人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Recycle 1-Read aloud(1)

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人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Recycle 1-Read aloud(1)

Recycle 1 Read aloud Hello,I’m Panda. I’m from _______. China Look at the_________ . It has _________. Beaver, Beaver . ___________________? I’m from . Where are you from Canada Beaver Eagle , eagle . ________________? I’m from . Where are you from the USA Kangaroo , kangaroo. I’m from . Where are you from Australia _________________? Hello,I’m Liu Xing. I’m t___and t_____. I have a big family. Look ! all hin I’m tall. I’m tall. I like sports . Yes,I’m tall. I like sports . Yao Ming, Yao Ming. You’re _______.tall Let’s play. Liu Xing, Liu Xing. You’re _____. Yes,I’m tall. I like sports . Yao Ming, Yao Ming. You’re _______.tall Let’s play. short Yes,I’m short. I like sports,too . Let’s play. Hello, I’m John. I like sports. I’m Wang Tong.I’m tall. I like sports , too . Who’s that boy? He’s my friend, John. Hi,John. This is my friend,Wang Tong. Nice to meet you, Wang Tong. Nice to meet you ,too. Where are you from? I’m from the USA. You’re tall. Yes, I like sports. Let’s play. Ok! It’s small. It’s thin. It has a fat body. It has a long nose. It’s an It’s a It’s a It’s a . . . .

