牛津沪教版六上英语Unit 4 Our neighbours课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Unit 4 Our neighbours课件

Unit 4 Our neighbours 沪教牛津·六年级上册 Lead-in Where do you live? Do you know your neighbours? Who are they? New words neighbour 邻居 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 noisy 吵闹的 dig 挖(土);掘(洞) Listen and say Did you play with Sam last weekend? Yes, I did. Ms Guo: Who are your neighbours, Peter? Do you know them? Peter: The Greens are my neighbours. They’re from the US. Mr Green is a writer, and Mrs Green is a teacher. They have a son and a daughter, Mike and Nancy. I sometimes meet them in the morning. Ms Guo: Did you see them this morning? Peter: No, I didn’t, but I played with Mike and Nancy last weekend. Ms Guo: Who are your neighbours, Alice? Alice: The Wus are my neighbours. They have a son. His name is Sam. Ms Guo: Did you play with Sam last weekend? Alice: Yes, I did. I played chess with him in my home. Who are their neighbours? Circle the correct answers. The Whites / The Greens are my neighbours. They’re from the UK / the US. They have two / three children. The Wus are my neighbours. They have a daughter / son. We played table tennis / chess last weekend. Play roles Who are your neighbours? The Wus are my neighbours. Who are your neighbours? The Greens are my neighbours. They are from the US and they have two children. Language points 1. — Did you play with Sam last weekend? 上周末你和萨姆一起玩了吗? —Yes, I did. 是的,我和萨姆一起玩了。 这是询问对方过去是否做了某事的问句和回答。 询问对方过去是否做了某事的问句结构: Did you+ 动词原形 +其他? 答语结构:Yes,I did. / No, I didn’t. 例:你昨天去拜访你的祖父母了吗? Did you visit your grandparents yesterday? 不,我没有去。 No, I didn’t. the Greens 格林一家 the + 姓氏的复数:某某一家人或一家人中的夫妻俩。 例句:布朗一家正在吃晚饭。 The Browns are having dinner. 2. The Greens are my neighbours. 格林一家是我的邻居。 拓展:“the + 姓氏单数”表示特指“某位姓……的 人”。 例:我不认识你公司的姓王的人。 I don’t know the Wang in your company. sometimes的意思是“有时”,是频率副词,用于实 义动词前,be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。 例:她有时与她的爸爸下棋。 She sometimes plays chess with her father. 3. I sometimes meet them in the morning. 我有时在早上遇见他们。 频度副词还有:always 总是、一直 usually 通常 单词/短语 意思 sometime some time some times 辨析:sometime, some time 与 some times 单词 短语 短语 改天;来日;某个时间 未来的某个时候 几次;几倍 Look and learn neighbour 儿子 daughter son 邻居 女儿 Read a story 1 A noisy neighbour There was an owl and three rabbits in the forest. The owl lived in a tree. The rabbits lived under the tree. 森林里有一只猫头鹰和三只兔子, 猫头鹰住在一棵树上,兔子们住 在那棵树下。 2 The owl was a noisy neighbour. Every night, he made a lot of noise. The rabbits could not sleep. They were very tired. 猫头鹰是一个吵闹的邻居。每个晚上,他都制造很多噪音。 兔子们不能睡觉,他们非常疲倦。 3 One night, the owl made noise again. The rabbits were angry. “Please stop making noise at night,” said the rabbits. “We can’t sleep.” But the owl did not listen. 一天晚上,猫头鹰又制造噪音。兔子们很生气。“请停止 在晚上制造噪音,”兔子们说,“我们不能睡觉。”但是 猫头鹰不听。 4 One of the rabbits had an idea. “Let’s dig a hole and sleep in it. It’s very quiet underground.” 其中一只兔子想出一个主意。“让我们挖一个 洞并且睡在里面。地下非常安静。” 5 The rabbits dug a hole. They had a good sleep there. 兔子们挖了一个洞。它们在那里 睡得很香。 6 Today many rabbits sleep in holes. 现在许多兔子睡在洞里。 1. Where did the rabbits and the owl live? 2. Why were the rabbits tired and angry? 3. Was the owl a good neighbour? Why or why not? 4. Where do many rabbits sleep today? Answer the questions. 1. Where did the rabbits and the owl live? 2. Why were the rabbits tired and angry? The owl lived in a tree. The rabbits lived under the tree. Every night, the owl made a lot of noise. The rabbits could not sleep. 3. Was the owl a good neighbour? Why or why not? 4. Where do many rabbits sleep today? No, he wasn’t. Because he made noise at night. They sleep in holes. Do a quiz How well do you know your neighbours? Put a tick (√) in the box. 1 Do you know your neighbours’ names? 2 Do you know their jobs? 3 Do you have their phone numbers? In the last three months,… 4 did you say hello to them? 5 did you talk to them? 6 did you help them or did they help you? 7 did you go out or have fun together? 8 did you eat together? 0-2 tick(s): You do not know your neighbours very well. 3-5 ticks: You know your neighbours quite well. 6-8 ticks: You know your neighbours very well. You are good friends. Play roles Do you know your neighbours’ names? Yes, I do. They are the Whites. They are from the UK. Do you know their jobs? Yes, Mr White is a doctor and Mrs White is a teacher. Think and write ___________is my neighbour. He/ She is _____________(age). He/ She is a/an _____________(job). I often ______________________with him/her. I sometimes _______________with him/her. Last______________, we_______________. Write about a neighbour. ___________is my neighbour. She is _____________(age). She is a _____________(job). I often _____________with her. I sometimes _______________with her. Last___________, we_______________________. Mrs White forty years old teacher talk take a walk weekend had dinner at her home Learn the sounds a → class past ask bath ar → arm park sharp large u → us up club duck o → other son love colour 1 ask us 2 class club 3 dark duck 4 card cup 5 car come 6 arm mum 7 bath bus Listen and circle. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

