人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语Recycle课件-Day5 & Day6 (2)

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人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语Recycle课件-Day5 & Day6 (2)

Day5 &Day6 What subjects do you have? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Which day do you like? Thursday, I like Thursday. Why do you like Thursday? Because I have English and P.E. What do you have on Friday? I have music and math. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. I like the weekend best! a. What day is Mike’s favorite day? b. What does Mike have on Monday? c. What does he have in English class? e. Does he play football in PE class? maths English music PE go to school from Monday to Friday Underline the mistakes. 1. Mike likes Monday best. His favorite class is English. 2. English is his first class on Monday. He reads many English stories and he likes to speak English with his friends. 3.In the maths class, Mike often answers very difficult maths questions. 4.In the PE class, Mike sometimes plays basketball or exercises in the gym. He likes basketball best. before now in the future Read and tick or cross. 1.Bill liked candy. 2.Bill is taller than before. 3.Bill will wear a red hat to work. 4.Bill likes to read storybooks. 5. Bill was smaller before. 6. Bill will be thinner than he is now. Before Now In the future “连环画”游戏 问题: What’s your best friend like? How tall is he? What are his hobbies? What did he like two year ago? Where did he like to do? How does he go to school?” 学生根据教师的问题,画出相对应的 图画, 并用英语描述出来。 Homework 1.整理朋友或家人的变化,写成 一段完整的话。 2. 完成相关练习。

