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Free talk Let's chant! Go ! Go! Let’s go!     Let’s play volleyball! Go ! Go! Let’s go!  Don’t run in the hall! Go ! Go! Let’s go!  Eat in the dinning hall!     Don’t eat in class. section A (1a-1c) Unit 4 Learning goals 1. 我会读第 19 页单词和短语并理解意思 : 单词: rule , arrive, hallway , hall, dining hall, listen, fight , sorry 短语: be on time, listen to , in the classroom , in class, in the dining hall in the hallways , arrive (be)late for class , arrive in/at , fight with (sb) 2. 我会用讨论制度的陈述句及 祈使句 。 Don’t... /We can .../We can’t... classroom / ’kla:srum / 教 室 hallway /’hɔ:lwei/ 走 廊 Learn new words hall /hɔ:l / 大厅;礼堂 dining hall /’ dainiŋ/ /hɔ:l / 餐 厅 fight /fait/ 打架 争吵 arrive late for class 上课迟到 listen to music /’lisn/ 听音乐 rule /ru:l/ 规则;规章 Words competition Who is the fastest? hallway 走廊 Who is the fastest? Who is the fastest? dining hall 餐 厅 Who is the fastest? Who is the fastest? fight 打架,争吵 Who is the fastest? Who is the fastest? arrive late for class 上课迟到 =be late for class Who is the fastest? hallway Don’t run in the hallway s . run in the s Can we ? No ,we can’t run in the hallway s . ( ) Presentation listen to music Don’t listen to music in class Can we in class? No, we can’t. fight We can’t fight. Don’t fight. arrive late for school Don’t arrive late for school. eat in the classroom Don’t eat in the classroom. Don’t eat in class. Don’t arrive late for class Don’t sleep in class. Don’t run in the classroom. Don’t talk . Don’t play soccer in the classroom. Don’t fight. Don’t listen to music in the classroom. school rules Don’t eat in class. Don’t arrive late for class Don’t sleep in class. Don’t run in the classroom. Don’t talk . Don’t fight. Don’t listen to music in the classroom. Pair work A: What are the rules in our school? B: Don’t … 1a Which rules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student. 2. Don’t run in the hallways. 4. Don’t listen to music in class. 5. Don’t fight. Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. School rules 1 2 3 4 5 Peter ______ Amy ______ Mike ______ Listening 1b Listen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names. 2 3 4 Well, we can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. 1c Talk about the rules in your group. If you don’t have rules, please make your rules, and report them. What are the rules? G roupwork Don’t run in the hallways. What are the rules in our group? 1.Don’t fight. Report 2.Listen carefully. 3.Don’t … 4. … 5. … 1. Be on time, please . 2. Don ’ t run in the hallways . 祈使句:表示命令 , 请求 , 劝告,警告等。 1 、一般 以 _______ 开头 , 省 略 主语 you 。 2 、否定式结构在动词原形前 加 _____. summary 动词原形 don’t 完成导学案达标测评 Practice 1. 上学 不要迟到 2 . 按时上课 3. 不在教室里吃东西 4. 不要在教室里戴帽子 5. 在餐厅吃东西 Write the rules in your school. Homework Thank you! Goodbye!

