外研版英语六年级下册The Elephant and the Spider优质课件

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外研版英语六年级下册The Elephant and the Spider优质课件

The Elephant and the Spider 外研版 六年级下册 It was afternoon in the forest. The sun was behind the trees. The animals were quiet. They were waiting for the sun to go down. There was an old spider(蜘蛛). Slowly(缓慢地) she worked on a web(蜘蛛网). It was a very large (大的)web. The spider made the web between two trees. The web was silver(银白色的)and gold(金 黄色的,金色的) in the evening sun. The spider worked, and the sun set[(太阳)落下,落山]. Night came. Nearby(在附近), an old elephant was dying(垂死的,即 将死亡的). He walked slowly, swinging(摇摆,摆动)his old trunk(象鼻). Then the elephant slept(睡,睡觉). At night, the spider worked. Other(别的,其他的) animals watched her. There were night(夜晚活动的) birds that did not sleep. There was a snake in a tree. A little mouse looked up at the beautiful web, silver and gold in the moonlight(月光). “Why are you working at night?” they asked. “The other spiders are sleeping.” “You can see,” said the spider. “This is going to be the most(最)beautiful web.” “It’s very large, ” said the mouse(老鼠). “No flies(苍蝇)are that(这么,那么)large,” said the snake. “I don’t want to catch(捕捉)a fly,” said the spider. There was a small, black bird in a tree above the web. “So, what are you going to catch in your web?” she asked. “I’m going to catch an elephant,” said the spider. All the animals laughed and laughed. The spider worked and worked. In the morning, the sun came up slowly. It shone [(太阳)发光,照耀]on the web. The web was beautiful in the sunlight(阳光). The elephant woke(醒)up and moved slowly. He was looking for a place to die(死,去世). The bird watched from the branch(树枝). The snake watched from the tree. The mouse did not move. The spider stayed at the edge(边缘)of her web, and waited. The elephant walked into the sunlight and he saw the web. The web was very colourful. It was blue and silver, purple and gold, yellow, orange and green. “This,” thought the elephant, “is beautiful.” The animals watched in silence(寂静,无声). The elephant lay(躺,平卧)down and the spider’s web fell over him. “So,” said the spider, “I caught(捕捉) an elephant. And now I need to sleep.”

