外研版英语六年级下册Module 2 Unit 2优质课件

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外研版英语六年级下册Module 2 Unit 2优质课件

Module 2 Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin. 外研版 六年级下册 SanyaLhasaGuangzhouBeijingTianjinXi’anShanghaiHarbinEnjoy sun sunny wind windy rain rainy Review snow snowy 晴朗的 起风的 下雨的 下雪的 warm 温暖的 hot 炎热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的 Listen and chant. It will be sunny in Harbin.① It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will snow in Beijing. It will rain in Nanning. sunny意为“晴朗的”,是描述天气的形 容词,它对应的名词是sun(太阳)。 形容词 名词 windy wind cloudy cloud foggy fog snowy snow Summary Listen and read. snow rain cold windy sunny warm Let’s look at the weather tomorrow. It will snow in Harbin. It will rain in Beijing. It will be cold and windy in Xi’an and it will be warm and sunny in Sanya. Question: 1. What will the weather be like in Beijing tomorrow? It will rain in Beijing. It will be cold and windy in Xi’an. 2. What will the weather be like in Xi’an tomorrow? 3. What will the weather be like in Harbin tomorrow? It will snow in Harbin. It will be warm and sunny in Sanya. 4. What will the weather be like in Sanya tomorrow? Ask and answer. snow sunny rain cold windy hot warm Where am I ? It will snow tomorrow. Where am I? You’re in Harbin. That’s right. Play roles It will rain tomorrow. Where am I? You’re in Shanghai. That’s right. It will _____ tomorrow. Where am I? You’re in ________. That’s right. Listen and say. Then chant. What are you going to do today? I’m going to the park to play. And what are you going to do after dinner? I’m going to play chess and I’ll be the winner! And what are you going to do tonight? Go to bed and have a good night. Activity It will ______ tomorrow. What are you going to do? _______________________ _______________________ snow I’m going to make a snowman with my friends. It will _______ tomorrow. What are you going to do? ______________________ ______________________ be hot I’m going to swim with my parents. It will (be) … What are you going to do? I’m going to … 1. I’m going to play chess and I’ll be the winner. 我打算下棋并且我将会成为赢家。 Ø play+棋类(中间不需要加定冠词the) Ø play+ the +乐器 play basketball 打篮球 play the piano 弹钢琴 Grammar Look and say. A: It will be hot on Friday. B: It won’t be sunny in Hangzhou. It will rain in Shenyang. It won’t be sunny on Saturday. Let’s say. It will _________________. It won’t be _____________. Do and say. Watch the weather report and make a plan for the weekend. Then tell the class about it. My Plan for the Weekend Name: Wang Peng Place: Shanghai Weather: Rain Activity: I’m going to read a book at home. Tell the class about your plan. Hello! I’m Wang Peng. It will rain this weekend in Shanghai. I’m going to read a book at home. 准备好彩笔和卡片,制作一份自己的计划卡, 包括姓名,地点,天气,活动。根据计划卡,谈 论自己的周末计划。逐一介绍自己的姓名,所去 地点,天气以及将要做的活动。 Let’s do. My Plan for the Weekend Name: Mary Place: Beijing Weather: Sunny Activity: I’m going to have a picnic with my family. Hello! I’m Mary. It will be sunny tomorrow in Beijing. I’m going to have a picnic with my family. Homework 1. Review the text and read it fluently. 2. Talk about the weather of your city. 3. Watch the weather report and make a plan for the weekend. It will be sunny after the rain. 阳光总在风雨后。 Exercise 一、给下列图片选择相应的单词,将其序号填在 横线上。 A. cold B. rain C. sunny D. snow E. warm F. windy G. hot 1. 2. 3. 4. B D F A A. cold B. rain C. sunny D. snow E. warm F. windy G. hot 5. 6. 7. C G E 二、选择题。 1. It will ______ tomorrow. A. rain B. rains C. rainy 2. It will ______ cold in Harbin. A. do B. be C. is 3. We ______ watch TV ______ home. A. have;at B. will;on C. are going to;at 4.She is going to ______ and have a good night. A. bed B. go to bed C. go bed 5.I’m going to play ______ chess with Amy. A. the B. / C. with 三、给下列句子选择相应的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. ( ) 1. It will snow tomorrow. ( ) 2. It’s a sunny day.E B A. B. C. D. E. ( ) 3. It will rain in Shenzhen. ( ) 4. It’s too hot. I’m going to swim. ( ) 5. It’s windy in London. A C D 四、根据图意填单词,补全句子。 1. It will ______ in Harbin. 2. It ______ ______ ______ _________. (Harbin) (Hangzhou) snow will rain in Hangzhou 3. It ______ be ______ ______ ______. 4. It ______ ______ ______ ______ ______. 5. It ______ ______ ______ ______ ______. (Xi’an) (Sanya) (Haikou) will windy in Xi’an will be sunny in Sanya will be hot in Haikou 名词 副词 介词 形容词 动词 模块整理与复习 duck 鸭子 pond 水池 cloud 云 later 后来 like 像……一样 dry 干的 stay 保持 get up 起床 have breakfast 早餐 have a picnic 野餐 in the sky 在天空 stay hungry 挨饿 after dinner 晚餐后 play chess 下棋 go to bed 上床睡觉 have a good night 睡个好觉 用一般将来时询问做某事的时间的句型: When + be动词+主语+going to+动词原形(+其 他)?……打算什么时候……? 答语:主语+be动词+going to+动词原形+时间。

