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山东省聊城地区2012-2013学年第二学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 一、单项选择(15分)‎ ‎( )1. In ______ fact, I got the news three days ago.‎ ‎ A. an B. the C. /‎ ‎( )2. —Does Jenny get on well ______ Nancy?‎ ‎—Yes, they often walk home arm ______ arm after school.‎ A. with ; with B. with ; in C. in ; with ‎( )3. Mike feels sad because he doesn’t have any ______ friends at school.‎ ‎ A. noisy B. rude C. real ‎( )4. Look! There are ______ of cars on the road.‎ ‎ A. hundreds B. hundred C. 2 hundred ‎( )5. ______ worry about me. I will look after myself well.‎ ‎ A. Not B. Don’t C. Can’t ‎( )6. —What is your brother going to do this evening?‎ ‎—Maybe he ______ TV.‎ A. watched B. watches C. will watch ‎( )7. ______ beautiful city Paris is!‎ ‎ A. How B. What C. What a ‎ ‎( )8. —______ you play table tennis?‎ ‎—No, I can’t. Peter can’t play it, ______.‎ A. Can ; too B. Do ; too C. Can ; either ‎( )9. Soon we ______ all the facts about the accident(事故).‎ ‎ A. went over B. found out C. tried on ‎( )10. —______‎ ‎—Eighty-eight yuan.‎ ‎ A. What size do you take? ‎ B. What colour do you like? ‎ C. How much is the shirt?‎ ‎( )11. —Where ______ you go this morning?‎ ‎—I ______ to the post office near my home.‎ A. did ; went B. do ; goes C. did ; go ‎( )12. —______ did it take you to get to Mexico?‎ ‎—It took me about ten hours.‎ A. What B. How C. How long ‎( )13. Liu Meng doesn’t like black ______.‎ ‎ A. very all B. at all C. much ‎( )14. Last Saturday I did some ______.‎ ‎ A. shop B. shops C. shopping ‎( )15. —What do you think of the photo?‎ ‎—______‎ A. Wonderful! B. I don’t think. C. It’s a photo.‎ 二、阅读理解(40分)‎ A We do the shopping on Sundays. I often go to the supermarket with my mother on Sunday morning in a car. Father likes red apples very much. So we buy some red apples for him. Mother likes yellow bananas. The oranges are very nice. Mother buys some for me. I like oranges very much. ‎ There are many vegetables. They are very nice. We buy some tomatoes, carrots and broccoli. My parents like broccoli very much, but I don’t like it. After shopping, we have some milk , some bread and some ice cream. And then we go back home.‎ ‎( ) 1. Who likes apples very much?‎ ‎   A. Mother B. Father C. I ‎ ‎( ) 2. What does mother like?‎ ‎   A. oranges B. apples C. bananas ‎( ) 3. Mother buys some oranges for _________.‎ ‎   A. us B. me C. her ‎( ) 4. My parents like ______ , but I don’t like it. ‎ ‎ A. tomatoes B. carrots C. broccoli ‎( ) 5. After shopping, ______________.‎ A. we go back home B. we have some food C. we have some apples ‎ B Bognor Regis is a small beautiful town in the UK. From March 12 to 17 of each year, lots of clowns(小丑) get together in the town to celebrate the International Clown Festival. The first one was in 1987. During the festival, people can see all kinds of clowns. They are together for the clown shows. They sing and dance in a strange way to make people happy. Children like this interesting festival best. Now women can take part in the clown shows and they’re very popular. But in the past, only men could be clowns.‎ ‎( ) 6. The International Clown Festival finishes on ______ every year.‎ ‎ A. March 12 B. March 14 C. March 17‎ ‎( ) 7. The first International Clown Festival was in ______.‎ ‎ A. 1978 B. 1987 C. 1879‎ ‎( ) 8. ______ like the festival best.‎ ‎ A. Old people B. Women C. Children ‎( ) 9. What can you learn about the festival?‎ ‎ A. It’s a festival only for kids(孩子).‎ ‎ B. Clowns wear blue noses.‎ ‎ C. Clowns sing and dance to make people happy.‎ ‎( ) 10. What is the best title of the passage?‎ ‎ A. Wonderful clown shows. ‎ B. Bognor Regis’ clown festival. ‎ C. A beautiful town, Bognor Regis.‎ C Boys and girls love to watch TV.Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six in front of the TV set.Some children even watch TV for eight or more hours on Saturday.TV programmers(节目) are like books and films.A child can learn bad things from some of them and good things from others.Some programmers help children know the news from the other parts of the world.Some programmers show people and places from other countries or other times(时代)in history.With TV, a child doesn't need to go to the zoo to see animals or to the sea to see a ‎ ship.Boys and girls can see a film,a play or a basketball match at home.Some programmers can teach children how to cook or how to use tools It's interesting to watch TV, but it is also interesting to read a book or to visit friends.‎ ‎( )11. Children can learn from TV programmers.‎ A. good things B. bad things C. good and bad things ‎( )12. A child can’t know______ from TV programmers.‎ A. the news of other countries ‎ B .people and places in history C. people and places in the future ‎ ‎( )13. How many hours do children often watch TV a day?‎ A. 4 B. 4-6 C. 6 ‎ ‎( )14.Children can watch ______ from TV programmers.‎ A. films B. matches C. A and B ‎ ‎( )15.Which of the following is wrong?‎ A. Watching TV is the only interesting thing in life.‎ B. Reading a book is also interesting C. A child should learn useful things from TV programmers.‎ D Bill: What are you reading?‎ Mike: A book about UFO. ‎ Bill: Really? Are there real UFOs in our life?‎ Mike: Well, some of the UFO stories may be true. The universe(宇宙) is so big and there are millions(百万) of stars in it. Perhaps there are living things in outer space(外太空). They are trying to visit us. Did you read the report(报道) about UFOs that flew over(飞过) Beijing, Wuhan, and Hangzhou?‎ Bill: Oh, yes. And I ______ (read) some other reports about the UFOs.‎ Mike: What do you think of UFOs.‎ Bill: It's hard to say. I am not sure.‎ ‎16.请在横线上填入一个适当的词语。‎ ‎ Mike is reading a ______ about UFOs.‎ ‎17.根据上面对话内容判断正(T)误(F)。‎ ‎ Mike thinks there are real UFOs. ( )‎ ‎18.请联系对话内容判断划线短语的意思( )‎ ‎ A.生活用品 B.生物 C.居住地 ‎19.请用括号中所给出词语的正确形式填空______(read).‎ ‎20.请写出UFO的中文意思______.‎ 三、请在方框内选择适当的英语单词填空(注意其形式),使句子完整流畅。(10分)‎ compare successful marry tourist my piece Russia nod without underground ‎1.The glass fell to the ground and was in ______.‎ ‎2.The book is ______, so you can keep it for a week.‎ ‎3.Are these people ______, David? I think they are from Russia.‎ ‎4.There are so many Western ______ coming to China? ‎ ‎5.My parents ______ in 1983.‎ ‎6.I asked if she could help me and she ______.‎ ‎7.After they kept working for years, they were ______ at last.‎ ‎8.Little Tommy went to school ______ breakfast this morning.‎ ‎9.You have to ______ the prices of the two coats.‎ ‎10.You can travel through the city by ______.‎ 四、请在方框内选择适当的短语填入句中(注意其形式),使其完整流畅。(10分)‎ look forward be careful What perfect point at around the world ‎1.小男孩指了他,伤心地哭了。‎ ‎ The little boy ______ ______ him and cried sadly.‎ ‎2.这些玻璃非常贵,所以请对它们小心一些。‎ ‎ These glasses are very expensive, so please ______ ______ with them.‎ ‎3.听!多么完美的舞曲呀!‎ ‎ Listen! ______ ______ dance music it is!‎ ‎4.詹妮小时候曾盼望着能够见到这个明星。‎ ‎ Jenny ______ ______ to seeing the star when she was young.‎ ‎5.我想在今年年底开始环球旅行。‎ ‎ I would like to begin my trip ______ the ______ at the end of the year.‎ 五、补全对话(10分)‎ 从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。‎ A. How much is it?‎ B. I will take it.‎ C. Can I try it on?‎ D. Can I help you?‎ E. What size do you take?‎ F. That’s too expensive.‎ G. Which one do you like? ‎ ‎ A:Good afternoon !1.______________‎ ‎ B:I'd like to buy an MP4 for my English study.‎ ‎ A:We have many here. 2.____________‎ ‎ B:This one looks nice. 3.____________‎ ‎ A:It's1000 yuan.‎ ‎ B:4.____________.Have you got any cheaper ones?‎ ‎ A:Sure This red one costs only 200 yuan.‎ ‎ B:OK.5._____________ Here is the money.‎ A:Thanks 六、妙笔生花(15分)‎ 根据下面所给提示,按照时间顺序写一篇关于中国古典钢琴家李云迪的简介。‎ ● born on October 7,1982 in ‎Chongqing ● began studying piano at the age of 7‎ ● won the 1998 Missouri Southern International Piano Competition ● won the Children’s Piano Competition in Beijing in 1994‎ ● studied with his teacher Dan Zhaoyi, one of the most famous piano teachers in China at the age of 9‎ 要求:1、条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。‎ ‎2、50-60词。‎ 参考答案 一、单项选择 1-5 CBCAB 6-10 CCCBC 11-15 ACBCA 二、阅读理解 1-5 BCBCB 6-10 CBCCB 11-15 CCBCA ‎ ‎ 16.book 17.T 18.B 19. read 20. 不明飞行物/飞碟 三、选词填空 1. pieces 2.mine 3.Russians 4.tourists 5.married ‎ ‎6. nodded 7. successful 8. without 9. compare 10. underground 四、选择短语填空 1. pointed at 2. be careful 3. What perfect 4. looked forward 5. ‎ ‎ around world 五、补全对话 1-5 DGAFB 六、妙笔生花 Li Yundi was born on October 7,1982 in Chongqing. He is a Chinese classical pianist. He began studying piano at the age of 7. He studied with his teacher Dan Zhaoyi, one of the most famous piano teachers in China at the age of 9. In 1994 he won the Children’s Piano Competition in Beijing. He won the 1998 Missouri Southern International Piano Competition. Now he is famous all over the world.‎

