六年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 What Is He like? Period 1 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 What Is He like? Period 1 陕旅版(三起)

Unit 5 What Is He like? 第一课时 >>Review Magic fingers have a sports meeting throwing 100-meter race long jump high jump running race >> Warming-up Simon says Simon says “Touch your nose.” Touch your hair. A: Do you know ____? B: ______________. A: Is _____ ______? B: ______________. >>Lead-in Ask and answer Let’s learn >>Presentation outgoing — What is she like? — She is outgoing . Let’s learn >>Presentation — What is he like? — He is very clever . clever Let’s learn >>Presentation They are very clever . Let’s learn >>Presentation shy — What is she like? Is she outgoing? — She is not outgoing , she is shy . Let’s learn >>Presentation You have so many friends. They all like you. You must be friendly to them. friendly Let’s learn >>Presentation Look at the grandma! What is she like? She is kind , very kind . kind Let’s learn >>Presentation What is this grandma like? Is she kind now? No. She is not kind. She is serious . serious Let’s learn >>Presentation kind serious She is kind, but he is serious. Let’s learn >>Presentation Look at the bee. It is always busy. It is hard-working . hard-working Let’s learn >>Presentation lazy — What is he like? — He is lazy . Let’s learn >>Presentation outgoing clever shy kind friendly hard-working serious >>Practice outgoing clever shy kind friendly hard-working serious Magic fingers >>Practice Look and say >>Practice Let’s guess Kitty: She is a little short and has short hair. She is outgoing, and she likes singing and dancing. Guess, who is she? Kevin: Is she Alice? Kitty: Yes. You are right. >>Summary outgoing clever shy 本课所学的描述人物性格的 单词有哪些? kind friendly lazy hard-working serious >>Homework 1 . 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 正确书写本课所学单词 5 遍,并让家长听写 1 遍。 3 . 预习“ Let’s talk ”。 Thank You.

