牛津沪教版六上英语Project 4课件

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牛津沪教版六上英语Project 4课件

Project 4 沪教牛津 · 六年级上册 My city 1 Is your city clean? Draw or stick pictures. My city Draw or stick a picture. Draw or stick a picture. Draw or stick a picture. Draw or stick a picture. 2 Complete the following table in groups. Questions Yes No Are there a lot of trees? Is there a lot of smoke from factories? Are the rivers clean? Are there many cars and buses on the road? Questions Yes No Do people use a lot of plastic bags? Do people litter? Do people plant trees every year? Play roles Questions Yes No Are there a lot of trees? Is there a lot of smoke from factories? Are the rivers clean? Are there many cars and buses on the road? √ √ √ √ Are there a lot of trees? Yes, there are. Is there a lot of smoke from factories? No, there isn’t. Are the rivers clean? Yes, there are. Are there many cars and buses on the road? No, there aren’t. Make a picture book about your city. Then do show-and-tell. 3 Our city is … There is /are… The rivers are… The air is … We should keep our city clean and beautiful. We should… We mustn’t… Our city is clean. There are a lot of trees. The rivers are clean. The air is fresh. We should keep our city clean and beautiful. We should plant more trees. We mustn’t litter.

