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人教版四年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 得 分 评卷人 一.给单词选择正确的字母组合。20 分 ( )1.fri__d A. in B. on C.en ( )2.sist__ A. in B. on C.er ( )3.doct __ A. or B. on C.er ( )4.gra__ A. de B. od C.do ( )5.s__en A. in B. ev C.er ( )6.fift__n A. ee B. oo C.er ( )7.wat__melon A. in B. on C.er ( )8.to__to A. mo B. ta C.ma ( )9.car__t A. ro B. rn C.rr ( )10.Chi__ A. ne B. na C.no 得 分 评卷人 二、单项选择:(20 分) ( )1.What’s this? It’s ____ apple. A . an B. a C .the ( )2.Where are you_____? A .in B .from C .of ( )3.This ____ my new friend. A .is B . am C. are ( )4.What’s this_____ English? A. on B. in C. of ( )5.Do you like___? A.tomatoes B. tomato C. tomatos ( )6.What’s the ___ ? It’s 7:20. A.time B. number C.weather ( )7.What’s eight and nine? A. eighteen B. seventeen C.sixteen ( )8. ___ this boy ? He’s my brother . A. What’s B. Who’s C.Where’s ( )9.What ___ your mother do? A. does B. do C.is ( )10.Which class are you ___? A. in B. on C.at 得 分 评卷人 三、找出不同类的单词:(20 分) ( )1. A. China B. America C.Sunday ( )2. A. nine B. nurse C.teacher ( )3.A. apple B. brother C.lemon ( )4.A.potato B. cucumber C.banana ( )5.A. seven B. pear C.thirteen ( )6.A. pineapple B. orange C. doctor ( )7.A. boy B. driver C. girl ( )8.A.nurse B. farmer C.number ( )9.A. class B. Canada C. Singapore ( )10.A.brother B.sister C.doctor 得 分 评卷人 四、给下列问句选择正确的答语。10 分 ( )1.What’s that? A. It’s 7:10. ( )2.Do you like bananas ? B. It’s a green pepper. ( )3.What does your father do? C. Yes, I do. ( )4.Is he a driver? D. He is a doctor. ( )5.What’s the time? E. No, he is a teacher. 得 分 评卷人 五.情景选择。10 分 ( )1.你想知道对方来自哪里,应该问: A. Where are you from? B. What do you do? ( )2.你想告诉别人你的号码是十二号,应该说: A.I’m number eleven. B.I’m number twelve. ( )3.你想知道对方是否喜欢橘子,应该问: A. Do you like bananas? B. Do you like oranges? ( )4.你想知道那个女孩是谁,应该问: A. Who’s that girl? B. Who’s that boy? ( )5.你想问对方十加十等于几,应该问: A. What’s ten and ten? B. What’s five and five? 得 分 评卷人 六.选择正确的译文。10 分 ( )1.Let’s play a chain game . A. 让我们玩个接龙游戏。 B. 让我们玩个猜谜游戏。 ( )2.Do you like green pepper? A. 你喜欢茄子吗? B. 你喜欢青椒吗 ? ( )3.What’s this in English ? A. 那个用英语怎么说? B. 这个用英语怎么说? ( )4.This is my new friend. A.这是我的朋友 。 B. 这是我的新朋友。 ( )5.Have some milk. A.喝些牛奶吧。 B.拿些牛奶吧。 得 分 评卷人 七.连词成句。10 分 1.am from I Singapore 2. in what’s that English? 3.my is this father 4.your mother do what does? 5.number is your what ?

