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Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip. (考试时间:90 分钟,满分:100 分) 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A B C ( )5. A B C Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )6. A. I’d like to book four tickets, please. B. Sure, what size do you want? C. How about this one? ( )7. A. I want to travel by bicycle. B. I am worried about the cost of our field trip. C. I’d like to watch Beijing Opera one day. ( )8. A. Don’t worry. B. That’s OK. C. No, thanks. ( )9. A. That’s OK. B. I’d love to. C. That’s a good idea. ( )10. A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. It’s an interesting place to go. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5 分) ( )11. How much does a room with a single bed cost? A. ¥220. B. ¥260. C. ¥180. ( )12. Where will they go for their spring field trip? A. Hospital. B. The Children’s Palace. C. The Summer Palace. ( )13. What will Kate do with her money? A. She will go on a trip. B. She will buy some books. C. She will buy a new T-shirt. ( )14. How is Li Ming going home today? A. On foot. B. By bicycle. C. By bus. ( )15. What’s the work of Betty’s group? A. To find out the cost by train. B. To find out the cost by bus. C. To find out the cost by ship. Ⅳ. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5 分) SCHOOL TRIP Day: Saturday Visit the film 16. Leave at: 17. Meet in: 18. Cost: 19. Bring a pencil and a 20. 第二部分 英语知识运用(55 分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. —What about going shopping together? —Sorry, I have a lot of homework ____. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did ( )2. It’s impossible for us ____ there on foot in two hours. A. to get B. get C. getting D. got ( )3. —Though Mike is ____ boy, he can say many words. —How clever! A. an-one-year-old B. a one-year-old C. an one-year old D. a one-year old ( )4. —What did the teacher say just now? —He asked them ____ the math problem. A. discussing B. discussed C. to discuss D. discuss ( )5. —I’ll go on a visit to Mount Huang. —____ A. Thank you. B. Have a good trip! C. Never mind. D. My pleasure. ( )6. I want ____ the answer to the problem. Could you help me? A. to come up with B. coming up with C. come up with D. came up with ( )7. The foreign visitors ____ watching Beijing Opera at Haidian Theater. A. looked forward to B. looking forward to C. look forward to D. will look forward to ( )8. There are so many bags. You can ____ any one. A. choose from B. pick from C. decide D. choose ( )9. —How much did your new car ____ you? —¥800 000. A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take ( )10. They will decide whether ____ the movie The Sound of Music at the cinema. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw Ⅱ.情景交际。(5 分) 根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。 A. I am Cheng Tao. B. Which kind do you want? C. Thank you. D. We want/are going to climb Mount Huang. E. And what about the price? F. I’d like to book seven tickets, please. G. What can I do for you? A: Hello, Beijing Railway Station. Can I help you? B: Yes, 11 A: OK. Where are you going? B: 12 So we’ll book the tickets to the nearest station on Friday evening. A: All right. The train starts at 10:00 p. m. and arrives at 11:00 a. m. at Mount Huang Railway Station, Anhui Province. B: That’s great. 13 A: We’ve got tickets at¥360 for the soft sleeper and¥240 for the hard sleeper. 14 B: I’d like to book seven tickets for the hard sleeper. A: OK. Seven hard sleeper tickets. Please pay for the tickets before 19:30. And could you tell me your name, please? B: 15 A: And your cellphone number? B: It’s 13563856358. Thanks. A: It’s my pleasure. 11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____ Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10 分) In many big cities, there are usually more than one underground line(地铁线). The fastest way 16 in a city is by subway. How to travel by subway? Do you know? Here is some information 17 before you travel by subway. First, you should 18 the right line. If you don’t, you will have to 19 and take another one. Second, you need some coins 20 your ticket, because 21 the machines which sell tickets only accept coins. Coins can be changed next to the ticket machines. Or you can go to the ticket office 22 some. 23 you have a prepaid card, you can just go ahead. After you have bought the 24 , you should wait for your subway outside the yellow line. You 25 walk too close to the yellow line. It’s dangerous. ( )16. A. traveling B. to travel C. traveled D. / ( )17. A. to know B. to find C. to see D. to take ( )18. A. plan B. draw C. discuss D. choose ( )19. A. get up B. go down C. get off D. get on ( )20. A. of B. to C. for D. in ( )21. A. most of B. some of C. one of D. a bit of ( )22. A. to buy B. to get C. to borrow D. to change ( )23. A. Where B. If C. What D. Why ( )24. A. coin B. train C. everything D. ticket ( )25. A. should B. needn’t C. must not D. must Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30 分) (A) Xiao Ming is a middle school student. He is a good boy, and he studies very hard. But his family is very poor, because his mother got ill a few years ago, and his father has no job. He makes money by carrying goods( 货 物 ) for other people. Life is very hard for them, and sometimes Xiao Ming can’t afford the school things. When his teacher knew this, she called on her students to raise money for him. She asked them to bring their saving-money to Xiao Ming and help him. All the students are kind and friendly. They are very glad to do it. Xiao Ming is so thankful that he studies harder than before. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )26. Xiao Ming is a good middle school girl. ( )27. His father lost his job. ( )28. His teacher called on his classmates to raise money for him. ( )29. He can afford the school things easily. ( )30. All of the students are very glad to help Xiao Ming. (B) Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. With a modern airliner(客机) you can travel in one day to places which needed a month or more to get to hundreds of years ago. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but you can see the places you are traveling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They even make the longest journey enjoyable(令人愉快的). Some people prefer to travel by sea. You can visit many other countries or different parts of your country. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday. Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop if there is something interesting, for example, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. That’s why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or a plane when they travel on business. ( )31. From the passage, we know the fastest way of traveling is ____. A. by train B. by sea C. by plane D. by car ( )32. If we travel by car, we can ____. A. make the longest journey enjoyable B. travel to a very far place in a few minutes C. make our own timetable D. visit many other countries ( )33. The underlined word “They”in the passage refers to(指的是) ____. A. modern trains in the country B. the comfortable seats and dining-cars C. the travelers on the modern trains D. the slower ways of traveling ( )34. When people travel on business, they usually take ____. A. a plane or a car B. a car or a boat C. a boat or a train D. a train or a plane ( )35. How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage? A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. D. Six. (C) Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step(脚步) after another finally brings a person to the top. Along the way, he can stop and look around. And the higher he climbs, the more wonderful his view is. If he keeps climbing, he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way to see everything. Now learning a foreign language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language can give you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface of things. It can open the way into people’s minds and hearts and into a culture that is very different from your own culture. This will make you richer, richer in things that money can’t buy. Even though you never set foot(踏上) on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair traveler through books. The mountain climber stops now and then to enjoy the scenery around him. Reading is just like this. If you are interested in it, you will find fun in books. 根据短文内容,回答问题。 36. Is climbing a mountain easy? ____________________________________________________________ 37. What will he have if he keeps climbing? ____________________________________________________________ 38. Can learning language open the way int o people’s minds and hearts? ____________________________________________________________ 39. How will learning language make you? ____________________________________________________________ 40. Where will you find fun if you are interested in reading? ____________________________________________________________ 第三部分 写作(25 分) Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10 分) (A) 根据句意及汉语提示填空。 41. Everybody is worried about the boy’s future. Suddenly, a man ______ ______ ______ (想出) a great idea. 42. I’d like to book a ______ (标准) room with two beds. 43. The headmaster called on the students to ______ (筹集) money for the poor boy. 44. If you want to live more comfortably, you’d better buy a ______ (冰箱). 45. They share a ______ (共同的) interest in reading. (B) 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 book tickets, decide on, have a rest, comfortable, air conditioning 46. They plan ______ after a long journey. 47. It’s so hot that we would like the rooms with ______. 48. We want to ______ to Kunming on Tuesday afternoon. 49. Traveling by car is not so ______ as by train. 50. At last we ______ the best way to travel to Qingdao. Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5 分) 51. It often takes about 16 hours to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train. (对画线部分提问) ____ ____ ____ it often ____ to go from Beijing to Shanghai by train? 52. She paid 100 yuan for the coat. (改为同义句) She ____ 100 yuan ____ the coat. 53. His parents will go to Mount Tai by bus tomorrow. (对画线部分提问) ____ ____ his parents go to Mount Tai tomorrow? 54. The train ticket cost him ¥120. (对画线部分提问) ____ ____ ____ the train ticket ____ ____? 55. Tom gets a letter from his father every month. (改为同义句) Tom ____ ____ his father every month. Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10 分) 为自己设计一个旅行计划,要包括下列问题: 1. 想去哪?为什么? 2. 想在那儿待几天? 3. 怎么去? 4. 打算什么时候开始旅行? 5. 在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么? 要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在 60-80 之间。 提示词语:countryside, air, food and vegetables, environment, fresh, quiet, poor, give, the school things ... Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs? (考试时间:90 分钟,满分:100 分) 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A B C ( )5. A B C Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )6. A. That’s OK. B. Don’t worry. C. No, thanks. ( )7. A. Yes, I know Helen. B. Yes, this is Helen speaking. C. Yes, I’m here. ( )8. A. No, they’re too busy. B. Yes, they should. C. No, they won’t. ( )9. A. You bet! B. We have no time. C. Oh, you look very happy. ( )10. A. Yes, of course. B. Yes, I’d like to. C. Perfect. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5 分) ( )11. Where will Lily live if she goes to Canada for her vacation? A. In Tony’s house. B. In a hotel. C. In Tony’s friend’s house. ( )12. Who is looking forward to meeting the teacher? A. Mike. B. Jenny. C. Jim. ( )13. Why does Bill look happy? A. He will go to the moon. B. He will go to Hangzhou. C. He will go to Nanjing. ( )14. Where will Betty visit? A. She will visit the Ming Tombs. B. She will visit the West Lake. C. She will visit the Great Wall . ( )15. How will David explore the northeast of China? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16. Today in class the teacher will tell the students ____. A. something about Mount Tai B. something about the Great Wall C. something about the Summer Palace ( )17. The Great Wall is about ____ high. A. 4-5 meters B. 11-12 meters C. 6-7 meters ( )18. It took millions of men ____ to build it. A. thousands of years B. hundreds of years C. a few years ( )19. When we look at the Great Wall, ____ may come into our mind. A. many good ideas B. some plans C. many questions ( )20. How did the Chinese people build the Great Wall? A. They used special machines. B. They used horses. C. The passage doesn’t tell us. 第二部分 英语知识运用(55 分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. —Where is Japan, do you know? —It’s ____ the east of China. A. in B. at C. to D. on ( )2. The mooncakes from Guangdong smell nice, ____ they taste very delicious. A. and B. so C. but D. then ( )3. —Mary can’t help ____ the house. Why? —Because she is busy ____ a hotel reservation. A. to clean; making B. cleaning; making C. cleaning; to make D. to clean; to make ( )4. You’d better ring up your parents ____ you get there. A. when B. until C. while D. as soon as ( )5. Mr. Green ____ go to bed ____ he finished his work last night. A. does; until B. don’t; until C. didn’t; until D. isn’t; until ( )6. The official was looking at a postcard sadly ____ his workmate came in. A. while B. when C. after D. before ( )7. —I’m sorry that John is out. —Please ask him to call me as soon as he ____. A. returned B. returns C. will return D. is returning ( )8. The Ming Tombs are ____ the Tianshou Mountains, in the northwest of Beijing. A. at the foot of B. in the east of C. in the middle D. in the south of ( )9. I got 99 in this English exam, so my English teacher ____ me. A. was angry with B. was angry about C. was satisfied with D. was satisfy with ( )10. It took us ____ to finish this work. A. three hour and a half B. three and a half hour C. three and half hours D. three and a half hours Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5 分) 根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。 A. And we had a very wonderful time. B. Yes, they do. C. I went to Hangzhou with my friends. D. In two days. E. What is it famous for? F. For two days. G. Yes, they will. A: Hi, Zhou Jun, where did you go last week? B: 11 A: Where is Hangzhou? B: It’s in Zhejiang, the south of China. A: 12 B: It’s famous for Leifeng Pagoda, Bainiangzi, Linyin Temple and especially West Lake. A: Do many people go there to enjoy their holidays every year? B: 13 A: How long did you stay there? B: 14 A: Did you take a lot of photos? B: Certainly. We also had some delicious food. 15 A: What an exciting trip! I’ll go there one day. 11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____ Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10 分) Mr. Smith works in New York. Last month he had a fifteen-day holiday, but he didn’t know where to spend it. He spoke to his friend Bill,“I 16 the hot weather, but I can’t find a cool place in America. How should I spend my holiday?” “That’s easy, ” said Bill, “You’d 17 to Moscow. Snow and ice are covering the ground now. ” Mr. Smith agreed 18 his friend. He bought an air ticket and soon 19 Moscow. He had a happy trip there, but one day he 20 . After lunch he went outside the city, he saw a dog 21 him while he 22 past(走过) a house. The dog was hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat. Bad luck! He had no piece of bread or cake in his pockets. He tried to drive it away. But it began to bark at(对……大叫) him. He wanted to look for a stick but he couldn’t find anything 23 snow and ice. Suddenly he saw a stone on the ground. He hurried to 24 but failed. “How strange Russians are!” Mr. Smith said to himself, “They don’t tie dogs, but firmly (紧 紧地) 25 the stones. My God!” ( )16. A. like B. unlike C. not like D. hate ( )17. A. would go B. would not go C. better go D. better to go ( )18. A. to B. with C. at D. about ( )19. A. arrived in B. arrive in C. reach D. reached in ( )20. A. made a mistake B. get into trouble C. got into trouble D. find the trouble ( )21. A. to follow B. is following C. followed D. following ( )22. A. was walking B. walked C. was crossing D. crossed ( )23. A. except B. besides C. beside D. without ( )24. A. picked it up B. picked up it C. pick it up D. pick up it ( )25. A. tied B. lied C. tie D. lie Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30 分) (A) Train number From To Start Arrival T272 Jilin Changchun 17:56 20:05 K666 Jilin Changchun 14:20 16:25 K958 Jilin Changchun 06:45 08:48 K656 Jilin Changchun 16:22 18:35[ K676 Jilin Changchun 04:18 06:25 T271 Changchun Jilin 05:09 07:34 K665 Changchun Jilin 11:21 13:36 K957 Changchun Jilin 16:40 18:45 K655 Changchun Jilin 10:05 12:07 K675 Changchun Jilin 21:00 23:07 上面是吉林 长春之间的列车时刻表, 请根据表内信息选择答案。 ( )26. There are ____ of trains going between the two cities every day. A. five B. five pairs C. ten pairs D. fifteen ( )27. If you want to catch the earliest train to Changchun, you should take ____ train. A. T272 B. K958 C. K656 D. K676 ( )28. The first train from Changchun arrives in Jilin at ____. A. 06:25 B. 07:34 C. 08:45 D. 05:09 ( )29. You are in Changchun now. Which train do you have to catch if you want to stay in Changchun as long as possible? A. K665. B. K957. C. K655. D. K675. ( )30. If you are going to Changchun from Jilin, then you take the return train as early as possible, when will you arrive in Jilin? A. At 16:25. B. At 18:35. C. At 18:45. D. At 06:57. (B) An old farmer spent all his life on his farm in the country in the southeast of England. One day he decided to visit the big city. Everything was new and strange to him, because he had never traveled to the city before. The old farmer visited a lot of interesting places in the city. He rushed into a large tall building and saw a lift. When he watched, an old woman got into the lift and closed the door. After a while, the door opened again and a very perfect young girl came out. The old farmer was very surprised, “What a funny little room!” He said to himself, “It’s magic. It can change an old woman into a young girl. The next time I come here, I’m going to bring my wife to take the lift. ” ( )31. The old farmer lived ____. A. near the city B. in the city C. in the southeast of England D. in a large tall building ( )32. The old farmer decided ____ one day. A. to visit a building B. to visit a city C. to visit a factory D. to visit a farm ( )33. The old farmer ____. A. came to the city for the first time B. had traveled to the city several times C. found nothing new and strange in the city D. only visited the large tall building ( )34. When the old farmer was in a large tall building, he saw ____ get into the lift. A. a young girl B. an old man C. his wife D. an old woman ( )35. From the passage, we can guess the old farmer ____. A. knew the lift well B. didn’t know anything about the lift C. wanted to buy a lift D. didn’t like the lift (C) Come to Austria(奥地利)! Soll is a village in the mountains in Western Austria, and a local(当地的) family opens a Hotel Post there. The hotel is clean and not expensive. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forest and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20℃ to 25℃ in the daytime, but much cooler in the evening. Enjoy Thailand(泰国)! When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, don’t miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating Market(漂浮的市场) just outside the city. There you will find many kinds of fruit and vegetables. There you can buy them when you sit in your boat. Don’t forget your hat—the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40℃at midday! Visit Hawaii(夏威夷)! Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long beaches(沙滩) in the south and west of the island(岛), and mountains and forests in the north, but be careful—there are many mosquitoes(蚊子), and don’t be surprised if it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24℃to 26℃by the sea, and only a little cooler in the late evening. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 36. If you stay at the Hotel Post, you’ll ____. 37. At the Floating Market you can buy things in ____. 38. Because the sun is strong in Bangkok, you should bring ____. 39. In the north of Kauai Island there are ____. 40. The warmest place of the three is ____. 第三部分 写作(25 分) Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10 分) (A) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 41. —How about going ____ (camp) this weekend? —That’s a good idea! 42. When you go to a new place, you should remember the ____ (direct). 43. We ____ (notice) the bad man run out of sight quickly just now. 44. Tom is looking forward to ____ (receive) his father’s letter, because his father works far away. 45. The old man’s job is to look after ____ (camel) and he is satisfied with it. (B) 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 46. It’s a p____ trip to Beijing. 47. Her s____were so soft that nobody in the room heard her coming in yesterday. 48. When we reach Mount Tai, we’ll see plenty of h____ stones there. 49. Beijing is in the n____ of China. 50. Most of the doors of the buildings have the sign “Pull” or “P____”. Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5 分) 51. She took care of her mother at home last Monday. (改为同义句) She ____ ____ her mother at home last Monday. 52. The teacher went home after he went over the students’ homework yesterday. (改为同义句) The teacher ____ go home ____ he went over the students’ homework yesterday. 53. Lucy will give a phone call to her friend. Lucy will get off the plane. (用 as soon as 合并为一 句) Lucy will give a phone call to her friend ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. 54. It’s about half an hour on foot from school to my home. (改为同义句) My home is about ____ ____ ____ ____ from school. 55. Tony doesn’t know which book he should choose. (改为同义句) Tony doesn’t know which book ____ ____. Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10 分) 根据以下中文提示,以“Travel”为题写一篇 60-80 词的短文。 1. 当你工作或学习感到厌烦时,可以选择旅行。休闲的同时也可以领略大自然的美丽 风光,呼吸新鲜空气,结交新朋友,散心等。 2. 有时旅行会有烦恼,如天气多变、被雨淋湿等。 3. 出发前应充分了解天气情况,最好结伴同行,可以互相照应,以免发生意外。 除以上需要注意的几点,可根据你的理解自由发挥。 提 示 词 语 : be tired of doing sth., enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe, prepare yourself, companion, cause accident ... Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycles are popular. (考试时间:90 分钟,满分:100 分) 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) A B C D E 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ Ⅱ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5 分) ( )6. A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus. ( )7. A. America. C. Canada. C. England. ( )8. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. ( )9. A. Tom. B. Kate. C. Both A and B. ( )10. A. Because bicycles are more popular. B. Because bicycles are cheaper. C. Because bicycles are the safest of all the vehicles. Ⅲ. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )11. Every day on the bus Tom always takes a newspaper to read. ( )12. There was a piece of news about a basketball match. ( )13. Tom forgot to get off the bus. ( )14. In the end, Tom was late for work. ( )15. The American team won the match. Ⅳ. 听短文,填空。短文读两遍。(5 分) Many people around the world like sports. For example, running, boating, 16. and so on. 17. is my favorite type of race. Most of people like it. They think bicycles can save 18. and keep them 19. . Now let’s join them and do 20. with them. 第二部分 英语知识运用(55 分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. —The girls ____ the boys in that exciting match. —How surprising! A. win B. beat C. hit D. hurt ( )2. She didn’t have a rest and ____. A. continue working B. go on working C. went on to work D. went on working ( )3. Beijing is famous ____ its places of interest. A. for B. as C. to D. in ( )4. If you ____ the classroom, please turn off the light. A. left B. are leaving C. leave D. leaves ( )5. Jack is a little ____ than Peter. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest ( )6. At last, the truck avoided ____ the tree. A. hit B. to hit C. hitting D. hiting ( )7. Li Lei’s legs were ____ in a traffic accident yesterday. A. badly hurt B. bad hurt C. hurted D. hurt bad ( )8. The teacher warns us ____ loudly in the classroom. A. not speak B. not speaking C. not to speak D. don’t speak ( )9. Many of these animals are not found ____ else. A. anywhere B. everywhere C. in anywhere D. in everywhere ( )10. In Britain, you must drive on the ____ side of the road. A. right-hand B. right hand C. left hand D. left-hand Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5 分) 根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。 A. What were you doing yesterday? B. There was a traffic accident yesterday. C. Did you see the News of WTO? D. What should we do now? E. Good idea! F. How can we get there? G. The traffic is too busy. Peter: Hi, Jim! There is a piece of bad news. 11 Jim: No. What’s happening? Peter: 12 Many people were hurt. Jim: That’s terrible! 13 Peter: I think we should go to the traffic station to learn more traffic rules. Jim: Me, too. 14 Peter: By bike. Jim: 15 It can help us avoid air pollution and it’s easy to park, too. 11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____ Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10 分) In China, traffic keeps to the right. Cars, trucks, buses 16 bikes must all keep to the right side of the 17 . In most other countries, traffic 18 to the left. How can you 19 the roads safer? 20 you cross the road, stop and look each side. 21 left, then right, and then look left again. Don’t cross the road if you aren’t sure whether the road is clear or not. Don’t 22 across the road. 23 is dangerous. If you 24 small children, old people, or blind people walking across the road, help 25 cross the road in safety. Helping others is a kind of virtue (美德) . ( )16. A. or B. and C. but D. while ( )17. A. road B. river C. bridge D. city ( )18. A. go B. coming C. leave D. keeps ( )19. A. make B. know C. guess D. see ( )20. A. Often B. Before C. During D. As ( )21. A. Look B. Turn C. Walk D. Across ( )22. A. run B. jump C. smile D. walk ( )23. A. There B. It C. This D. Here ( )24. A. watch B. look C. read D. see ( )25. A. her B. him C. them D. me Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30 分) (A) When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the streets, because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If this is the first time you have come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. People on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn’t cross. When people go to or come back from work in the morning or evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous, especially for the children. When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way. In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can have a good view. It’s very interesting. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )26. The traffic in Hong Kong drives on the right. ( )27. In Hong Kong,you can sit on the first floor of a bus and have the view of the whole city. ( )28. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic can go. ( )29. The traffic in Hong Kong isn’t the same as that in other areas of China. ( )30. According to the passage, we know we must obey the traffic rules. (B) Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because the airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off which is often late. You can’t open the windows. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like travelling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually good in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way, though it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey whenever you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road. ( )31. Why do many people like to travel by plane? A. Because it is fast. B. Because it is safe. C. Because you can walk around in the plane. D. Because it is cheap. ( )32. Which is not the good thing about the train? A. It is safe. B. It takes a little more time. C. You can open the window. D. You can walk around in the train. ( )33. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what will you take? A. A bus. B. A car. C. A train. D. A bike. ( )34. What is the bad thing about the car? A. You needn’t go to a station. B. You can start your journey when you want to. C. There are too many cars on the road. D. You needn’t go to a bus stop. ( )35. What does the writer think of the plane, train or car? A. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport. B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time. C. He likes to take a car because he has a car. D. He likes to take a plane because it’s fast. (C) I saw an accident this morning when I was standing at the corner of Green Street. A woman with her son was driving a red sports car down Green Street very fast. While she was driving, she was talking on her mobile phone. At the same time, a man was driving a blue truck along Fifth Street very slowly. While he was driving, he was drinking a bottle of cola and eating a sandwich. While the man was driving through the crossing, the woman in the sports car didn’t stop at the traffic lights. As a result, the car hit the truck. Both the woman and the man were very angry. While they were shouting at each other, the police came. Luckily, they were not badly hurt. 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。 I was standing at the corner 36 I saw an accident this morning. The red sports car which the woman was driving was 37 than the truck. When the accident 38 , the woman was using her 39 and the man was having a bottle of cola and a sandwich. So at the traffic lights the car hit the truck. 40 they were not badly hurt, both of them were very unhappy. 36. ____ 37. ____ 38. ____ 39. ____ 40. ____ 第三部分 写作(25 分) Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10 分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。 41. When you are going across the road, you shouldn’t r____. 42. You may call the police when you are in t____. 43. In China when you see the yellow lights, please s____ down. 44. He always wants to get more money without working. He must be c____. 45. She a____ answering my question because she doesn’t know how to answer it. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。 46. There are twenty ____ (乘客) in the bus. 47. It is ____ (不可能的) to finish this work in an hour. 48. Mary won the game. She was ____ (成功的). 49. Bicycle accidents can also bring us sadness and ____ (死亡). 50. Did you see my watch? I can’t find it ____ (任何地方). Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5 分) 51. It’s impolite to spit everywhere. (改为同义句) ____ ____ everywhere is impolite. 52. I have over ten story books. Would you like one?(改为同义句) I have ____ ____ ten story books. Would you like one? 53. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. (改为同义句) Shanghai is ____ ____ ____ in China. 54. Why don’t you go to school earlier?(改为同义句) ____ ____ go to school earlier? 55. Get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句) ____ ____ ____ get up early, you ____ be late. Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10 分) 随着人口的增长和家庭轿车的普及,交通安全问题已成为千家万户关注的焦点。作为初 中生的你是怎样去上学的呢?围绕下面的几点要求展开思考,写一篇 60-80 词的短文。 1. 乘什么交通工具去上学?是公交车,小汽车还是自行车? 2. 乘车时应注意哪些交通规则? 要求:结构完整,条理清晰,语言通顺。 ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling 单元过关检测 (考试时间:100 分钟,满分:120 分) 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A B C ( )5. A B C Ⅱ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话读一遍。(5 分) ( )6. A. A double room. B. A standard room. C. A single room. ( )7. A. Sunrise. B. Film. C. Xiangshan. ( )8. A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. ( )9. A. To work in Ren’ai English Training School. B. To study in Ren’ai English Training School. C. To buy a Ren’ai English machine. ( )10. A. ¥320. B. ¥160. C. ¥260. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) ( )11. What are they talking about? A. Their parents. B. Sports. C. Holiday. ( )12. When did the boy go to climb mountains? A. Last month. B. Last year. C. This year. ( )13. Did the boy enjoyed himself in climbing mountains? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. We don’t know. ( )14. Where did they go to climb mountains? A. Guilin. B. Dali. C. Lijiang. ( )15. Who is going to Yunnan Province with the girl? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her parents. Ⅳ. 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。(5 分) ( )16. The flight is from Beijing to Shanghai. ( )17. There is a flight in the afternoon on August 25th. ( )18. The man booked two tickets. ( )19. The man will come back on August 5th. ( )20. The price of a ticket is 80 yuan one-way. 第二部分 英语知识运用(65 分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15 分) ( )1. China is ____ the west of Japan and ____ the east of Asia. A. in; to B. to; in C. on; to D. at; in ( )2. They ____ Miss Brown at the airport when she arrives this afternoon. A. will meet B. met C. meet D. meets ( )3. I think Mike is ____ student in my class. A. more careful B. the most careful C. careful D. careless ( )4. If it ____ tomorrow, I ____ not go there by bike. A. rained; will B. rains; will C. is going to rain; do D. rains; do ( )5. —I want to see the film. Would you like to go with me? —____ A. Certainly, I like to. B. You bet. I’d like to. C. You bet, I would. D. No, I’d like to. ( )6. As soon as the teacher came in, the boys stopped ____. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed ( )7. We will be in big trouble if we don’t ____ with any idea. A. come to B. come on C. come up D. come over ( )8. Tom misses his brother very much and he is looking forward ____ him. A. to hear from B. hearing from C. to hearing from D. heard from ( )9. —Good morning! Can I help you? —Good morning! We want ____ two tickets for the hard sleeper. A. to order B. to make C. booking D. to book ( )10. There are many trees on ____ sides of the river. A. every B. both C. each D. all ( )11. —What beautiful clothes you are wearing! They must be expensive. —No. They only ____ me fifty yuan. A. cost B. spent C. paid for D. took ( )12. —What time did you begin your work yesterday? —____ six o’clock ____ the daytime. A. On; in B. At; on C. At; in D. On; at ( )13. —____ is it from here? —It’s about five minutes’ walk. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far ( )14. —Hi, Jim! What’s your plan? —I will be on____ holiday. A. a two-day B. a two day C. a two-day’s D. a two-days ( )15. When Jane heard the news, she couldn’t help ____. A. to cry B. cry C. cring D. crying Ⅱ. 情景交际。(10 分) (A)从方框中找出与所给句子相匹配的选项。 A. You must drive a car on the right-hand side of the road in most parts of China. B. Because it can help us keep healthy. C. Before you cross the road. D. You must drive a car on the left-hand side of the road. E. You will get a fine. ( )16. Cycling is a popular sport. ( )17. You must look left and right. ( )18. It’s right. ( )19. If you drive a car in Hong Kong. ( )20. If you don’t obey the traffic rules. (B)根据对话内容填空,补全对话。 A: Hi, John! There will be a cycling race in our city in the afternoon. B: 21 Will you take part in? A: Of course. Can you go with me? B: 22 A: Why? B: Because my parents will take me to Beijing tomorrow. I must go home to make my things ready. A: 23 How I wish you could join us! B: 24 But I will join you next time. I hope you have a nice trip. A: Thank you. B: When you ride a bike, you must be careful. I wish you 25 and I’m sure you will win. 21. ____ 22. ____ 23. ____ 24. ____ 25. ____ Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10 分) One bright summer day, boys and girls were having a walk with their teacher near the zoo. They walked and 26 happily. After a while, they came to a 27 over the river, and they turned to go across it. When they just reached the middle, there came a great shout of warning behind them. The teacher told them 28 , and she turned back and listened. When she heard the voice “ 29 !”, she knew what would happen. Before she could do anything she saw a wolf 30 towards the bridge. “Children,”said the teacher, “Don’t worry, don’t move 31 cry. ” Then she ran to the back of the children 32 the wolf should meet her first. The wolf came, and its mouth was widely open. When it passed the teacher, the wolf saw a boy. It stopped and wanted to snap(咬) at the boy. When the teacher 33 this, she put her right hand into the wolf’s 34 quickly. The wolf was so frightened, and it 34 at once. When people heard of it, they all spoke highly of her bravery(勇敢). ( )26. A. singing B. sing C. sang D. to sing ( )27. A. garden B. bank C. village D. bridge ( )28. A. to cry B. to shout C. not to cry D. to meet ( )29. A. Snake B. Dog C. Bear D. Wolf ( )30. A. running B. joining C. arriving D. standing ( )31. A. or B. yet C. so D. for ( )32. A. too to B. so that C. as well as D. as long as ( )33. A. warned B. seemed C. saw D. watched ( )34. A. ears B. body C. legs D. mouth ( )35. A. died B. fell over C. fell down D. ran away Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30 分) (A) F1 is a very fast car race. It is one of the most popular sports in the world. The drivers go at over 300 kilometers an hour every race. But F1 cars didn’t always go so fast. In 1895, the first F1 race began in France. During that race, it took the drivers 48 hours to finish 580 kilometers. In 1901, the best drivers had an average(平均) speed of 100 kilometers an hour. Modern grand prix(奖品) F1 racing began in 1950 in Britain. Grand prix is French. It means “large prize”. Today, 12 teams and 24 drivers race to get points. There are races at different tracks( 路 线 ) all over the world from March to October every year. There are also F2 and F3 racing. But the cars are slower and less high-tech. During a F1 race, drivers have to make several stops to change tyres(轮胎) and put more petrol in their cars. A team of people do these tasks together to make the stops short. Some people lift the car up, others change the tyres. While this team works on the tyres, another person puts petrol in the car and a different person cleans the driver’s helmet. One more person talks to the driver about how to win. It’s amazing that all those people finish it in just a few seconds! During 100-meter races, people count the athletes’ speed by 1/100th(0. 01) of a second, for example 10.81 seconds. In the world of car racing, however, the race has to be timed to 1/1,000th(0. 001) of a second. That is 50 times faster than the time for a blink(眨眼). F1 cars look very colorful. First, cars of different teams have different colors. Then there are a lot of advertisements on the cars. ( )36. The best drivers in F1 races can reach the speed of ____ an hour. A. 100 kilometers B. 300 kilometers C. 580 kilometers D. 1,000 kilometers ( )37. Modern grand prix F1 racing first began ____. A. in France B. in Britain C. in 1895 D. in 1901 ( )38. Today F1 race is held ____. A. at different tracks all the year round B. every month all over the world C. from March to October every year D. in France and Britain every year ( )39. When the driver makes stops in a race, a team of people will ____. A. help him make the stops short B. lift the car up and change the tyres C. put petrol in the car and clean the car D. clean the driver’s helmet ( )40. In the world of car racing, the race has to be timed to ____. A. second B. 10. 81 second C. 1/100th of a second D. 1/1,000th of a second (B) Accident Report Form Accident A car hit a tree. Four people were in the car. Weather condition There was a heavy rain. Cause The driver named Li Jun drank too much. Date of call March 20th, 2008 Time of call 8:30 p.m. Name of caller A man called Zhang Wei. (He was taking a walk there at that time.) Place Zhongshan Road, Nanjing Conditions of victims Mr. Green hurt his head. Mrs. Green hurt her left leg. Their daughter felt frightened. Their dog died. Action Policemen arrived at 8:40 p.m. and sent the victims to Gulou Hospital at 8:45 p.m. ( )41. What time did Zhang Wei call the police? A. At 8:30 a. m. B. At 8:30 p. m. C. At 8:40 p. m. D. At 8:45 p. m. ( )42. How many people were there in the cars? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. ( )43. Whose left leg was hurt? A. Mrs. Green’s. B. Their daughter’s. C. Mr. Green’s. D. Their dog’s. ( )44. What was the weather like that day? A. It was sunny. B. It was snowy. C. It was cloudy. D. It was rainy. ( )45. Whi ch of the following is TRUE? A. The car hit a wall. B. The accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Beijing. C. The driver drank too much. D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital. (C) Route Flight No. Day Departure(离开) Time Arrival Time Shanghai New York F012 F018 F019 Monday Tuesday Thursday 06:45 07:10 08:15 23:45 23:30 01:40 Shanghai London F021 Except(除了) Sunday and Thursday 09:10 21:10 Shanghai Paris F001 F025 F005 F002 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday 05:25 06:50 15:00 17:20 16:25 17:50 02:00 04:20 Shanghai Pusan(釜山) F017 F028 F011 F016 F026 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday 17:00 08:20 06:30 05:20 14:50 19:30 10:50 09:00 07:50 17:20 Pusan Shanghai F027 F098 F035 Wednesday Thursday Saturday 10:20 06:40 17:10 12:50 09:00 19:40 根据表格内容,完成下面各题。 46. There is a fashion show in France. If you want to go there and watch it, you can take only ____ when you reach Shanghai Airport at 15:10. 47. If you take the ____ plane, it will take you the shortest time to get to New York. 48. You can’t fly to Paris from Shanghai on ____. 49. There are ____ flights from Shanghai to London every week. 50. If you want to go to Pusan for a short visit and return on the same day, you can go there only on ____. 第三部分 写作(35 分) Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10 分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。 51. There is a lot of food and fruits in the r____. 52. I want to book a standard room with two s____ beds. 53. Hello, Wei Hua! Did you receive a p____? I wrote something on it and I sent it to you yesterday. 54. In A____, most people have light skin, but in Africa, lots of people have dark skin. 55. There are four g____ in our school. It’s their duty to keep the school safe. (B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 56. While they were playing football, I ____ (record) the score. 57. My dear daughter, I have some exciting news ____ (tell) you. 58. It seems difficult for us ____ (camp) in the forest. 59. Riding a bike can save more time than ____ (walk). 60. They are making a ____ (decide) about saving money. Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5 分) 61. Did you decide on going on a field trip?(改为同义句) Did you decide ____ ____ a field trip? 62. We enjoyed ourselves in the zoo of Beijing. (改为同义句) We ____ ____ in the zoo of Beijing. 63. I think he must be a teacher, ____ ____?(完成反义疑问句) 64. We don’t know the way, so let’s see the map of Beijing. (改为同义句) We don’t know the way, so we ____ ____ see the map of Beijing. 65. We spent one and a half hours finishing this notice. (改为同义句) We spent one ____ and a ____ finishing this notice. Ⅲ. 书面表达。(A 题 5 分,B 题 15 分,共 20 分) (A)假设你参加了学校组织的志愿者活动,请根据下面表格所提供的内容写一篇 40-50 词的 短文。要求语法通顺,语句连贯。 Group Time Activities One Tuesday help homeless people, give out food at a food bank Two Thursday help kids with their schoolwork Three Saturday work outside, help clean up the city park (B)五一假期即将来临,小兴给远方的弟弟小旺发了个电子邮件。假如你是小旺,请根据邮 件内容予以回复。回信的开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数)。 要求: 1. 词数 60-80。 2. 条理清晰,语句连贯,字迹工整。 3. 以下内容仅供参考,也可自行安排计划。 地点:南京、北京、海南…… 活动:游览、拍照、划船…… 名胜:玄武湖、天安门、长城、天涯海角…… 食物:北京烤鸭、水果…… 交通工具:汽车、火车、飞机…… From: Xiaoxing@yahoo. com To: Xiaowang@sina. com Dear Xiaowang, How are you these days? The holiday is coming. It’s really a nice holiday, isn’t it? I still remember that you once invited me to travel with you. Maybe we’ll have enough time soon. I’d like to visit some places of great interest and eat delicious food. It must be exciting to travel with you. Ha! Ha! You are a good traveler and could you tell me when and where to go, how to get there and what to do there? Please e-mail me soon. Good luck with you! Yours, Xiaoxing From: Xiaowang@sina. com To: Xiaoxing@yahoo. com Dear Xiaoxing, Glad to hear from you. ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours, Xiaowang Unit 6 Topic 1 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. The fastest way to travel is by plane. 2. It’s a little far for walking, so we’d better ride a bicycle. 3. Please pay for the tickets before 6:00 p. m. 4. I’d like to book three tickets for the soft sleeper. 5. It’s too expensive to go by plane, so I want to take the train. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 6. Hello, Beijing Railway Station. What can I do for you? 7. Helen, you look so sad, why? 8. I’m afraid it costs too much. 9. Why don’t we go there to learn more traffic rules? 10. Would you like to go to Kunming for your holiday? Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。 11. A: How much does a standard room cost? B: A standard room with a single bed costs¥260 and a room with two beds costs¥180. 12. W: We’re going on a spring field trip tomorrow, Mike. M: Where will you go? W: The Summer Palace. 13. W: Tom, I saved a lot of money. M: Kate, why not buy some books? W: Good idea. 14. W: Li Ming, how are you going home today? M: I’m going home on foot. 15. M: Betty, what’s your group’s work? W: Our group’s work is to find out the cost by ship. Ⅳ. 听短文, 完成表格。短文读两遍。 Boys and girls, I want to tell you something about our school trip. We’re going on Saturday. I hope you all can come. As you know, we’re going to visit the film museum. There are lots of interesting things in the film museum about the cinema and the famous stars. We’ll have to leave at 8:45, so don’t be late. We’ll get there by bus. Please meet me in the car park. What’s next? Oh yes, the cost. It’ll be six dollars each. Now, I’m going to give you some work to do at the museum. You need to write things down, so take a pencil and a notebook with you. We’ll have lunch in the museum restaurant, so you needn’t bring any food with you. Well, I think that’s all. Unit 6 Topic 2 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. They sometimes go camping in spring. 2. She wants to go to the U. S. A. for her vacation one day. 3. It’s going to rain. You’d better take a raincoat. 4. Why don’t you ride your bicycle to explore Xi’an? 5. We hope to receive your postcards soon. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 6. These mooncakes are really delicious. Would you like some more? 7. Hi! Could I speak to Helen? 8. Could they come along with us? 9. Would you like to take some pictures with these camels? 10. I’d like you to explore Mount Tai with me. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。 11. M: Lily, would you like to go to Canada for your vacation? W: Yes, I’d like to, but where shall I stay? Tony, could you make a suggestion for me? M: Don’t worry about it, Lily. You can stay in my friend’s house. 12. W: Mike, my teacher is coming to see me. I’d like you to meet him. M: That’s perfect! Jenny, I’m looking forward to meeting him. 13. W: You look happy, Bill, why? M: I will go to Hangzhou to see the West Lake. W: Have a wonderful time! 14. M: We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs, Betty. Will you join us? W: Great! 15. W: David, your uncle is an explorer. Why don’t you ask him to take you to explore the northeast of China? M: Good idea! I’ll ask him to go there with me by car. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 Hi, everyone. Today in class I’ll tell you something about the Great Wall. The Great Wall of China is very famous all over the world. It is about 6,000 kil ometers long, 4-5 meters wide and 6-7 meters high. It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it. When you look at the Great Wall, many questions may come into your mind. How did the Chinese people build it without any modern machines? Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. People from all over the world go to visit it every day. Unit 6 Topic 3 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. A man is riding his new motorcycle very fast without a helmet. 2. Cycling race is one of the most popular sports. 3. In China, drivers must stop if the traffic lights are red. 4. There was a traffic accident on Tongda Road. 5. If you don’t obey the traffic rules, you will get a fine. Ⅱ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。 6. M: Hi, Miss Wang. You came to work on foot yesterday, didn’t you? W: Yes, I did. M: Me, too. You usually come to work by bike. W: That’s right. But my bike was broken. Q: How does Miss Wang usually come to work? 7. W: Excuse me, are you from the U. S. A. ? M: No, I’m not. I’m from Canada. What about you? W: I’m English. Q: Where is the woman from? 8. M: I used to take a bus to go to school, but now I am used to riding a bike. W: Perfect! It’s good for health and helps you save money, Tom. Q: How does Tom go to school now? 9. W: If we know more about the traffic rules, we can avoid breaking the traffic rules. Is that so, Tom? M: I agree with you, Kate. Let’s learn them together. Q: Who wants to know more about the traffic rules? 10. A: I think bicycles are popular with more and more people. B: Me, too. Bicycles are much safer than any other vehicle. Q: Why do more and more people like bicycles? Ⅲ. 听短文,判断正 (T) 误(F) 。短文读两遍。 Tom always goes to work by bus instead of by bike, because it’s far away from his house to the factory. Every day on the bus he always takes a newspaper to read in order to pass the time. One morning he bought a newspaper and got on the bus as usual. He took a seat beside a window. He turned his newspaper to the sports page. There was a piece of news about a football match. In it the American team won. Tom was so excited that he forgot to get off the bus. He didn’t know it until he saw the sea outside the window. He got off at the next stop and had to wait for a long time for a bus to go back. Of course, he was late that morning. Ⅳ. 听短文,填空。短文读两遍。 Many people around the world like sports. For example, running, boating, swimming and so on. Cycling is my favorite type of race. Most of people like it. They think bicycles can save energy and keep them healthy. Now let’s join them and do sports with them. Unit 6 单元过关检测 Ⅰ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。 1. W: How did you spend your last holiday? M: I took a train to Chengdu with some of my friends. 2. W: Mr. Song, there’s a telephone message for you. Mr. Green wants to see you between 8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning. M: That’s fine. I’ll be free then. 3. W: Excuse me. Is there a train to Hainan this afternoon? I’d like to book two tickets. M: Let me see. Oh, yes, there is one at 4:45 p. m. 4. W: Where are you going this Sunday? M: I’m going to Harbin to go skiing with my father. 5. W: May I beg your pardon? I’m sorry I didn’t hear you clearly. M: I asked whether we would go to play basketball after school. Ⅱ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话读一遍。 6. W: Excuse me, is there a single room? M: Yes, there is. Q: What are they talking about? 7. M: Hi, Lucy, we want to visit Mount Tai. Would you like to go with us? W: Yes, I’d love to. I want to see the sunrise. Q: What does Lucy want to see? 8. M: We are going on a trip to the Summer Palace this Sunday, Mom. W: Don’t forget you r umbrella. It often rains in summer. Q: What will the weather be like? 9. M: Maria! What are you thinking? W: I wish to study in Ren’ai English Training School. M: Good idea! But you must work hard. Q: What’s Maria’s wish? 10. M: Excuse me! How much does a single room cost? W: Oh! Let me see. A single room is¥160. Q: What’s the price of two single rooms? Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 W: My parents and I are going on holiday soon and we are thinking about going to Yunnan Province. M: Oh, if you get a chance to go, take it. It’s wonderful to climb to the top of the snowy mountains in Lijiang. Last year my parents and I had a good time climbing the snowy mountains. W: That sounds really cool. I’ll go and tell my parents I want to go to Yunnan Province. Ⅳ. 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。 W: Can I help you? M: Yes, how much does it cost to fly to Beijing from Harbin? W: The price of a ticket is 800 yuan one-way. M: Is there a flight in the afternoon on August 25th? W: Yes, there is a flight at 2:30 in the afternoon. M: Great! I’d like to book two tickets, please. W: One-way or round-trip? M: Round-trip. We’ll come back on September 5th in the morning. Is that possible? W: Yes, two tickets on August 25th to Beijing and returning to Harbin on September 5th. Unit 6 Topic 1 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ. 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A Ⅱ. 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B Ⅲ. 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C Ⅳ. 16. museum 17. 8:45/eight forty-five/a quarter to nine 18. (the) (car) park 19. $ 6/ six dollars 20. notebook 第二部分 英语知识运用 Ⅰ. 1. B 用不定式作后置定语,修饰其前面的名词。故选 B。 2. A 本题考查不定式作真正主语的结构,其句型结构为:It+be+adj. (+for sb. )+to do sth.。故选 A。 3. B one-year-old 是复合形容词,其结构为“基数词+名词+形容词”。三个单词之间须 用连字符,故排除 C 和 D;该复合词以 one 开头且 one 是以辅音音素开头,所以 其前用不定冠词 a。故选 B。 4. C 固定结构 ask sb. to do sth. 请求/要求某人做某事。故选 C。 5. B 本题考查交际用语。当听到对方说将去旅行时,应礼貌地说“旅途愉快!”故选 B。 6. A 本题考查固定搭配。want to do sth. 意为“想(要)干某事”,加不定式作宾语。 come up with 意为“想出、想到”。故选 A。 7. C 本题考查固定搭配。look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事,注意这里的 to 是介词, 后跟名词或动名词。因京剧是中国的国粹,一般来到中国的参观者都想看,所以 用一般现在时。故选 C。 8. D 本题考查 choose, choose from, decide 之间含义和用法的差别。choose 是从众多事 物中“选择”其中的一个或一部分,后接要选择的事物;choose from 是从众多 事物中“挑选”,后接要从中选择事物的众多事物;decide 是“决定”的意思。 依题意,应是“挑选其中任一个”。故选 D。 9. C 本题考查动词“花费”的用法。当物作主语时,常用 cost;it 作主语时,常用 take, 其句型结构为:It takes sb. some time to do sth. ; 人作主语时,既可用 spend 也可用 pay, 其区别为: sb. +spend + sb. +pay money for sth. 题目中主语为物。故选 C。 10. B 本题考查“疑问词+不定式”作宾语的用法。故选 B。 Ⅱ. 11. F 12. D 13. E 14. B 15. A Ⅲ. 16. B 用不定式作后置定语,修饰其前面的名词。故选 B。 17. A 同 16 小题,且根据下文,应是在乘地铁之前要了解一些信息。故选 A。 18. D 根据文义,首先你应该选择正确的路线。故选 D。 19. C 根据题意,如果你选错了路线,就不得不下车,然后改乘另一线路。get off 下 车;get on 上车。故选 C。 time money on sth. (in) doing sth. 20. C need sth. for sth.,因某事而需要某物。故选 C。 21. A 根据文义,绝大多数卖地铁票的机器都只使用硬币。故选 A。 22. D 根据文义,你可以去售票处兑换硬币。故选 D。 23. B 本题考查状语从句的用法。if 引导条件状语从句,表示一种假设的情况。文中是 指“若有卡,可以直接上车”。故选 B。 24. D 购票以后,应该在黄色安全警戒线外等候。故选 D。 25. C 本题考查情态动词的用法。当表达语气最强烈,起强调作用时,要用 must。此 处表否定,要用 mustn’t,意为“禁止,不允许”。故选 C。 Ⅳ. (A) 26. F 根据文义,小明是一个中学生,是个好男孩。故此句表述错误。 27. T 根据文义,他父亲失业了。故此句与文意相符。 28. T 根据文义,当他的老师得知这一情况后,就号召她的学生们为小明筹钱。故此句 与文意相符。 29. F 根据文义,生活对于小明一家人来说很艰辛,有时候小明买不起学习用品。故此 句表述错误。 30. T 根据文义,所有的学生既善良又友好,他们都乐意筹钱帮助小明。故此句与文意 相符。 (B) 31. C 根据文章中第二句话,最快的旅行方式是乘飞机。故选 C。 32. C 根据文义,许多人喜欢开车旅行,你可以自己掌握时间。而 A 项是火车可提供 的,B 项是指飞机,D 项则是描述乘船旅行。故选 C。 33. B 见文中第二段,画线词之前提到现代火车提供 comfortable seats and dining-cars, 正是这些使长途旅行也倍感愉快。故选 B。 34. D 见短文最后一句,根据文章最后一句话,当人们出差旅行时,通常乘火车或飞机。 故选 D。 35. A 文中依次提到 plane, train, ship, car 这四种交通工具。故选 A。 (C) 36. No, it isn’t. 37. He will have a new world before him and a new way to see everything. 38. Yes, it can. 39. It will make me richer,richer in things that money can’t buy. 40. I will find fun in books (if I am interested in reading). 第三部分 写作 Ⅰ. (A)41. comes up with 42. standard 43. raise 44. refrigerator/fridge 45. common (B)46. to have a rest 47. air conditioning 48. book tickets 49. comfortable 50. decided on Ⅱ. 51. How long does; take 52. spent; buying/on 53. How will 54. How much did; cost him 55. hears from Ⅲ. 参考范文: A plan for a trip 1. I’d like to go to the countryside for a trip because the environment there is quite good. The air there is fresh, and I can enjoy a quiet life. The food and vegetables are good, too. 2. I’m going to stay for a week. 3. I’ll go by bike. In this way, I can take exercise as well. 4. I’ll go tomorrow morning. 5. When I go, I’ll take some school things, like books, pens, pencils and so on. I decided to give them to the poor students in the countryside. And I’ll try my best to help them with their study. 6. I think I’ll be very tired but I’ll enjoy myself. Unit 6 Topic 2 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A Ⅱ. 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C Ⅲ. 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. C Ⅳ. 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. C 第二部分 英语知识运用 Ⅰ. 1. C 本题考查表示方向的固定搭配。表示不属于某一整体内的某个方向要用:to+the+ 表示方向的词+of;表示属于某一整体内的某个方向要用:in+the+表示方向的词 +of;表示某一整体与另一整体在某个方向上接壤要用: on+the+表示方向的词+of。 故选 C。 2. A 本题考查并列句。两句之间无转折之意用 and 连接。故选 A。 3. A can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事,这一结构经常遇到;be busy doing sth. 忙 于做某事。而此句的意思是:玛丽不能帮助打扫房屋是因为她正忙于预订宾馆。 因此上句应是 help (sb.) (to) do sth. 帮助(某人)做某事。故选 A。 4. D 本题考查时间状语从句中连词的用法。题意为“你最好一到那儿就给你父母打电 话”。故选 D。 5. C 固定搭配,not ... until ... 直到……才……,又因句中的 last night 表示过去的时 间。故选 C。 6. B 本题考查时间状语从句所用的连词。当一个动作发生,另一个动作正进行时,表 示发生动作的该句要用 when 引导;while 表示两个动作在同时进行;after 表示 这个动作发生在另一个动作之后;before 表示这个动作发生在另一个动作之前。 故选 B。 7. B 在含有时间状语从句的主从复合句中,若主句使用一般将来时,从句则使用一般 现在时。此句中的主句是祈使句,它表示的动作还没有发生,相当于一般将来时。 故选 B。 8. A 本题考查介词短语的使用,根据实际情况十三陵在天寿山的脚下。故选 A。 9. C be angry with (sb.) 对(某人)生气;be angry about (sth.) 对(某事)生气;be satisfied with 对……感到满意。根据句意应选 C。 10. D 三个半小时的正确表达是:three and a half hours 或 three hours and a half。故选 D。 Ⅱ. 11. C 12. E 13. B 14. F 15. A Ⅲ. 16. D 根据下一句,在美国找不到一个凉爽的地方可知,史密斯先生不喜欢炎热的天气。 17. C 固定搭配,had better do sth. 最好做某事。 18. B 固定搭配,agree with sb. 表示同意某人的观点,而 agree to sth. 表示同意某种观 点。 19. A 全文均为一般过去时,故此处也用过去时。reach 是及物动词,可直接跟地点, 而 arrive 是不及物动词,其后要加 in/at 再跟地点; arrive in 跟大地点;arrive at 跟 小地点。 20. C make a mistake 犯错误;get into trouble 陷入困境,遇到麻烦;find the trouble 发 现困难。根据文义,那天史密斯先生是遇到麻烦。 21. D 固定搭配,see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,另记住 see sb. do sth. 表示看 见某人做某事的全过程。 22. A while 引导的时间从句前后动作同时进行。walk past 意为“走过”,cross 本身含 有“穿过”之意,不必另加介词了。 23. A except 意为“除……之外(而不包括)”,besides 意为“除……之外(包括)”。故 此处选 except 最佳,因为史密斯先生除了雪和冰之外就找不到别的什么了。 24. C pick up 是“动词+副词”构成的短语,当代词作宾语时应放在 pick 和 up 中间。 另外,介词 to 后加动词原形。故选 C。 25. C tie 意为“栓,系,结”,而 lie 意为“位于”。 Ⅳ.(A) 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. C (B) 31. C 由文中第一句话可知,老人来自英国东南部的一个乡村。故选 C。 32. B 由文中第二句可知,一天那位老农民决定去参观大城市。故选 B。 33. A 由文义可知,对于他来说一切都是新鲜和奇怪的,因他从未去城市旅行过。而 B 项是他去那座城市旅行过好几次了,C 项是他发现那座城市里并没有什么新鲜和 奇怪的,D 项是他只参观了那幢大楼。故选 A。 34. D 由第三段第二句可知,他看到一位老太太进了电梯。故选 D。 35. B 根据文义可知,这位农民不了解有关电梯的知识,否则不会出现“进去一位老太 太走出一个年轻女士”的笑话。故选 B。 (C) 36. see the whole village, the forest and the mountains 由第一段 From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forest and the mountains. 可知。 37. your boat 由第二段 There you can buy them when you sit in your boat. 可知。 38. your hat 由第二段 Don’t forget your hat—the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40℃ at midday!可知。 39. mountains and forests 由第三段第二句 and mountains and forests in the north 可知。 40. Bangkok in Thailand/Thailand 由第一段可知 Austria 西部某地的白天气温为 20℃-25℃; 由第二段可知 Bangkok in Thailand 的阳光强烈,中午气温可达到 40℃;由第三段可 知 Kauai 的白天气温通常为 24℃-26℃。比较三个地点的温度,便可得出答案。 第三部分 写作 Ⅰ. (A)41. camping 42. direction 43. noticed 44. receiving 45. camels (B)46. perfect 47. steps 48. huge 49. north 50. Push Ⅱ. 51. looked after 52. didn’t; until 53. as soon as she gets off the plane 54. half an hour’s walk 55. to choose Ⅲ. 参考范文: Travel Travel is a very good activity. When you are tired of working or studying, or when you have time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air, make some new friends, relax yourself and so on. But sometimes it may cause trouble. The weather often changes. You may get wet in the rain and may have a cold. You should prepare yourself carefully before your trip. You should know something about the weather. You’d better find a companion so that you can help each other to avoid accidents. In this way, you’ll have a wonderful trip. Unit 6 Topic 3 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. E Ⅱ. 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C Ⅲ. 11. T 12. F 13. T 14. T 15. T Ⅳ. 16. swimming 17. Cycling 18. energy 19. healthy 20. sports 第二部分 英语知识运用 Ⅰ. 1. B 本题考查 win 与 beat 的用法。beat 后接打败的对象,而 win 指赢得比赛。hit 与 hurt 与题意无关。故选 B。 2. D continue doing sth. =go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事);go on to do sth. 继 续做某事(另一件事),根据题意:“她没休息就继续工作了。”时态为一般过去 式。故选 D。 3. A 本题考查短语 be famous for 因……而著名,后接著名的原因;而 be famous as 作 为……而闻名,后接作为……而闻名的身份。故选 A。 4. C 本题考查条件状语从句。主句 please turn off ... 是祈使句,故从句要用一般现在 时。故选 C。 5. B 本题考查形容词、副词的比较级。当句中有 than,可推断形容词要用比较级。 strong 比较级直接加 er。故选 B。 6. C 本题考查短语 avoid doing sth. 躲避做某事,而 hit 要双写 t 加 ing。故选 C。 7. A 本题考查单词 hurt。句子中有 be 动词,所以在此 hurt 为形容词,badly 修饰 hurt 要放在 hurt 之前,为 badly hurt。故选 A。 8. C 本题考查短语 warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不)要做某事。故选 C。 9. A anywhere 在任何地方,用于否定句和疑问句,everywhere 到处;两词均不用介词 修饰。句意为“这些动物中有很多是其他地方没有的。”故选 A。 10. D 本题考查短语 on the left-hand side of 在……的左侧。left-hand 做形容词修饰 side。 在英国, 交通靠左侧行驶。故选 D。 Ⅱ. 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. F 15. E Ⅲ. 16. B 本题是肯定句表并列,不表转折。故选 B。 17. A 本题指在路的右边。故选 A。 18. D 根据第一句 keeps to the right 可知,此题用 keep,而主语是不可数名词 traffic, 故加 s。故选 D。 19. A 根据句式 make+n. +adj. 可知答案选 A,而 B、C、D 不能组成此句式。故选 A。 20. B 根据上下文应是过马路之前。故选 B。 21. A 根据下句 then right, and then look left again 可知。故选 A。 22. A 根据上下文联系应选 A,指跑过马路。故选 A。 23. B it 可代替上文中的句子或句中的某一部分,这里指上句中的跑过马路,而其他选 项与句义不符。故选 B。 24. D 本题考查 look, see, watch, read 的区别。look 指看的动作;see 指看见;watch 指 观看,强调比赛、风景、电视;read 指读书、看报。故选 D。 25. C them 指上句中提到的小孩、老人及盲人。故选 C。 Ⅳ. (A) 26. F 由第一段第一句中的 the traffic drives on the left 可知。 27. F 由最后一段中的 You can sit on the second floor.可知。 28. F 由第二段第二句 If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. 可知。 29. T 由第一段第二句 It is different from that in other areas of China. 可知。 30. T 整篇短文都是围绕交通规则而展开的,所以说每个人都应遵守交通规则。 (B) 31. A 由第一段最后一句话 Planes are fast, ... 得知飞机是因为速度快而被人们接受的。 32. B 由第二段最后一句… though it takes a little more time. 可知火车的缺点是旅行耗[ 时长。 33. B 由第三段倒数第二句 Also you can carry many things with you in a car. 可知。 34. C 由最后一句话 But sometimes there are too many cars on the road. 可知只有 C 项为 汽车的缺点,其他选项不合题意。 35. A 由第一段最后一句话 Planes are fast, but it still ... 得知唯有 A 项符合文章意思。 (C) 36. when 37. faster 38. happened 39. phone/cellphone 40. Though 第三部分 写作 Ⅰ. (A)41. rush 42. trouble 43. slow 44. crazy 45. avoids (B)46. passengers 47. impossible 48. successful 49. death 50. anywhere Ⅱ. 51. To spit 52. more than 53. the largest city 54. Why not 55. If you don’t; will Ⅲ. 参考范文: Do you like riding a bike? I like it very much. I am a student in a middle school. I often go to school by bike, because it is good for our body. It makes us healthy and saves energy. But we must obey the traffic rules. We should ride a bike slowly and ride it on the right-hand side of the road. If the traffic lights are red, we must stop. Now let’s leave cars and buses, and just cycle. Unit 6 单元过关检测 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A Ⅱ. 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A Ⅲ. 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. C Ⅳ. 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F 第二部分 英语知识运用 Ⅰ. 1. B 本题考查表示方位时 to, in, on 的用法。表示不属于某一整体内的某个方向要用: to+the+表示方向的词+of; 表示属于某一整体内的某个方向要用: in+the+表示方 向的词+of; 表示某一整体与另一整体在某个方向上接壤用:on+the+表示方向的 词+of。故选 B。 2. A 本题考查时间状语从句。主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,只有 A 是一 般将来时。故选 A。 3. B 本题考查形容词最高级的用法。in my class 表示一个范围,因此本题应用形容词 最高级,而 careful 是不规则形容词,它的最高级是 the most careful。故选 B。 4. B 本题考查由 if 引导的条件状语从句。主句用一 般将来时,从句用一般现在时。 故 选 B。 5. B 本题考查句式 Would you like ...?其答语可用 You bet. I’d like to. /Certainly. /Sure. 等。故选 B。 6. C stop doing sth. 停止做某事(同一件事);stop to do sth. 停下正在做的事情去做另 一件事。故选 C。 7. C 本题考查 come up with 想出,提出。故选 C。 8. C look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事。故选 C。 9. D want to do sth. 想要做某事。且订票只能用 book, 而 order 指订餐。故选 D。 10. B 在河的两岸,可用 both 也可用 each。但 each 后必须接名词单数,而 both 后接名 词复数,本题用 sides。故选 B。 11. A 本题考查表示花费时 cost, spend, pay for, take 的用法。cost 以物作主语;spend 以 人作主语;pay for 以人作主语;take 用于句式 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 而 本题中 they 指衣服。故选 A。 12. C 在时间点前用 at, 而 in the daytime 属于固定搭配。故选 C。 13. D 本题考查对于距离的提问。How long 指多长时间;How soon 指多久;How often 指多长时间一次;How far 指多远。题中答出大约五分钟的路程,指多远。故选 D。 14. A two-day 做形容词修饰 holiday,当用连词符连接数词和名词组成形容词时,其中 名词必须用单数形式,如 100-meter race, 4-year-old boy, 即等于不用连词符时 100 meters race, 4 years old boy 的意思。故选 A。 15. D 本题考查短语 can’t helping doing sth. 意为“禁不住做某事”,cry 的动名词直接 加 ing。故选 D。 Ⅱ. (A)16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. E (B) 21. That’s great. 22. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. 23. It’s a pity. 24. I hope so. 25. good luck Ⅲ. 26. C and 表并列,前后时态应保持一致,and 前用过去式 walked。故选 C。 27. D 根据 over the river 只有 bridge 符合题意。故选 D。 28. C 本题考查短语 tell sb. not to do sth.。故选 C。 29. D 根据文中提到的 wolf 推断应选 D,而 A、B、C 非文中提到的动物。故选 D。 30. A 根据文章应是朝着桥的方向跑过来。故选 A。 31. A 本题考查 or 和 and 用法。本句为否定句,应用 or 连接。故选 A。 32. B 本题考查由 so that 引导的目的状语从句,其中 as well as 意为“和……一样”, as long as 意为“只要”。故选 B。 33. C 结合上下文应该是指老师看见,A、B、D 与本题不符。故选 C。 34. D 根据 its mouth was widely open 及单词 snap 可知老师是把手放到狼的嘴里。故选 D。 35. D 根据文章可知最后老师获胜了,狼逃跑了。fall over sb. /sth. 被绊倒;fall down 倒塌;run away 逃掉。故选 D。 Ⅳ. (A) 36. B 由第一段第三句话 The drivers go at over 300 kilometers an hour every race. 可知。 37. B 由第二段第四句话 Modern grand prix F1 racing began in 1950 in Britain. 可知。 38. C 由第二段倒数第三句 There are races at different tracks all over the world from March to October every year. 可知。 39. A 由第三段第二句话 A team of people do these tasks together to make the stops short. 可知。 40. D 由倒数第二段倒数第二句 ... however, the race has to be timed to 1/1,000th (0. 001) of a second. 可知。 (B) 41. B 由 Time of call 一栏可判断出 Zhang Wei 给警察打电话的时间。 42. D 由 Accident 一栏可知,车中共有四人。 43. A 由 Conditions of victims 一栏可知,Mrs. Green 的左腿受了伤。 44. D 由 Weather condition 一栏可知天气情况。 45. C 由 Accident 一栏可知 A 错误;由 Place 一栏可知 B 错误;由 Cause 一栏可知 C 正确;由 Action 一栏可知 D 错误。 (C) 46. F002 47. F018 48. Saturday, Sunday and Thursday 49. five 50. Saturday 第三部分 写作 Ⅰ. (A)51. refrigerator 52. single 53. postcard/present 54. Asia 55. guards (B)56. recorded 57. to tell 58. to camp 59. walking 60. decision Ⅱ. 61. to have 62. had fun 63. isn’t he 64. had better 65. hour; half Ⅲ. 参考范文: (A) The students in our class are volunteers. On Tuesday, Group One helped homeless people. They gave out food at a food bank. On Thursday, Group Two helped kids with their schoolwork. Group Three worked outside and helped clean up the city park on Saturday. They were very happy. (B) Dear Xiaoxing, Glad to hear from you. It is really a good idea to travel with you. I’d like to start our travel on May 1st. First, we will take a bus to Nanjing. We can go boating on Xuanwu Lake. Then we’ll go to Beijing by train at night. In Beijing, we’ll visit the Great Wall, Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum. We can take photos there, do some shopping and eat some famous food like Beijing Roast Duck. I’m sure we’ll have a good time! Best wishes! Yours, Xiaowang

