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unit 3 人教版七年级英语下册单元全套课件 How do you get to school? Unit 3 How do you get to school? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section A 1a-1c u To learn to use How questions. u To learn to talk about how to get to places. take a bus ride a bike take the subway take a train take a car take a plane take the ship How do you get to school every day? I ride my bike. Match the words with the pictures. 1a 1. take a train ____ 2. take the bus ____ 3. take the subway ____ 4. ride a bike ____ 5. walk ____ a b c d e a d e b c I ride my/ a bike to school. How do you get to school? He walks to school. How does he get to school? 3 4 1 2 1. Bob 2. Mary 3. John 4. Paul 5. Yang Lan 6. Jim 56 Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture above.1b Bob takes the train. Mary takes the subway. Paul walks. Yang Lan walks. John takes the bus. Jim rides his bike. Check your answers again! Look at the pictures in 1a. How do the students get to school? Make conversations with your partner. 1c She takes the subway.How does Mary get to school? take the bus take the train ride a bike walk A: How do you get to school? B: I take the subway. take the subway takes the subwayHow does Mary get to school? She _________________. takes the train takes the bus How does John get to school? How does Bob get to school? He ______________. He ______________. walkHow do Paul and Yang Lan get to school? They _____. take + the/a + 交通工具 + to + 地点 = get/go to + 某地 + by + 交通工具 e.g. He often takes the subway to work. = He goes to work by subway. Ø 乘坐某种交通工具去某地 1. take the subway 乘坐地铁 take 用法 关于subway, subway train 和subway station 在美国,subway 表示“地铁”这一地下交通系 统或交通手段,常用 take the subway 或 go by subway 来表达“乘坐地铁”,但不说 take a subway 或 go by a / the subway。在英国,“地 铁”称作 the underground,谈及 subways,不 是表示“地铁”,而是表示“地下通道”。例 如: the London Underground 伦敦地铁 subway train 表示“地铁列车”。 例如: I’m on a subway train. I’ll call you later. 我在地铁上呢,我回头给你去电话。 subway station 表示“地铁车站”。 例如: It takes him about five minutes to walk to the subway station from his home. 他从家走到地铁站约用5分钟的时间。 1. 你怎样去学校?我骑车去学校。 2. 她怎样去学校?她乘火车去学校。 — How do you get to school? — I ride the bike (to school). — How does she get to school? — She takes the train (to school). 将下列句子译成英语。 I ______ to school on foot every day. A. go B. went C. has gone 【2019·广西柳州】 A Ø 中考链接 Make conversations about how your parents go to work. Write them down. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section A 2a-2e uTo learn to use How long questions. uTo learn to use How far questions. uTo learn to read and write numbers. Ø Objectives take the subwaytake the bus take the car -How do you get to school every day? -I ________ to school. ride the bike Ø Warming Up take the plane take the ship take the train -How do you get to Hongkong? -I ______to Hongkong. fifty-eight one hundred and three How long? Twenty-five minutes. How far? Ten kilometers(公里). nine hundred B: It takes him twenty minutes. 20 minutes A: How does Tom get to school? B: He walks to school. A: How long does it take? A: How does Jack get to school? B: He takes the bus to school. A: How long does it take? B: It takes him about 30 minutes. 6:30 7:00 30 minutes Listen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word. 84 105 99 200 72 61 sixty-one _____ ninety-nine _____ seventy-two _____ one hundred and five ____ eighty-four _____ two hundred _____84 61 10572 200 99 2a Listen and complete the chart. How? How long? (minutes) How far? (kilometers) Tom Jane walks takes the bus 20 90 2 60 2b A: How do you get to school? B: I ... A: How long does it take? B: It takes ... A: How far is it from ... to ...? B: It’s about ... Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom. Use the information in 2b to make conversations. 2d Lisa: Hey, Jane. Is this your new bike? Jane: Yes. I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school? Lisa: I usually take the bus. Jane: How far is it from your home to school? Lisa: I'm not sure …about 10 kilometers? The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. Role-play the conversation.2e How long does it take you to get to school? Jane: About 15 minutes by bike. It's good exercise. Lisa: Yeah. Well, have a good day at school. Jane: You, too. How How long (minutes) How far (kilometers) Lisa Jane Read the conversation and fill in the blanks. takes the bus rides the bike 20 minutes 15 minutes 10 kilometers 10 kilometers 20 minutes 15 minutes Yes, I ride it to school every day. Hey, Jane? Is this your new bike? Ø Pair Work 1. It + takes sb + some time + to do sth 表示做某事花了某人多少时间。如: It took me half a day to do my homework. 做作业花了我半天时间。 2. 在英语中表花费的词还有很多,如:pay, spend, cost 等。 1) sb + pay + 金钱 + for + 物表示某人花钱买某物。如: She’s paying 50 yuan for the dictionary. 她要花50元买这本字典。 2) sb + spend +时间/金钱 (in) doing sth. 如: 他玩了两小时电子游戏。 He spent two hours (in) playing computer games. 3) sb + spend +时间/金钱 on sth. 如: 她买那条裙子花了150元。 She spent 150 yuan on the skirt. 4) sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱 如:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。 3. by bus, ride my bike 和 take the subway 均表示“乘坐某种交通工具”。 1) “by + 表示交通工具的单数名词”在句 中作方式状语, 名词前不需加任何限定词。 如: My sister goes to work by boat every day. 我姐姐每天乘船去上班。 2) “ride / take + 限定词 + 表示交通工具的 名词” 在句中作谓语。如: She rides the bus to school every day. 她每天乘公共汽车去上学。 We can take a train to their hometown. 我们可以坐火车去他们的家乡。 【拓展】表示“乘坐某种交通工具”还可以 用“on / in + 限定词 + 表示交通工具的名词”。 如:She often goes to school on the school bus. 她经常乘校车去上学。 He sometimes goes to school in his father’s car. 他有时坐爸爸的汽车去上学。 4. ride one’s bicycle to 相当于 go to…by bike 骑车去…… 如:Dave 每天骑车上学。 Dave rides his bicycle to school every day. Dave goes to school by bike every day. 5. How long does it take you to get to school? 到学校花费你多长时间? how long意为“ 多久;多长时间” ,用来询问 时间的长短。如: --How long does it take to get to the library? --Half an hour by bike.. 【拓展】 how long 还可表示“ 多长” ,用来询 问物品的长度。如: — How long is this river? — It’s about 150 kilometers. get to“到达”,后跟地点名词。 如: get to the south of Italy 若get to 后的地点是副词,则省to。 get home get there get here 6. How far is it from your home to school? how far意为“多远”,用来询问距离,常用 “数词+kilometers/miles”或“ 时间段的所有格 形式+drive/ride”等来回答。如: -- How far is your home from the train station? -- About fifteen minutes’ drive. 关于 how 的用法 how adv. 指范围、程度、数量、价值等的“多少、 多么”。 1) 用于疑问句中,表示身体怎样。  How is your brother? 你哥哥身体好吗? 2) 用于疑问句中,表示多少、什么程度。  How old is he?他多大年纪? 【总结】 How much baggage am I allowed to take? 我可以带多少行李? I don’t know how far to rely on him. 我不知道应该依靠他到什么程度。 How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校有多远? How is the U.S. dollar today? 今天美元市价多少? How long does it take you to get from home to school? 你从家到学校要多久? 3)(指方式、方法)怎样,怎么 How did you climb to the top of that building? 你是如何爬上楼顶的? How do you get to school? 你是如何去学校的? 4) 用于惊叹句中,表示多么…… How well you look! 你看起来多么健康啊! How I wish to have a long vacation these days! 这些天我多么希望去度一次长假啊! Ⅰ.词汇。 1. My home is near. I ______(步行) to school. 2. Li Lei ______ the subway (乘地铁) to school. 3. His father often goes to Shanghai ____ ______(坐飞机). 4. If you don’t want to be late, you’d better ______ a _____(打的). 5. _______ ____ ____ (骑自行车) to work is good for our health, I think. walk takes by plane take taxi Riding the bike Ⅱ.用疑问词填空。 1.– Mary, _______ do you get to school? -- I usually ride my bike. 2. --_______ _______ does it take? -- It takes about 15 minutes. 3. --______ _____is it from your home? --It’s about 2 kilometers. how How long How far 4. Tom takes the train to school. (就画线部分提问) _________ does Tom get to school? 5. I live 10 miles from school. (就画线部分提问) _____ _____ do you live from school? How How far 1. Tom takes the bus to school. 2. I walk to school every day. Tom gets to school by bus. I get to school on foot every day. 3. They go to the USA by plane. They take the plane to the USA. Ⅲ.写出下列句子的同义句。 1. Do your parents drive to work? (作否定回答) ___________________ 2. Mary goes to school by bike? (画线部分提问) ________________________________ 3. Linda lives ten kilometers from school. (画线 部分提问) ____________________________________? Ⅳ.句型转换。 No,they don’t. How does Mary go to school? How far does Linda live from school 4. I take an hour to get to her home. (划线部分提 问) _____________________________________ ______________________________________? 5. Eric, rides/to/school/every/his/day (连词成句) _______________________________________. How long does it take to get to her home Eric rides his bike to school every day Roy works in London. It _____ him about half an hour to get to work by bus every day. A. costs B. spends C. takes Ø 中考链接 【2019·山东临沂】 C Make a survey about two classmates, including: How they get to school? How long it takes them to get to school? How far their homes are from school? Then write a passage about it. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section A Grammar Focus-3c uTo learn to ask and answer How questions. uTo learn to ask and answer How long questions. uTo learn to ask and answer How far questions. Ø Objectives take the subwaytake the bus take the car -How do you get to school every day? -I ________ to school. ride the bike Ø Warming Up -How does Jenny get to school every day? -She ________ to school. B: It takes him twenty minutes. 20 minutes A: How does Tom get to school? B: He walks to school. A: How long does it take? How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus. How long does it take to get to school? It takes about 15 minutes. How far is it from your home to school? It is only about two kilometers. Does Jane walk to school? No, she doesn't. She goes by bike. Do they take the bus to school? No, they don't. They walk. Grammar Focus 1. How do/does + 某人 + ___________ ? 某人怎么去某地? how是疑问副词, 本句中用来提问 __________ 等。 你叔叔怎样去香港? ___________________________________ 探究乐园 出行方式 get to 某地 How does your uncle get to Hong Kong? 2. 回答方式有两种: A: 某人 + take(s) + ____________ + to 某地。 B: 某人 + get(s) to 某地 + _____________ 我叔叔乘飞机去香港。 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ the 交通工具 by 交通工具 My uncle takes the plane to Hong Kong. My uncle gets to Hong Kong by plane. 3. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为:___________________________ 步行大约要花我15 分钟的时间。 _________________________________ 做作业大约花费简30分钟的时间。 _________________________________ _________________________________ It takes me about 15 minutes to walk. It takes Jane 30 minutes to do her homework. 某事花费某人……时间 4. 如果对时间段提问的话,就用 _________ + does it take sb. to do sth.? 句型。 How long How long does it take to walk to school? How long does it take to do her homework? 5. 对两地间的距离提问下列句型: _______ + is it _____ 某地 ___ 某地? 从他家到服装店多远? _______ is it _____ his home __ the clothes store? 从北京到上海有多远? _______ is __ from Beijing ___ Shanghai? How far from to toHow far it How far from to Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them. 1. How does Mike get to school? 2. How long does it take to get home? 3. How far is it from here? 4. Do your friends go to school by bus? 5. Does your dad drive his car to work? a. Yes, they do. b. No, he doesn’t. c. He rides his bike. d. It’s five kilometers. e. About 15 minutes. c e d a b 3a 1. school/you/get to/do/how ________________________ ______________________ 2. to/school/get to/does/how long/take/it ________________________________ ________________________________ 3. school/your/from/it/is/how far/home/to __________________________________ __________________________ Use these words to make questions. Then ask and answer them with your partner. How do you get to school? How long does it take to get to school? How far is it from your home to school? I ride my bike. It takes about five minutes. It’s about two kilometers. 3b Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. The first student to fill in all the blanks wins! needs about 10 minutes to get to school. needs about an hour to get to school. goes to school by bike. takes a bus to school. walks to school. lives about five kilometers from school. Name Find someone who… 3c Make a survey in your group. Questions S1 How far do you live from school? Do you walk to school? How do you get to school? How long does it take to get to school? 5 kilometers No, I don’t. take the bus 10 minutes In my group, S1 lives about five kilometers from school. He goes to school by bus. It takes about ten minutes to get to school. S2 lives about … S3 lives about … Make a report about your classmates. How do you get to school? 你是怎么上学去的? how 是疑问副词, 通常用来提问方式等。 含有动词交通方式有: take the subway take the train walk (go on foot) take the bus … 可以用介词by表示乘坐方式 by bus, by subway, by ship, by bike, by plane/air He rides his bike to school. =He gets to school on his bike. =He gets to school by bike. How does he get to school? She walks to school. =She goes to school on foot. How does she get to school? 总结:How 引导的特殊疑问句 1.用来询问方式或手段。 如: — How does Li Lei usually go to school? — He usually goes to school by bus. 2.用来询问程度。 如: — How is your weekend? 周末过得怎样? — How is your mother today? 你妈妈今天身体好吗? 3. 【how long】 (1)询问时间长短 如:-- How long does it take you to go to work by bike every day? 你每天骑自行车上班花多长时间? -- Half an hour. 半个小时。 (2)多用来询问长度。 如:How long is the Yellow River? 黄河有多长? 4. 【 how far 】提问路程的长短。 如:—How far is it from your home to school? 你家离学校有多远? — About 2 kilometers. 大约2千米。 Ⅰ.从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,有一项多余。 A. Then how do you get to school every day? B. Oh, that’s far from our school. C. How long does it take? D. Where do you live? E. How far is it? F. What about you? A: Morning, Tony! (1)______    B: I live at No. 25 Qinxian Road. A: (2)____    B: Yes. It’s about ten kilometers. A: (3)____    B: By bus. But sometimes I ride my bike. A: (4)_____    B: Twenty minutes by bus and about fifty minutes by bike. (5)_____    A: My home is not far from our school, so I walk to school every day. B: That’s great. D B A C F Ⅱ.翻译句子。 1. 林飞家离学校大约10千米。 2. — 从你家到学校有多远? — 3英里。 Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school. — How far is it from your home to school? — It’s three miles. 3. 你家离学校有多远? _____ ____ is it ______ your home ___ school? 4. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的 交通方式。 In China, bikes and buses _____ the ______popular ____________ of ________________. most ways/means transportation How far from to are A: __________________________? B: I usually ride my bike. A: ________is it from your home to school? B: About 10 kilometers. A: _________does it take? B: It _______me around 35 minutes. Ⅲ.补全对话。 How do you get to school How far How long takes 【2019·贵州黔南三州】 — ______ is it from your school to the bus stop? — It’s about 5 minutes’ walk. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far Ø 中考链接 D Write a passage about how your best friends get to school. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section B 1a-1e uTo learn different kinds of transportation. uTo learn to use How questions to talk about the transportation. Ø Objectives How do you get to school? ride a bike (go by bike) take the bus (go by bus) take the train (go by train) take the car (go by car) Ø Warming Up take the subway (go by subway) walk / go on foot take the plane / go by plane How does he get to school? He goes to school by bike. He rides the bike to school. How does he get to school? He goes to school on foot. He walks to school. How do you get to Hong Kong? I get to Hong Kong by plane. I fly to Hong Kong. bus stop bus station subway station train station Match the words with the pictures. 1. ___bus stop 3. ___ bus station 2. ___ train station 4. ___ subway station c a d b 1a A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. Tell your partner how you get to school. Imagine you use two types of transportation.1b bike ca r bus train planesubway Listen and check (√)the things that Mary wants to know. ___ where Bob lives. ___ how far he lives from his grandparents’ home. ___ how he gets to his grandparents’ home. ___ how long it takes to get to his grandparents’ home. ___ what he thinks of the trip. √ √ Mary wants to know… √ 1c Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparents’ home? Check ( ) 1 or 2.√ √ 1d 1. 2. Talk about how Bob gets to his grandparents’ home.1e A: How does grandpa get to the park? B: First, he … to … C: Next, he … to … D: Finally he … To get to the park, first, grandpa rides his bike to the subway station. Next, he takes the subway to the bus station. Finally, he gets to the park. A: How does Nina go to the library? B: First, she…to… C: Next, she…to… D: Then she… To go to the library, first Nina … to ... Next she to … Then she … think of 认为 What does Bob think of the trip? 鲍勃认为旅行怎么样? 【拓展】 What do/does sb. think of …? 某人觉得……怎么样? (= How do/does sb. like…?) How does Bob like the trip? take 用法 1. take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。 Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车? 注意: take和 by都有“乘、坐”之意。take 是一个 动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具 的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语; 而 by是一个介词, 它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用 冠词等修饰语。by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。 如:格林先生经常乘火车去上班。 Mr. Green often goes to work by train. Mr. Green often takes a train to work. 2. take 表示“花费时间”之意, 其常用句型为 “ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”, 意为“某人花多少时间做某事”, 注意后面的 动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如: It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。 It takes me half an hour to do my homework. 我要花半小时做作业。 3. 含 take 的短语 take exercise 运动; 锻炼 take a walk 散步 take a look (at) 看一看 take down 取下 take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take out 拿出 take a rest 休息 take away 拿走 take a vacation 度假 take off (脱掉;飞机等) 起飞 take photos 照相,拍照 Ⅰ.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 1. Is it easy for them ______ (get) to school? 2. The river runs too _______ (quick) for boats. 3. His brother _______ (cross) the river on a ropeway every day. to get crosses quickly 5. All the _________ (village) want to have a nice bridge. 6. It takes six hours to get to his _____________ (grandparents) home. villagers grandparents’ 4. Can this dream _____ (come) true? come 2. The students in Kaishandao go to school _________. 3. — How do they cross the big river? — They go ______________. 4. What do you __________ the new violin? 5. His parents’ dream is to have a big house. They think it can ___________ soon. think of on a ropeway by boat come true 1. There’s a shop _________ our school and the park. think of, come true, by boat, on a ropeway, between Ⅱ.选词填空。 between 1. — How does he go to Hong Kong? — __________. A. Take the plane B. By the plane C. By the air 2. — _______ do you live from school? — 8 miles. A. How long B. How far C. Where Ⅲ.单项选择。 3. I usually go to school ________. A. ride the bike B. on bike C. on the bike 4. ____ does it take her to get to school? A. How many time B. How long C. How far 5. If they live around the river, they can go somewhere _______. A. by train B. by taxi C. by boat Ⅳ.句型转换。 1. Mr. Smith often flies to Tokyo for the meeting. (同义句转换) 2. Every day her father comes to his company by car. (同义句转换) Mr. Smith often takes the plane to Tokyo for the meeting. Every day her father drives to his company. 3. My mother usually takes the bus to work. (变否定句) 4. I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework. (同义句转换) It usually takes me 3 hours to do my homework. My mother doesn’t usually take the bus to work. 5. His factory is 10 miles from his home. (对划线部分提问) How far is his factory from his home? Please write a short passage including: how you get to school, how far it is from your home to school, how long it takes, … Unit 3 How do you get to school? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section B 2a-2d uTo learn the students crossing the river to school. uTo learn the new words and expressions: cross,river, village, bridge, boat, afraid, leave, dream, come true, between..and... Ø Objectives boatriver bridge village villagers ropeway Ø Warming up dreambetween leave afraid many = lots ofcross Look at the picture below. Guess what the story is about.2a Read the news story from some years ago and choose the best title for it.2b A. How to Get to School B. Crossing the River to School C. Going to School Is Fun. How do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? For many students, it is easy to get to school. But for the students in one small village in China, it is difficult. There is a very big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. Crossing the River to School One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. But he is not afraid because he loves school. “ I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He’s like a father to me.” Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true? Read the story again and answer the questions. 1. How do the students in the village go to school? 2. Why do they go to school like this? 3. Does the boy like his school? Why? They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. Because there’s no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. Yes, he does. He loves to play with his classmates. He loves his teacher. Their dream is to have a bridge. Yes. I think so. Many kind people will help them. 4. What is the villagers’ dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not? Reporter: How do you _______ to school, Liangliang? Liangliang: I go on a ropeway to _______ the river to school. Reporter: Are you _________? Liangliang: No, I’m not. Because I _____ my school and my teachers. I like to Read the story again and complete the interview. get love 2c afraid cross _____ with my classmates at school. Reporter: Is it _________for you to go to school? Liangliang: Yes, it is. Reporter: Do you want to have a ________? Liangliang: Yes. It’s our dream. Reporter: I’m sure your dream can come _____. play difficult true bridge 2d Now there is a bridge across the river and the children do not have to go on the ropeway to get to school anymore. Imagine you are a reporter and want to interview a student in the school. Make up a conversation. Reporter: How do you get to school, Mingming? Mingming: I used to go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. But now ... 1. There is a very big river between their school and the village. there be侧重于客观存在的“有”,强调存在的状 态。在there be结构中,主语应放在be动词之后, 并且be动词的形式应与主语保持一致。 如: There are many apples on the tree. 【拓展】 have侧重于主观方面,强调“所属” 关系, 表示“拥有,占有,具有”。在这一结构中, have与主语保持人称和数的一致。 如: She has a nice schoolbag. between … and … 在……与……之间 between 是个介词,表示在两者之间。 如: Mary is between Jane and Linda in the line. 在队伍中,玛丽在简和琳达之间。 2. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 河上根本没有桥,而且水流很急,不适 宜小船摆渡。 (1) no “完全不、根本没有”,在这里 构成否定句。当no 用于构成否定句,主要 用于名词前,强调否定其后面的名词。如: There is no apple in the fridge. 冰箱里没有苹果了。 (2) run 在这里表示“液体流动”。 它在不同的语境中有不同的用法和含义。例如: ①Who runs the business? 生意是谁经营的? “run”表示 “管理;经营” ② John run a car into a park. 约翰把车开进了公园。 “run”表示 “使行驶;驾驶” ③ The road runs north.这条路伸向北方。 “run”表示 “延伸” ④ “run” 可以做名词 “奔跑,路程” Let’s go for a run across the field. 咱们去跑步,跑过那片田野吧。 It is an hour’s run by train from here to London. 从此地到伦敦搭火车有一小时的行程。 3. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. 一个11岁的男孩—亮亮,每天过河上学 。 11-year-old 为多个词汇构成的复合形容词,用连 字符“-”连接,用来修饰名词 boy。这种结构还 有很多,例如: a four-day trip 一个四天的旅行 a 30-page book 一本30页的书 注意:这里的“year,day,page”都是用单数。 4. But he is not afraid because he loves school. afraid adj. 害怕;恐惧 ; (1)be afraid...害怕的 The girl is very afraid. 小女孩很害怕。 (2)be afraid of … 害怕 …… My sister is afraid of snakes. 我妹妹害怕蛇。 5. He’s like a father to me. like 在这里作介词,而不是动词,意为“像”。 The fish looks like a big boat. 那条鱼看起来像条船 。(介词) Jane likes history very much. 简很喜欢历史。 (动词) 1. Look! There are some boats on the r ______. 2. Who is the boy b _________ your mother and father? 3. — How old is your sister? — She’s twelve y ______ old. 4. My mom always says “Have a good d _______!” before I go to bed. 5. When the girl sees the dog, she’s always a ______. Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 iver etween ears ream fraid 1. You can see ______ books on his desk. 2. Mrs. Han is ____ a mother to us. We all love her very much. 3. I often walk to the bus _____ to take the bus. 4. The students in the village go to school by ______. 5. How can we ______ the river? many like stop boat cross Ⅱ.从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子。 stop, cross, many, boat, like 1. Do they go to school by bus or _________      (骑自行车)? 2. ___________ (因……而感谢) helping me with my homework. 3. There are lots of people in the _________       _______ (地铁站). 4. I ______ (到达) school at seven in the morning. 5. What do you _________ (认为) the school trip? by bike Thanks for station get to think of Ⅲ.根据句意及汉语提示,用适当的短语完成句子。 subway 1. 我乘公交上学,你呢? I go to school by bus. ____ ______ you? 2. 他家离汽车站不远。 His home is not ____ _____ the bus station. 3. 桌子上有一个杯子。 ______ ____ a cup on the desk. 4. 我喜欢和我的狗狗玩。 I love to _____ _____ my dog. 5. 我希望你的梦想能早日实现。 I hope your dream can _____ ____ soon. How about far from play with come true There is Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1.A: _______________________, Betty? (leave home) B: At about 8:00 a.m. 2. A: ______________________________? (Mike, get to school) B: By bus. 3. A: ______________________________________? (from, home, school) B: It’s about seven kilometers. Ⅴ.根据提示写出恰当的问句或答语,完成对话。 When do you leave home How does Mike get to school How far is it from your home to school 4. A: How long does it take you to get home? B: ______________________________. (ten minutes, by bike) 5. A: _______________________? (school life) B: It’s interesting. It takes ten minutes by bike How’s your school life — ______is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai- Macao Bridge? — 55 kilometers. A. How long B. How high C. How wide Ø 中考链接 【2019·福建】 A Laura is _______ 11-year-old girl. She is good at playing ______ guitar. A. /; a B. an; / C. an; the D. a; an 【2019·四川凉山】 C Write an article. Talk about how students in your class get to school. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section B 3a-Self Check u To learn to write an e-mail to tell how you get to school. u To revise the expressions about transportation. Ø Objectives Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US . Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 3a Hi there, How are you? Thanks for your last e-mail. You want to know how I _______ school, right? Well, I usually_______ my home at about 8:00 and ______to the bus stop. The school bus usually comes at about 8:15. My school bus is about 20 ___________ from my home. It _______ about 40 minutes to get there by bus. The bus ride is never ________ because I always talk to my classmates. What about you ? How do you get to school? Tom get to leave walk kilometers takes boring kilome ters takes boring get to walk leave Write an e-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to school. These questions may help you. 1. When do you leave home? 2. How do you get to school? 3. How far is it from your home to school? 4. How long does it take you to get to school? 5. Do you like your trip to school? 3b 1. 先根据自己的实际情况回答五个提示问题。 2. 将五个答语连成一段连贯的文字。 3. 适当发挥自己的想象, 写出其他可能的句子。 4. 按e-mail的写作格式, 先向对方进行问候, 或客套。 然后, 将以上文字整理成一篇小信件。 5. 最后, 再通读一遍自己的作品, 看有没有错误或不 通顺的地方。就大功告成了! Dear Tom, __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ How are you? Thank you for your last e-mail. I know how you get to school. Now let me tell you how I get to school. I usually leave home at half past seven.First, I walk to the subway station. Then I take the subway to school. My school is about ten kilometers from my home. One possible version ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Peter It usually takes me about half an hour to get to school. I usually meet many friends. So my trip is interesting , too. 1 Use the words in the boxes to form as many expressions as possible. take, walk ride, drive bus, train, car, bike, plane, subway, boat by take a bus, by bus, ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________take a boat, by boat ride a bike, by bike take the subway, by subway take a train, by train take the plane, by plane How does Tony get to school? __________________________________He gets to school by bike. 2 Look at the chart below. Write at least five questions. Then answer the questions with the information in the chart. Who Where How How far How long Tony from home to school by bike 5 km 20 minutes Mary from home to the library by bus 15 km 40 minutes Possible questions and answers: 1. How far is it from Tony’s home to school? _______________________________ 2. How long does it take Tony to get to school? __________________________________ 3. How does Mary get to school? ________________________________She gets to the library by bus. It’s five kilometers. It takes him about twenty minutes. 4. How far is it from Mary’s home to the library? ______________________________ 5. How long does it take Mary to get to school? ________________________________ It’s about fifteen kilometers. It takes her about forty minutes. How does Tony get to school? Tony is my good friend. He lives about seven kilometers from school. He usually gets to school by bike. It usually takes him about ten minutes. How does Mary get to the library? Mary is my good friend. ______________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ __________ She lives about fifteen kilometers from the library. She usually takes the bus to the library. It takes about forty minutes to get to the library. 1. --- _____ do you get to school? --- I walk but sometimes I _____ the bus. 2. --- ____ _____ does it take? --- It ______ about 30 minutes ____ ____ and 10 minutes ___ _____. (走路30分 钟 坐公交10分钟) takes How How long take by bus on foot Ⅰ.填上正确的单词,补全对话。 3. --- _____ ____ is it _____ your home to school? --- It’s three miles. 4. --- _____ _____ does it take you from home to school? --- It _______ twenty minutes. How long How far from takes Ⅱ.选词填空。 1. How do you _______ school in the morning? 2. What do you ________ the transportation in your town? 3. When it rains, I ______ a taxi. 4. How far do you ______ from the bus station? 5. I like to ______ my bike on the weekend. get to think of take live ride ride take live think of get to Ⅲ.单项选择。 1. --____ does it take to school? --10 minutes. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How much 2. -- ____ is it from Xiangfan to Wuhan? -- About 300 kilometers. A. How far B. How old C. How many D. Where 3. He has a quick breakfast, and then leaves ___ school ___ sixty thirty. A. for; for B. from; for C. for; at D. for; in 4. Some students go to school by boat, but ___ go by bus. A. other B. some other C. other’s D. others 5. I have a map of the U.S.A here, but it’s ___ English. A. with B. for C. in D. at 6. ____ do you like the transportation in your town? A. What B. How C. When D. How’s 7. ____ kilometers is it from Beijing to Shanghai? A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How many 8. Students have to ___ a boat to get ___ home. A. take; to B. take; / C. takes; / D. takes; to 1. get, does, to, how, Mary, school 2. far, the, cinema, is, home, how, from, your, it How does Mary get to school? How far is it your home from the cinema? Ⅳ.连词成句。 3. how, do, the, subway, to, school, go, often, take, you, to 4. does, John, how, take, it, long, go, to, work How often do you take the subway to go to school? How long does it take John to go to work? Now your friend is coming to see you from Beijing. But he doesn’t know how to get here and how long it takes. Write an e-mail to help him.

