牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Project 1 Being a good student 》PPT课件 (1)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Project 1 Being a good student 》PPT课件 (1)

Project 1 Being a good student Xinjie Primary School Zhao Yingyan Let's PK . Do you want to be a good student in class? (如果你答对一个问题, 你就可以从 点赞盒 中, 拿到一个 赞, 最后看谁得到的 “赞数” 多。 ) Round Sing the song Let’s sing . Round Pick apples Let's pick apples. (动副搭配 ) early late quickly slowly well fast quietly high happily loudly Round Have nice food Let’s have nice food . a little a few milk eggs hamburgers bread sweets rice coffee hot dogs Round Quick response Try to describe and judge good habits bad habits Try to describe and judge Round Read and write Read and write Round Let's talk Let's talk. What makes a good student ? A good student should... A good student must... A good student mustn't ... Try to make . How can you be a good student ? 同学们,让我们试着来做一张好学生海报吧! We're all good students . Good habits . H appy life( 生活 ). B right future( 未来 ). Homework 2.Try to be a good student. Try to believe you are the best. ( 试着相信你是最棒的!) 1. Try your best to finish your posters. (尽你最大的努力完成海报,我们将评选出“最佳海报”。) Thank you!

