六年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 4 Art Period 1 沪教牛津版(深圳用)

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六年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 4 Art Period 1 沪教牛津版(深圳用)

Period 1 Unit 4 Art subjects Music English Chinese Think and say Art Maths Science PE The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. Look and guess What can we see in an art museum? Ask and answer art museum painting sculpture In an art museum The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. Miss Wang is telling them about some paintings. Read aloud Look and complete The Browns __________ the park this Sunday. are going to The Chens __________________ this summer holiday. are going to the beach Look and complete My mum _______________ tomorrow. is going to the gym Look and complete Where are you going this weekend/ next month …? I’m going to … Ask and answer The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. The students will go to an art museum tomorrow. ‖ Read aloud Think and change 1. We will go to Beijing this summer holiday. 2. They are going to the park next Sunday. We are going to Beijing this summer holiday. They will go to the park next Sunday. 1. Which painting does Kitty like? Why? She likes the one on the left because she likes the colours. answer 2. What do you know about the paintings on the left? The painting on the left is an oil painting . It’s colourful. answer 3. What do you know about the painting on the right? It’s a Chinese ink painting . It’s usually in black and white. answer 4. Which painting does Joe like? Why? He likes the one on the right because he likes horses. answer on the left on the right Look. There are two cute animals. The monkey is _________. The pig is __________. on the left on the right Look and complete Look. Which bear do you like? Why? I like the one … because … Ask and answer Which story do you like? Why? I like the one … because … Ask and answer Which house do you like? Why? I like the one … because … Ask and answer Choose and say oil painting colourful on the left Choose and say black and white on the right Chinese ink painting Watch and learn Role-play Steps: Form groups of 4 (narrator, Miss Wang, Kitty and Joe). 2. Act it out. The name of this oil painting is Starry Night . It is a very famous painting by Vincent van Gogh. Read and learn This painting was by Xu Beihong, a very famous Chinese artist. He was good at drawing horses. Read and learn Do you know any other famous oil paintings or Chinese ink paintings? Discuss and share oil paintings Discuss and share Chinese ink paintings Discuss and share Which painting do you like? Why? Ask and answer Which painting do you like? Why? Ask and answer Look and say Steps: Form groups of 4 (narrator, Miss Wang, Kitty and Joe). 3. Act it out before the class. 2. Make a new dialogue. Group 1 Group 2 Look and say Show time! Group 1 Group 2 Show time! Homework read Student’s Book . 2. Make a new dialogue. 3. Finish Workbook . Thank You

