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‎ 姓名 班级___________ 座位号 ‎ ‎………………………装…………订…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题………………………‎ 乐清市小学英语下册期末试题 六年级英语试卷 ‎(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)‎ 听力部分 (30分)‎ 一、听单词,选择正确的选项。(5分)‎ ‎( )1.A.cinema B.science C.sea ‎( )2.A.postman B.fisherman C.policeman ‎( )3.A.student B.studies C.should ‎( )4.A.country B.very C.factory ‎( )5.A.travel B.chase C.child 二、听句子,在正确的图片下打“√”。(5分)‎ ‎ ‎ 三、听对话,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,画上笑脸 或哭脸 。(10分)‎ 四、听短文,选择正确的选项。(10分)‎ ‎( )1.Mike is going to buy . A.a word book B.a comic book ‎( )2.Mike is going . A.by bike B.on foot ‎( )3.Mike is going . A.tonight B.tomorrow ‎( )4.Sarah is going to the . A.the cinema B.the library 六年级英语 第5页 共5页 ‎( )5.The cartoon is about a . A.panda B.cat 笔试部分 (70分)‎ 五、读一读,选择与读音符号相应的选项。(5分)‎ ‎1.Is it far? ( ) 2.have a look( ) 3.I like dancing. ( )‎ ‎4.He is good at football//,ping-pong//and basketball. ( )‎ ‎5.can’ t go( )‎ A.轻声读 B.连读 C.停顿 D.失去爆破 E.升调 六、选出同类的单词,将序号写在横线上。(5分)‎ turn left go straight ‎ ‎ sad worried ‎ ‎ tonight next week ‎ ‎ wait go ‎ ‎ pilot worker ‎ ‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5.‎ A.stop B.afraid C.coach D.turn right E.this weekend 七、语言知识运用A 读对话,与图片情境相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。(5分)‎ ‎1. ( )My uncle is a worker, and he works in the factory.‎ ‎2. ( )The dog makes me feel afraid.‎ ‎3. ( )There is a hospital next to the post office. ‎ ‎4. ( )We have mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival.‎ ‎5. ( )It means you can’t go by bike. ‎ 语言知识运用B 根据语言情境选择正确的选项。(5分)‎ ‎1.—How are you going to Hainan? —It’s not near.So I am going .‎ A.on foot B.by plane C.by bike ‎2.My mother works in a school.She is a .‎ A.head teacher B.businessman C.postman ‎3.—Does your pen pal live in Canada? — .He lives in Beijing.‎ A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn’t. C.Yes,he is.‎ ‎4.Mike Chinese food tomorrow.‎ A.cook B.is cooking C.is going to cook ‎5.You are too fat,so you should .‎ A.do more exercise B.take a deep breath C.count to ten 六年级英语 第5页 共5页 八、根据情境选择适当的问答句,把序号写在横线上。(10分)‎ 九、根据上下文,依照所给的图片及首字母,在序号后写出完整的单词。(10分)‎ ‎ Winter holiday is coming.My family is going to take a t 1 to Harbin.We are going by t 2 .I am so h 3 .We are going to buy some food in the s 4 .We are going at 7:00 this e 5 .‎ 十、任务型阅读,阅读公告,完成任务。(10分)‎ ‎ ‎ What’s your hobby?Do you like singing? There is a singing club in the music room on Friday afternoon.Would you like to join us?‎ Call Peter:3276390‎ Let’s learn English!‎ I like English.Do you like English too?I need a partner to learn English with me on the weekend.We can speak English and see the English films together.‎ Sam@CHN.com.cn ‎1.Sam likes . ‎ A.English B.singing ‎2.You can Sam if you have the same hobby. ‎ A.call B.write an e-mail to ‎3.If you like singing,you can do it with .‎ A.Sam B.Peter ‎4.You can join the singing club .‎ A.on Friday afternoon B.on the weekend ‎5.Write a title(标题) for Peter’s notice. ‎ 六年级英语 第5页 共5页 Dear Chen Jie,‎ I’m your new pen pal.My name is Mary.I live in Sydney.It’s summer in China,but it’s cold here.There are 4 people in my family.My father is a businessman,he goes to work by subway.My mother is a secretary, and she works hard.My brother is 9.He studies at school.My hobby is playing basketball.I also like playing football.China is a beautiful country.I am going to China with my family one day.‎ Where do you live?What are your hobbies?How do you go to school?Tell me something about you!‎ Yours,‎ Mary 十一、阅读,判断正误。在括号里打上√或×。(10分)‎ From:Mary Green Aus.@163.com To:Chen Jie1990@163.com ‎( )1.It’s an e-mail from Mary to Chen Jie.‎ ‎( )2.It’s summer in Sydney now.‎ ‎( )3.Mary’s father is a businessman.‎ ‎( )4.Mary likes playing basketball and doing kung fu.‎ ‎( )5.Mary and her family live in China.‎ 十二、小作文,根据上面的范文,给你的新笔友Jack写一封信,介绍你及家人的情况。(7分)‎ Dear Jack,‎ My name is .I have a happy family.My father is .he .My mother is ‎ .She .‎ I . .‎ Welcome to China.We can play together then.‎ Your new pen pal 书写部分 十三、在一线格上规范抄写英文新年贺词。(3分)‎ New Year is coming.I hope you have a wonderful New Year.May you be happy every day.(新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 六年级英语 第5页 共5页 参考答案 乐清市 一、略。‎ 二、略。‎ 三、略。‎ 四、略。‎ 五、EBACD 六、1-5 CAEBD 七、A. 1-5 ×√×√√‎ ‎ B. 1-5 BABCA 八、1-5 CBEAD 九、1.trip 2.train 3.happy 4.store 5.evening ‎ 十、1-4 ABBA 5.Let’s sing together!‎ 十一、1-5 √×√××‎ 十二、略。‎ 十三、略。‎ ‎ ‎ 六年级英语 第5页 共5页

