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Fun time 1 Fun reading 精通版·五年级下册 Let’s read and act Shan Shan often goes to the library to read books. Today she reads a book about the famous Chinese explorer, Zheng He. Shan Shan tells the story to her friend, Li Chun. 姗姗经常去图书馆读书。今天她读了一本书是关于 著名的中国探险家——郑和。姗姗给她的朋友李春讲了 这个故事。 Do you know Zheng He? He was a famous Chinese explorer. Yes, I do. He was from Nanjing, China. 你知道郑和吗?他是中国 一位著名的探险家。 是的,我知道。 他来自中国南京。 Zheng He was a great explorer. He went to many places of the world in a fleet of ships. 郑和是一位伟大的探险家。他率领船队去了世界各地。 Zheng He Chinese junk Zheng He went to explore the world by: 郑和去世界探险乘坐: boat plane train bus car ship 小船 飞机 火车 公共汽车 小汽车 轮船 Draw and colour Zheng He’s ship. Many people worked on the ships. Some people cleaned the ships, some people cooked food, and some people washed clothes. Everyone must obey the rules on the ships. 在这些轮船上有许多人工作。一些人打扫轮船,一些 人烹饪食物,还有些人洗衣服。每个人必须遵守轮船 上的规则。 Do you think everyone should obey the rules? Let me think. Write some rules for Zheng He’s ship. u Go to bed early. 早点儿去睡觉。 u Get up early. 早点起床。 u Don’t throw litter into the sea. 不要往海里扔垃圾。 为郑和的轮船写一些规则。 Cultural link Pets around the world Children in England often have pets. Many of them take dogs as their pets. 世界各地的宠物 英国的孩子们经常有宠物。他 们喜欢把狗当做宠物。 A goldfish is quite popular with children in China. A goldfish has a beautiful tail. It lives in a fish bowl. 在中国,金鱼很受孩子们的欢迎。金鱼有美丽的尾 巴。它住在鱼缸里。 Some children love other kinds of pets. This Australian boy has a lizard. It is green but it can change its colour to yellow or brown. 一些孩子喜爱其他种类的宠物。这个澳大利亚的男 孩有一只蜥蜴。它是绿色的,但它能把它的颜色变成黄 色或者棕色。 This little animal is a hamster. It is very small and cute. It is a popular pet for children in America and Canada. 这个小动物是一只仓鼠。它非常小并且很可爱。 对于美国和加拿大的孩子们来说,它是一种很受欢 迎的宠物。

