安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks第四课时课件 人教新目标版

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安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks第四课时课件 人教新目标版

第四课时 Section B (2a~3b) Unit 7 How much are these socks? Ⅰ. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1. My room is v (很) nice. I like it. 2. You can buy some apples in this fruit s (商店). ery tore 3. —What c (服装) do you want? —A blue T-shirt and a black skirt. lothes 4. We don't have vegetables for lunch. We need to b (买) some. 5. I need a p (双) of black shoes for school. uy air Ⅱ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The price of the black trousers (be) $40. 2. These vegetables are good for us. I'll take (they). is them 3. Look at the (boy). They're in the classroom. 4. The shoes are at a great (sell). Let's go and see them. boys sale 5. Mary (need) a schoolbag. Her schoolbag is lost. needs Ⅲ. 单项填空。 ( )1. —They ______ all the clothes at very good prices. —Really? Let's go to see now. A. need B. like C. sell D. thank C sell"卖", 符合句意。 ( )2. —Is that pair of shoes 199 yuan? —Sorry. I don't know the ______. A. color B. price C. number D. name B 由问句可知问的是价格, 故选B。 ( )3. The store has T-shirts ______ white, yellow, black and red ______ only 15 yuan. A. for; for B. in; for C. in; in D. for; at B ( )4. —Are ______ your friends here now? —Yes, they are. Let's play games. A. some B. one C. any D. all D ( )5. —______  —I want a basketball. A. How are you? B. Have a good day! C. What can I do for you? D. Let's do sports! C A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter. A: We have skirts in red, yellow and white. 1. . B: Yellow. A: 2. . B: Oh, this one is too small. 3. . D C E Ⅳ. 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中 有两项多余) 看 选 项 A: Yes. What about that one? B: It's very nice. 4. . A: It's fifteen dollars. B: OK. 5. Thank you. A: You're welcome. B A 看 选 项 A. How much is it? B. I'll take it. C. Here is a yellow one for you. D. What color do you want? E. Do you have a big one? F. What about you? G. Do you like yellow? 1~3 4~5 Ⅴ. 完形填空。 Mrs. Green is a teacher. Today she doesn't need to go to work, so she 1 to go to Mr. White's Clothes Store 2 her daughter Jenny in the afternoon. ( )1. A. takes B. has C. wants D. gets ( )2. A. in B. on C. at D. with C D She needs to 3 a new skirt for her. Jenny is a schoolgirl. She is eight years old now. She likes nice 4 very much. ( )3. A. sell B. buy C. play D. make ( )4. A. skirts B. hats C. shoes D. shorts B A Mrs. Green wants to buy her a red one, 5 . Jenny likes the yellow skirt very much. Mrs. Green also needs a pair of shoes 6 her son Jack, because 7 shoes are too old. ( )5. A. then B. and C. so D. but ( )6. A. for B. on C. under D. of ( )7. A. Jenny's B. their C. her D. his D A D Jack's favorite color is blue, so Mrs. Green wants to buy him a pair of blue ones. 8 . Mr. Green? Oh, he wants a hat. Mrs. Green thinks the black hat 9 very nice. ( )8. A. How B. What about C. What D. How much ( )9. A. sees B. watches C. thinks D. looks B D All these things 10 about five hundred yuan. She doesn't have enough(足够的) money with her. So Mrs. Green has to go to the bank(银行) first. ( )10. A. is B. be C. are D. /C Ⅵ. 阅读理解。 A Welcome to Wang Fen's Store! Big Sale! Things Colors Price trousers black, white, brown $20 sweater black $20 hat blue, white $15 T-shirt red, green $20 shoes black, white $30 schoolbag blue $5 ( )1. We can find ______ in Wang Fen's Store. A. green trousers B. brown shoes C. black schoolbags D. white hats D ( )2. Bob wants to buy a pair of trousers and two schoolbags. How much are they? A. Twenty dollars. B. Twenty-five dollars. C. Thirty dollars. D. Thirty-five dollars. C ( )3. Bill only likes blue, so he can buy ______. A. shoes and schoolbags B. hats and sweaters C. hats and shoes D. hats and schoolbags D B My name is Jenny. Today I don't have classes. Mary and I do some shopping. We are good friends. We get there at half past ten in the morning. At noon(中午) we have to have lunch at a restaurant. Chicken hamburger is $5. 2. Mary says it is not expensive(贵的) but I don't think so. In China, a chicken hamburger is eight yuan. I order a glass of orange juice. It's $1. 7. Mary orders rice with vegetables, Cola and chocolate. Rice with vegetables is $4. 3. Cola is $2. 8. Chocolate is $5. 5. Then we go shopping again. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we go home with a lot of food and drinks. The food and drinks aren't dear in the shop, but at the restaurant they are very expensive. ( )4. Mary spends(花费) ______ on Cola. A. $2. 8 B. $4. 3 C. $5. 5 D. $5. 2 ( )5. What does Jenny order? A. Cola. B. Chocolate. C. Rice. D. Orange juice. A D ( )6. How much is a chicken hamburger in China? A. ¥5. 2. B. ¥4. 2. C. ¥8. D. ¥5. 5. C ( )7. What time(什么时间) does Mary go home? A. At noon. B. At three o'clock in the afternoon. C. At half past ten in the morning. D. At half past ten in the evening. B

