外研版七年级下册英语课后作业课件Module7-Unit 2

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外研版七年级下册英语课后作业课件Module7-Unit 2

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China is a country_____the population of 1.5 billion. A. have B. has C. with D. own ( )2. I'm looking forward to_____you again. A. see B. seeing C. look D. looking C B ( )3. There are two windows_____the wall. A. in B. on C. at D. under ( )4. There_____a big kitchen and three bedrooms in it. A. be B. are C. is D. were ( )5. —Who was _____friend?  —John. A. your the first B. the your first C. your first D. first your A C C 二、翻译句子 6. 十二年前我出生在一个小村庄。 ___________________________________________ 7. 我有一幢带游泳池的房子。 ___________________________________________ I was born in a small village twelve years ago. I have a house with a swimming pool. 8. 那时候,我正盼望着去伦敦。 __________________________________________ 9. 我的父母上周在北京。 ___________________________________________ 10. 他们昨晚在家吗? ______________ I was looking forward to going to London at that time. My parents were in Beijing last week. Were they at home last night / yesterday evening? 三、语法选择 My grandmother often tells me the story of her past life. My grandmother was  11  in a small village  12  24th July, 1952. The village is on the east coast   13  China. At that time, because of many years'war (战争), many people had nothing  14 . But there were  15  ponds in her village, and there were many fish in them. In summer, she could swim in them,  16 . Her first school was Dazhang Primary School and her first teacher  17  Mr Zhang. He was strict  18  my grandmother,   19  he was also nice to her. They were looking forward to  20  a better life. Now, my grandmother is living a comfortable life and she is very happy. ( )11. A. born B. bore C. bored D. boring ( )12. A. in B. on C. at D. of ( )13. A. about B. on C. of D. from ( )14. A. to eat B. eating C. eats D. eat ( )15. A. lot of B. lot C. lots of D. a lots of A B C A C ( )16. A. also B. neither C. either D. too ( )17. A. is B. was C. were D. are ( )18. A. in B. with C. of D. about ( )19. A. but B. / C. so D. or ( )20. A. live B. living C. lives D. lived D A B B B 四、完形填空 Thomas Edison was a  21  American inventor(发明 家). 22  he was a child, he was always trying out new things. His mother loved him very much. She called 23  Tom. Young Tom was 24  school for only three 25 . During those three months, he asked his teacher a lot of 26 . Most of the questions were not  27  his lessons. His teacher thought(想;认为) he wasn't clever and told his mother to take 28  out of school. Edison's mother had to 29  him by herself. Edison learnt very quickly. He read a lot, and later he became very interested in science and invented 30  useful things. ( )21. A. famous B. happy C. sad D. friendly ( )22. A. When B. What C. Why D. Who ( )23. A. him B. his C. her D. she ( )24. A. at B. out C. on D. by ( )25. A. hours B. months C. days D. years ( )26. A. question B. questions C. answer D. answers ( )27. A. in B. about C. at D. with ( )28. A. his B. her C. him D. me ( )29. A. teach B. teaches C. taught D. teaching ( )30. A. many B. little C. a little D. much A C B A A A A B A B 三、阅读理解(B篇) I wasn't good at math when I was young. One day, when my second-grade teacher, Joyce Cooper asked how much eight and seven in class, I said “sixteen”. All the other students started laughing when they heard the number. I was very sad and almost cried. Mrs Cooper looked at them with a stern look. Then she said, “We're all here to learn.”And other students stopped suddenly. I thought it's really great to be a teacher. Another time, Mrs Cooper asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wrote, “I want to be a teacher like Mrs Cooper.” She wrote on my report, “You would be a good teacher because you try hard.” I remember these words until now. When I grew up, I found a job as a teacher. One day, I wrote a sentence with some mistakes (错误) in it on the blackboard. Then I asked students to come and correct the mistakes. A girl tired but she failed. She began to cry when she heard the other children laughed. I gave her a hug (拥抱) and told her to get a drink of water. Then, remembering Mrs Cooper, I looked the rest of the class with a serious look. “We're all here to learn.” I said. ( )31. The writer felt  after hearing the students laughing at her. A. unhappy B. worried C. nervous D. shy ( )32. The underline word “stern” may mean “  ” in Chinese. A. 和蔼的 B. 严厉的 C. 特殊的 D. 紧张的 ( )33. The writer wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, because  . A. she liked to be a teacher B. Mrs Cooper influenced (影响) her C. she wanted to make more money D. she thought to be a teacher was great A B B ( )34. When other students laughed at the girl, the writer      . A. did as Mrs Cooper did many years ago B. corrected the mistakes herself C. was very angry but said nothing D. couldn't stop crying ( )35. The best title of the passage is “    ”. A.Mrs Cooper B.A Great Teacher C.My Teaching Experience D.We're All Here to Learn A D 六、短文填空   Where was your first home? I was 36.   in a small village.It was 37.   the east coast of China. Our 38.   was big and comfortable.39.   was a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a big 40.   room. I was 41.     when I was in primary school, so my parents were very strict 42.   me.I did 43.   homework every afternoon after school. But when I was bored, I could play in 44.   garden with my friends. 45.   was great to play there. born on house There living difficult with my the It  

