Unit 2 Lesson 10

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Unit 2 Lesson 10

Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo ◆ 教材分析 Lesson 10 Where Do They Live?‎ 本单元围绕动物展开话题,学习有关动物的新词汇,并能够运用简单的语句对动物生活习性进行简单交流。教材为学生提供丰富的图片信息,将自然界中的动物生活生动地呈现在学生面前。激发起学生热爱可爱的动物、热爱美丽的自然的情感。本节课主要学习动物的居住地等知识。‎ ◆ 教学目标 ‎[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎【知识与能力目标】‎ 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:forest, river, tree, grass。‎ 学生能认读、理解并使用下列句式:Where does a fish/ a bird/ a panda … live? In a river. /a tree. / a forest.‎ ‎【过程与方法目标】‎ 通过引导学生了解森林中的动物,通过交流表演本课新句型:Where does a … live? In a ....学生通过本课的学习,初步形成围绕动物居住在哪里的句型用英语交际和解决问题的能力。‎ ‎【情感态度价值观目标】‎ ◆ 教学重难点 ◆ 培养学习英语的兴趣,能积极的学习英语,养成爱听、爱说英语的习惯。‎ ‎【教学重点】‎ 复习已学过的动物词汇及学习运用新词汇:forest, river, tree, grass。‎ 掌握句型:Where does a … live? In a ....‎ ‎【教学难点】‎ 正确书写词汇:forest, river, tree, grass;并能够运用:Where does a … live? In a ....进行听、说、读、写、交流活动。‎ ◆ 课前准备 ◆ 课件,音频。‎ ◆ 教学过程 ‎1、Greeting and reviewing T: Hello, boys and girls.‎ Ss: Hello, teacher.‎ T: Are you ready for this English class?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: OK, let’s go.‎ 点击课件review部分,复习上节课所学的单词和句型。‎ T: Boys and girls, let’s count together!‎ Ss: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.‎ T: (点击课件,显示各种动物。)What’s this?(找学生站起来回答每个动物应该怎么读。)‎ Ss: elephant/ bear/ bird/ tiger/ panda/ fish.(设计意图:复习上节课所学的单词和句型,使学生带着积极的心态投入到学习中去。)‎ ‎2、Study the new words and sentence Step1. Show the pictures. Ask and answer to learn the new words.‎ T: There are many animals. Where does a tiger live? Where does a bird live? What about fish? Let’s open books to learn about it.‎ 点击课件,屏幕出现森林的照片。‎ T: What’s this? What can you see from the picture?引导学生就森林进行讨论,说出森林中有什么,引出另外三个单词(river, tree, grass)。‎ 教师读新单词,让学生跟读,多领读几遍,使学生能够熟练说出本课新单词。‎ Step2. Show the pictures. Ask and answer to learn the new sentence.‎ 点击课件,指导学生看。每幅图片,指出图片中有什么,尽可能让学生说出fish, river, bird, tree, panda和forest。‎ 手指图1,说Where does a fish live? In a river.重复这个句子,让学生跟读。‎ 手指图2,说Where does a bird live? In a tree.重复这个句子,让学生跟读。‎ 手指图3,说Where does a panda live? In a forest.重复这个句子,让学生跟读。‎ 多领读几遍之后,播放音频,让学生跟读。‎ Step3. Summary 板书:‎ 句型:‎ ‎— Where does a fish live?鱼住在哪里?‎ ‎— In a river.在河里。‎ 用法:这是询问某种动物住在哪里的问句及答语。‎ 句型:Where does a/an + 动物名+live?‎ 答语:In/On + a/an + 地点名词.‎ 例句:— Where does a bear live?熊生活在哪里?‎ ‎— In a forest.在森林里。‎ 单词:live 居住 例句:I live in China.我住在中国。‎ 短语:live in … 住在…‎ ‎— _______ does a cow live? ‎ ‎— On a farm.‎ A. What B. Where C. How 点拨:由答语可知提问关于地点,故选B。‎ ‎(设计意图:总结本课句型和单词,分解句子结构,并通过举例子巩固学生对新句型的掌握。)‎ Step4. Let’s do it!‎ 点击课件,问学生是否知道如何完成这项活动。给学生解释活动的做法。指出例子:Where does a tiger live? In a forest.把动物和它相应的生活的地方连线。‎ 点击课件,过桥游戏,学生自由结组,玩此游戏。‎ 点击课件,给出随堂练习题,巩固本课知识。‎ ‎3、Homework 熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。‎ 用“Where does a/an … live? In/On a/an …”句型与好朋友之间进行对话。‎ ◆ 教学反思

