外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Unit 1 It smells delicious!

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外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Unit 1 It smells delicious!

Unit 1 It smells delicious! eyes hands ears mouth nose body 学科网 § We use our ……… to look. § We use our ……… to taste. § We use our ……… to smell. § We use our ……… to sound. § We use our ……… to feel. What do you use them to do? eyes mouth nose ears body Z.x.x. K --How does the baby look? --He looks_______.lovely Look and say --How does the man look? --He looks ________.strong How do the onions smell? They smell ______ .strong (味道)浓的 adj. He looks ______. (身体)强壮的 adj. strong How does the flower smell? It smells _______.sweet It tastes _________.sour How does lemon taste? The bed feels ______.soft How does the bed feel ? How does the music sound? It sounds ___________. beautiful z.xx.k It sounds beautiful. They taste sour. That smells sweet. It feels soft. look看起来 sound听起来 taste尝起来 smell闻起来 feel摸起来 + 形 容 词 He looks strong. 感官系动词 + 形容词 感官系动词 A:How does it … ? B:It…. smell feel taste sound look sweet beautiful sour soft quiet Read the words three times. Look at the four pictures ,listen to four dialogues and number the pictures. 1 2 1 3 4 feel look smell soft sour strong sweet taste a b c d ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2.Listen again and complete the sentences. Write them in your paper. (你可能用到第三人称单数形式“s”) 1.The cookie ______________. 2.The milk _________________. 3.This bed _______a bit____________. 4. Tom _________very_____________. tastes sweet smells sour feels looks Read the four sentences. soft strong Make up your own dialogue. (2’ ) 2分/人 A: How does the pizza look? B: It looks lovely. How does ……? C: It … …How does … …? D: It… …. How does … …? A: It… … pizza look nice cheese smell strong cookie taste sweet apple pie smell delicious sweater feel soft Listen to the whole dialogue and check (√) what Betty is making. a b c d e √ √ √ √ ______a bit sour Chocolate cookies Pizza Cheese Apple pie ______delicious _____good ______nice ______lovely ______too strong ______sweet ______soft ______fresh Listen and match the food with adjectives. tastes smells tastes looks looks smells taste feel doesn’t smell Then fill in the blacks with :smell, feel, look sound, taste. 1. I’m afraid I don’t like cheese. 恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。 be afraid 后面接that 引导的宾语从句,也 可省去that,意为“恐怕••••••” 表示遗憾、惋惜或因不愿意做某事儿有意让 口气显得缓和。 * 我恐怕他不能来了。___________________。 * 我恐怕我不能帮你。_____________________________ 。 I’m afraid that he can’t come I’m afraid I can’t help you 2. It doesn’t smell fresh . 感官系动词 + 形容词 注意:这类系动词与系动词be不同,其否定形式和 疑问形式的构成借助助动词do,does等。 小练兵: 1. It smells delicious.( 变否定句) ________________________________________ 2. It tastes sweet. (变一般疑问句) ________________________________________________________ 3.You look busy.( 变否定句) ________________________________________________________ . 1.Read the dialogue once alone and find out the words that you can’t read. 2.Watch the video and follow it. VIDEO 0903 87654321520 04 98765432103 9876543210987654321021 987654321098765432100 Minutes Seconds 0902 87654321510 04 98765432103 9876543210987654321021 987654321098765432100 Minutes Seconds 0901 87654321500 04 98765432103 9876543210987654321021 987654321098765432100 Minutes Seconds z.xx.k (1) Read the dialogue in roles. (1分/人) (2) Act out the dialogue in groups.(2分/人) 1.Complete Activity 4 and Activity 5. (All) 2. Recite the dialogue. (Optional)

