人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语课件Unit 11 第三课时

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人教(新目标)版七年级下册英语课件Unit 11 第三课时

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At the museum, I learned a lot about robots. Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot. All in all, it was an exciting day. Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that. 7 interesting与interested的区别 The film is so interesting that I want to watch it again.这电影很有趣,我想再看一次。 We aren’t interested in dancing.我们对跳舞不感 兴趣。 名师点拨 ( )1. I read an ________ story in the newspaper yesterday. A. interested B. interesting C. interests D. interest ( )2. Tina is ________ in playing tennis. A. interested B. interesting C. interests D. interest ( )3. His brother is very interested ________ math. A. in B. on C. at D. for B A A ( )1. The problem is where ________ a horse. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found ( )2. Could you tell me ________ to get to the hospital? A. how B. what C. where D. who B A ( )1. ________ is not easy for the children in the mountains ________ to school every day. A. This; go B. That; go C. It; to go D. What; to go ( )2. ________ is very important ________ everyone to learn English well. A. It; for B. This; of C. That; in D. It; at C A 10 hear与listen的区别 Did you hear my words? 你听到我的话了吗? Listen! There are lots of birds singing in the tree. 听!有很多鸟在树上唱歌。 The students are listening to the teacher. 学生 们正在听老师讲课。 ( )1. —________, someone is singing! —Well, I can’t anything. A. Listen; listen B. Listen; hear C. Hear; listen D. Hear; hear ( )2. The students are listening ________ the teacher. A. in B. on C. at D. to B D 课堂小测语篇理解 一、阅读课本P65-2b 的两则日记,判断下列句子的 正(T)误(F) ( )1. The school trip was on June 15th. ( )2. Robots in the museum could play chess with people. ( )3. Many people visited the museum that day. T T T 二、再仔细阅读日记,选出下列各题的最佳选项 ( )1. What didn’t Helen do during the school trip? A. She learned a lot about robots. B. She took a lot of great photos. C. She learned how to make a model robot. D. She bought some lovely gifts for her friends. ( )2. What’s the TRUE fact which made Jim unhappy about this trip? A. The train was too slow and it was cold inside. B. Everything was about robots and he’s not interested in that. C. The rooms were really small and it was difficult to take photos. D. There were too many people and he couldn’t see or hear the teacher. D B 三、 本单元主要短语串联使用(用方框内所给短语的 适当形式填空) As the saying goes, “He who travels far knows much(远行者见闻多).” Many people 1.______________ traveling. Me, too. Last autumn, I 2._____________ with my family to a farm in Inner Mongolia(内蒙古). We 3.___________ there. The train was fast and relaxing. Mr.Zhang is the farmer there. are interested in went on a trip go on a trip, be interested in, not … at all, show sb. around, milk a cow, feed the chickens, ride a horse, teach sb. to, take a train (to), quite a lot of took a train He is interesting and friendly, and his farm is large. He spent two hours 4.________________ his lovely farm. We saw 5.______________ domestic animals (家畜) there, such as cows, sheep, horses, chickens and so on. Mr.Zhang 6.______________ do some farm work, so I learned how to 7.______________. The fresh, pure milk smelt so sweet! My mother tried to 8.______________ with some rice, but they flew away. My brother Mike was lucky. He 9.______________ and took some cool photos on its back. showing us around quite a lot of taught us to milk a cow feed the chickens rode a horse We spent the whole day on the farm, and we camped(野营) there that night, but we found it so difficult to fall asleep, because we were 10._______ tired _______! We really had so much fun and learned a lot during that trip. It was unforgettable(难以忘怀 的). not at all 课堂小测课堂小测 一、根据中文或首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填 空,每空一词 1. The bus is too slow. Let’s t________ a fast train. 2. Don’t worry. ________________(一切) is going well. 3. Grace bought her mother a nice __________(礼物) on Mother’s Day. 4. The sweater is too expensive. Could you show me a ________________(便宜的) one? 5. The room is too ________________(昏暗的) and I couldn’t see anything in it. ake Everything gift cheap dark 二、根据中文意思完成句子,词数不限 6. 昨天上午孩子们参观了那个消防站。 The children visited the ___________ yesterday morning. 7. 上个周末迈克和朋友们去划船了。 Mike ________________ with his friends last weekend. 8. 去年她的父母去农村了吗? Did her parents ________________________ last year? 9. 总的说来,吉姆是一名优秀的学生。 ________________, Jim is an excellent student. 10. 对他来说骑车上学是容易的。 ________________ him to go to school by bike. fire station went boating go to the countryside It’s easy for All in all 三、单项填空 ( )11. —Did you have a good time in the park? —________. I wouldn’t go there again. A. No, I didn’t B. Yes, I did C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasn’t ( )12. There are ________ animals in the zoo. They are very lovely. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too A B ( )13. —________ does Mr.Brown’s daughter do? —She is a guide. A. How B. Where C. What D. Who ( )14. I want to know how ________ a model plane. Can you help me? A. make B. made C. making D. to make ( )15. It is an ________ movie. I want to watch it again. A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excites C D A

