人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语测试卷课件-Unit 7仿真模拟测试题

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人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语测试卷课件-Unit 7仿真模拟测试题

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Many people in the world like snow. In some places ____31_____ the world, there is a lot of snow, ____32_____ in some places, there is little snow. I’m Bill and I come from ____33_____ country in Africa. There is no snow in my country. I want ____34_____ snow one day. This year, I study in England. I don’t like the weather in autumn here. It rains ____35_____ and I feel very cold. This morning, I wake up and find it is bright in my room. I think,“Am I late?” I think I ____36_____ get up quickly. But I’m not late at all. I look ____37_____ of the window and see a white world. There is snow on the streets, on the trees,on the houses and on the cars. Everything ____38_____ white. I see snow! ____39_____ clean and beautiful it is!I’m so happy that I want to have fun ____40_____in the snow. ( )31. A. at B. to C. of D. for ( )32. A. and B. but C. though D. until ( )33. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )34. A. see B. to see C. sees D. seeing ( )35. A. a lot B. a little C. a few D. few ( )36. A. can B. could C. may D. must ( )37. A. up B. down C. in D. out ( )38. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )39. A. What B. What C. How D. How a ( )40. A. to play B. playing C. play D. plays C B B B A D D A C B 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) It is Christmas Day. Only Sarah and Lisa are at home. Their ____41_____ go to visit their grandpa. They can’t come back ____42_____ it’s snowing. The two young girls feel so bad. Just at that time, they hear some music. They ____43_____ out of their house and see a boy beating (击) a drum when he is singing outside. “____44_____?” says Lisa. “He doesn’t wear shoes!” “He must be very ____45____. We can ask him to come to our house,” Sarah says. Then they ask the boy to come in. The boy is a little scared at first,but the carpet (地毯) makes him ____46_____ warm. He says that his name is Jeff,and he is from Canada. His family is not good,so he has to ____47_____ from house to house for money to buy some food. “We’re having a bad Christmas,but we’ll make it ____48_____ for you,” says Lisa. So the girls dance and Jeff sings an English song for ____49_____. When it’s time for dinner,the girls get some delicious food for Jeff to ____50_____ home. The Christmas this year is great to all of them. ( )41. A. teachers B. classmates C. parents D. friends ( )42. A. but B. because C. so D. and ( )43. A. run B. play C. help D. make ( )44. A. Where B. When C. How D. Why ( )45. A. hot B. dry C. cold D. warm C B A D C ( )46. A. sound B. feel C. look D. live ( )47. A. sing B. dance C. walk D. draw ( )48. A. relaxing B. busy C. free D. great ( )49. A. us B. him C. her D. them ( )50. A. take B. sell C. bring D. ride B A D D A 四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢), Brazil You will experience quite different weather in Rio de Janeiro. It has a dry season and a rainy season each year. The rainy season is from December to March. It rains heavily. In the dry season, it is very hot. Sometimes, the temperature (温度) can be as high as 40℃. Cape Town(开普敦), South Africa Cape Town enjoys mild (温和的) winters and warm summers. It’s not too hot in summer. The temperature is between around 15℃ to 27℃. It’s not that cold in winter either. The temperature is between 7℃ and 20℃. There are cool sea breezes (微风) in winter. Windhoek(温得和克), Namibia(纳米 比亚) Namibia is one of the sunniest countries in the world. It has an average (平均) of 300 sunny days in a year. So it is hot and dry in Windhoek. It rarely (很少) rains. In one day, the temperature changes quickly—it is cold in the morning and evening but hot at noon. Sydney, Australia How is the weather in Sydney? It rains a lot. There are 138 rainy days on average every year. There are often windstorms (风 暴) too. So if you travel to Sydney, you’d better take a windbreaker (防风衣). In summer, it is not only hot but also wet. ( )51. There is a __________ season in Rio de Janeiro every year. A. rainy B. cloudy C. windy D. stormy ( )52. The temperature in Cape Town is usually __________ in winter. A. under 0℃ B. around 40℃ C. 15—27℃ D. 7—20℃ ( )53. The weather in Windhoek changes __________. A. slowly B. fast C. heavily D. badly A D B ( )54. There are often __________ in Sydney. A. snows B. windstorms C. breezes D. clouds ( )55. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Namibia is one of the coldest countries in the world. B. The sunny days in Sydney are fewer than those in Windhoek. C. It rains heavily in February in Rio de Janeiro. D. There is cool winter and warm summer in Cape Town. B A B It’s winter time. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, November, December, January and February are winter months. They include six solar terms (节气): lidong (beginning of winter), xiaoxue (light snow), daxue (heavy snow), dongzhi (winter solstice), xiaohan (lesser cold) and dahan (greater cold). Winter begins at lidong. On this day, after a year of hard work, people are happy to take a break and spend some time with family. The northern part of China celebrates lidong as the “Small Spring Festival”. People have dumplings and eat mutton (羊肉) soup. Xiaoxue and daxue come after lidong. During xiaoxue, northern China can expect snow and temperatures slowly fall below 0℃. Daxue means even more snow and bigger temperature drops. When dongzhi comes, it brings the shortest days of the year and the longest nights. Xiaohan usually brings the lowest temperatures of the year. There may be high winds and sleet. Finally, during dahan, the sleety weather fills the fields with snow. ( )56. There are __________ solar terms in winter in Chinese lunar calendar. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 ( )57. __________ comes the second in winter solar terms. A. Lidong B. Dahan C. Xiaoxue D. Daxue ( )58. There is __________ in dongzhi. A. the longest day B. the shortest day C. the shortest night D. the brightest sun C C B ( )59. What does the underlined word “sleety” mean in Chinese? A. 温暖的 B. 雨雪的 C. 多风的 D. 雷 雨的 ( )60. The passage mainly tells us __________. A. what people do in winter B. what people eat in winter C. the solar terms in winter D. the months of winter B C C 配对阅读。左栏是对五位学生的爱好的描述,右栏是 相应的活动场所,请为每一位学生选择一个最适合的地 点,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。 ( )61. Lilian is a quiet girl. She doesn’t like to go out much, but she likes reading all kinds of interesting books. ( )62. Tony is an active boy. He is always running and playing on the playground. He likes all kinds of ball games. ( )63. Meimei thinks swimming can help her keep fit and slim(苗条 的). She wants to find a place to swim. ( )64. Li Lei’s parents buy her a very beaut i ful ki te as bir thday present. She likes flying kites on a windy day. ( )65. Nancy likes winter. She thinks she can have fun on a snowy day. Her favorite thing to do on a snowy day is making a snowman. A. It is cold in winter. But on a snowy day, you can have a lot of fun. You can make a snowman and play snowballs. B. Come to join our highjump match. See how high you can jump! C. It is hot in summer. Let’s go swimming together. Our hotel has a large swimming pool. You must be happy to be here. D. Do you want to be another Yao Ming? Come to our basketball team. E. Our library has all kinds of books. You can enjoy reading here. Remember to keep quiet! F. Do you like going hiking?If you like it, come to join us. Our hiking group will help you find wonderful places for hiking. G. On a windy day,you can fly kites in our park. You can also enjoy the fresh air and beautiful flowers. It is very interesting. E D C G A 五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在横 线上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Hello,everyone!My name is Tom. I’m twelve years old. It’s a sunny day today. I’m having a good ____66_____ in the park with my mother. I like sunny days, ____67_____ I can do a lot of activities. I can go to the zoo. I can also go swimming or ____68_____ basketball. I don’t like ____69_____ days. When it rains,I can only watch TV or ____70_____ books at home. And that’s really ____71_____. But my friend Tony doesn’t think so. He likes rainy days very much. Do you know ____72_____? Because he likes to play ____73_____ rain. I have a photo of Tony and his friend. They are playing in the rain. And they look very ____74_____. I think I can have a try,too. What ____75_____ do you like? 66. _____________ 67. _____________ 68. _____________ 69. _____________ 70. _____________ 71. _____________ 72. _____________ 73. _____________ 74. _____________ 75. _____________ time because play rainy read boring why with happy weather 六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分) A. 回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答问题。 TV news programs report the weather. Radio stations tell us the weather, too. Newspapers show us weather forecasts on maps. Why do people want to know about the weather?People want to make plans. Some people want to have a good time with friends. Other people want safety while doing their jobs. Airport managers need to know about the weather. In bad weather,their planes cannot fly. Farmers need to know about the weather. In bad weather,they must protect their crops. Fishermen need to know about the weather. In bad weather,they cannot go out to fish. Computers help us know about the weather. They get new weather information quickly. They can use this to predict(预测) how the weather might change. Unfortunately,we can still only guess the weather. We all hope that weather will be easier to predict in the future. Answer the following questions. 76. How do newspapers show people weather forecasts? _______________________________________________ 77. Why do airport managers need to know about weather? _______________________________________________ 78. What must farmers do in bad weather? _______________________________________________ 79. What can computers do with weather information? _______________________________________________ 80. How many ways are mentioned(提及) that can help us know about the weather? _______________________________________________ Newspapers show people weather forecasts on maps. Because their planes cannot fly in bad weather. They must protect their crops. They can predict how the weather might change. Four / 4 ways are mentioned. B. 书面表达 (本题15分) 假设你是李敏,你和你的父母正在海南度假。请 你写一封信给美国的好朋友Lisa,介绍一下海南的天 气和你们的活动。 内容包括: 1. 你和父母正在海南度假。 2. 海南的天气状况如何。 3. 你们的活动(至少两点)。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称 和学生的真实姓名。 2. 语句连贯,词数60个左右。作文的开头和结尾已经 给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Lisa, How is everything going? I am ___________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Yours, Li Min on a vacation with my parents in Hainan. I love this city. It is sunny but kind of hot today. We are on the beach now. My father is playing volleyball. My mother is sunbathing. I love to swim and I’m going to swim later. We are all having a good time. Hope you have a good vacation, too!

