江西省初中英语七年级上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks第三课时课件 人教新目标版

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江西省初中英语七年级上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks第三课时课件 人教新目标版

Unit 7 How much are these socks? 第三课时 Section B (1a~1e)   Ⅰ.根据方框中图片的提示, 在句中的空缺处填入正确 的价格。(数字用英语写出) 1. Jenny wants to buy those socks because they are only __________. 2. —This hat is very beautiful.How much is it? —It's ____________. 3. The shorts are on sale and they are only _______________. ten yuan thirty yuan fifteen dollars 4. This bag is my sister's and it's _________ _______. 5. —I need a pair of shoes. —Oh, this pair is perfect for you. They are _______________. 6. —Mark, this sweater must look good on you. It's __________________. —OK. I'll take it. dollars twenty dollars eighteen dollars thirteen 7. This skirt is on sale today.You can get it for _______________. 8. —I need a T-shirt for my son. —How about this one?It's only _______ ________. eleven dollars dollars twelve Ⅱ.单项填空。 ( )1.—What's twenty-one and twelve? —It's ______. A. fourteen B. twenty-eight C. thirty-three D. forty-six C 问句意为“21加12等于多少?”,答案为33。 ( )2.—______ is the price of the socks? —______ 3 dollars for each pair. A. How much;It's B. What;It's C. How much;They're D. What;They're B 问价格也可以用“What's the price of…?”的句 型;答语的主语是the price,故用it代替。 ( )3.(2019-2020·南昌二中七上期末)—______ are the pants? —Oh, the black pants?They are only ten dollars. A. What color B. How many C. How much D. Where C 询问价格用how much。 ( )4.—Your skirt looks really nice, Mrs.Smith. —______. A. No, it isn't B. Thank you C. Here it is D. Here you are B 对对方的称赞应表示感谢。 ( )5.—Good afternoon!Can I help you? —______. I want a sweater for my son. A. No, you can't B. Yes, you can C. Yes, please D. You're welcome C 由答语后句可知应为肯定回答,C项符合语境。 Ⅲ.补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Good morning!1.____ B:I want to buy a shirt for my son. A:2.____ It's very popular. B:I don't like the color. A:Have a look at this white one then. 3.____ C B G 看 选 项 B:All right.How much is the shirt? A:4.____ B:OK. I'll take it. A:5.____ B:Thank you. A:You're welcome. E F 看 选 项 A. What color do you like? B. What about this black one? C. What can I do for you? D. How many kinds of shirts do you have? E. It's 150 yuan. F. Here you are. G. It looks nice on boys. 1~3 4~5 Ⅳ.完形填空。 It's Sunday morning.Lucy and her mother 1 to do some shopping.Her mother wants to buy some food for lunch.Lucy wants to buy a new T-shirt and some school things.They come to a new shop. ( )1.A.find B. sell C. want D. get C “What does your shop sell?” Lucy asks.“A lot of things, ” says a 2 in the shop.“You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.” Lucy comes to the T-shirts. ( )2.A.man B. boy C. woman D. girl D “ 3 do you want?”asks the girl in the shop. “Red.” “Have a look 4 this one. It's nice.” ( )3. A.What color B. What C. How D. How much ( )4. A.on B. for C. at D. in A C “How much is the T-shirt?” “It's eighty yuan.” “That's expensive(昂贵的). Can I find a 5 one?” ( )5.A.big B. cheap C. long D. tidy B “What about the yellow one?It 6 nice, and it's 7 thirty yuan.” “OK, I'll 8 it.Thanks a lot.” ( )6.A.goes B. sounds C. gets D. looks ( )7.A.always B. only C. also D. too ( )8.A.try B. have C. take D. get D B C “You are welcome.” After that, Lucy buys some other things, too. 9 mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and 10 . They get home very late. ( )9.A.Her B. His C. She D. He ( )10.A.books B. fish C. balls D. clocks A B

