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[陕旅版]四年级英语上册优质课件 [教育部审定教材] Unit 3 What’s for breakfast? 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会 跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用 。 Part A Part B Part C Unit 3 What’s for breakfast? 陕旅版四年级上册 New words 早 餐 We have breakfast at seven. 午 餐 We have lunch at twelve. 米 饭 I like rice very much. 面 条 I have noodles for breakfast. 汤 The soup is nice. 饺 子 We have dumplings for dinner. 肉;肉类 I like to eat meat. 鸡 肉 I want to eat some chicken. New words Draw your likes , or dislike milk egg apple banana ice-cream fish bread cookie cake grape orange tea candy vegetable pear juice Do you like apples? Yes, I do. Play roles apple banana Do you like bananas? No, I don’t. Do you like ice-cream? Yes, I do. Do you like fish? No, I don’t. ice-cream fish Think and mark I have I have I have I have milk and bread for breakfast. Play roles I have meat and vegetables for lunch. I have rice and fish for dinner. Let’s learn breakfast lunch rice noodles soup dumplings meat chicken Let’s talk Good morning, Mom and Dad! What’s for breakfast? We have eggs, bread and milk. Great! Thank you, Mom Hi, Mom! What’s for lunch? Look! We have rice, chicken, vegetables and soup. Very good! Play roles with your partner Language points 1. What's for breakfast? 早餐吃什么? 这是一个询问一日三餐吃什么的特殊 疑问句。 其句型结构为:“What's for +三餐 名词(breakfast/lunch/dinner)?”。 询问一日三餐吃什么还可用: What do/does sb. have for +三餐名称? 你早餐吃什么? What's for breakfast? What do you have for breakfast? 2. We have rice, chicken, vegetables and soup. 我们吃米饭、鸡肉、蔬菜和喝汤。 英语中have的用法很灵活, 除了表示“有”的意思外, 还可表示“吃”或“喝”等。 我们吃米饭。他们吃面条。 We have rice. They have noodles. 3. Great!太棒了! “Great!”是“That's great!”的 简略说法,表示赞同别人的观点、意见。 表示赞同别人的观点、意见时,除了 用本课学习的“Great!”和“Very good!” 外,还可以用”Excellent!” “Wonderful!” “Cool!”等等。 Exercise 一、看图,将下列单词补充完整。 1. br ___ kfast 2. s ___ p 3. ch ___ ken 4. m ___ t 5. v __ g __ table ea ou ic ea e e Unit 3 What’s for breakfast? 陕旅版四年级上册 New words 阿 姨 This woman is my aunt. 欢 迎 Welcome to our school. 晚 餐 We have rice, fish, vegetables for dinner. 准备好的 Dinner is ready. New words Let’s learn more Hello, Aunt Li. Hi, Kitty. Welcome! Dinner is ready! Mom, what’s for dinner? We have dumplings. Great! I like dumplings. Do you have dumplings at home, Kitty? No, we don’t. we have bread, fish, meat, chicken and vegetables. Do you have noodles? Very little. Language points 1.Hello, Aunt Li. 您好,李阿姨。 中西方国家在称呼上有所差异,西方国 家在称呼上与我们的表达方式相反。 Uncle Wang王叔叔 Mother Goat羊妈妈 2.Dinner is ready. 晚餐准备好了。 be ready 表示“……准备好了”。be 动词要随主语人称的变化选择不同形式。 第一人称用am, 第二人称和复数用 are, 第三人称单数用is。 我准备好了。 I am ready. be ready to do sth.意为“准备好做某事”。 我准备好出门了。 I am ready to go out. 3.Do you have dumplings at home, Kitty? 凯蒂,你们在家吃饺子吗? 一般疑问句“Do you have...?”用来 询问“你(们)吃……吗?”have在此 表示“吃”而不是“有”。 肯定答语:Yes, I / We do. 否定答语:No, I / We don't. Play a game Look! What’s for dinner?I have chicken and soup. Play roles Look! What’s for dinner?I have soup and dumplings. Look! What’s for dinner?I have chicken and fish. Think, match and talk Do you have...for..., Wu Chen? Yes. I like...very much./Very little. Play roles Do you have chicken for lunch, Wu Chen? Yes, I like chicken very much. Do you have dumplings for dinner, Wu Chen? Very little. Let’s chant What's for breakfast? Milk and bread. Milk and bread. Milk and bread. No. No. No. Let's have porridge and eggs instead. What's for lunch? Fish and chicken. Fish and chicken. Fish and chicken. No. No. No. Let's have rice and vegetables instead. What's for dinner? Noodles and dumplings. Noodles and dumplings. Noodles and dumplings. That's OK. OK. OK. Exercise 一、单项选择。 ( )1. Dinner ____ ready. A. is B. are C. be ( )2. _____ for lunch? A. What B. What's C. what's ( )3. _____ you, Mom. A. Thanks B. Thank you C. Thank A B C 二、连词成句。 1. is What for breakfast (?) _____________________________ 2. likes She noodles (.) _____________________________ 3. has She soup supper for (.) _____________________________ 4. don't We have bread (.) _____________________________ What is for breakfast? She likes noodles. She has soup for supper. We don’t have bread. Unit 3 What’s for breakfast? 陕旅版四年级上册 Review 三餐类 食物类 早餐 中餐 晚餐 breakfast lunch dinner rice noodles dumplings soup meat chicken 米饭 面条 饺子 汤 肉类;肉 鸡肉 询问一日三餐吃什么的特殊疑问句及答语 1. — What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? — I / We have ... — We / I have ... 2. — What do we/you have for breakfast/ lunch / dinner? 询问他人吃什么的一般疑问句及答语 — Do you have ... — Yes, I / We do. — No, I / We don't. Listen and circle Boy: What do you have for dinner? Girl: I have some dumplings and a banana. What about you? Boy: I have some rice, meat, some vegetables and an apple. 听力原文 Ask and answer A: What do we / you have for ...? B: We / I have ... A: What does he / she have for ...? B: He / She has ... What do we have for lunch? We have rice, fish, and vegetables. Play roles What does Alice have for dinner? She has rice and vegetables. Read and match A: What's for lunch? B: The driver has rice, meat and vegetables. The policeman has bread and eggs. The nurse has dumplings. The worker has noodles and vegetables. Complete and act A:What's for breakfast? B:We have milk, _______ and ______. A:What's for lunch? B: We have __________, __________, meat, vegetables, ________ and soup. A:What's for dinner? B: We have meat, vegetables, ___________ and ________. bread eggs chicken fish rice dumplings noodles Exercise 一、选出不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. breakfast B. lunch C. bread ( )2. A. rice B. bread C. apple ( )3. A. soup B. fish C. chicken ( )4. A. milk B. dumplings C. noodles ( )5. A. banana B. pear C. egg C C A A C 二、单项选择。 ( )1. What's ____ lunch? A. for B. of C. at ( )2. ____ she like eggs? A. Do B. Don't C. Does ( )3. —Do you have dumplings for dinner? —_______ A. Yes, we do B. Yes, we don't C. No, we do A C A

