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Unit2 知识整理 一、单词: ‎ far 远 street街道 city 城市 town小镇 ‎ near在…附近 traffic 交通 wheel轮子 through 穿过 ride 骑 cool 酷 fly飞 young 年轻的 ‎ basket 篮子 library图书馆 public公共的 transport交通工具 ‎ travel旅游 trousers裤子 二、词组:‎ ‎1. your new home你们的新家 2. live near…住得离…近 ‎ ‎3. on Moon Street在月亮街 4. live far from…住得离…远 ‎ ‎5. on Park Street在公园街 6. near City Library在市图书馆附近 ‎ ‎7. live in Sunshine Town住在阳光小镇 8. come to school来学校 ‎9. on foot步行 10. by metro坐地铁 ‎ ‎11. a taxi driver以为出租车司机 12. on the street在街上 ‎ ‎13. through the trees穿过树林 14. wheels on the bus公交车上的轮子 ‎15. go round and round转啊转 16. all through the town 穿越全城 ‎ ‎17. have a new bike拥有一辆新自行车 18. ride the bike 骑自行车 ‎ ‎19. show his bike to Sam把自行车给萨姆看 20.too young 太年轻 ‎21. go to school去学校 22. don’t think so不认为如此 ‎ ‎23. sit in the basket坐在篮子里 24. go there去那儿 ‎ ‎25. get there到达那儿 26.work on a big ship在一艘大船上工作 ‎27.go to many cities去很多城市 28. public transport公共交通 ‎29.like riding 喜欢骑车 30.help me帮助我 ‎31.near our school在我们学校附近 32.not far from here离这儿不远 ‎33.go to school上学去 34. in the park 在公园 ‎35. go there on foot步行去那里 36. get there by bike骑车到那里 三、句子:‎ ‎1. How do you come to school? I come to school by car. 你是如何来上学的?我是开车去学校的.‎ ‎2. How does he/ she come to school? 她/他是如何来上学的?‎ ‎3. He comes to school by metro.他坐地铁来学校。4. She comes to school on foot.她步行来学校。‎ ‎4. Where do they live? They live in/ on…. They live near school.他们住那里?他们住在…。他们住在学校附近。‎ ‎5. Where does he/ she live? He/She lives in Sunshine‎ ‎Town. He/She lives far from school.他/她住在哪里? 他/她住在阳光小镇。他/她住得离学校很远 ‎ ‎6. I live on Moon Street , near City Library.我住在月亮街,在市图书馆附近 ‎7. I like riding it in the park.我喜欢在公园骑它。‎ ‎8. Bobby wants to show his bike to Sam. Bobby想把自行车给萨姆看 ‎9. Bobby’s dad does not think so. Bobby的爸爸不这么认为。‎ ‎10. He always sits in the basket.他总是坐在篮子里。‎ ‎11. We sometimes visit her by metro.我们有时坐地铁去拜访她 ‎12. They always go there on foot.他们总是步行去那里。‎ ‎13. He can get there by bike.他可以骑车到那里。14. My uncle works on a big ship.我叔叔在船上工作。‎ ‎15. He goes to many cities by ship.他坐船去很多城市。‎ ‎16. This bike is cool!‎ 五年级英语周末练习1(5下Unit2)‎ 一、英汉互译。‎ ‎1. your new home ________ 2.非常________ ‎ ‎3. be far from… ________ 4.住在月亮街________ ‎ ‎5. come to school ________ 6.太年轻________ ‎ ‎7. live near school ________ 8.住在阳光城________ ‎ ‎9. get there ________ 10.乘坐出租车________ ‎ ‎11. a taxi driver ________ 12.穿过树________ ‎ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎ 1. Where ______(do) Mike live? He_______(live) near school.‎ ‎ 2. How_______(do) your brother come to school?‎ He_________(come) to school by bus.‎ ‎ 3. Sam always_______(sit) in the classroom.‎ ‎ 4. The wheels on the bus______(go) round and round.‎ ‎5. Liu Tao’s Dad_______(do not) think so.‎ ‎6. My father_______(go) to work by metro.‎ ‎7.He often ________(have) dinner at home.‎ ‎8. Daniel and Tommy _______(be) in Class One.‎ ‎9. We _______(not watch) TV on Mondays.‎ ‎10. Nick _______(not go) to the zoo on Sundays.‎ 三、句子匹配 ‎( )1. Why are you so sad ? A. Fine, thank you.‎ ‎( )2.Where are my gloves ? B. Yes, I do.‎ ‎( )3.Do you have any cakes ? C. Because I can’t go to the party.‎ ‎( )4.How does Sam go to school? D. They are on the bed.‎ ‎( )5.What does Mike have? E. He goes to school on foot.‎ ‎( )6.Can I go to school on foot ? F. No , you can’t.‎ ‎( )7.Where do you live? G. He has a pot.‎ ‎( )8.Is he an American? H.I read stories at home.‎ ‎( )9.What do you do at weekends ? I. Yes, he is.‎ ‎( )10.How are you? J.I live near school.‎ 四、单项选择。‎ ‎( ) 1. I like playing in Disneyland(迪斯尼), but it is _______ home.‎ ‎ A. far away B. far from C. far off ‎( ) 2. Su Hai lives ______ Moon Street.‎ ‎ A. in B. on C. behind ‎( ) 3. My brother and I come to school _______ taxi.‎ ‎ A. by B. take C. on ‎( )4. The wheels on the bus go ________ the town.‎ ‎ A. in B. through C. cross ‎( ) 5. My aunt _______ in a big factory.(工厂)‎ ‎ A. work B. works C worked ‎( )6. — ________ are you so sad? —Because I can’t go to the party.‎ A. What  B. Why C. How ‎( )7.There’s a party _______ the ________ house.‎ ‎ A. at , prince B. on , prince’s C. at , prince’s ‎( )8.I _______ go now.‎ ‎ A. put on B. try on C. have to ‎( )9.Lucy ______ on the T-shirt but it _____ fit.‎ ‎ A. try , doesn’t B. trys , don’t C. tries, doesn’t ‎( )10. This pair of shoes is beautiful. Cinderella tries _______.‎ A. them on B. on them C. it on ‎ 五、选词填空(次数不限)。‎ ‎ on , near , in , do , does ‎1.---Where ______ they live? ---- They live _____ school.‎ ‎2.--- How _____ your father go to work? ----- He goes to work by car.‎ ‎3.--- My e–friend lives _______ Sunshine Town.‎ ‎4.--- Helen’s family live _______ Park Street.‎ ‎5. --- Your teacher _______ not think so.‎ 六、看图补全对话。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Mike: Where do you live, Yang Ling? How do you _______ to school?‎ Yang Ling: I live ______ school. I come to school ______ _______. Where do you live?‎ Mike: I live in Sunshine‎ ‎Town. I come to school ______ _______. What about you, Liu Tao?‎ Liu Tao: I live ‎_____ Park Street. I come to school ______ ______. My father is a _____ driver.‎

