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备战2011中考英语总复习资料 数 词  (一) 知识概要 数词用来表示人或物的数目多少和顺序。所以数词主要有两种:基数词,用于计数,如:one, two…而序数词用于表示位置先后或次序,台:first second…其构成法如下: 阿拉伯数字 基数词 序数词 简写序数词 ‎ ‎1 one first 1st ‎ ‎2 two second 2nd ‎ ‎3 three third 3rd ‎ ‎4 four fourth 4th ‎ ‎5 five fifth 5th ‎ ‎6 six sixth 6th ‎ ‎7 seven seventh 7th ‎ ‎8 eight eighth 8th ‎ ‎9 nine ninth 9th ‎ ‎10 ten tenth 10th ‎ ‎11 eleven eleventh 11th ‎ ‎12 twelve twelfth 12th ‎ ‎13 thirteen thirteenth 13th ‎ ‎14 fourteen fourteenth 14th ‎ ‎15 fifteen fifteenth 15th ‎ ‎16 sixteen sixteenth 16th ‎ ‎17 seventeen seventeenth 17th ‎ ‎18 eighteen eighteenth 18yh ‎ ‎19 nineteen nineteenth 19th ‎ ‎20 twenty twentieth 20th ‎ ‎21 twenty-one twenty-first 21st ‎ ‎30 thirty thirtieth 30th ‎ ‎40 forty fortieth 40th ‎ ‎50 fifty fiftieth 50th ‎ ‎60 sixty sixtieth 60th ‎ ‎70 seventy seventieth 70th ‎ ‎80 eighty eightieth 80th ‎ ‎90 ninety ninetieth 90th ‎ ‎100 a‎(one)hundred hundredth 100th ‎ ‎104 one hundred and four hundred and fourth 104th ‎ ‎1000 a‎(one) thousands thousandth 1000th ‎ ‎10000 ten thousands ten thousandth 10000th ‎ ‎1000000 one million millionth 1000000th ‎ 基数词与序数词都有一定的构成方法,但都有特殊例外的几个字,所以除了要学会一般构成法之外,还要特别记熟一些例外。因它们在考试中出现的频率很高。‎ 1 基数词构成结构 21~99的两位数字,在10位和个位之间加连字符构成,如89-eighty-nine.101~999的三位数字,由hundred 加and 再加二位数或未位数字,如: 101-one hundred and one, 223-two hundred and twenty-three.四位以上数字,应从个位起向前数三位加逗号,读作thousand,再数三位加第二个逗号,读作million,再数三位加逗号,读作billion,其读法如下:‎ 1001-one thousand and one5386-five thousand, three hundred and eighty-six要注意的是hundred, thousand, million与billion的用法。①前面有别的基数词时,即若干个百、千、百万、十亿时,其本身都不要加s,如:three hundred students。 ② 若表示成百,成千或数百,数千时,前面不能有基数词,但其本身要用复数形式,然后+of+名词复数。如:thousands and thousands of。 (成千上万)‎ 2 序数词的构成法 序数词除first, second, third 以外,其余一般在词尾加th构成,除一般略有差异的各别数词外,很容易掌握。其二位数或多位数只将后面的个位数字改为序数词,其前面各位数字均不改变,都用基数词。‎ 3 其他数字表示法 小数的小数点读作point,零读作o[u]或zero,小数点后面的数字按个位基数词依次读出。分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分数要在序数词上加s,但1/2用one half, 1 4 用a quarter. 1 3 读作one third而 2 3 读作two thirds。百分数(%),读作per cent (percent),但不论是多少均用作单数形式不能加s。表示日期有两种说法和四种写法,如:2月1号英语表达法为:the first of February而美语为February (the) first,但其书写上可有四种写法① February 1 ② February 1st ③ 1st February ④ 1/2。倍数的讲法有所不同。两倍用twice,而三倍以上用序数词加times,如:He has three times as many books as I have.‎  (二) 正误辨析  [误] 1107 should be read as a thousand a hundred as seven.‎  [正] 1107 should be read as one thousand one hundred and seven.‎  [析] 在读数字时,如:and前只有百或千时,用one hundred/ one thousand 还是a hundred /a thousand全是可以的。但如果文有百又有千时,则只能用one不要用a。 如果没有and时,如:1100也只能读作one thousand one hundred 或eleven hundred.‎  [误] I drove about half mile.‎  [正] I drove about half a mile.‎  [析] 半小时为half an hour, 半天为half a day, 半镑为half a pound, 尽量避免用half a year, half a month, 要用six months, two weeks 或 fifteen days 要注意的是Half of the work is done Half of the books are sold. 当Half 作名词时,其谓语动词要看of后面的名词而定。如名词是不可数名词则用单数谓语动词,如是复数名词时,则要用复数谓语动词。要注意的是一个半的表达法,如:One and a half apples is left on the table.其名词要用复数,但谓语动词则要用单数。‎  [误] 60 students are playing on the ground.‎  [正] Sixty students are playing on the ground.‎  [析] 在句首的数字要用文字而不要用阿拉伯数字,如数字过大则应放于句中,用阿拉伯数字。如: There are 166 students playing on the ground.‎  [误] He became famous around fifty years old.‎  [正] He became famous in his fifties.‎  [析] in his fifties 50多岁时,而in the fifties 在50年代。‎  [误] There are about two thousands workers in our factory.‎  [正] There are about two thousand workers in our factory  [析] 几千,几百的表达法是基数词加thousand或加hundred,而且均不要加s。这样的单位还有dozen(打), score (20年)等。‎  [误] In the morning there are hundred of old people walking in the park.‎  [正] In the morning there are hundreds of old people walking in the park.‎  [析] 当表达数百,数千时,要用hundreds of和thousands of 这一结构。‎  [误] The class begins at eight a. m.‎  [正] The class begins at ‎8 a. m.‎  [析] 与符号或与缩写的字母连用时一定要用数字,如:43%, 67, No.2…‎  [误] Twofifth of the books are sold out.‎  [正] Twofifths of the books are sold out.‎  [析] 分数表示法,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,但分子大于1时,分母要在序数词后加s。‎  [误] Tom was born on July eighteen.‎  [正] Tom was born on July eighteenth.‎  [析] 月日的表达法有美语和英语两种。 美语 July 18 读作 July eighteenth 英语 July 18th 读作 July the eighteenth  [误] I'll go to school at 7∶‎30 a. m. in the morning.‎  [正] I'll go to school at 7∶‎30 a. m/ at 7∶‎30 in the morning.‎  [析] a. m 即表达在早上之意,不要再用in the morning.‎  [误] The film will begin at three quarters past one.‎  [正] The film will begin at one quarter to two.‎  [析] 大于30分钟时不要使用past,而要用差多少不到几点的to来表达。‎  [误] Three time three is nine.‎  [正] Three times three is nine.‎  [析] times 此处作为"乘"讲一定要加s。 英语中乘除法表达式如下: ‎ 算法 种类 例 句 ‎ 加法 一般 Five and six is eleven. ‎ 正式 Five plus six is (equals) eleven. ‎ 减法 一般 Eight take away four leaves (is) four.‎ Four from Eight leaves (is) four. ‎ 正式 Eight minus four equals (is) four. ‎ 乘法 一般 Three fours are twelve 3×4=12 ‎ 正式 Three times four equals (is) twelve. ‎ ‎ 一般 Two in to four is two. ‎ 正式 Four divided by two equals two. ‎ ‎(三) 例题解析 1 - How many students are there in your school, Mike?‎ - There are over ___ students in our school.‎ A. two thousands ‎ B. two thousands of ‎ C. two thousand ‎ D. two thousand of ‎  [答案] C.‎  [析] 有基数词在前面时thousand, hundred 等词不能加s,也不能加of结构,只有在thousands of时才可以使用。‎ 2 John lives on ___ floor. He doesn't use a lift to go up and down.‎ A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth ‎  [答案] B.‎  [析] 序数词前加定冠词,nine 与 ninth 的拼写上有一个e字母相差别。‎ 3 Wu Dong won the girls' ___ race in the school sports meeting last week.‎ A. 100 metres B. 100metres C. 100 metre D. 100metre ‎  [答案] D.‎  [析] 数词、名词、形容词等词用连字符连接成的形容词中,名词都不要加s,如: I have to write a twothousandword report.而且由连字符组成的形容词只能放于名词前,不能放于名词后,作后置定语,或用在be动词后作表语。‎ 4 There are ___ students in our school.‎ A. four hundred twenty B. four hundred and twenty C. four hundreds twenty D. four hundreds and twenty  [答案] B.‎ 5 - How many days are there in a year?‎ - There are ___ .‎ A. three hundreds and sixtyfive B. three hundreds sixtyfive C. three hundred and sixtyfive D. three hundred sixty five  [答案] C.‎ 6 We have learned about ___ English words.‎ A. nine hundreds B. nine hundred C. nine hundred of D. nine hundreds of  [答案] B.‎ 7 Autumn is ___ season of the year.‎ A. third B. the three C. thirds D. the third  [答案] D.‎ 8 They are learning ___ now.‎ A. Lesson Eight B. the eight lesson C. Lesson Eighth D. Eighth lesson  [答案] A.‎  [析] 第几课,第几个门……,在英语中有两种说法,①Lesson Two, Gate Two但要注意每一单词的首字母要大写。② the second lesson, the second gate 首字母不要大写,并要注意有些缩写的读法。如:‎ p. 8-第8页(page eight)‎ $ 8.50-8.5美元(five dollars and fifty)‎ 电话号码66164532-(six, six, one, six, four five, three, two)‎ 9 The boy was so hungry that he ate ___ .‎ A. three bowls of rices B. three bowl of rice C. three bowl of rices D. three bowls of rice  [答案] D.‎  [析] rice 是不可数物质名词,而bowl是可数名词。‎ 10 There are ___ months in a year.‎ A. twelve B. twelf C. twelveth D. twelfth  [答案] A.‎

