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湖南省长沙市小升初英语试卷13‎ 一、根据字母表的顺序写出下列字母的前两个字母,注意书写规范. (10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. 根据字母表的顺序写出下列字母的前两个字母,注意书写规范. (1)________Ii (2)________Kk (3)________Nn (4)________Qq (5)________Zz ‎ 二、抄写句子.用手写体在四线三格内抄写句子,注意大小写及标点符号. (10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. 抄写句子. Many families go on an outing together at weekends. ________ ‎ 三、看图连线.用直线将图片与对应的短语连接起来. (10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3. 给下列短语选择合适的图片. ‎ ‎(1)_______do exercise ________‎ A.‎ ‎(2)_______plant trees ________‎ B.‎ ‎(3)_______receive the present________‎ C.‎ ‎(4)_______take a walk ________‎ D.‎ ‎(5)_______have a cough ________‎ E.‎ 四、选词填空.从方框中选择合适的单词或短语写在横线上. (5分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4. 选词填空. ‎ computer; the USA; moon;apple;doctor ‎ (1)My father works in a hospital.He is a________. (2)An________ a day keeps the doctor away. (3)We can email our friends on the________. (4)Sometimes we can see the________in the sky at night. (5)The Golden Gate Bridge is in________.‎ 五、选择填空.选出合适的选项,将序号填在括号里.(4分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5. Peter often________ his homework at four o'clock.( ) ‎ A.do B.doing C.does ‎ ‎ ‎6. Let's______some ice cream.( ) ‎ A.have B.has C.having ‎ ‎ ‎7. Last Sunday,Dongdong _____ to the cinema with his mother.( ) ‎ A.goes B.went C.will go ‎ ‎ ‎8. ﹣What would you like? ﹣_______( ) ‎ A.Yes,please. B.No,thank you. C.I'd like a Coke.‎ 六、问答配对.读问句,选择相应的答句将其序号填在括号里. (5分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎9. 问答配对. ‎ ‎(1)_______How many seasons are there in a year?________‎ A.I don't feel well.‎ ‎(2)_______When's your birthday?________‎ B.He is my teacher.‎ ‎(3)_______Who's that man?________‎ C.It's on the fifth of March.‎ ‎(4)_______Where will you go this holiday?________‎ D.There are four.‎ ‎(5)_______What's wrong with you?________‎ E.I'll go to Shanghai.‎ 七、补全对话.从方框中选择合适的句子写在横线上. (4分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎10. 补全对话. A.What film do you want to see? B.Yes,this is Anne. C.Good idea! D.Let's go and see it ! Tim:Hello!Is that Anne? Anne:(1)________ Tim:Uh,shall we go to the cinema today? ‎ 第9页 共10页 ◎ 第10页 共10页 Anne:(2)________ Tim:(3)________ Anne:Godzilla II King of the Monsters(哥斯拉II怪兽之王)is on. Tim:OK.(4)________ ‎ 八、阅读理解.(12分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎11. 阅读短文,完成题目. Frogs lay their eggs(产卵) in the water. After three weeks,the egg becomes a tadpole.The tadpole has a long tail and lives in the water. After five weeks,the tadpole changes(改变).It has legs.The legs are growing and the tail is becoming smaller.The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like. After 11 weeks,a frog with legs and no tail is coming out from the water. (一)将图片与对应的单词序号填在横线上. ‎ A.frog B.tadpole with legs C.eggs D.tadpole E.young frog ‎ (1)_______(2)_______(3)_______(4)_______(5)_______ (二)根据短文内容,完成思维导图.(提示:用第1题单词前的字母序号A﹣E及短文中的句子,将其补充完整.) (1)_______(2)_______(3)_______(4)_______(5)_______ (11)_______(12)_______(13)_______(14)_______(15)_______ 排序:________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎12. 根据方框内提示及图片提示,完成下列句子,并回答问题. ‎ Mid﹣Autumn Festival Month:September/October Weather:cool and dry Activity(活动):enjoy the beautiful moon,eat mooncakes ‎ (1)The Mid﹣Autumn Festival is in September or________. (2)It's________and dry in the Mid﹣Autumn Festival. (3)People usually enjoy the beautiful________in the sky. (4)People can________ mooncakes in this festival. (5)Can you write something about another festival? (请用3句话描述另一个节日,提示词:the Spring Festival,Children's Day,Labour Day) (6)________ (7)________ (8)________ ‎ 第9页 共10页 ◎ 第10页 共10页 参考答案与试题解析 一、根据字母表的顺序写出下列字母的前两个字母,注意书写规范. (10分)‎ ‎1.【答案】‎ GgHh,IiJj,LlMm,OoPp,XxYy ‎【解答】‎ 考查字母书写.按照26个字母大小写顺序,字母Ii前是Gg,Hh; 字母Kk前是Ii, Jj;字母Nn前是Ll,Mm;字母Qq前是Oo,Pp;字母Zz前是Xx,Yy.小写字母"o,x,m,n,z"在四线格里占中格;小写字母"h,i,k,l"占中上格;小写字母"j"占上中下格;小写字母"g,p,q,y"占中下格;大写字母"G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,X,Y,Z"四线格里占中上格. 故填: ‎ 二、抄写句子.用手写体在四线三格内抄写句子,注意大小写及标点符号. (10分)‎ ‎2.【答案】‎ ‎【解答】‎ 考查句子书写.大写字母M占中上格;小写字母a,n,m,e,s,o,u,r,w占中格,i,l,t,h,k,d占中上格,y,g占中下格;小写字母f占上中下格.故答案为: ‎ 三、看图连线.用直线将图片与对应的短语连接起来. (10分)‎ ‎3.【答案】‎ A,E,B,D,C ‎【解答】‎ 考查看图识词. (1)A.do exercise做运动.从图片A可以看出他们在做运动.与短语意思相符.故选:A. (2)E.plant trees植树.从图片E可以看出他们在植树.与短语意思相符.故选:E. (3)B.receive the present收到礼物.从图片B可以看出一个人收到了礼物.与短语意思相符.故选:B. (4)D.take a walk散步.从图片D可以看出她们在散步.与短语意思相符.故选:D. (5)C.have a cough咳嗽.从图片C可以看出一个人在咳嗽.与短语意思相符.故选:C.‎ 四、选词填空.从方框中选择合适的单词或短语写在横线上. (5分)‎ ‎4.【答案】‎ doctor,apple,computer,moon,theUSA ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)doctor.考查名词.根据"My father works in a hospital我父亲在一家医院工作."判断后句句意是:他是一名医生.doctor医生,是名词.故答案为:doctor. (2)apple.考查名词.An后面跟以元音音素开头的词.此句是一个谚语,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.表示:一天一个苹果,医生远离我.故答案为:apple. (3)computer.考查名词.判断不完全句子的意思是:我们可以在___上面给朋友发电子邮件.由常识可知是在电脑上面发电子邮件.computer电脑,是名词.故答案为:computer. (4)moon.考查名词.判断不完全句子的意思是:有时候我们可以在晚上看到___在天上.由常识可知:有时候我们可以在晚上看到月亮在天上.moon月亮,是名词.故答案为:moon. (5)the USA.考查名词.Golden Gate Bridge金门大桥.金门大桥在美国,the USA美国.故答案为:the USA.‎ 五、选择填空.选出合适的选项,将序号填在括号里.(4分)‎ ‎5.【答案】‎ C ‎【解答】‎ 考查一般现在时.由题,按照逻辑句意为"Peter经常在四点做作业.",often表明在描述现阶段重复发生的事情,要用一般现在时;且主语Peter为第三人称单数,其后搭配的动词要用第三人称单数形式does. 故选:C.‎ ‎6.【答案】‎ A ‎【解答】‎ 考查动词原形.由题,let's后要搭配动词原形,即have. 故选:A.‎ ‎7.【答案】‎ B ‎【解答】‎ 本题考查动词的过去式.goes去,动词的第三人称单数;went去,动词过去式;will go将要去,动词的将来时形式;题目中Last Sunday(上周末)是表示过去的时间状语,所以句子中的动词要用过去式形式,题意为"上周日,东东和他的妈妈去了电影院.". 故选:B.‎ ‎8.【答案】‎ C ‎【解答】‎ 本题考查特殊疑问句.A.Yes,please.是的,请给我一些;B.No,thank you.不了,谢谢;C.I'd like a Coke.我想要一瓶可乐;因此,当问句为"你想要什么?",答句应该为"I'd like ……"(我想要……). 故选:C.‎ 第9页 共10页 ◎ 第10页 共10页 六、问答配对.读问句,选择相应的答句将其序号填在括号里. (5分)‎ ‎9.【答案】‎ D,C,B,E,A ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)D.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:一年有几个季节?答语回答数量.D选项意思为:有四个.符合句意.故选:D. (2)C.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:你的生日在什么时候?when提问时间.答语回答时间.C选项意思为:在三月五日.符合句意.故选:C. (3)B.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:那个男人是谁?who提问人物.答语回答人物身份.B选项意思为:他是我的老师.符合句意.故选:B. (4)E.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:这个假期你将要去哪里?where提问地址,答语回答地址.E选项意思为:我将要去上海.符合句意.故选:E. (5)A.考查特殊疑问句.问句意思为:你怎么了?答语用I don't feel well回答:我感觉不舒服.符合句意.故选:A.‎ 七、补全对话.从方框中选择合适的句子写在横线上. (4分)‎ ‎10.【答案】‎ B,C,A,D ‎【解答】‎ 本题主要考查补全对话. (1)B.Hello!Is that Anne可知,在讲电话,答语应该回答是不是Anne.B选项Yes,this is Anne符合句意.故选:B. (2)C.问句shall we go to the cinema today可知,在提建议,可以回答Good idea,故选:C. (3)A.答语Godzilla II King of the Monsters(哥斯拉II怪兽之王)is on回答的是正在上映的电影.A选项What film do you want to see提问的是想看的电影.符合句意.故选:A. (4)D.OK表示想去看.D选项Let's go and see it意思为:我们去看它吧,符合句意.故选:D.‎ 八、阅读理解.(12分)‎ ‎11.【答案】‎ C,A,B,E,D,frog,no tail,coming out,long tail,in the water,legs,growing,tail,growing,becoming smaller,C→D→B→E→A ‎【解答】‎ 考查阅读理解. (一) (11)第1个图片是青蛙产的卵,eggs卵.故选:C. (12)第2个图片是青蛙,frog青蛙.故选:A. (13)第3个图片是有腿的蝌蚪,tadpole with legs有腿蝌蚪.故选:B. (14)第4个图片是幼蛙,young frog幼蛙.故选:E. (15)第5个图片是蝌蚪,tadpole蝌蚪.故选:D. (二) (11)frog.根据文中"After 11 weeks,a frog with legs …"判断空格处填frog.故答案为:frog. (12)no tail.根据文中"After 11 weeks,a frog with legs and no tail is coming out from the water."可知11周以后,青蛙没有尾巴了.故答案为:no tail. (13)coming out.根据文中"After 11 weeks,a frog with legs and no tail is coming out from the water."可知十一周后,一只有腿而没有尾巴的青蛙将从水里出来."故答案为:coming out. (14)long tail.根据文中"The tadpole has a long tail and lives in the water."可知三周后,蝌蚪有一条长尾巴.故答案为:long tail. (15)in the water.根据文中"The tadpole has a long tail and lives in the water."可知三周后,蝌蚪有一条长尾巴,生活在水里.故答案为:in the water. (11)legs.根据文中"The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like."可知腿一直长.故答案为:legs. (12)growing.根据文中"The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like."可知腿一直长,生长grow.故答案为:growing. (13)tail.根据文中"The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like."可知蝌蚪在生长过程中,尾巴变的更小.tail尾巴.故答案为:tail. (14)growing.根据文中"The legs are growing and the tail is becoming smaller."可知这是说蝌蚪的腿在生长,grow生长.故答案为:growing. (15)becoming smaller.根据文中"The legs are growing and the tail is becoming smaller."可知这里是说蝌蚪的尾巴变的更小.故答案为:becoming smaller. 排序:C→D→B→E→A.根据文章描写的青蛙的一生,可知先是卵eggs,然后变成有尾巴的蝌蚪tadpole,再长成有腿的蝌蚪tadpole with legs,继续生长,尾巴变短,腿变长的幼蛙young frog,最后长成青蛙frog.故答案为:C→D→B→E→A.‎ ‎12.【答案】‎ October,cool,moon,eat,ThespringFestivalisinJanuaryorFebruary,It's cold and snowy.,People can eat dumplings in the festival.‎ ‎【解答】‎ 考查阅读填空. (1)October.由表格中的信息Month:September/October可知,中秋节在九月份或者十月份.缺少October,故填:October. (2)cool.表格信息Weather:cool and dry可知,天气凉爽干燥,缺少cool.故填:cool. (3)moon.表格中的信息Activity(活动):enjoy the beautiful moon,eat mooncakes可知,人们欣赏天空中美丽的月亮,缺少moon,故填:moon. (4)eat.表格中的信息Activity(活动):enjoy the beautiful moon,eat mooncakes可知,人们吃月饼,缺少eat.故填:eat. 考查阅读表达.根据提示,可以写一下春节. (6)The spring Festival is in January or February.春节一般在一月份或者二月份.即:‎ 第9页 共10页 ◎ 第10页 共10页 The spring Festival is in January or February.故答案为:The spring Festival is in January or February. (7)It's cold and snowy.春节期间天气一般下雪,很冷.即:It's cold and snowy.故答案为:It's cold and snowy. (8)People can eat dumplings in the festival.春节期间人们吃饺子.即:People can eat dumplings in the festival.故答案为:People can eat dumplings in the festival.‎ 第9页 共10页 ◎ 第10页 共10页

