外研版英语七年级下册Module 4 Unit 1教学课件

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外研版英语七年级下册Module 4 Unit 1教学课件

Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. 外研版 七年级下册 1.What will you be in the future? 2.Will you have a car? 3.Where will people live? 4.Will students go to school? Free talk — What are you going to do this weekend? — I am going to … have a picnic have a party do homework have a piano lesson — What will you do at the weekend? — I’ll … do the housework have an English lesson New words & expressions chalk ruler change future carry everything /tʃɔ:k / /'fju:tʃə/ /'ru:lə/ /'kæri/ /tʃeɪndʒ/ /'evriθɪŋ/ n.粉笔 n.直尺 v.拿;带 v.&n.改变;变化 pron.每样事物 n.将来;未来 in the future 将来 life need maybe question will ask /laɪf / /ni:d/ /wɪl/ /'meɪbi/ /ɑ:sk/ /'kwestʃən/ n.生活;生命 n.&v.aux.需要 v.aux.将;将要 adv.也许 v.询问;问 n.问题 /baɪ/ prep.用;靠;乘by level able more be able to free not… any more /'levl / /'eɪbl/ /mɔ:/ /fri:/ n.水平 adj.能够……的 能够做…… adv.更加;更 adj.更多的 不再…… adj.(时间)空闲的;空余的 The teachers will write on a blackboard with ______.chalk Guess the words I will use a ______ in the math class. ruler We will write our homework on the ______.paper blackboard pendictionary computer cell phone calculator TV 1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and describe it. Use the words in the box to help you. 2 Listen and choose Lingling’s answers to the questions. 1. Will our life be different in the future? 2. Will our schools change? Yes, it will./ No, it won’t. Yes, they will./ No, they won’t. 3. Will everything be different ? 4. Will students need computers at school? 5. Will they carry lots of books to school? Yes, it will./ No, it won’t. Yes, they will./ No, they won’t. Yes, they will./ No, they won’t. Ms Li: Do you often think about the future? What will change in 20 years? Will our life be different? The weather? Our clothes? Our school? Lingling: Yes, everything will be different. We’ll use computers, and they’ll be very small and light! And we only need one book to carry to school. Ms Li: Oh, good. Anybody else? 3 Listen and read. Ms Li: Will schools be different in the future, Daming? Daming: Yes, they will! In twenty years’ time, maybe there won’t be any schools! Ms Li: How will students learn then? Daming: Everyone will study at home. Students will use computers and get information on the Internet. They can ask their teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email. 未来 在家学习 上网 Betty: Well, I’m not sure. Yes, students will use computers, but school is good fun, and you can make friends there. And teachers can check the students’ level and will help them. Computers won’t be able to do that. 交朋友 能够 Tony: Yes, Teachers won’t use pens and paper, or erasers any more! Lingling: Great! Will students have a lot of homework to do? T ony: No, they won’t. They’ll have a lot of free time! Daming: That’ll be great! 不再 许多 Now check(√) the students’ ideas about the future. Ideas Daming Betty Tony Everyone will study at home in the future. Students will talk to their teacher on the Internet. School is good fun and you can make friends there. No one will use pens, paper or erasers. Different opinions In Daming’s opinion, 1 The schools ______ be different in the future. 2 There ______ ______ any schools. 3 Everyone will study at home. Students _____ ____ computers and ____ ____________ on the Internet. They can _____ ______ ________ questions _____ Internet, telephone or email. will won’t be will use get information ask their teachers by In Betty’s opinion, 1 The schools is ________ (good/bad)?. 2 At school, you can ______ ______ there, teachers can ______ _____ ________ ______ and will help them. Computers won’t ____ _____ ____ do that. good check the students level make friends be able to Answer the questions 1. Will schools be different in the future? 2. Where will everyone study in the future? 3. How will the students ask their teachers questions in the future? 4. Will students have a lot of homework to do? Yes, they will. Everyone will study at home in the future. They will ask their teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email. No, they won’t. Work in groups. Talk about your ideas. A: What will schools be like in the future? B: The teachers won’t… C: Maybe they will… D: What about the students? Will they…? E: And we won’t … (⑴)bring意为“带来”,指把某物从别的地方带到 说话时的这个地方来。 1. carry 搬运 【辨析】bring、take、fetch、carry Remember to bring your book tomorrow. 例:记住明天把你的书带来。 (2) take意为“带走”,把某物带到别的地方去。 It’s going to rain. You’d better take an umbrella with you. 例:要下雨了。你最好带上一把雨伞。 Will you go and fetch some water? (3) fetch意为“去取来某物”,它包括一个往返的过程。 例:你去取一点水来,好吗? (4) carry一般指“随身携带的细小物品”,此外还多 用于汽车、火车等交通工具。意为“运载”的意思。 例:他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。 He always carries a pocket dictionary with him. 昨天公共汽车把我拉到了公园。 The bus carried me to the park yesterday. (1) maybe 是副词,“也许”,相当于perhaps。 maybe只能放于句首,不能放于句中。 2. Maybe there won’t be any school! maybe 也许 【辨析】 maybe may be 例:也许他不会来。 Maybe he won’t come. (2) may be是谓语形式,其中may是情态动词,be是 连系动词,表示“也许是”、“可能会有”等。 例:他可能是个中学生。 He may be a middle school student. 现在她也许在看电视。 She may be watching TV now. there won’t be = there will not be 这是there be结构的一般将来时的否定形式, 肯定结构 为: there will be。当然there be结构的将来时结构也可 以用there is going to be 或there are going to be. 如: 1) There will be a football match on TV tomorrow. = There is going to be a football match on TV tomorrow. 2) There will be some schools in the future. = There are going to be some schools in the future. 1) 我明天一定会去北京。 I am sure to go to Beijing tomorrow. = I am sure that I will go to Beijing tomorrow. 2) 他下周一定会去参观长城。 He is sure to visit the Great Wall next week. = He is sure that he will visit the Great Wall next week. 3) 我相信几天后他将乘飞机去美国。 I am sure he will fly to America in a few days. 3. Well , I’m not sure. be sure “确信, 一定” 后可跟不定式或从句, 句意也不相同。例: (⑴)be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则 强调自身已具有的能力。 4. Computer won’t be able to do that. 能够做…… 例:她能用英语唱这首歌。 be able to 与can用法与区别: 几小时之后,他也能用英语唱这首歌。 He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes, too. She can sing the song in English. (2) be able to 强调一种结果,而can只强调一种可能。 例:幸运的是,他终于逃出了大火。 Luckily, he was able to escape from the big fire in the end. 要是他早几小时来,我还能救他。 If he got here a few hours earlier, I could save him. (3) be able to 可以有各种时态;而can只有一般现在和 一般过去两种时态。如: Ø 昨天晚上我能帮你,而你又没来。 (4) can可用于表示可能性,推测,允许等情况,而be able to通常不这样用。 Ø 你能看见它在那儿吗? Ø 他能帮你的忙。 I could help you last night, but you didn’t come. Can you see it there? He is / was / will be able to help you. 5. not…any more 不再 You can drink no more. = You can’t drink any more. not any longer = no longer 重时间,比如: = no more 侧重程度和数量,比如: 例:你不能再喝了。 He no longer lives here. =He doesn’t live here any longer. 例:他不能再住这里了。 4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box. Betty: We’ll always (1)_______ teachers because computers will never be (2)_______to check the students’(3)________ and answer their (4)_________ by (5)__________ or Internet. need able level questions telephone Will students need to go to school (6)__________? Yes,(7) ________ they will, because school is good fun, but everyone will have lots of (8)_______ time. any more maybe free 5 Listen and mark the stress. blackboard computer eraser Internet telephone Now listen and repeat. Making the stressed parts of long words can help you remember the pronunciation. Internet computer 6 Listen and repeat. /ju:/ /ʌ/ /u:/ /ʊ/ future student but fun study us ruler put 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Will schools be different in the future? 2. Will students use books in the future? 8 Work in pairs. Talk about what your school will be like in ten years. — We will study at home and only go to school for sports and games. — Will, this is good, but I’ll miss my teacher and friends. Talk about what your school will be like in 10 years. buildings playground subjects homework teachers/ classmates buildings playground subjects homework teachers/ classmates There will be… There won’t be… We will … We won’t … 单元小结 1. in the future 2. in twenty years’ time 3. by Internet/telephone/email 4. be able to 5. not … any more 6. — Will our life be different in the future? — Yes, it will./ No, it won’t. 7. Everyone will study at home. 8. How will students learn then? 一、选择题。 1. He’ll ______ do it well. A. can B. may C. must D. be able to 2. Will there ______ more people in the future? A. is B. am C. are D. be 3. The two children practice spoken English ______ joining the English Club. A. by B. in C. on D. with 4. The students will ________ the Internet. A. get information in B. get information by C. get information on 5. —Will there be robots in people’s homes in the future? —__________. A. Yes, there will B. Yes, there be C. No, there will D. No, it won’t 1. Review key words, sentences, language points and make a short dialogue with your friends or classmates. 2. Ask and answer questions about school life in ten years by using the structures we learnt. 3. Do the exercises.(见“”系列丛书 《创优作业》对应课时作业)

