人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语教案-Unit 2 第三课时

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人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语教案-Unit 2 第三课时

第三课时 课时内容 B let’s learn Look and talk 课时分析 本课时是人教版六年级下册第二单元第三课时。继续围绕“上个周末”这一话题展开,主要通 过对话学习单词和词组 read a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept,last weekend/night/Monday, yesterday, the day before yesterday 及句型 What did you do last weekend? I… Did you…? 的表达。引导学生关注 他人,注意周末活动的合理安排。激发学生学习英语的热情,保持对英语学习的兴趣,树立学好英 语的信心。在第一课时、第二课时中学习了句型 What did you do ? I... Did you...? 的表达,为本课 时做了很好的铺垫。本课时的重点是四会单词和词组的掌握以及运用四会单词和词组描述人物在过 去时间所做的事情。 本课时包括 Let’s learn 和 Look and talk 两个板块。Let’s learn 呈现了 Amy 看书、看电影,John 感冒、睡觉四个周末场景,通过 Amy 与 John 周末的活动场景,体现了单词或词组的词形和意义。 Look and talk 板块呈现的是不同人物在过去时间做的事情的表格,用于操练 Let’s learn 板块中的 动词词组。通过快速记忆游戏提高记忆能力,达到操练语言的目的。 本课时虽然是新授课,但是四会词组 read a book, saw a film, slept 的原形已经学过,所以学生 对词组的理解很容易掌握。在设计教学过程时,遵循以学生为主体的原则,采用愉快教学法、合作 教学法、情景教学法等多种教学手段,充分调动全体学生的参与,让学生在轻松、愉快的环境下, 掌握所学的知识。 课时目标 1. 能 够 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 单 词 和 词 组 : read a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept , last weekend/night/Monday, yesterday, the day before yesterday 2.能够正确运用上述单词和词组描述人物在过去时间做的事情。 3.了解常见的一般过去式动词的不规则形式。 5.了解常与一般过去时搭配使用的时间状语。 6. 通过完成记忆游戏,提高记忆能力。 课时重难点 1.重点 ( 1 ) . 能 够 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 单 词 和 词 组 : read a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept , last weekend/night/Monday, yesterday, the day before yesterday (2)能够正确运用上述单词和词组描述人物在过去时间做的事情。 (3)了解常见的一般过去式动词的不规则形式。 (4)了解常与一般过去时搭配使用的时间状语。 2.难点 能够正确运用 read a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept,last weekend/night/Monday yesterday, the day before yesterday 描述人物在过去时间做的事情。 教学准备 课件、词卡、录音机、磁带、图片、照片 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thanks. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Are you ready for English? Ss: Yes, we are ready. T: Before our class, let’s play a game. Ok? Ss: Ok. 设计意图:师生之间的交流,拉近了与学生之间的距离,培养了学生的听力。 2. Play a game. 师生玩“我来比划,你来猜”的游戏。教师把 watch TV, read a book, sleep, see a film 等这些短语 的图片扣到讲桌上,找几名学生到讲台前抽图片,然后根据抽到的图片做出相应的动作,其他学 生快速猜出短语。 教学资源:短语图片 设计意图:游戏的设计既让学生们尽快的融入到英语的课堂之中,又复习了和本课有关的短语,为 学习新知做准备。 Step 2 Lead in 1. Let’s chant T: Great, boys and girls. Now let’s enjoy a chant together. (教师播放自编歌谣 “How was your weekend?”师生共同欣赏并吟唱。) How was your weekend? How was your weekend? Fine, fine, it was fine. Good, good, it was good. What did you do last weekend? What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home and watched TV. I cleaned my room and washed my colthes. 教学资源:课件 设计意图:歌谣复习和巩固了前几节课所学的短语和句型,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,为本课的 学习打下了良好的开端。 2. Ask and answer T: How was your weekend? S1: It was fine/ good/ Ok, thanks. T: What did you do? S1: I watched TV/ cleaned my room…How was your weekend? S2: It was… What did you do? S3: … 设计意图:句型问答要求学生大胆表达,敢于参与,及时的了解学生对知识点的掌握情况,为引出 学习、学习新知做好铺垫。 Step 3 Presentation Let’s learn 1.Teaching” read a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept” (1) T: Now I know what xxx did last weekend. Guess what I did last weekend. S1: You watched TV. S2: You cleaned your room. … ( 如果学生猜不出,教师可做动作提示。) T: Yes, that’s right. I washed my clothes and cleaned my room. Then what did xxx do last weekend? (课件展示本班一名学生看书、看电影的照片。) 引导学生回答:She /Heread a book and saw a film. (教读短语 read a book, saw a film,领读短语,指名读短语,齐读短语,着重于 read, saw 的读音和 原形。) (2)T: xxx read a book and saw a film last weekend. What did xxx do last weekend?(课件展示本班学生 感冒、睡觉的照片。) 引导学生回答:She/He had a cold and slept.(教读 had a cold, slept, 领读,拼 读,指名读,齐读,着重于 had,slept 的读音和它们的原形。) (3)播放动词短语录音,学生跟读录音。 (4)小组练读短语儿歌。 Read, read, read a book, 看书。See, saw, saw a film, 看电影。 Have, had, had a cold, 感冒。 Sleep, slept, slept 睡觉。 (课件展示儿歌。) (5)指组读儿歌,齐读儿歌。 (6) 观察动词的变化,记住一般过去式动词的不规则变化形式。 read— read see — saw have — had sleep — slept 教学资源:学生自制照片 设计意图:猜一猜教师上周末的活动,引起了学生们的好奇,激起学生们想表达的欲望。然后又 从学生们熟悉的同学入手,学习新的短语,引起了全体学生的兴趣。最后儿歌的呈现巩固了新授短 语。 2.Learn the dialogue. (1) Do the dialogue with the new phrases.(对话呈现在课件上。) S1: How was your weekend? S2: It was… S1: What did you do last weekend? S2:I… S2: Did you…? S1: Yes, I did. (两人一组利用新学短语做对话练习。) (2)指组练习。 (3)教师出示日历,提问学生在不同的日子做了什么,学习 yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Monday, last night 等时间短语,帮助学生理解表示过去时间短语的意义。 (4)将时间短语、动词过去式短语与句型结合进行问答。 A: What did you do last weekend? B: I… A:Did you…?(强调动词用原形。) B:Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. (对话呈现在板书上,讲解句型,领读句型,理解句型。) (课件呈现短语。) (5)师生操练句型,生生操练句型,指组练习句型。 3. Learn the text. (1) Show a picture of “Amy and John”. T: Look at the picture. Who are they? Ss: Amy and John. T: Yes. What did Amy do last weekend? Let’s listen to the tape. (2) Listen to the tape and answer the questions. a. What did she do last weekend? had a clod yesterday cleaned my room the day before yesterday washed my clothes last Monday/Tuesday… watched TV last night read a book last weekend saw a film b. Did she see a film? (3) Open the books and follow the tape. (4) Read in role. a. 两人一组分角色朗读。 b. 男生女生分角色朗读。 (5)Make a new dialogue in pairs. (6) Act the dialogue. 教学资源:录音机、磁带、人物图片 设计意图:听录音回答问题,听录音跟读,集中学生的注意力,提高了学生的口语表达和听力的能 力。编对话、分角色表演对话,培养学生的自主学习能力,拓展学生的思维能力以及语言的运用能 力。 Step 4 Practice 1. Play games. (1)What’s missing? 教师出示单词卡片,请学生快速认读。所有单词读过一遍后,教师抽出其 中的一张卡片,提问学生学生 What’s missing?根据记忆说出抽掉的是哪个单词? (2)教师出示短语卡片,每组学生派一名代表,背对着卡片。其他学生说出卡片上的单词或词 组,每组代表快速作动作。谁做得慢或做错,谁就出局。 教学资源:词卡 设计意图:通过认读活动练习所学的动词过去短语,使学生能熟练的掌握所学短语的音、形、义。 2. Look and talk. (1)组织学生认真观看表格,并以最快的速度记住表格里的内容。 (2)盖住表格,教师用下面的句型询问学生,对于答对的同学予以奖励。 句型:—What did xxx do yesterday? —He/She… —Did he/she... yesterday?—Yes, he/ she did./ No, he/she didn’t. (3)学生两人结对,把表格盖起来互相询问。看谁记得多、记得准。 教学资源:表格 设计意图:通过快速记忆的小游戏,调动起了全体学生积极参与,达到了操练语言的目的 Step 5 Summary T: What did you learn about this lesson? 学生自由说,教师总结。 1. 学习了四个一般过去式动词短语:read a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept 2. 学习了表示过去时间的词和短语:yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Monday, last night 3. 询问某人过去的某个时间干的事情,要问:What did+主语+do +表示过去的时间词或短语?回 答:主语 + 动词过去式+其他。 4. 询问对方在过去的时间里是否做了某事,要问:Did you +动词原形? 回答:Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. 设计意图:鼓励学生积极发言,帮助学生有系统的整理、归纳知识点,便于学生的记忆。 课堂作业 一、将图片与短语连线。 1. 2. 3. 4. A. had a cold B. read a book C. saw a film D. slept 二、单项选择。 ( )1. Mike _______ a book yesterday. A. reads B. readed C. read ( )2.—Did she _______ a cold last night? —No, she watched TV. A. had B. have C. has ( )3.—Did you see a film last weekend? —_______ A. Yes, I am. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I do. 三、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Mary: Hi, Linda. 1.__________________ Linda: I’m fine, thanks. How was your weekend? Mary: 2. __________________ Linda:What did you do? Mary:3. __________________ Linda:4.__________________ Mary: 5.__________________ It was great. 板书设计 B Let’s learn read a bookread /e/ /i:/ saw a film see /ɔ:/ /i:/ had a cold have /æ/ /æ/ sleptsleep /slept/ /sli:p/ 过去式 原形 A. It was good. B. Did you like it? C. How are you? D. Yes, I did. E. I went boating. Answers: 一、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 二、1.C 2.B 3.B 三、1.C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D A: What did you do last weekend? B: I… A:Did you…? B:Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. 过去时间: last night, yesterday, last Monday 昨晚 昨天 上个星期一 the day before yesterday 前天

