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小学五年级英语(广州版)多媒体暑假作业四 一.1. Listen to the sentence, number the following pictures with A, B, C, D, E (听句子,用A、B、C、D、E给下列图片标号)(3分×5)‎ ‎2. Listen to the dialogue, choose the correct answer (听对话,选择正确的答案) (3分×5)‎ 二.写出下列各词的复数。(2分×6)‎ ‎ 1.woman______ 2.watch______‎ ‎3.child______ 4.tomato ‎ ‎5.sheep 6.dress ______    ‎ 三.选择填空。(2分×6)‎ ‎1.It’s autumn, are falling(降落)down from trees.‎ A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leaves ‎2.There are five under the tree.‎ A. sheep B. sheepes C. ships D. sheeps ‎3. –What are these in English? -____are stamps.‎ ‎ A. They B. It C. Those ‎4.– would you like something to drink, Tara?‎ ‎-Yes, I’d like some        ‎ A. sandwiches  B. hot dogs  C. water   D. bread ‎5 The little baby has two    already. ‎ A.      tooth   B. tooths   C. teeth    D. teeths ‎6.Help yourself to       .‎ A. some chickens  B. a chicken  C. some chicken D. any chicken 四.专项填空,每空2分。(2分×9)‎ 用have或has填空 ‎1. I _______ a beautiful doll. I like it very much. ‎ ‎2. Peter _______ some apples. They’re sweet.‎ ‎3. My mother _________ a new bicycle.‎ 用am, is或are填空 ‎4. -- I _____ a girl.  -Yes, you ______ a girl.‎ ‎5. -- ______ that your book, Alice? - Yes, it ______.‎ ‎6. --What colour ______ the mountains? -They ______ green and brown.‎ 五.猜一猜 (2分×2) ‎ ‎1. Which letter is an animal? ‎ ‎ It is ‎ ‎2. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at ‎ night? ‎ It is ‎ 六.阅读理解。(3分×5)‎ ‎“Joe,” says his father, “Put on your cap and let us go for a walk.”‎ ‎   Joe is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He put on his cap and coat and says, “Father, I am ready.” Joe and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Joe is afraid of the dog. He wants to run away. His father says,‘ Don’t be afraid, Joe, Don’t you know the proverb ‘ A barking dog does not bite’?”‎ ‎ “Oh, yes,” says Joe. “ I know the proverb, you know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb?”‎ ‎   “You are right,” says his father. “We had batter be careful about the dog. It is never good to taken an enemy for a friend. But don’t be afraid. Let us go on.”‎ ‎(  )1. Joe’s father asks Joe to go for a walk        . ‎ A. after him B. follow him C. with him.‎ ‎(  )2. Joe      to go out with his father. ‎ A.like   B. likes    C. wants ‎(  )3. They see a big         in the street. ‎ A. black dog B. whiter dog C. black cat ‎(  )4. The dog begins        . ‎ A. to run after Joe B. to bark   C. to run away ‎(  )5. They don’t be afraid and         . ‎ A. to run    B. to go   C. go on 七.(3分×3)‎ Flash004‎ 看动画,判断下面问题的对错。(正确的打√,错误的打×)‎ ‎( )1.The bear opened an ice-cream shop and a scarf shop.‎ ‎( )2.The bear didn't do well in every job.‎ ‎( )3.The bear liked the job as a road roller driver.‎ 答案 二.1.women 2.watches 3.children 4.tomatoes 5.sheep 6.dresses 三. 1-6: C A C C C C 四.1.have 2.has 3.has 4.am, are 5.Is, is 6.are, are 五.1.Bee 2.Sun 六.1-5:C B A B C 七.√×√‎

