外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese .

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外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese .

1 Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese . [‘nə:vəs] --How do you feel when you speak English? --I feel … .happy sorry sad shy afraid worried nervous angry excited stupid … do something wrong get a bad mark get a good mark proud [praʊd] [mɑ:k] 学科网 excited proud nervous sad shy sorry worried happy I feel _____ when I ___________. When do you feel ?Z.x.x. K Work in pairs and describe the girls. Use the words in the box. glasses, jeans, long, nervous, fair, pretty, proud, short, stranger, tall, young What does she look like? What is she like? Can you guess? She is tall, with short fair hair. She is wearing glasses and jeans. She is carrying a warm coat and a suitcase. Maybe she is very kind and open. a) What are your hobbies? b) How do you feel about coming to China? c) What do you look like? 1 2 3 4 1. Who wrote the email? 2. Where will Sally go? Sally wrote the email. She will go to China. Para 2: Complete the table. What does Sally look like? Name Sally Height Hair Glasses Clothes quite tall short fair wears jeans and a T-shirt carries her warm coat 1.What are Sally’s hobbies? 2.Why is Sally proud of his brother? 3. Why does Sally sometimes feel sad? Read Para.3 and answer the following questions. Playing classical music , dance music , dancing and sports. Because he is in the school tennis team. Because sometimes she gets bad marks at school. a bit sad is with strangers doesn’t know how to do things in the right way feels nervous feels afraid Para4: Complete the table . feels excited When Sally… How does she feel leaves her parents for a few days feels shy speaks Chinese feels sorry travels by plane is coming to China I hope you will ________ me ____my photo when I arrive _________. I’m _____tall ____ short ____hair, and I wear_______. I’ll wear jeans and a T- shirt for the________ , but I’ll _____ carry my warm coat. I’ve got your photo – you look ____ pretty, so I’m sure we’ll find___________. know from quite glasses each other at the airport with fair journey also so Thanks _____ your _____ message, it was great ___ _____ ______you,and I ____ ______ to meet you. for last to hear from can’t wait Let’s complete. Thanks for _______(tell) me about your hobbies. You ______ just like me! I ______ a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at school, but I also like dance music– I love dancing! I enjoy sports ___ ____, __________ tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team—I’m _______ of him! He is _____ ___everything, but I’m not. Sometimes I get bad _______ at school, and I feel sad. I should work harder. telling sound spend as well especially proud Review Para. 3 good at marks z.xx.k Para1: Read Para. 1 loudly and find the phrases. 1.在文中找出get /receive a letter from的同 义短语:_______________ 2.翻译第一段中的第二句话。 hear from 收到你的来信真是太好了,我迫不及待 地想见到你。 Thanks for telling me about what you like doing. You asked me how I feel about coming to China. I’m afraid of flying. Thank you for ________(给)money to the poor children. I felt excited about ______(举行)a party in the open air. She is afraid of _________(说)to strangers. giving having speaking You asked me, “how do you feel about coming to China?” Well, I often feel _____sad at first when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and I’m quite ____when I’m with_________. I feel ________when I speak Chinese, but I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m always _______when I don’t know how to do things_______________, so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, and I’m _______of _______too. But I can’t tell you how _________I am about going to China! Review Para. 4 a bit shy strangers nervous sorry in the right way afraid flying excited Watch the video and follow it. VIDEO 1 Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese . [‘nə:vəs] 第二课时 【问题导学】 § 1.感谢(做)某事______________ § 2. 做某事太棒了_________________ § 3.收到某人的来信____________ § 4.迫不及待的想做某事_____________ § 5.到达____________ § 6.互相______________ § 7.某人花费时间做某事 ________________________________ § 8.为...感到骄傲________________ •Read the passage and find the following phrases: Thanks for sth./ doing sth. arrive at/ in , get to each other sb. spend time doing sth. be proud of It is great to do sth. hear from / get a letter from can't wait to do sth. § 9.几天后____________________ § 10.用正确的方法___________________ § 11.害怕做某事___________ § 12.对...感到激动兴奋的 _________________________ in a few days in the right way be afraid of doing be excited about be afraid to do Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. fair hobby mark message proud Jenny is my classmate. She is pretty and has ( 1) ________ hair. She always gets good (2) _______at school. She has lots of (3) __________ like playing the piano and swimming. She is also in the school tennis team. She is good at everything. One day she sent me a (4) _________. She asked me to help her with her English homework because I am good at English. She wanted my help ! I was (5) _______ of myself. fair marks hobbies message proud Please describe the person. He is an old man with short white hair. He wears glasses. And he looks very kind because he always smiles. He likes listening to the music. He feels happy when he listens to music. Appearance(外貌) hobbies feelings z.xx.k How to describe yourself to others? Thinking uwhat you look like… uWhat’ your hobbies… uhow you feel when … I have short, dark hair and … I like / enjoy … I feel … when I … Appearance(外貌) hobbies feelings feelings people hobby appearancejob clothing face hairheightsize age Describe people I’m quite tall with long dark hair. I have two small eyes and a small face. I don’t wear glasses. I like wearing T-shirt and jeans very much because I think they feel comfortable for me. I like watching movies and listening to English songs. And I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis and table tennis. I feel stupid when I make some mistakes. I feel nervous when I… Appearance(外貌) feelings hobbies How to describe ! -- When does he feel shy? ['streɪndʒə] n.陌生人 -- He feels shy when ____________________.he is with strangers. --When does your parent feel angry? --He/She feels angry when _______. Are you afraid of him? [ə’freɪd] What does he/she look like? tall, short, pretty, handsome, young, old, dark, fair--- She/He is----. She/He is wearing---. glasses, jeans, a skirt, a sweater, a red T-shirt- -- What is she/he like? She/He is ----. kind, friendly, careful, warm, quiet, noisy, happy, funny, shy---- I hope I can know your parents. What does he/she like? dancing, basketball, riding a bicycle --- Appearance(外貌) What does she/he look like? How to describe a person Personality(性格) What is he/she like? Hobby(爱好) What does he/she like? tall, short, pretty, glasses--- friendly, kind, funny--- dancing, reading, football--- z.xx.k Para3: Fill in the blanks. What are Sally’s hobbies? 1. I spend classical music. 2.But I also like —I love dancing! 3. I enjoy ___as well, especially . 4.Sally feels ________when she gets bad marks at school. Match the words with the questions. dark nice beautiful dark fair friendly glasses nice old pretty proud short shy tall young quiet What does he/she look like? What is he/she like? strict 完成句子: 1. 我们应该为我们的诺贝尔奖获得者感到 自豪。 We should _____________our Nobel prize winners. 2. 人生没有什么可怕的。 There's nothing to _____________in life. be proud of be afraid of 3. 你收到男孩的来信了吗? Did you ever _____________the boy? 4. 谢谢您在我需要的时候伸出援助之手。 ___________ holding my hand what I needed. 5. 对于马上要吃到的东西,我感到异常兴 奋。 I would ________________ the food I was going to have. hear from Thanks for be excited about z.xx.k

