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1 Unit7 重要知识点 1.down the street 沿着这条街 down 沿着,向下 Put down 放下 let down 使……失望 Write down 写下 turn down 使……小声 turn up 使……大声 fall down 摔倒 2.hate +n. hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事 hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事 3.I don't have any money 我没有任何钱 = I have no money. “not…any…”= no eg:He has no friends here.= He doesn’t have any friends here. 4.Here’s my wallet. (倒装句) Here + be + n. Here +人称代词+be. Here you are. 5.make money 赚钱 Pocket money 零花钱 Spend money like water 挥金如土 6.carry 拿,提 bring 带来 2 take 拿走 get 取来 7.Christmas is coming.圣诞即将到来 8.be sure 确信 be not sure 不确信 be sure to do sth. 一定要去做某事 be sure of sth.肯定确信某事 be sure + that 从句 9.maybe 用于句首 may be +n./介词短语/adj. Maybe he is very tired.= He may be very tired. 10.be interested in sth.对某事感兴趣 be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣 11.collect sth.收集某物 Collect sth. for sb.为某人收集某物 12.You are welcome. =That’s all right. =Not at all. 不客气 13.---Can / Could / May I help you? = What can I do for you? = Is there anything I can do for you? 肯: ----I want …………/ I’d like to buy……/-----Do you have……? / I’m looking for…… 否: -----No,thanks./I’m just looking. 14.just a minute./wait a minute.稍等片刻 15.take/have a look 看一下 take/have a look at=look at 16.物+cost(s)+金钱 某物值多少钱 物+cost(s)+sb.+金钱 某物花费某人多少钱 It takes sb.+金钱/时间+to do sth 3 人+spend(s)+金钱/时间+doing sth. 人+pay(s)+金钱+for sth. 某人为某物支付了多少钱 17.How much do/does +主语+cost? =How much are/is+主语 =What’ s the price of+主语 18.match 与……相配 = go well with match A with B 把 A 与 B 配起来 19.pretty 小孩 偏亮可爱的 年轻女性 温柔纤巧 事物 精致美观 beautiful 女性 产生美感 事物 美丽的 20.enough adj. enough + n. 足够的…… adv. 形容词+enough + to do sth. 足够……去做某事 Eg:My sister is old enough to go to school. 21.be different from…… 与……不同 = not the same as…… 22.Pocket money 零花钱 23. Poor adj.贫穷的 反义词:rich in poor areas 在贫穷地区 劣质的,差的 My Engish is poor. 24.the old 穷人 the rich 富人 the young 年轻人 25.most of + n.(复数)……的大多数 the most+形容词 最……的(最高级) 26.area 地区,地域/ 面积 4 the area of……is…… ……的面积是…… 27.thank you for your help 感谢你的帮助 thank you for doing sth. 28.a pair of shoes/socks/trousers/glasses/boots 29.---Waht’s your size? ---Size…… →How big: 通常询问面积,体积 What size:“什么尺寸”,用于询问某人的衣服或者鞋等尺寸 30.try on 试穿 try It on 31.fit very well 非常合身 fit sb.适合某人 32.expensive →cheap an expensive…… 33.the other 两者中的另一个 another (3 者以上)另一个,又一个 34.the price for…… 提供给……的价格 the price of…… ……的价格 35.large 面积大(一般不形容人) big 体积大(既可形容人,也可形容物) 36.make/take notes 记笔记 take note of 注意,留意 37.at the top of…… 在……的顶部 the top of one’s head 某人的头顶 on top of …… 在……的上面 38.top floor 顶楼 5 39.foods from different areas 来自不同地区的事物 40.food here 这儿的食物 the people here 这儿的人 the life there 那儿的生活 41.The mall is a good place (to meet friends and have fun). 购物中心是朋友聚会和娱乐的好地方 Some & any 词汇 修饰词汇 常用句型 例句 Some 可数/不可数名词 肯定句 I have some friends. any 可数/不可数名词 一般疑问句 Are there any birds i the tree? 否定句 The child doesn’t have any money. 1.some 还用于表示建议或委婉请求的问句中,这种情况一般希望得到对方的肯定回答 Eg:Can I have some bread? 2.any 在肯定句中用于单数可数名词前,意为“任何的” Eg:Any boy can work out the maths problem.任何男孩都能做出这道数学题 there be 句型:表达某地有某人或某物 句型 结构 例句 肯定句 There be+名词(+地点状语) There is some rice in the bowl. 否定句 There be+not +名词(+地点状语) There aren’t any apples on the tree. 一般疑问句 Be there+名词(+地点状语)? 肯定回答:Yes,there be. --Is there a big tree near the house. 后置定语 6 否定回答:No,there be not. --Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+名词+be there (+地点状 语) How many boxes are there in the room? There is 可数名词单数 / 不可数名词 There are 可数名词复数 就近原则 There be 后面接多个名词时,be 动词的形式取决于最靠近 be 动词的名词数 There be & have There be 表示“某人或某物存在于某地” Have 表示“某人或某物拥有某东西”,强调所属关系 对 there be 句型的主语(名词)提问,要用‘what is+地点状语’,无论原句主语时单数还 是复数,提问时 be 动词只能用 is,回答时要根据具体情况而定。 Eg:---What is in the tree? ---There is a bird in the tree.

