陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 7 part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 7 part C优质课件

Unit 7 I Had a Good Time 陕旅六年级上册 Part C Review 询问对方过去是否做过某事的句型及答语 —Did you+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他? —Yes , I did. /No, I didn’t. 询问对方过去去了哪里的句型及答语 —Where did you go+ 过去时间 ? —I + went (to) + 地点 . 询问对方过去在那里做了什么的句型及答语 —What did you do there ? —I + 动词过去式 + 其他 . Look and circle What did Kevin do on his holiday ? go swimming buy some gifts play beach volleyball watch a show eat sea food take photos Listening material Girl: Hi, Kevin. Nice to see you again. Kevin: Me, too. Girl: Where did you go on your holiday? Kevin: I went to the beach. Girl: Sounds nice. What did you do there? Kevin: I played beach volleyball and swam in the sea. Girl: Did you take any photos? Kevin: No, I didn’t. Girl: What a pity! Check answers What did Kevin do on his holiday ? a b c d e f Tick or cross Talk with your friend Li Shan: What did you do last week, Kitty? Kitty: I ... Li Shan: Did you...? Kitty: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. What did you do last week? I went to the museum. What did you do last week? I made a cake. What did you do last week? I watched TV at home. Choose, complete and act A: ___ did you do last weekend? B:I ___ some places of interest. A:Really? Where did you go? B:I ___ to Zhejiang. e b c A: Who did you go there ___ ? B: My parents. A: Did you ___ boating on the West Lake? B: Yes, we did. It was interesting. The weather was fine and people there were friendly. A: You really ___ a great time. a f d Answer and write Tips: ·Where did you go on your holiday? ·What did you do? I went to ________ with _____________ last year. We went there by ______ and we stayed there for _________. On the first day, we __________________ . On the second day, we __________________________ . On the last day, we ________________ . We had a great time. Beijing my parents train three days visited the Great Wall went to the Tian'anmen Square ate Beijing Duck 请你用英语写一写你去年暑假去过的地方以及做的事情,不少于五句话。 时态:本文要求写去年暑假去的地方以及发生的 事情,因此应用一般过去时。 思路:在写作时可以先写去年暑假和谁去了什么 地方,然后再写一共待了几天,接下来就 介绍一下这几天里面都分别做了什么事情 , 最后进行总结,表达自己的总体感受。 Last Summer Holiday I went to Xi'an with my parents last summer holiday. We went there by train and we stayed there for three days. On the first day, we went to the Bell Tower. On the second day, we went to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. There were many people. On the last day, we visited the Shaanxi History Museum. After that we ate the Mutton and Steamed bread. We also bought some gifts. We really had a great time! Exercise 一、读一读,选出正确的翻译。 ( )1. beach volleyball A. 沙滩足球 B. 沙滩排球 C. 沙滩篮球 ( )2. museum A. 图书馆 B. 体育馆 C. 博物馆 ( )3. gifts A. 花朵 B. 礼物 C. 洋娃娃 B C B 二、选出每组单词或短语中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. tennis B. show C. volleyball ( )2. A. herself B. myself C. mine ( )3. A. ate B. flew C. play ( )4. A. beach volleyball B. sea food C. drive a car ( )5. A. museum B. library C. bedrooms B C C B C

