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Review of Unit 7 R·八年级下册 n. 平方;正方形 n. 米;公尺 adj. 深的;纵深的 n. 沙漠 n. 人口;人口数量 n. 亚洲 square meter deep desert population Asia n. & v. 旅行;旅游 n. 旅行者;观光者 n. 墙 adj. 古代的;古老的 v. 保护;防护 adj. 宽的;宽阔的 tour tourist wall ancient protect wide n. 成就;成绩 adj. 厚的;浓的 v. 包括;包含 n. 条件;状况 v. 实现目标;成功 v. 达到;完成;成功 achievement thick include condition succeed achieve n. 力;力量 n. 自然界;大自然 n. 大海;海洋 v. 重量是……;称……的重量 n. 出生;诞生 adj. 成年的;成人的 n. 成人;成年动物 force nature ocean weigh birth adult n. 竹子 n. & v. 研究;调查 n. 饲养员;保管人 adj. 醒着 n. 激动;兴奋 bamboo research keeper awake excitement n. 疾病;病 adj. 野生的 n. 政府;内阁 n. 油;食用油;石油 n. 保护;保卫 adj. 巨大的;极多的 illness wild government oil protection huge in size feel free as far as I know mountain climbing take in risk one’s life 1. 在尺寸上;在大小上 2. (可以)随便(做某事) 3. 就我所知 4. 登山 5. 吸入;吞入(体内) 6. 冒着……的生命危险 challenge oneself in the face of even though (=even if) in danger at birth up to 7. 挑战自己 8. 面对(问题、困难等) 9. 即使;虽然 10. 处于危险之中 11. 出生时 12. 到达(某数量、程度等); 至多有;不多于 prepare for run over walk into fall over take care of 13. 为……作准备 14. 跑上前去 15. 走路时撞着 16. 绊倒 17. 照顾 die from cut down or so the importance of 18. 死于,因……而死亡 19. 砍伐 20. 大约 21.……的重要性 1. Our work also ___________ (包括) cleaning the rooms. 2. Look at the _____ (厚的) clouds. It’s going to rain. 3. I couldn’t work under these ___________ (条件) any longer. 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 includes thick conditions 即时演练 4. I’m sure that you’ll _______ (实现) your dream. 5. The Pacific _________ (海洋) is the biggest one on the earth. 6. In the past, there were a lot of _________ (竹子) forests in China. achieve Ocean bamboo 7. Our ______________ (政府) is trying to save endangered animals. 8. We should protect the _____ (野生的) animals. 9. They did some ________ (研究) on the animals protection. government wild research 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. China is an important country in _____ (Asian). 2. There are so many ________ (tourist) that we can hardly find a place to take photos. Asia tourists 3. —How _____ (wide) is the river in front of your house? —About 30 meters. 4. This river is about 6,300 _______ (meter) long. 5. It’s one of the ________ (deep) lakes in China. wide meters deepest 6. Don’t be self-satisfied (自满的) because of a few _____________ (achieve). 7. The climbers ___________ (success) in reaching the top of the mountain in the end. achievement succeeded 8. On weekends, more and more people go to the forest to enjoy themselves in the _________ (nature) world. 9. You should drive more carefully in ________ (freeze) weather. 10. Kunming is in the ____________ (southwest) part of China. natural freezing southwestern 三、单项选择。 1. We should challenge ourselves ______. A. in face of difficulty B. at face of difficulty C. in the face of difficulties D. at the face of difficulties 2. ______ all of the photos are excellent, we can’t give prizes to everyone. A. As soon as B. Unless C. If D. Even though 3. Trees used to be ______ for cooking by the villagers in the 1970s. A. cut up B. cut down C. cut off 4. When my cat saw me, it ______ me happily. A. ran over B. got over C. ran over to D. came up with 5. The keeper takes care ______ 10 animals ______. A. for; or so B. for; about C. of; or so D. from; about 形容词和副词的比较级、最高级 定义: 比较级:表示“较……”或“更……一些” 最高级:表示“最……” 用法: 比较级:表示两者(人或物)的比较 最高级:表示三者或三者以上(人或物) 的比较 1. 原级前可以用very, quite, rather, too, so, pretty 等修饰。 翻译:这个故事很有趣。 The story is very interesting. 2. 比较级前可以用much, a little, a bit, even等修饰。 翻译:这双鞋子对我来说有点儿大。 The shoes are a little bigger for me. 比较级的特殊句型 比较级+and+比较级(越来越……) 翻译:他学习越来越努力了。 He studies harder and harder. the +比较级, the+比较级(越……,就越……) 翻译:我们读书越多,知道得就越多。 The more we read, the more we know. the+比较级+of the two(两者之中较……的一个) 翻译:她在(她们)两个女孩中是骑得较快的一个。 She rides the faster of the two girls. 最高级的特殊句型 one of + the + 最高级 + 名词复数(最……之一) 翻译:北京是世界上最大的城市之一。 Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world. the+序数词+最高级(第几最…… ) 翻译:黄河是中国第二长河。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 比较级+than+any other+单数名词 (比其他任何一个……更…… ) 翻译:他跑得比班里其他任何一个学生都快。 He runs faster than any other student in his class. 即时演练 1. ______ you practice, ______ you will be at math. A. The more; the better B. The more; the best C. The most; the better D. The most; the best 一、单项选择。 2. —I talked with my little uncle on the computer last night. —The Internet makes the world ______. A. small and small B. smaller and smaller C. small and smaller D. smaller and small 3. My math teacher lives an active life. She looks as ______ as she was ten years ago. A. young B. younger C. the youngest D. youngest 4. —Do you know that China is one of ______ countries in the world? —Yes, I do. It’s ______ older than America. A. the oldest; very B. old; very C. the oldest; much D. oldest; much 5. — It is reported that Friday will be ______ of the week. — OK, I will take some warm clothes with me. A. cold B. colder C. coldest D. the coldest 1. Tom is one of the ________________ (popular) students in the class. 2. Which animal is ________ (strong), the horse or the cow? 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 most popular stronger 3. This river isn’t ________ (deep) than that one, so we can walk across it. 4. Of the three cities, Shanghai has ____________ (large) population. 5. The more he eats, the _______ (fat) he will be. deeper the largest fatter 当堂训练 1. Wild animals which are now in danger need our ___________ (protect). 2. Never give up! Pain always comes with _____________ (achieve). 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 protection achievement 3. He spent three days __________ (finish) the job. 4. To complete the work, he drank some coffee to keep himself _________ (wake). 5. I think Mr. Zhang is ____________ (strict) of all the teachers in our school. finishing awake the strictest 1. WeChat Pay(微信支付) makes our life convenient (方便的). We can buy things _______ we don’t take any cash. A. unless B. because C. even though D. so that 二、单项选择。 2. — Would you mind opening the window? I want to _______ some fresh air. — Of course not. A. take down B. take in C. look after D. look at 3. —What’s _______ river in the world? —The Nile. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 4. A healthy breakfast always _______ milk, eggs and bread. A. remains B. includes C. achieves D. leads 三、从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。 A. As a result, they have nowhere to live. B. They can live a comfortable life now. C. What do they love to eat? D. What do they look like? E. They are fat, but they look lovely. A: Can you tell me something about pandas? B: Of course. There are many pandas in my hometown. A: 1. _____ B: They like to eat bamboo. A: 2. _____ B: They have black and white fur. 3. _____ A: They are one of the endangered wild animals in the world, aren’t they? C D E

