【教学设计】Unit 3 Lesson 18(冀教版)

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【教学设计】Unit 3 Lesson 18(冀教版)

Unit 3 Feelings and Body Lesson 18‎ Look at Me!‎ ‎【教学目标】‎ ‎【知识目标】‎ 通过本课的学习,使学生掌握(说、认识、口头运用)单词hair及相关的描述头发的词汇long, short, straight, curled, blond等。‎ ‎【能力目标】‎ 通过本课的学习,使学生能正确表述头发的颜色、曲直、长短。‎ ‎【情感目标】‎ 同学们通过这节课的学习,激发对英语学习的兴趣提高在日常生活中用英语交际与表达的热情,学会展示、描述自己与他人,帮助学生更加积极开朗地社交。‎ ‎【教学重难点】‎ 重点:‎ 使学生掌握hair, long, short, straight, curly, blond, big, little等词汇,描述头发的颜色、卷直以及长短。‎ 难点:‎ 在掌握本课基本表达的基础上,在日常生活和口语练习中,灵活运用各种形容词副词,提升英语运用能力。‎ ‎【课前准备】‎ Tape recorder, cards.‎ ‎【教学过程】‎ Step 1:Start with an English song Follow the teacher, let’s sing “Head Shoulders Knee Toes” together.‎ And review some words. For example: head, ear, nose, toe, hair, stomach.‎ Step 2: Let’s learn more about hair ‎1. Teacher use cards to show students different kinds hair: long, short, curly, straight.‎ ‎2. This time let students paint red, green, yellow, red, black hair and read it by themselves. Then say it in English.‎ Step 3: Try to practice Make sentences using new words:‎ ‎1. --My hair is red. What color is your hair?‎ ‎--My hair is black.‎ ‎2. --I have straight hair and it’s blue.‎ ‎ --Wow, that’s cool! Look at me, my eyes are black.‎ ‎3. --I have ten fingers.‎ ‎ --I have ten fingers, too. And I have two hands.‎ ‎ --Look! My hands are green!‎ Step 4: Make long conversation in pairs ‎1. --Hello, my name is Mary. What’s your name?‎ ‎ --My name is Danny. Oh, your hair is red.‎ ‎ --Yes, my hair is red. What color is your hair?‎ ‎ --My hair is black. I have three hairs.‎ ‎ --Wow, that’s cool! My hair is straight.‎ ‎2. --Look at me, I have one nose and two ears.‎ ‎--Me too. I have two legs.‎ ‎--I have two eyes.‎ Step 5: More knowledge of adj. words Help students use adj. words in different situations.‎ For example: --What’s this?‎ ‎ --It’s a long leg.‎ ‎ --Is this a big letter?‎ ‎ --No, it is a little letter.‎ Step 6: In a word Review today’s new words and sentences.‎ Words:hair, long, short, curly, straight, red, black, blue Sentences: What color is your hair?‎ ‎ My hair is black.‎ Step 7: Homework 画一画你及你家人的头(头发),将学习的新单词在图上标出,并用英文给自己的家人描述一下。‎ 试着用本课所学的形容词描述一下身体的其他部位,如:My legs are long. 造出五个句子写在作业本上。‎ 

