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Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A Name Card Name: Jane Age: 12 From: Canada School: Guizhou School Class: Two Grade: Seven Phone number: (0898)1234567 ear head face mouth hair eye neck nose Hi! 你看我的眼睛像不像字母 e, 鼻子是 nose 的首字母,嘴像不像 mouth 的第一个字母 m ,耳朵里藏着小小的 e, 还有我的头花可是 h 形的哦!你能记住我的样子吗? neck face e ar s m outh n ose e y e s h air head Look and learn. head face hair eye ear nose mouth neck Listen and match. ear head face mouth hair eye neck nose ( 录音 1) Listen and touch your body Touch your… 触摸 big big eyes She has big eyes small small eyes He has small eyes long long hair I have long hair short short hair She has short hair round a round face a round head He has a round face I have a wide mouth, but I don't have a big mouth. wide a wide mouth have a big mouth 话多的人,夸夸其谈, 大嘴巴(藏不住秘密) e.g.: She has a big mouth. 你知道吗? new words: b i g 大的 sm al l 小的 l o ng 长的 sh or t 短的 r ou nd 圆的 w i d e 宽的 nose a big nose eye small eye s face a round face mouth a wide mouth hair long hair ear big ear s 你能填出恰当的形容词吗? I have _____ hair. I have a _____ nose. I have a ______face. And I have a cute dog. Do you have a dog? long small round The boy has _______hair. He has _______ eye s . He has ________ear s . And he has a ______ mouth. big wide short small long hair a round face I have long hair and a round face. big eye s a small nose I have big eye s and a small nose. a small mouth big eye s She/The girl has big eye s and a small mouth. long hair small eye s She/The girl has long hair and small eye s . short hair a wide mouth He/The boy has short hair and a wide mouth. I have a wide mouth, but I don't have a big mouth. a round face big ear s He/Tutu has a round face and big ear s . They have round _____. She has long _____. He has a wide _____. It has big ___. We have small _________. I have a big _______. 2a. Watch, listen and fill. nose eyes faces hair mouth ears ( 影片 2) H e She It has I We You They have Can you try? has 是 have 的 第三人称单数形式 ,也就是说当主语是 he 、 she 、 it ,单数人名 … 等第三人称单数时用 ;当主语是其他人称,如 :I 、 you 、 we 、 they, 人名 and 人名 … 等时用 。 我有一个小嘴巴。 I a small mouth. 康康有一双大眼睛。 Kangkang big eye s . has have have has 2 b Complete the following sentences with have/has . have has You ____ a round face. I _____ a wide mouth. He/Kangkang ____ a big head. She/Jane _____ long hair. We _____ big ears. They _____ small eyes. It _____ a long neck. have have has has have have has Listen, look and say. Yes, I do. Do you have big eyes? ( 影片 1 ) Who is the boy? ____ A. Michael B. Kangkang C. Tom 2. Kangkang has a ___ nose. A. small B. big C. no 3.Kangkang has ___ eyes. A. small B. big C. no 1a Read and answer questions B A B ( )1. kangkang has a big eyes. ( )2. Michael has a small nose. ( )3. Kangkang has a big nose. ( )4. A is Michael. Listen to 1a and write T (True) or F (False). T F F F ( 影片 1 ) A : W ho am I ?Can you guess ? B : Yes, Are you Michael ? A : No, I’m not. I have a small nose, but he has a big one . B : Do you have big eyes? A : Yes I do . B : Oh, I know . You are Kangkang. A : Yes, you’re right . 1a look ,listen and say 不要以貌取人。 Sum-up 1.Parts of body. Head,face, hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,neck 2. Adjective to describe the parts of body big, small, long, short, wide, round 2. The usage of have/has: I / we / you/ they have He / she / it 第三人称单数 has 1. 完成练习册 Section A 。 2. 用下面所给的词语,描述你的好朋友或你最喜爱的老师。 has , big , head , wide , mouth , short , face , small , eye , long , hair , nose , round ,ear , and , guess ( 以上所给的词语可选择使用) Homework Unit 2 Looking different Topic 1 I have a small nose New words: have , has , nose , head , face , eye , hair , mouth , ear , big , small , round , wide , girl , boy ,short , long Grammar: I have a big nose. We have big eyes. She has long hair. He has a wide mouth. Writing design: 1.I ____ a cat. 2.She ____ long hair. 3.We ____ a big house( 房子 ). 4.They ____ a happy family (家庭) . 5.It ____ a short tail (尾巴) . 6.You ____ a good teacher. 7.Tom ____ a red pen. 8.My mother ____ a beautiful nose. have 用 have 和 has 填空。 has have have has have has has 9. 我的老师有一头长发。 My teacher has ____ ____ 10. 她有两只大眼睛。 She has ____ ____ ____ long hair. two big eyes.

