人教版八年级下册Unit 5 基础题及答案

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人教版八年级下册Unit 5 基础题及答案

八年级下册 Unit 5 基础测试题及答案 1. I called you again at 7 but you didn’t answer,________. A. too B. also C. either D. neither 2. Many people in Taiwan are _______Cai yingwen’s authoritarian policies.(独裁政策) A. from B. on C. through D. against 3. What’s the date today? ---________. A. It’s June 23rd B. It’s Saturday C. It’s twenty-two D. It’s rainy 4. ______the storm broke many things apart, it brought neighbors closer together. A. Although B. Then C. But D. Because 5. She tried to understand the passage, but she was______at see.(不知所云) A. more B. much C. complete D. completely 6. All the Chinese people must work hard______China Dream. A. to realize B. realize C. realizing D. realized 7. Look! The fire is______. ----Let’s put more wood on it. A. dying down B. going off C. picking up D. cutting out 8. He went out______saying_______. A. With, anything B. without, anything C. picking up D. cutting out 9. After the heavy rain, the river______a lot. A. raised B. rose C. down D. up 10. He was______tired_____he could not go on walking. A. too,to B. such, that C. so,that D. too, that 11. The workers______the old park in order to build a new one. A. took up B. took down C. took off D. took out 12. I think you are _____clever_____Tom, But you didn’t do your best. A. so; than B. less; than C. so; as D. as;as 13. Neither he nor I was playing computer games at this time yesterday. We_____ trees in the neighborhood. A. were planting B. planted C. are planting D. plants 14. Jack fell asleep______he was having an English class. A. while B. before C. as soon as D. until 15. What______things can bring people______together? A. else; close B. else; closer C. other; close D. other; closer 16. There was no_______ in the old house. So I could see nothing. A. wind B. light C. wood D. cloud 17. Why did Jim sit in______when other students discussed the problem? Because he knew nothing about it. A. discussion B. trouble C. order D. silence 18. The rain beat________ the window heavily and the little girl was very afraid. A. from B. with C. through D. against 19. We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining_______. A. heavily B. strongly C. hardly D. nearly 20. More and more people______the importance of the eco-friendly lifestyle. A.miss B. promise C. realize D. suggest 21. My sister______her keys in the classroom. A. left B. looked C. forgot D. gave 22. _______I was talking on the telephone, David came in. A. Because B. While C. If D. Although 23. Let’s keep______hard until we succeed. A. to work B. work C. works D. working 24. The news on the radio_____that the strongest rainstorm may be in the area we live in. A. told B. reported C. knew D. spoke 25. He said he_____to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time. A.tries B. tried C. was trying D. will try 二.词汇填空 1. This was one of the worst________(rainstorm) in 2018. 2. Don’t get me so worried. Let me know the _______(true). 3. We can’t ___________(complete) understand the man’s words. 4. The__________(塔)stands more than ten meters tall. 5. He didn’t say any words and just sat there in _______(silent) 6. Could you please_______ _______the phone?(接一下) 7. Please pass me _______ _______ _______paper.(一张) 8. He is so ill that he doesn’t ________ ________eating anything.(不想) 9. The movie was so boring that I _______ _______half way through it.(睡着) 10. I didn’t mean it. I _______ ________ ________.(只是开开玩笑) 11. You need to take some _________(药)and have a rest at home. 12. What’s the _______(日期)today? You look happy. 13. With the development of society, people hardly use__________(火柴) 14. You should clean the ________(区域)around the table. 15. It’s __________(报道)that a big fire broke out in that city about two weeks ago. 16. Smoke was_________(rise) from the chimney. 17. In fact all the ________(feel) will come and go. 18. Look! The ______(fall) tree is lying on the road. 19. There are several_______(pupil) in the classroom. 20. After it snows in winter, the streets are _____(ice). 21. He fell down last month and h______ his legs. 22. I don’t know the new word. What does it m______? 23. We all know the i__________of learning a foreign language. 24. I cut_________(me) when I prepared for my dinner. 25. Don’t be ________(worry)about me. I will be well soon. 参考答案: 一.1-15CDAAD AABBC BDAAD 16-25BDDAC ABDBC 二.1.rainstorms 2. truth 3. completely 4. tower 5. silence 6. pick up 7. a piece of 8. feel like 9. fell asleep 10. was just/only kidding 11.medicine 12. date 13. matches 14. area 15. reported 16. rising 17. feelings 18. fallen 19. pupils 20. icy 21. hurt 22. mean 23. importance 24. myself 25. worried

