牛津沪教版六上英语Project 1课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Project 1课件

Project 1 沪教牛津 · 六年级上册 Healthy food What did you eat last week? Stick pictures and write. some _______ a little _______ a lot of _______ some _______ a little _______ a lot of _______ fruits bread milk Do show-and-tell. Last week, I ate a little sweet food. I ate some meat and eggs. I ate a lot of rice, vegetables and fruit. Last week, I ate a little bread. I drank some milk. I ate a lot of fruits. Look at your classmate’s picture. Did he or she eat healthy food? Talk with him or her. That’s unhealthy. You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but not too much meat. That’s healthy. That’s unhealthy. You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but not too much candy. In groups, write a healthy menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner Lunch Breakfast breakfast egg, bread, milk noodles, orange lunch apple, fish, vegetables, rice carrot, chicken, rice dinner beef, vegetables, rice tomatoes, chicken, rice

