六年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 A School Sale Period 2 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 A School Sale Period 2 陕旅版(三起)

Unit 6 A School Sale 第二课时 notebook magazine glue story book >>Review Magic fingers model plane toy car a pair of scissors >>Review Look and say >>Lead-in Free talk Do you often go to the shopping mall or the supermarket? Do you see the word “sale” in the shop or supermarket? >>Presentation ask and answer What will the sale be at? When will the sale be at? What will they sale? There will be a sale at their school. On Children’s Day. They sell some magazines and color pencils. 答案 >>Presentation Let’s learn - I will sell some … and … -What will you sell? ① 该句型用于询问他人将要销售什么物品? For example: - I will sell some story books and pencils. -What will you sell? Key points Key points >>Presentation Let’s learn -We’ll give it to… -What shall we do with the …? ② 该句型用于询问他人对于 物品 将要怎么处理? For example: -We’ll give it to the poor pupils in the mountains. -What shall we do with the clothes? Key points Alice: There will be a sale at our school. Do you know? Colin: Really? When? Alice: On Children’s Day. Colin: Where shall we have it? Alice: On our playground. Colin: Great! What will you sell? Alice: I will sell some magazines and color pencils. What about you? >>Presentation Let’s talk Colin: Let me see, a toy car, a model plane, two bottles of glue and ... But will there be many pupils? Alice: Of course there will. Colin: What shall we do with the money? Alice: We’ll give it to the poor pupils in the mountains. Let’s talk >>Presentation >>Practice Read it by yourselves for five minute s . 自己读对话五分钟。 Tips: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师! 小组合作,声音洪亮,能够模仿录音、有感情地朗读课文。 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,脱离课本,口语表达较流利准确,感情与肢体语言较丰富。 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,结合已有知识或生活实际,对内容有创新,口语表达准确流利,感情与肢体语言丰富。 >>Practice Role play 在小组内练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 B A C >>Practice Make a list and say Colin: Next year, there will be a new library in our school. Liu: Next year, there will be more cars in our city. >>Practice Choose and talk in pairs Alice: There will be a sale in our school. What shall we do? Su Nan: We can use the money to … >>Practice Choose and talk in pairs Colin: There will be a heavy rain. What will you do? Liu: I’ll … >>Practice Choose and talk in pairs Kitty: There will be a party in our classroom this afternoon. What shall we do? Li Shan: We shall … take a bus help the poor children buy some balloons and colorful lights >>Summary 本课所学的重点句型有哪些? -I will sell some … and … -What will you sell? For example: -I will sell some story books and pencils. -What will you sell? >>Summary 本课所学的重点句型有哪些? For example: -We’ll give it to… -What shall we do with the …? -We’ll give it to the poor pupils in the mountains. -What shall we do with the clothes? >>Homework 1. 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. Pair work : 2 人一组,分角色表演课文对话。 3 . 预习 B Let’s learn more 。 Thank You

