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教学 内容 Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ 教材 分析 本单元通过谈论化妆舞会的服装,呈现了物品的所属关系。教师可以结合学生的具体穿着进行教学与操练,也可以让学生们用身边的物品进行对话交流,在自然具体的情境下谈论物品的所属关系。教师在教授gloves,jeans,shorts和trousers等复数形式的词汇时可以结合pair一词的用法。在名词所有格的语法教学方面,教师可以结合学生手边的物品,创设真实的语用情景,帮助学生们理解和运用所有格结构。‎ 教学 目标 ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s ‎/… . I think so. What’s the matter?‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词dress,party,coat,shirt,sweater,‎ hand  ‎ ‎3.能听懂、会说、会读单词too,trousers,gloves,so,jeans,shorts,‎ wrong,move,hurt   ‎ ‎4.能诵读歌谣Whose cake is this?  ‎ ‎5. 能听懂、会说字母i在单词中的读音,发音准确。‎ 教学 重点 ‎1.在听说读练中,学会单词dress,party,coat,shirt,sweater,hand ‎2.在听说训练中,学会句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re  …’s.‎ ‎3.字母i在单词中的发音 教学 难点 ‎1.句型: Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?  ‎ It’s/They’re …’s.‎ ‎2.词汇:trousers,gloves,shorts ‎3.字母i在单词中的发音 课前 准备 光盘、卡片、图片、PPT等 课时 分配 第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Fun time和Cartoon time 第三课时:Sound time ,Rhyme time,Checkout time和 Ticking time 第四课时:Workbook 教学 内容 Unit6 Whose dress is this? (Story time)‎ 时间 教学目标 ‎1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party. ‎ ‎2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s / They’re my father’s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。‎ ‎3. 能正确理解课文内容。‎ ‎4. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。‎ 教学 重点 ‎1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party. ‎ ‎2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s / They’re my father’s/… 询问和交流物体的主人。‎ ‎3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容 教学 难点 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。‎ 课前 准备 PPT,卡片,衣服 教 学 流 程 教 学 调 整 Step1 Warm up ‎1.师课前安排男女生各一名和教师一起盛装打扮进入教室。T: Hello! Boys and girls!‎ Ss: Hello! (兴奋)‎ T: We dress up in beautiful clothes today.‎ T: Look at my sweater. It’s my mother’s.‎ Boy: Look at my cap. It’s my father’s.‎ Girl: Look at my skirt. It’s my sister’s.‎ T: Do you like our clothes today?‎ Ss: Yes. How nice! It’s great.‎ T: We are going to a Fancy Dress Party Learn: Fancy Dress Party ‎ 齐读若干遍理解意思即可 T: Would you like to go to the Fancy Dress Party?‎ Ss: Sure.‎ T: Let’s go to the shop to buy some clothes first.‎ Step 2 Sing a song The clothes shop ‎1. T: Here we are. 课件出示服装店图和音乐 Ss: OK. (Sing a song The clothes shop四上歌曲)‎ ‎2. T: What clothes are in the shop?‎ S: Blue skirts and T-shirts, yellow shoes and socks.‎ T: What other clothes in the shop?‎ S: (简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词)‎ T: Let’s go and see.‎ PPT 出现动画服饰礼盒打开:‎ dress gloves trousers Step 2 Presentation ‎1. 单词配以夸张的服饰图片学习 ‎(1)T: What are these?‎ S: They’re gloves.‎ T: (通过动作和图片引导学生说) They’re …‎ Ss: Big.‎ ‎(2)T: What are those?‎ S: They’re trousers.‎ T: (通过动作和图片引导学生说)The trousers are ..‎ S: Long.‎ ‎(3) T: What is it?‎ S: It’ s a dress.‎ T: The dress is …(通过动作和图片引导学生说) S: Short ‎2. Chant ‎ T: These clothes are fun. Let’s chant about it. ‎ Learn: too太…‎ 强调读音try this on 和try these on S: Chant together. ‎ Step 3 Enjoy the story ‎ T: Good, some children are going to the Fancy Dress Party, too. Who are they? (出示图4)‎ S: They’re Yang Ling, Mike, Su Yang and Su Hai.‎ ‎2. Listen and tick.‎ T: They dress up in funny clothes at the party. What clothes are they talking about? Let’s listen and tick. (出示图片)‎ Tips: 仔细听一听,找出孩子们谈论的服饰。‎ ‎3.T: You have magic ears. Now it’s time to open your books and scan the story. Find out: What do these children wear at the party? ‎ Tips: 快速浏览故事,找出孩子们身上装扮的服饰。‎ Ss: Read and match(课件中以图片形式出现)‎ T: Look at Sun Yang’s gloves. They’re … (师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答)‎ S: They’re (so) big. ‎ T: Look at Helen’s dress. It’s…(师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答)‎ S: It’s beautiful.‎ T: Whose gloves? ‎ S: Father’s.‎ T: Whose dress?‎ S: Cousin’s.‎ T: How do you know?‎ Please find relative sentences and underline.‎ Tips: 请把谈论gloves和dress主人的语句勾划出来。‎ Ss: Read and underline ‎4.S: 当问单数物品用Whose… is this?;当问复数物品用Whose… is this?。‎ Whose… is this? It’s …’s. ‎ Whose … are these They’re …’s.‎ ‎5.Listen and repeat.‎ ‎6.Read the story together Step4 Act the story ‎ ‎★Read fluently ‎ ‎★★Read fluently and beautifully ‎★★★Act it out emotionally ‎ Step5 Consolidation Make a new dialogue.‎ Liu Tao, Wang Bing,Yang Ling and Tim are at the Fancy Dress party, too. Look! 他们也穿上了有趣的服饰。他们在说些什么?试着模仿今天学的故事,编一段对话吧。‎ Let’s go to the party.‎ Look at …‎ It’s / They’re so …‎ Whose… is this / are these? It’s / They’re …’s. ‎ It’s / They’re so …‎ Thank you.‎ Step6 Homework ‎1.听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。‎ ‎2.试着将编的新故事说给父母听。‎ 板书 设计 Unit 6 Whose dress is this? ‎ Whose dress is this? ‎ It’s my cousin’s. ‎ Whose gloves are these? ‎ They’re my father’s.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 教学 反思 教学 内容 Unit6 Whose dress is this?( Cartoon time和Fun time)‎ ‎ 时间 教学目标 ‎1.能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts.‎ ‎2.能用句型Whose … is this/that? It’s …’s. Whose … are these/those? They’re …’s.谈论物品的所属。‎ ‎3.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。‎ 教学 重点 ‎1.能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts.‎ ‎2.能用句型Whose … is this/that? It’s …’s. Whose … are these/those? They’re …’s.谈论物品的所属。‎ ‎3.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。‎ 教学 难点 ‎1.能用句型Whose … is this/that? It’s …’s. Whose … are these/those? They’re …’s.谈论物品的所属。‎ ‎2.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。‎ 课前 准备 卡片, PPT 教 学 流 程 教 学 调 整 Step1 Free talk and revision ‎1.Greetings.‎ ‎2.Retell the text. ‎ Step2 Fun time ‎1.T: Helen, Mike, Su Hai and Su Yang are at the Fancy Dress Party. Would you like to go to the party?‎ Ss: Sure.‎ T: Let’s go to the shop to buy some clothes first.‎ S:(简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词)‎ T: What other clothes in the shop? Let’s go and see.‎ PPT 出现动画服饰礼盒打开:‎ coat shirt jeans shorts sweater ‎2.shirt 和T-shirt比较,重点通过图片展示词义; sweater 通过和bread, breakfast 归纳ea读音规律,自主拼读sweater T: Can you read these two words: coat, shorts coat 和boat比较,自读 shorts 学生自己通过旧知short,容易掌握发音,强调shorts 和jeans, trousers一样都是以复数形式出现。‎ ‎3.Listen and repeat all the words after the tape Step3 Guess and say ‎1.T: Let’s play another game: Guess and say.‎ Tips:出示Story time图5和6,提醒学生注意单复数 板书句型并带读游戏句型:‎ Whose … is this/that? It’s …’s. Is it …’s?‎ Whose … are these/those? They’re …’s. Are they …’s?‎ 2. Make an example (T, S1, S2, S3)‎ T: Whose sweater is this? Guess!‎ S1: Is it S‎4’‎s?‎ T: No. You’re wrong.‎ S1: Is it S‎5’‎s?‎ T: Yes. You’re right.‎ 猜出主人之后,由S1问S2, 接着由S2问S3,依次进行游戏。‎ 3. Play the game in groups.‎ Tips: 每个成员一次猜中记录★★★‎ ‎ 两次猜中记录★★‎ ‎ 三次或三次以上猜中记录★‎ 4. Summary T: How many ★ can you get?‎ Step4 Cartoon time ‎1.T: It’s a guessing game. Guess: What’s this?‎ 课件出示cartoon time第一幅图的大刺球 S: Is it a ball? Is it a toy? ‎ T: I don’t know, either. It’s your cartoon time. Let’s watch then tell me: What’s this?‎ Ss watch the cartoon and check.‎ T: What’s this? ‎ S: 刺猬。‎ T: Oh, it’s a hedgehog.‎ Learn: hedgehog ‎2.Read the story, Get the answer to the question: Can Bobby play with the hedgehog? How do you know?‎ S: No. His hand hurts.(中文回答也可以) ‎ ‎3. 提醒孩子们注意图三 Learn:‎ What’s the matter? My hand hurts.‎ T: So how does Bobby feel?‎ S: 疼;unhappy.‎ T: He is very painful. (动作表情帮助学生理解painful) How to read these sentences?‎ S: (学生讨论揣摩语气)‎ Bobby(惊吓、疼): Ouch!‎ Sam(关切、关心): What’ s the matter?‎ Bobby(流血、疼): My hand hurts.‎ Practice in pairs ‎4. Listen and repeat. Try to imitate the intonation and emotion. ‎ Learn the new word: ‎ ‎(1) move /mu:v/ Who can move? 让学生做动作理解意思 ‎(2) I think so. 语境中理解意思It means I think it’s a ball.‎ ‎5.Practice reading in pairs.‎ ‎6.Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs Step5 Homework ‎1.Copy the new words.‎ ‎2.Read and recite Cartoon time.‎ 板书 设计 ‎ ‎ Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose … is this/that?‎ ‎ It’s …’s. ‎ Whose … are these/those?‎ ‎ They’re …’s. ‎ 教学 反思 教学 内容 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ ‎(Sound time,Rhyme time,Checkout time和 Ticking time)‎ ‎ 时间 教学目标 ‎1.能够熟练说出有关服饰类词。‎ ‎2.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。‎ ‎3.能诵读歌谣Whose cake is this?  ‎ ‎4.字母i在单词中的读音 教学 重点 ‎1.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。‎ ‎2.字母i在单词中的读音 教学 难点 ‎1.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。‎ ‎2.字母i在单词中的读音 课前 准备 光盘、PPT 教 学 流 程 教 学 调 整 ‎ Step1 Revision Tips: 四人小组在规定时间内,在各自Clothes单词卡上尽可能多写下你所知道的服饰单词。写对最多组获胜。‎ Ss …‎ T: Let’s see how many words can you write?‎ Ss: …‎ Ticking time:‎ I can say and write the names of some clothes.‎ Step2 Checkout time ‎1.Show the pictures of checkout time T: Look at these clothes. Whose clothes are they? ‎ Can you discuss and guess in pairs.‎ Pair work.‎ ‎3.Open your books and fill in the blanks.‎ ‎4.Invite Ss to write on the blackboard.‎ Check the answers ‎5.Summary: Note the ’s 注意’s的用法 ‎1. 词组中is或us的缩写 ‎(1) She’s = She is; He’s = He is; It’s = It is; What’s = What is; Who’s = Who is; Where’s = Where is; How’s = How is.‎ ‎(2) Let’s = Let us ‎2. 在人名后加’s可以表示所属关系,如本单元中出现的my father’s my cousin’s Step3 Rhyme time ‎ ‎1.T: There is some delicious food at the party. Can you guess what is it?‎ S: …‎ T:Look! ‎ S:It’s a cake.‎ T:Yes. It’s a birthday cake.‎ ‎ Whose cake is this?‎ ‎2.Watch the cartoon and find the answer T: Whose cake is this?‎ S: It’s Chris’s.‎ ‎3.Let’s say the rhyme sentence by sentence.‎ ‎4.Say the rhyme together ‎5.Say the rhyme in groups ‎6.Rewrite a new rhyme Step4 Sound time ‎1.标注小诗中部分单词中的i Oh, Chris! Oh, Chris!‎ Whose cake is this?‎ It’s my cake.‎ Let’s eat it by the lake.‎ T: Look at these words. They all have the letter ‘i’, what does ‘i’ pronounced as? ‎ S: /i/‎ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate.‎ S: Read one by one.‎ ‎2.T:Last unit, we have learnt another pronunciation of ‘i’, what is it? /ai/‎ T: What’s the difference between them? When is it pronounced as ‘/ai/’, when is it pronounced as ‘/i/?’‎ 出示:Chinese, kite, like, time, white ‎ English, fish, him, music, pig T: 教师讲解:开音节中发/ai/,重读闭音节中发/i/。‎ Step5 Summary & Evaluation ‎1.T:What can we learn from this lesson?‎ ‎ S:I can …‎ ‎2.T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together?‎ Step6 Homework .‎ ‎1.听录音,跟读Unit6的内容。‎ ‎2.寻找更多字母i发音为/i/的单词,记在书上。‎ ‎3.给小组单词卡配上简笔画插图,贴在英语角里。‎ 板书 设计 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose … is this/that? ‎ It’s …’s. ‎ ‎ Whose … are these/those? ‎ They’re …’s. ‎ ‎ English fish him music pig 教学 反思 教学 内容 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ ‎ (Workbook)‎ ‎ 时间 教学目标 能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/… .‎ 教学 重点 能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/… .‎ 教学 难点 能够在真实语境中熟练运用句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/… .‎ 课前 准备 卡片 教 学 流 程 教 学 调 整 ‎ Step1 Warm up ‎1.Free talk ‎2.T: Whose … is this?‎ S: It’s …‎ T: Whose … are these?‎ S: They’re …‎ Step2 Revision ‎1.利用单词卡片复习本单元单词。‎ ‎2. Play a game Tips: 四人小组在规定时间内,在各自Clothes单词卡上尽可能多写下你所知道的服饰单词。写对最多组获胜。‎ Ss …‎ T: Let’s see how many words can you write?‎ Ss: …‎ Step3 Practice(补充习题)‎ A Listen and number 先引导学生看图并用英语说出这些服饰的名称,然后播放录音,让学生根据录音内容给图片编序号。‎ B Listen and choose 先读句子和所给选项,然后听录音,然后根据录音内容选择正确答案。‎ C Look,find and say 提醒学生仔细看图,找到服饰的所属者,然后让学生根据图片和句型进行问答活动。‎ D Look,read and write 首先指导学生观察图片,然后结合图意和上下文填写单词,补全对话。‎ E Look read and choose ‎ 本题是一个完整的故事,可以先引导学生读一读框里所给的句子,然后仔细看图并读对话,最后选择合适的句子补全对话。‎ Step4 Homework ‎ ‎1.Finish the exercises.‎ ‎2.Recite Unit6.‎ 板书 设计 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose … is this/that? ‎ It’s …’s. ‎ ‎ Whose … are these/those? ‎ They’re …’s. ‎ 教学 反思

