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1 四年级英语上册期末测试卷 2 班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、Read and choose.找出不同类的单词(共 10 题;共 20 分) 1.选出不同类的单词( ) A. read B. red C. draw D. dance 2.选出不同类的单词( ) A. chair B. door C. floor D. six 3.选出不同类的单词( ) A. gym B. classroom C. playground D. curtains 4.选出不同类的单词( ) A. thirteen B. forty C. Sunday D. seven 5.选出不同类的单词( ) A. triangle B. circle C. rectangle D. monkeys 6.选出不同类的单词( ) A. brother B. mouth C. face D. arms 7.选出不同类的单词( ) A. cold B. spring C. winter D. summer 8.选出不同类的单词( ) A. December B. remember C. June D. July 9.选出不同类的单词( ) A. schoolbag B. jeans C. socks D. sweater 10.选出不同类的单词( ) A. Monday B. Thursday C. birthday D. Friday 2 二、Think and find.(共 1 题;共 5 分) 11.根据字母提示猜出小朋友们最喜欢什么。 三、Read and choose.选择填空。(共 10 题;共 20 分) 12.I have some milk and bread _______ breakfast. A. on B. in C. for 13.Ben's favourite food is _______. A. green B. dog C. chicken 14.—_______ are you from? —Britain. A. When B. What C. Where 15.Mother's Day is in _______. A. February B. January C. May 16.—_______ is Toby's birthday? —It's in December. A. Which B. When C. Why 17.—Are there _______ rulers in your pencil case? —Yes, there are. A. any B. one C. some 18.It's very hot in summer. I can _______. A. sing B. swim C. ski 3 19.—How many lines does a _______ have? —Three. A. triangle B. square C. rectangle 20.Bob likes sports. He can _______. A. play the piano B. read books C. play football 21.—What's seven and four? —It's _______. A. six B. twelve C. eleven 四、Read and write.(共 1 题;共 6 分) 22.读一读,请选用下列单词完成句子,注意押韵。 egg skirt rock cake frog street cow eleven 例: Step your feet. Through the street. (1)I have got a dog. It jumps like a ________. (2)Tum off the alarm clock. Let's do a crazy ________. (3)Shake your left leg. Break a big ________. (4)Look, there is a snake. It's eating the sweet ________. (5)Take off your shirt. Put on your ________. (6)I am Steven. I am ________. 五、Read and write.读一读,选择相应的物品及价格,填在横线上。(共 1 题;共 1 分) 23.请你根据提示帮助 Mark 挑选给妈的生日礼物,完成购物单。 Today is Mike's mum's birthday. Mike has got hundred yuan. He wants to buy some presents for his mum. His mum likes music(音乐) and books. Her favourtie foot is chocolate. Her favourite colour is blue. She hates pink. Things to buy______ Price(价格)________ 4 六、Read and choose 阅读短文,选择适当的选项。(共 1 题;共 10 分) 24.阅读理解 Nick is a careless(粗心的) boy. His room is often a mess(一团糟). Look! His blue jeans are on the desk. His white shoes are on the chair. His football is on his bed! Where are his red socks? They're in his black schoolbag on the floor. There is a mouse behind the door. It's eating some bread left(留 下)by Nick. His mother is angry with him. She asks(要求)him to clean the room himself. (1)Nick's schoolbag is _______. A.blue B.white C.black (2)Nick's shoes are on the _______. A.desk B.chair C.bed (3)Nick's _______ in the schoolbag. A.jeans B.books C.socks (4)Nick's mother is _______. A.angry B.happy C.sad (5)There is a _______ behind the door. A.dog B.cat C.mouse 七、Read and answer(共 1 题;共 30 分) 25.阅读对话回答下列问题。 The new bow and arrow Mike: look, I have got a new bow and arrow. Emma and Pat: Wow! Super! Let's go to the park! Mike: OK! Let's go! Let's shoot. Girls first. Emma: Your turn Mike. Tom: You are the winner. Mike. Mike: I dare you to shoot the duck. Tom: No, never. We must love animals! Emma and Pat: Thanks. You are right. Animals are our friends. (1)How many children are there in the dialogue? (2)Who has got a new bow and arrow? (3)Is the bow super? (4)Where are they going to go? (5)Does Tom shoot the duck? (6)Why doesn't Tom shoot? 5 八、IQ test.智力测试。(共 6 题;共 14 分) 26.The map of China looks like a_______. A. sea horse B. rooster 雄鸡 C. bull 公牛 27.Mo Yan is from _______. A. Japan B. Britain C. China 28.Saying Good bye to Cambridge Again 再别康桥一一 by _______ A. Ying Taozi B. Xu Zhimo C. Shakespeare(莎士比亚) 29.Yellow Crane Tower in _______. A. Wuhan B. Hunan C. Jiangxi 30.Who is your school head teacher? 31.Let's live in peace(和平) and help each other. 中文________

