)‎ climb 爬,攀爬 close ‎1 a. 亲密的;近,靠近 ad. 近,靠近 close 2 vt. 关,关闭 come (came, come) vi. 来,来到 ‎ compare vt. 比较,对照 ‎ complete v. 完成 connect vt. 连接,把……联系起来 ‎ consider vt. 考虑 ‎ contain v. 包含;包括;能容纳 continue vi. 继续 ‎ correct v. 改正;纠正 a. 正确的,对的;恰当的 cost (cost, cost) v. 值(多少钱);花费 cure n. & vt. 治疗;医好 cure…of …‎ could modal v. ‎ ‎(can的过去式)可以……;‎ ‎(表示许可或请求)可以……,行 ‎ count vt. 数,点数 ‎ cut (cut, cut) v. n. 切,剪,削,割 伤口 damage n.& vt. 毁坏,损害 dare v.& aux. (后接不带to的不定式;主要用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于 decide v. 决定;下决心 declare vt. 声明;断言 defeat vt. 击败;战胜 ‎ defend vt. 防守;保卫 ‎ delay v.& n. 拖延,延误,延迟,延期;耽搁 destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏 ‎ determine vt. 决定;决心 ‎ develop v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发 vt. 冲洗(照片) ‎ devote vt. 把……奉献; 把……专用(于)‎ deliver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等) ‎ demand vt. 要求  depend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于 ‎ describe vt. 描写,叙述 die vi. die of/from 死亡 ‎ ‎( died, died, dying )‎ dig vt.‎(dug dug digging ) 挖掘 disappoint vt. 使失望disappointed/disappointing disappointment discover vt. 发现 discuss vt. 讨论 disturb vt. 打扰 dive vi. 潜水 divide vt. divide into 划分 do (did done doing )‎ draw ( drew drawn )‎ dream vt. ( dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt ) dream of drink vt. ( drank drunk )‎ drive vt. (drove driven )‎ drop vt. ( dropped dropped )‎ drown 溺水 earn vt. earn one’s living eat vt. ( ate eaten )‎ employ vt. 雇佣 hire/take on employer/employee employment op. fire/dismiss/lay off encourage vt. encourage sb to do 鼓励 n. encouragement enjoy vt. sth/doing sth escape vi. from 逃跑 enter vt. 进入 envy vt. 羡慕,嫉妒 examine vt. 检查 excuse vt. 原谅 n. 借口 exist vi. 存在 expect to do/expect sb to do 期望 explain vt. sth to sb/to sb sth 解释 exploit vt. 开发 express vt. 表达 fail vi. 失败 fall ( fell fallen )‎ fasten vt. 拴,系 feed vt.‎( fed fed )‎ feel ( felt felt ) feel like doing fetch vt. 取回 fight vi. ( fought fought )‎ fill ~ in 填写 find ( found found )‎ finish vi. sth/doing sth fly ( flew flown )‎ float vi. 漂浮 fix vt. fix one’s attention on flow vi. 流动 fold vt. 折叠 follow vt. 跟随 as follows forbid vt. ( forbade forbidden )‎ forbid doing/sb to do 禁止 force vt. force sb to do 强迫 forget ( forgot forgotten ) to do/doing forgive ( forgave forgiven ) forgive sb for sth 原谅,宽恕 found vt. 建立 founded/founded freeze ( froze frozen ) 凝固,结冰 ‎ freezing cold 冰冷 frighten vt. 吓唬 adj. frightened/frightening fry vt. 煎 gain vt. 获得 gather vt. 聚集 gathering 集会 get vt. (got got )‎ give----gave-----given go----went-----went grow----grew----grown hang----hung----hung 悬挂 ‎-----hanged-----hanged 吊死,绞死 have----had-----had hear----heard-----heard hide----hid----hidden/hid hit----hit----hit hold----held----held hurt---hurt----hurt keep---kept----kept know---knew---known ‎ lie---lay---lain (vi)平躺,位于 lie----lied----lied (vi)撒谎 lay----laid----laid (vt)放置,产卵 lead---led---led learn---learnt/learned---learnt/learned ‎ 注意 a learned person leave---left---left lend---lent---lent let----let----let light---lit/lighted---lit/lighted ‎ ‎ 注意 a lighted cigarette ‎ lose---lost---lost make---made---made mean---meant---meant meet---met---met mistake----mistook---mistaken ‎    by mistake ‎ ‎ make a mistake mix   mix A with B ‎ ‎  mixture(n) 混合物 miss  miss the early bus ‎ ‎  miss the target merry merry Christmas  圣诞快乐 mention Don't mention it.不用谢,别客气 not to mention = let alone ‎ ‎= still/much/even less 更不用说 may------(过去式)might ‎ marry----married----married marry sb = get married to sb(不可以和时间段连用)‎ be married to sb(可以和时间段连用,表示状态 )‎ ‎    (n) marriage 婚姻 manage   ‎ manage to do sth = succeed in doing sth 设法做到某事 try to do sth = attempt to do sth 设法做某事(未必成功)‎ ‎ I can manage it. 我能行; 我能对付 ‎ ‎     manager (n) 经理,管理者 ‎ Management (n) 经营,管理 laugh burst into laughter 突然笑起来 ‎ burst out laughing 突然笑起来 ‎ laugh at 嘲笑 kill kill time 消磨时间 join join the army ‎ join the Party ‎ ‎ join in the game invite invitation (n) 邀请 invent invention (n) 发明 ‎ inventor (n) 发明者 introduce 介绍 ,引进 ‎ introduce sb/oneself to sb ‎ introduce sth into some place An introduction to English Grammar 英语语法入门 interrupt 与disturb ‎ interrupt 打断 ‎ disturb 打扰 insist ‎ insist on (one`s) doing 坚持要求做某事 He  insisted that  he didn't break the law and insisted that he should be set free. ‎ 他坚持说他没有违法并坚持要求被释放 include 与 contain ‎ ‎ include 包括,强调范围 ‎ contain 包含,强调内容或成分 The basket contains many apples , including some green ones / some green ones included.‎ increase ‎ ‎ increase to 增长到。。。‎ ‎ increase by 增长了。。。‎ improve (vi /vt) 使改善/提高,改善/提高 He has improved his health.‎ His health has been improving.‎ imagine imagine sb /sb's doing sth ‎ ‎ imagine sb to be...... ‎ ‎ beyond imagination 超出想像 hire 近义词 employ/ take on/engage 雇佣 ‎ 反义词 fire/dismiss/lay off 解雇 hate hate to do sth / doing stb ‎ ‎ I hate it when people are talking with their mouths full.‎ happen ‎ happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上 It happens that ......碰巧。。。‎ Sb happens to do sth 某人碰巧做。。。‎ guess I guess so/ not.‎ ‎ You guessed it.‎ greet greet sb with a smile ‎ greeting(n) 问候,问候语(pl) ( v/n )‎ Glance 一瞥,瞥见 (v) glance at ‎ (n) take a glance at ‎ at first glance graduate (v) graduate from 毕业于。。。‎ ‎ (n) high school graduates 高中毕业生 guard 警卫,哨兵;保卫,守卫 guide (v) 引导,指导 guide ~sb around some place ‎ ‎ (n) 向导,领路人;指南,入门 ; a guide to grammar hand (v) hand in ‎ hand out ‎(n)give/lend sb a hand ‎ ‎=do sb a favor帮某人一个忙 head (v) head for 朝。。。。行进 ‎ (n) hit sb on the head heat (v) He will heat some milk. 加热 ‎ (n) The sun gives us heat and light. 热,热量 ‎ ( adj ) heated 激烈的 heated discussion help (v) help sb with sth / ‎ ‎~in doing sth / to do sth ‎ can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事 ‎ can't help to do sth不能帮忙做某事 ‎ can't help but do sth不得不做某事 ‎ help oneself to sth随便吃。。。‎ ‎ (n) be of great help / very helpful to sb ‎ with sb's help = with the help of sb honour (v) feel honoured to do sth 因做某事而感到荣幸 ‎ (n) It is an honour to do sth 做某事是荣幸的一件事 ‎ ‎ In honour of为了向。。。。表达敬意,为了纪念。。。‎ hurry (v) Hurry up, or we'll be late. ‎ ‎ (n) He left here in a hurry.‎ interest (v) This book interests me.‎ ‎ I am interested in this book. ‎ ‎ This book is interesting.‎ ‎(n) I show an interest in this book.. The guide showed us around many places of interest.‎ judge (v) Judging from his cloths, he must be very rich. 判断 ‎(n) He is a fair judge. 法官,裁判 knock 敲门,敲门声 (v) Someone is knocking at the door.‎ ‎ (n) There is a knock at the door.‎ lack 缺乏,缺少,短缺 ‎ ‎ (v) lack sth ‎ ‎ be lacking in sth ‎ ‎ (n) (a) lack of land (n) 陆地, (v) 着陆 lift (v) I can not lift the heavy box. 举起,抬起 ‎ (n) Take the lift to the 50th floor. 乘电梯 ‎ give sb a lift / ride让某人搭车 limit (n) 极限,界限,限度 There is a limit to my patience.‎ ‎ (v) 限制,限定 You should limit spending.‎ ‎ We should make full use of the limited time.有限的时间 list 清单;列举 He made a list on which he listed all the things he ‎ ‎ wanted to buy.‎ load (n) 担子,负载 He bore a heavy load on his shoulders.‎ ‎ (v) 装,装载 They are loading a car with luggage.‎ lock The door won't lock, so he put a new lock on the door.‎ look Please take a look at what he is looking at now.‎ love fall / be in love with sb mail mail a letter /send a letter by mail march Time marches on. Our preparations for the college entrance ‎ ‎ examination are on the march. 在进行中 ‎ mark The teacher was marking examination papers. LiLei got full marks.‎ matter (n) what's the matter with you ?‎ ‎ (v) It does't matter.‎ mind (v) Never mind.不要紧,没关系 ‎ (n) change one's mind 改变想法 ‎ ‎ make up one's mind to do sth 下决心做某事 ‎ keep / bear sth in mind 牢记。。。。‎ master (n) 主人;能手 (v) 掌握;精通 match (n) 火柴;比赛 (pl) matches ‎ (v) 比得上,与....相匹敌; compare with ‎ ‎ 与....相匹配;go with measure (n)  量度,测量; make.....to one's measure 量体裁衣 ‎ 措施(pl) take measures/action/steps to do sth 采取措施做。。。‎ ‎ (v) 量, 测量; 有.....长(宽 , 高 等)‎ ‎ This room measures 10 meters across.‎ ‎ like (v) 喜欢 like to do sth / doing sth ‎ (prep) 像…..一样 look like ‎ owe欠,归于 vt.—owe sth to sb 把…归功于某人/欠某人某物—own 拥有—owing to 由于 pack打包,装入 vt.---pack sth into sth--- n.= package =packet包裹 paint 漆,涂vt.—paint sth green-- 油画painting pardon vt.‎—pardon sb for sth—pardon me---I beg your pardon.‎ pass vi./vt (A:passed—passed)/(B:past—past) n.—护照passport ---过路人passer(s)-by ‎ ---pass my house—pass the examination—pass the holiday—pass me the newspaper(pass the newspaper to me)—pass a law--pass by —pass on—pass down pause暂停 vi./n.(C)—without a pause pay vi./vt.(paid—paid) ---sb pay sb sm for sth—pay a visit to sp—pay attention to – pay back—pay off perform 表演,进行vi./vt.‎—n. performance--performer ‎ =carry out—perform one’s duty/ a task =play—perform a part in ----perform well permit vt./vi. 允许 (permitted—permitted—permitting)‎ n. permission (ask for sb’s permission) permit许可证 ( a permit to hunt)‎ not permit the waste of a single drop of water—permit sb to do sth—permit doing sth If time permits=Time permitting ‎ persuade 说服vt. persuade sb to do sth—persuade sb into/out of doing sth—persuade sb of sth plan vt. (planned—planned-planning) plan sth--plan to do sth—plan a visit to sp=plan to visit sp n.plan-- make /work out /carry out a plan play vi./vt. play football—play the piano—play cards—play an important part in—play a joke on ‎ ‎ n. player 运动员 please vt. please sb—if you please( =if you like/=竟然)‎ ‎ adj. pleased—pleasing n. pleasure—It is a pleasure to do sth plough犁vi./vt. n. plough犁 point vi./vt. point to –point at—point out n. (keep/come/get) to the point—beside the point—at this point 此刻 ‎—in this point –be on the point of doing sth There is no point in doing sth.‎ post vt. post sb sth=post sth to sb n. post ---by post – postcard 卡片—postbox邮箱—postcode邮编 pour vi./vt 倾泻,流 pour (sth) into ‎ practise vi./vt. practise doing sth ‎ n. practice --in practice 熟练/实际上—out of practice 生疏--put sth into practice --a regular pratice 常规做法 praise vi./vt. 表扬 praise sb. for sth. n. in praise of --sing high praise for--‎ prefer vt.( preferred—preferred—preferring) ‎ n. preference have a preference for ‎ prefer sth—prefer (doing)sth to (doing)sth –prefer to do sth rather than do sth—prefer sb to do sth ---prefer that s. (should)do sth prepare vi./vt. prepare sth –prepare for sth--prepare sth for sth –prepare sb for sth --be well prepared for ‎ ‎ n. preparation press vi./vt. n. pressure 压力 pretend vi./vt假装 pretend sth—pretend to be ---pretend that ‎ prevent vi./vt prevent sth (disease /an accident) ‎ prevent sb/sth (from) doing sth=keep sb/sth from doing sth=stop sb/sth (from) doing sth 被动结构中from都不省略 print v./n printing 印刷 produce v./n.生产 produce--product--production promise v./n. promise to do sth—promise that—promise sb sth ---promise sth( A heavy snow promises a good harvest) make/keep/break a promise (of sth)‎ pronounce v. n. pronunciation ‎ protect v. n. protection protect sth/sb from/against ‎ prove v. 证明 n proof(s) ‎ prove that ---prove (to be) sth/adj. = turn out (to be) sth/adj. (It proved a good idea./ It proved good)‎ provide v. n. provision ‎ provide sb for sth =provide sb with sth = offer sb sth = offer sth to sb = supply sth to/for sb =supply sb with sth pull v./n 拉,拽 punish v.惩罚 n. punishment punish sb for sth ‎ push v./n 推 put v.( put-put –putting ) ‎ put up/down/away/aside/back/on/forward/off/out/through/together/up with quarrel v. 争吵(quarrel(l)ed -- quarrel(l)ed –quarrel(l)ing ) ‎ quarrel with ab about/over sth raise vt. raise one’s voice ‎ reach vt./n. reach =arrive in/at=get to reach an agreement ‎ out of /beyond one’s reach read v . read-read Read aloud. It reads/says 上面写着“No parking is allowed.” ‎ realize/realize 实现,意识到vt. n. reality realize one’s dream –realize one’s mistake receive vt. receive a letter=hear from sb receive an invitation --- accept an invitation recognize/ze 认出vt. recognize sb /sb’s voice ‎ recover v. 恢复 n.—recovery recover from ---suffer from reduce v. reduce to /by increase to/by ‎ refer v. referred—referred—referring n. reference 参考refer to a dictionary---提到refer to a person---涉及refer to personal life refuse v. refuse sth/sb (反accept)---refuse to do sth (反agree)‎ regard v. regard as = look on as = treat as = consider as =have as= think of as regret v./n 后悔( regretted—regretted—regretting)‎ regret sth--- regret doing sth后悔---regret to do sth (to say--)抱歉,遗憾 remain v. remain poor/silent/standing/unfinished remain to do ( to be seen)‎ ‎ n. remains 剩下的东西 adj. the remaining money --- the money left remember v. remember to do sth –remember doing sth ---remember sb to sb remind v. remind sb---remind sb of sth –remind sb to do sth---remind sb that ‎ remove 搬走 v. remove from repair v. /n. repair sth under repair ‎ repeat v. 重复 reply v/n. reply to in reply to make no reply ‎ request v/n request sth from / of sb---request sb to do sth ---request that s. (should) do n.-- request for ‎ require v. n.—requirement ‎ require sth ---require sth of sb---require sb to do sth—require that s. (should) do—sth requires doing = want=need research v./n. research on/ into ‎ respect尊敬 v./n. respect sb for sth --- have / show respect for ---in respect of –with respect to ‎ ‎ adj. respectful表示尊敬的---respectable值得尊敬的 review v. 复习 n.---revision ride (rode, ridden) v. /n. go for a ride –give sb a ride n.—rider ring (rang ,rung) vi.‎ rise (rose, risen) vi.‎ roll v. roll in涌来 ---roll over翻身 —roll up 卷起 ruin v./n in ruins 成为废墟 rule v./n. n.—ruler ran (ran, run)‎ rush v./n. rush hour 交通高峰期 sail v. sail for sp --- go sailing n. sailor satisfy vt.使满意 satisfy sb with sth --satisfy sb’s need –be satisfied with ‎ adj. satisfied—satisfying ‎ n. satisfaction save v. save sb’slife --- save water—save sb. sm.—save face save up 积蓄 say v. (said, said) say sth—say sth. to sb—say to oneself—say hello/sorry to sb It is/was said that= be said to do – that is to say -- you said it 你说对了–having said that 虽然说过 There goes a saying,/ As a saying goes,‎ scold v. scold sb for sth ‎ scream v./n. ‎ search v./n. search sp/sb for sth –search for sth in search of seat vt. 使坐 seat oneself be seated ‎ see v. (saw , seen) ‎ see sb do/doing sth --see a movie/play/film—see( to it )that确保/负责 –see sb off—see through看穿–see sb/sth through帮某人度过难关--I see. /You see,你知道--See you later( tomorrow).‎ seek v. 寻求(sought,sought) seek (for ) sth. --seek to do sth ‎ ‎ seek one’s fortune seem v. seem adj./ n.(The idea seems good.=It seems a good idea.)—seem like(It seems a good idea.) – It seems that --- It seems as if ---‎ seize v. 抓住 seize sb’s hand=seize sb by the hand --- seize a chance/ opportunity sell v.(sold,--) sell sth – sell sth to sb=sell sb sth—sell well/ badly ‎ sell off—sell out ‎ send v.(sent, sent) send a letter –send sb to sp—send sb to do sth --‎ send one’s love/regards/wishes to sb send up—send for sb ‎ sentence v/n. sentence sb to death/ three years –make sentences ‎ separate v. /adj. separate from / a separate room serve v. 服务 serve sb with sth--- serve as n. –service ‎ set v.(set,set, setting) ‎ set fire to sth=set sth on fire—set the table—set one’s mind /heart/ on sth—set an example to sb –set sb free-----set about doing sth=set out to do sth---set aside---set off---set up---set down settle v. settle sth—settle down –settle down to sth 开始认真做某事 ‎ n. settlement sew v. (sewed,sewed/sewn) 缝 shake v.(shook,shaken)‎ share v. /n. share sth with sb ‎ shave v.(shaved,shaved/shaven) n. shaver 剃须刀 shine v. (shone, shone) 发光 shock v. shocking, shocked –be shocked to see/hear/learn come as a shock shoot v.(shot, shot) shoot at n.芽 shout v. shout at –shout to show v.(showed, shown /showed) ‎ show sb sth=show sth to sb—show sb around sp—show off—show up=turn up ‎ n. be on show ‎ shut v.(shut, shut, shutting) shut up =shut your mouth=shut it闭嘴 sigh v./n. 叹息 sing v.(sang,sung) ‎ sink v.(sank,sunk)‎ sit v.(sat,sat) sit up =stay up 熬夜 skate v. go skating sleep v. (slept,-) sleep well/ soundly—sleep late –sleep like a log/top睡的熟 n. go/get to sleep--- a sound sleep adj. sleepy困的 asleep睡着的---fall asleep ---be sound asleep 熟睡 smell v.(smelt, smelt / smelled, smelled) smell nice---smell like—‎ smell vi.发出臭味的 His breath smells. 他有口臭。smelly adj. 臭的 smile v./n. smile at sb with a smile smoke v./n. ‎ snow v./n adj. snowy sun—sunny fog—foggy wind—windy cloud –cloudy storm—stormy rain—rainy ‎ sound v. sound like---sound good---sound as if safe and sound ‎ be sound as a bell十分健康 It sounds a good idea.‎ n. 声音 sow播种—sowed,sowed/sown spare v. 节约,省出spare sb sth---spare sb trouble使某人免受麻烦---spare no efforts to do sth—‎ ‎ a spare pen---in one’s spare/free time scold vt. 责骂 ‎ score v. 得分,分数 ‎ search v. 搜寻,搜查 ‎ see (saw, seen) vt. 看见,看到;领会;拜会 ‎ seek vt. 试图; 探寻 ‎ seem v. 似乎,好像 ‎ seize vt. 抓住(时机等) ‎ select vt. 选择,挑选,选拔 ‎ sell (sold, sold) v. 卖,售 ‎ send (sent, sent) v. 打发,派遣;送,邮寄 ‎ sense n. 感觉,意识 ‎ separate v. 使分开,使分离a. 单独的,分开的 ‎ serve vt. 招待(顾客等),服务 ‎ set (set, set) vt. 释放,安置 ‎ settle vi. 安家,定居 ‎ shake (shook, shak en) v. (使)动摇,震动 ‎ shall (should) v. aux. (表示将来)将要,会;……好吗 ‎ share vt. 分享,共同使用 ‎ sharpen v. (使)变锐利,削尖 ‎ shave (shaved, shaved 或 shaven) v. 刮(脸,胡子) ‎ shine (shone, shone 或 d, d) v. 发光;照耀;杰出;擦亮 ‎ shock vt. 使震惊 ‎ shoot1 (shot, shot) vt. 射击,射中,发射 ‎ shop vi. 买东西 n. 商店,车间 ‎ should v. mod. 应当,应该,会 v. aux. 会,应该(shall的过去时态) ‎ show (showed, shown 或 showed) v. 给……看,出示,显示 ‎ shut (shut, shut) v. n. 关上,封闭;禁闭; ‎ sigh vi. 叹息; 叹气 ‎ sing (sang, sung) v. 唱,唱歌 ‎ sink (sank, sunk) vi. 下沉; 消沉 ‎ skate vi. 溜冰,滑冰 ‎ ski vi. 滑雪板;滑雪 ‎ skip v. 蹦蹦跳跳;跳绳 ‎ sleep (slept, slept) vi. 睡觉 ‎ smell (smelt, smelt 或 ed,ed) v. 嗅,闻到;发气味 ‎ snatch v. 夺,夺得,夺走 ‎ sneeze v. 打喷嚏 ‎ sort vt. 把……分类,拣选 n. 种类,类别 sound vi. 听起来;发出声音n. 声音 ‎ spell vt. 拼写 ‎ spend (spent, spent) v. 度过;花费(钱、时间等) ‎ spit v. 吐唾沫;吐痰 ‎ split v. 撕开; 切开 ‎ spread v. 延伸; 展开 ‎ stand (stood, stood) v. 站;立;起立;坐落;经受;持久 ‎ stare vi. 盯,凝视 ‎ start v. 开始,着手;出发 ‎ starve v. 饿死 ‎ steal (stole, stolen) vt. 偷, 窃取 ‎ stop v. 停,停止,阻止 ‎ strengthen vt. 加强,增强 strike v. (钟)鸣;敲(响);罢工 ‎ strike (struck,  struck 或stricken) vt. 擦(打)火, 侵袭 ‎ struggle vi. 斗争 ‎ study v. 学习;研究 n. 书房 ‎ succeed vi. 成功 ‎ suck vt. 吸吮 ‎ suffer vi. 受苦,遭受 ‎ suggest vt. 建议,提议 ‎ suit vt. 适合 n. 一套(衣服) ‎ supply vt.& n. 供给,供应 ‎ support vt.& n. 支持,赞助 ‎ suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想 ‎ surprise vt. 使惊奇,使诧异 n. 惊奇,诧异 ‎ surround vt. 围绕; 包围 swallow vt. 吞下; 咽下  sweep(swept,swept) v. 扫除,扫 ‎ swim (swam, swum) vi. 游泳,游 ‎ swing vt. 挥舞,摆动 n. 秋千 ‎ take (took, taken) vt. 拿;拿走;做;服用;乘坐;花费 ‎ teach(taught,taught) v. 教书,教 ‎ telegraph v. (拍) 电报 ‎ telephone v. 打电话 n. 电话 ‎ tell (told, told) vt. 告诉;讲述;吩咐 ‎ terrify vt. 使人感到恐怖 ‎ test vt.& n. 测试, 考查,试验 ‎ thank vt. 感谢,致谢,道谢 n. (复)感谢,谢意 ‎ think(thought, thought) v. 想;认为;考虑  throw(threw,thrown) v. 投,掷,扔 ‎ tick vt. 作记号 ‎ tie vt. (用绳,线)系,拴,扎 n. 领带,绳子,结;关系 ‎ tire vi. 使疲劳 ‎ touch vt. 触摸,接触 ‎ trade vt. 用……进行交换 ‎ translate vt. 翻译 ‎ transport vt.运输 trap vt. 使陷入困境 ‎ treat vt. 对待,看待 ‎ tremble v. 颤抖 ‎ trouble vt. 使苦恼,使忧虑,使麻烦 n. 问题,疾病,烦恼,麻烦 ‎ trust vt. 相信,信任,信赖 ‎ try v. 试,试图,努力 ‎ turn v. 旋转,翻转,转变,转弯 n. 轮流,(轮流的)顺序 ‎ type vt. 打字 ‎ understand (understood, understood) v. 懂得;明白;理解 ‎ undo v. 解开,松开 ‎ unfold vt. 展开,打开 ‎ unite v. 联合,团结 ‎ visit vt. 参观,访问,拜访 ‎ vote vi. 选举,投票

