外研版英语七年级下册《Life in the future》综合小测

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外研版英语七年级下册《Life in the future》综合小测

综合小测试(Module 4) Ⅰ. 单项选择 1. My grandparents go to the supermarket ______ bus every week. A. on B. in C. with D. by 2. Amy enjoys drawing pictures with_______. A. pen B. ruler C. eraser D. chalk 3. —This watch is too expensive. . —Well, we have got some________ ones. They’re over there. A. heavy B. light C. cheap D. small 4. Peter always _______his mother questions but she can’t answer all of them. A. wants B. asks C. meets D. knows 5.1 can’t do the work by myself, so I_______ a student to help me. A. need B. let C. start D. use 6. That boy can write songs and play the guitar ________. A. such as B. as good as C. as well D. as well as 7. —There will be ________schools in 50 years. —Really? Where will students study then? A. more than B. no more C. not more D. less than 8. Mr Black is ______ now, so he wants to go to a movie with his son. A. busy B. free C. healthy D. right 9.—What will you be________? —I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll be a doctor like my father. A. right now B. in the future C. at once D. at the moment 10. —Will students have lots of homework to do this weekend? —________. Teachers won’t give them much homework any more. A. Yes, they will B. Yes, they do C. No, they won’t D. No, they don’t Ⅱ. 完形填空 What will life be like in 3000? Different people have ___1___ answers. Here is my answer. I think life will be very different in 3000. Every family will have ___2___ robot. The robot can do everything for people. ___3___ people won’t have to do heavy and ___4___ work. And they will have ___5___ free time to enjoy the things they like. People will wear special ___6___ in 3000. They don’t have to ___7___ clothes because they won’t get dirty. There will be more kinds of food for people to enjoy. And they are all healthy food. People will use energy from the sun and the wind. So there ___8___ be any pollution problems. People will use a special car to travel. It can run on the road and ___9___ in the air. It will be very ___10___ for people to travel to the moon and other planets. Some people will live in other planets. It will be a happy world in 3000. 1. A. same B. different C. many D. some 2. A. a B. an C. the D. / 3. A. With B. So C. But D. Since 4. A. light B. funny C. interesting D. boring 5. A. many B. much C. more D. lots of 6. A. jacket B. dress C. pants D. clothes 7. A. have B. wear C. wash D. make 8. A. is B. isn’t C. will D. won’t 9. A. walk B. fly C. climb D. sleep 10. A. easy B. difficult C. hard D. far Ⅲ. 阅读理解 Life in the future Danny Children will not use pencils or books in the future. Each student will have a laptop (笔记本电脑) at school. Just go online and you will find everything you are interested in. Peter Too many traffic jams make people angry and tired. More and more people will take a bike to work. It is also good for the environment (环境). Jenny People will work only four hours a day in the future. Robots will help do the dangerous jobs. People will have a lot of time to relax (放松). I will enjoy that. Lisa People will wear thin clothes in the future, because the weather gets warmer year by year. Using air-conditioners (空调) is bad for the environment. I am worried about it. 1. ________thinks that children won’t use pencils. A. Danny B. Peter C. Jenny D. Lisa 2. Peter thinks that more and more people will go to work by ______. A. bus B. car C. bike D. plane 3. People will work ______ hours a day in the future. A. two B. three C. four D. five 4. What will the weather be like in the future? A. It’s cooler. B. It’s colder. C. It’s hotter. D. It’s warmer. 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. People will wear thin clothes in the future. B. Children will use laptops for studying at school. C. Robots will help people do the dangerous jobs. D. People won’t have a lot of free time because they have lots of things to do. Ⅳ. 任务型阅读 Future Life In the past, people could know how their children would live. Now things are changing so quickly. So we don’t even know what our own lives will be like in a few years. Here is how scientists see what the life will be like in twenty years. You’re sitting in your car, but you are not driving. That’s OK. The car can go without a driver, and with its computers and cameras. Your car can know how to get your home safely. You’re hungry, so you go to the kitchen as soon as you get home. You ask for some food by computer. And now they’ve arrived. Your kitchen has a two-way refrigerator (冰箱). It opens to the outside to receive things for you. You've already paid for food. You can pay the money from your bank. Nobody uses cash (现金). What’s for lunch? In the old days, you often stopped to buy food in the street. Now you use a small machine. It has found out you need more vegetables and less fat. So your food-cooking machine makes you a salad. After lunch, you go down the hall to your home office. Here you have everything you need for doing your work. Thanks to your new computer, you almost never go into the office any more. The computer shows a message from a worker of your office in another country. Your computer puts his words into English. As you wait, you think about what to do at night. If you want to see a film, you can stay at home and see any film. The films are sent to you on the Internet. What film do you want to see this evening? 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 1 . People will be able to let their cars drive by itself. 2. People will eat food cooked by a robot at home. 3. People will use cash to buy things. 4. People will not go into offices to work every day. 5. Computers will put one’s words into English. Ⅴ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. It’s going to be _______ (wind) tomorrow. 2. What else will you have _______ (ask)? 3. Bruce is an _______ (Australia) friend of mine. 4. There _______ (be) a great change in the country in three years. 5. The students need _______ (do) their homework every day. Ⅵ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 1. The Chinese students usually _______ (带) a heavy bag to school. 2. What will our _______ (生活) be like in the future? 3. _______ (也许) it is going to rain tomorrow. 4. Who can answer the two ______ (问题)? 5. The _______ (机器) will do all he heavy jobs in 20 years’ time. Ⅶ. 书面表达 随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人被制造出来,除了大量应用于工业外,机器人也走进人 们的生活。请以 Robots at home in the future 为题,写一篇 60 词左右的短文,介绍一下 机器人在未来家庭中的应用情况。 Ⅰ. 1—5 DDCBA 6—10 CBBBC Ⅱ. 1—5 BABDC 6—10 DCDBA Ⅲ. 1—5 ACCDD Ⅳ. 1—5 TFFTT Ⅴ. 1. windy 2. to ask 3. Australian 4. will be 5. to do Ⅵ. 1. carry 2. life 3. Maybe 4. questions 5. machines Ⅶ. One possible version: Robots at home in the future In the future, there will be a robot in everyone’s home. Robots will do a lot of things for people. They will help people do the housework like cleaning houses, washing clothes, cooking dinner and looking after children and old people. They will also tell children stories before they go to bed. In a word, robots will be very important in the future.

