外研版英语六年级下册Mind Map Book优质课件

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外研版英语六年级下册Mind Map Book优质课件

外研版 六年级下册 Mind Map Book Map? World map? What is mind map book? In September, Lily and her friends are going to a new school. “What’s it going to be like? ” Lily asked. “Different, I think,” said Anne. “My elder(年纪较 大的) brother and sister are there.” “Interesting,” said Jim, “I’m going to study Science and French.” “I’m afraid,” said Kate. “The new school is very big. We could get lost.” “l want to do well,” said Jack. “I’m going to study a lot and learn lots of new things.” “Don’t worry,” said a voice(说话声, 噪音)behind them. Everyone looked round. It was Ellie. She was already (已经)at the new school. “I’ve got this book. It’s a book of maps. It helps me with my schoolwork(作业).” “Maps?” said Jim. “Maps are good for Geography. They help you find places. But how can they help you with schoolwork?” “Not that sort(种类,类别)of map, ” Ellie laughed. “These are called ‘mind (思想,头脑;思维方式) maps’. Look at this one.” Everyone looked. “This mind map helps me remember my friends’ names.” “I write the names and draw pictures. Then I can remember.” “So these are pictures of your friends with their names,” said Jack. “That’s right. I remember Ben because he’s got red hair. And I remember Mary because she’s got blue eyes.” “That’s a good idea,” said Lily. “What’s this map for?” “This one is for shapes(形状),” said Ellie. 正方形 长方形,矩形 圆形心形物 三角形 “And this one is for English verbs(动词).” 规则动词 不规则动词 “That’s a great idea, Ellie. I’m going to make a mind map book right away(立刻), ”said Lily. “Me too,” said Kate. “So am I,” said Jack. “What about you, Jim?” “I’ve got a mind map,” said Jim. “Look!”

