冀教三年级上册UNITLesson Are You Okay篇

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冀教三年级上册UNITLesson Are You Okay篇

冀教版(一起)三年级英语上册教案 Unit 3 Favourite foods of Jenny’s family Lesson 23 Letters make sounds 教学目标 ‎(一)知识 ‎1.复习所学的字母q r s t v w x y z ‎2.掌握这些字母在部分单词中的发音。‎ ‎(二)能力 能够运用所学字母及单词的发音找出其发音规律。‎ ‎(三)情感 提高学生对英语语言的音韵感知,激发学生学习的兴趣。‎ Advance preparation Prepare for today’s lesson by displaying the letters q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y and z either on the blackboard or on a large chart.‎ GREETING Give the standard greeting to welcome students to English class.‎ Draw the class’s attention to your display of letters (which you have created in advance). Can any of the students guess what today’s lesson is about?‎ LET’S LOOK AT OUR BOOKS Give the standard command for students to take out their student books.‎ ‎1. Listen to these letter sounds.‎ Have the students look at page 46. Can anyone tell you what these words are? Does anybody know what is the same about the words in each row? (They begin with the same letter and the same sound--with the exception of the letter x.) Help the students to realize that the letter shown at the start of each row makes the same sound in different words.‎ Give the “listen” command. The audiotape will repeat each line. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time. The audiotape says:‎ Q, queen.‎ Q, queen.‎ R, rice, rose.‎ R, rice, rose.‎ S, soup, socks.‎ S, soup, socks.‎ T, tea, toy.‎ T, tea, toy.‎ V, vegetables.‎ V, vegetables.‎ W, water, window.‎ W, water, window.‎ X, x-ray, box.‎ X, x-ray, box Y, yellow, you.‎ Y, yellow, you.‎ Z, zoo, zebra.‎ Z, zoo, zebra.‎ Using your letter Chart, review the letters and the letter-sounds with the students.‎ Write the letters s and x and the words socks and box on the blackboard. Who can tell you how these words are different from the other listed words? (In box, the featured letter appears at the end of the word, although socks has s as both its initial and final letter.) How are these two words the same? (They sound the same; they rhyme.) Point out that it takes three letters together (c-k-s) to make the same sound as x: socks., box.‎ Note that students do not need to memorize this information.‎ The students may notice that x has a different sound at the beginning of a word such as x-ray than it does at the end of a word like box.‎ TEACHING TIP Learning letter-sounds Sounds that are difficult for Chinese speakers include: the letters v, w, x and z Isolated practice and drills will provide some help in learning these sounds, but exposure to the spoken and written language in context is even more effective. Although a student may transpose one sound for another in an isolated word, he will usually not make the same mistake wheri the word is in context.‎ Children can be taught to hear the difference between -sounds like / f / and / v / by feeling the vibrations in their throat or by covering their ears when they say the two sounds.‎ ‎2. Let’s chant.‎ Chant: “Salt and Pepper Shake”‎ Today’s chant is an action song that reinforces vocabulary. Tell the students they will learn a new chant. Go over the words to the song before you play it on the audiotape. Give the class a rough translation of the lyrics. Model the actions for the students so they know what to do as they sing along with the audiotape. For “salt and pepper,” pretend to shake salt and pepper from shakers using alternate hands.‎ The class will listen to the audiotape to learn the chant. First, the students should just listen to the audiotape and do the actions for each line. The second time the chant plays, they should sing along. The audiotape says:‎ Salt and pepper, [Mime using shakers.]‎ Rice and soup, [Mime eating.]‎ Put your fingers on your foot. [Touch your toes.]‎ Salt and pepper, [Mime using shakers.]‎ Water and tea, [Mime drinking.]‎ Put your fingers on your knee. [Touch your knees.]‎ The audiotape repeats the chant. Play it again, and ask the students to chant along this time as they do the actions.‎ ‎3. Read and match.‎ Students read the list of words and match each one with the appropriate picture. Allow students time to work on their own, then take a few minutes to review the correct answers as a class.‎ LET’S DO SOME EXERCISES Give the standard command for students to take out their activity books.‎ PAGE 50. Talk and write. Write the first letter. Working as a class, say the word aloud and have the students repeat it together. Then, working individually, the students add the missing first letter to the words.‎ PAGE 51. Listen and talk. Write the letters. The students listen to the audiotape to determine the answer. For each of the numbered blanks, the audiotape says two words, both beginning with the same letter. The students write that letter in the blank beside the number. The audiotape says:‎ One. Queen. Queen.‎ Two. Rice. Ruler.‎ Three. Soup. Six.‎ Four. Leg. Like.‎ Five. Vegetables. Vegetables.‎ Six. Kite. Kitchen.‎ Seven. Zoo. Zebra.‎ Eight. Tea. Ten.‎ Nine. Yes. Young.‎ Ten. Juice. Jenny.‎ Eleven. Bed. Boy.‎ Twelve. Pen. Pop.‎ Thirteen. Work. Water.‎ Fourteen. X-ray. X-ray.‎ Fifteen. Cold. Car.‎ Sixteen. Desk. Door.‎ Seventeen. No. Nine.‎ Eighteen. Girl. Go.‎ Nineteen. Milk. Meat.‎ Twenty. Fish. Five.‎ Twenty-one. Hot. Hat.‎ If you have time, check this activity as a class.‎ CLASS CLOSING End today’s class with a brief review of some vocabulary about drinking: thirsty, water, juice, tea, pop. Have the class say the words together, then have individual students number off by saying the words in order, from thirsty to pop, until all students have a word. Remind the students to remember their words. When today’s class is over, have the students stand by word. You might say “Now all students with the word water may stand,” and then move on to another word until all students are standing. Wave and say “Good-bye” to signal that class is over.‎ ‎(冀教版)三年级英语上册教案 unit3 Lesson23‎ Lesson23 Are You Okay?‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1、知识与技能:‎ 能理解并口头应答下列句子:‎ How are you? I feel sick. My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.‎ Are you okay?Yes/No.‎ What’s the matter? I cut/hurt my ____.‎ ‎2、情感与态度:‎ 鼓励学生在日常生活运用句式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;‎ 培养学生在学习中学会合作,学会关心他人。‎ ‎3、过程与方法:‎ 采用合作式、体验式的方法进行学习。‎ 教学重点:‎ 能够理解并口头应答下列句子:‎ How are you? I feel sick. My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.‎ Are you okay? Yes/No.‎ What’s the matter? I cut/hurt my ____.‎ 教学难点:‎ 能针对不同句式进行准确回答。‎ 德育渗透点:‎ 通过句式的学习,学会关心他人。‎ 教具:椅子、录音机、手偶、医用白大褂 教学过程:‎ 一、Greeting:‎ Hello,boys and girls.‎ How are you?‎ How do you feel?‎ 二、Sing an English song:‎ ‎<>‎ ‎(In order to review and make the atmosphere vivid.)‎ 三、Play games:‎ ‎1、SIMON SAYS How are you? I feel sick. My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.‎ Are you okay?Yes/No.‎ What’s the matter? I cut/hurt my ____.‎ ‎(Use this sentence to review the words about the body: Touch your ____.‎ ‎2、CHARADES Use this game in order to review the words about feelings:‎ sad,happy,tired,hot and cold.‎ 四、Mew concept:‎ How are you? I feel sick. My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.‎ ‎1、Teacher give a model to the students.‎ ‎2、Teacher make a dialogue:‎ 手偶:How are you,today?‎ 师:I feel sick.Sick.I am sick. Sick.(配合动作和表情)‎ ‎(LET students repeat“sick”several times.)‎ ‎3、Teacher show the body about oneself:‎ My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache (ear, head ,stomach) ‎ Teacher can touch the head and say:My head hurts./I have a headache.‎ ‎(Show the sentences and words,then let the students repeat.) ‎ ‎4、Explain “ache”always means 阵痛,especially about ears,head and stomach。Tell the students we can also use “hurts”means 任何疼痛。‎ 五、New concept:‎ Are you okay?Do you feel sick?‎ What’s the matter? I cut/hurt my ____.‎ ‎1、Give a model(make a dialogue)‎ 师:How do you feel? Do you feel sick?‎ 手偶:My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache./I cut my ____.‎ ‎2、Teach the students how to use the sentences:‎ Use “How do you feel?” or “Are you okay?”to ask somebody’s health, to care about someone.To care about the others is a kind of verture we should have. ‎ Explain the word“cut”用来描述任何如小刀之类锋利东西的动作。‎ Explain the sentence “What’s the matter?”一般是护士或医生询问病情时的句子。‎ Show the word “nurse”,know and read。‎ ‎3、Learn how to say the sentences,and make dialogues with teacher.‎ ‎4、Look at the book,listen to the tape and follow.‎ ‎5、Make the dialogue in groups.‎ Design the background and situations,make a dialogue about ‎ someone hurts or someone feels sick.‎ ‎6、Show dialogue in groups.‎ 六、Homework:Finish《Activity Book》L23:N1-3‎ 板书: ‎ Lesson23: Are You Okay?‎ How do you feel? I feel sick.My _____hurts.‎ How are you? I am(I’m)____.‎ I feel sick. I have a ____ache.‎ Are you okay?Yes/No.‎ What’s the matter? I cut /hurt my ____.‎

