陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 1 Part B优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 1 Part B优质课件

Unit 1 Get Up on Time! 陕旅版五年级上册 The cock does crow The cock does crow , To let you know: If you be wise, This time to rise! For early to bed, And early to rise, Is the way to be healthy, And wealthy and wise. Lead-in 又;再次 New words Peter wants to watch the cartoon again . 太 多 I have too many toy cars. New words Let’s learn more Miss White : You are late again, Colin. Look! It’s 8:30. Colin : I’m sorry, Miss White. Miss White : What time do you get up? Colin : I get up at 8:05. Miss White : What time do you go to bed, then? Colin : I go to bed at 11:15. Miss White : Don’t play too many computer games and go to bed early. Colin : OK. 1. You are late again, Colin. 你又迟到了 , 科林。 again 是副词,表示“又;再次” , 通常放在句末。 我听不清你说什么。请再说一遍。 I can’t hear you. Please say it again. Language points 2. What time do you get up? 你几点起床 ? 询问对方几点钟做某事的特殊疑问句 What time+ 助动词 + 主语 + 动词短语? 你几点吃早餐? What time do you have breakfast? 3. Don’t play too many computer games and go to bed early. 不要玩太多电脑游戏 , 早点上床睡觉。 这是一个祈使句的否定句,它以 Don’t 开头,表示 “不要做 ……” 。 不要出去玩。 Don’t go out to play. 此句中“ too many” 表示“太多”。 我有太多红裙子了。 I have too many red dresses. too many 与 too much too many 修饰可数名词复数, too much 修饰不可数名词。 太多苹果 too many apples 太多果汁 too much juice Work in pairs What time is it? It’s ten fifteen. Play roles with your partner What time is it? It’s nine eight. What time is it? It’s seven ten. Ask and fill in the form Get up Go to work/ school Do exercise Go to bed Me Grandma Grandpa Father Mother A : What time do you ...? B : I ... A : What time does your grandma ...? B : She ... Play roles with your partner What time do you get up? I get up at seven. What time do you go to school? I go to school at eight. What time does your mother go to work? She goes to work at eight. Read the words I i I i b i ke l i ke t i me r i ce s i t p i g f i sh m i lk Try to read more I i I i i ce l i fe r i de sm i le k i ck c i ty l i ft p i cture 语音知识专讲 字母 发音 发音规律 例词 Ii /a I / /a I / 发音时由 /a/ 滑动到 /I/ ,滑动距离大,是宽双元音。 发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌面前中部向硬腭抬起,舌位比较接近中部,唇稍扁。 nice size six kid

