译林版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 4 My day

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译林版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 4 My day

Unit 4 My day 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. John’s school is near a h ( 小山 ) . 2. Tom n ( 需要 ) a cake. He is hungry. 3. Those middle school students should take a r ( 休息 ) . 4. There is a new restaurant in the street. You can have b ( 早餐 ) there. eeds est reakfast ill 5 . After lunch, my grandfather always wants to go to s ( 睡觉 ) . 6. They j ( 只是 ) want to eat something. 7. Today Simon has a lot of h ( 家庭作业 ) to do . ust omework leep 二、单项选择。 8 . [ 中考 · 安徽 ]—Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the speech competition. — _____, my boy! A. Well done B . My pleasure C. Good luck D . It’s hard to say A 【 点拨 】 本题考查交际用语。 Well done 做得好 ; My pleasure 不用谢 ; Good luck 祝好运 ; It's hard to say 很难说。根据语境故选 A 。 9. [ 马鞍山和县期末 ]Jack is a _____ boy . He plays basketball _____ . A. good; good B . well; well C. good; well D . well; good C 10 . They always do _____ activities _____ . A. after-school; after-school B. after-school; after school C. after school; after-school D. after school; after school B 11. ______, Tom! It’s time to get up and go to school. A. Wake up B . Make up C. Grow up D. Look up A 12. It’s time ______ class . Listen ______ the teacher. A. to; to B . of; with C. for; after D . for; to D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 13. 西蒙上学从不迟到。 Simon ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ . is never late for school 14 . 阅读时间到了。我们去阅览室好吗 ? It’s time for reading. ________ ________ go to the reading room? Shall we 15. 现在别出去了,我们八点就上课了。 Don’t _________ _________ now . We _________ _________ at 8 a. m . go out have lessons 16 . 格林一家通常在六点一刻吃晚饭。 The Greens usually _________ _________ at _________ _________ _________ six. have supper a quarter past 17 . 你知道空闲时间怎样玩得开心吗? Do you know how to _________ _________ in your free time ? have fun 四、补全对话 ( 有 两项 多余 ) ( After-school activities ) W : Hi, Tom. ______18 M : I often play football. A. Good luck! B. What else do you like to do? C. How often do you swim? D. That’s interesting. E. What do you often do after school? F. Nice to meet you. G. What about you? E W : ______19 M : Sometimes I enjoy music. It always makes me feel great . ______20 W : I like dancing. It makes me pretty. A. Good luck! B. What else do you like to do? C. How often do you swim? D. That’s interesting. E. What do you often do after school? F. Nice to meet you. G. What about you? B G M : ____21 Any other hobbies? W : Swimming is my favourite. It makes me slim. M : _____22 W : Twice a week. M : Wonderful activities. A. Which is your favourite subject? B. What’s the day today? C. Can you come? D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning. E. what’s the date today F. Do you like Maths? G. What about you, Amy? D C 课时 2   ReadingⅠ 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. Jack often p ( 练习 ) playing basketball after school . 2. Our lessons s ( 开始 ) at eight in the morning . 3. Please wash your hands f ( 首先 ) . Then have lunch . tart irst ractises 4 . There are four q ( 一刻钟 ) in an hour. 5. Please give my best w ( 祝愿 ) to your parents when you’re back home. 6. He likes reading newspapers in the m ( 早晨 ) . orning uarters ishes 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 7. Our school ________( start) at seven in the morning. starts 8. Millie practises ________ ( read) English every morning . reading 9 . After ________ ( drink) the milk, you can eat some bread. drinking 10 . Simon often reads books in the ________ ( read) Club . Reading 11 . Kitty is my ________ ( good) friend of all the students . best 三、单项选择。 12 . — I’m going to visit Mount Huang with my friends . — ______. A. I’m happy B . I’m sorry C. Good luck D . Have a good time D 13 . My friends are nice _____ me and we often go climbing _____ Sundays . A. to; in B . to; at C. on; on D . to; on D 14 . People usually work _____ 8:30 a.m . _____ 5:30 p.m. A. at; and B . on; and C. from; at D . from; to D 15. She _____ chatting with her friends after school. A. likes too B . also likes C. either likes D . likes also B 16 . My friends enjoy _____ badminton after school. A. practise B. practise playing C. practising play D. practising playing D 四、按要求完成句子。 17. They often chat with each other in the schoolyard after class . (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ often chat with each other in the schoolyard? When do they 18. My brother is in the Tennis Club. (改为同义句) My brother is a ________ ________ the Tennis Club . member of 19 . Which is your favourite lesson? (改为同义句) Which lesson ________ you like ________ ? do best 20 . Millie doesn’t go to school at weekends. (改为同义句) Millie goes to school ________ Monday ________ Friday . from to 21 . I practise playing volleyball with my classmates after school every day. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ you practise playing volleyball with after school every day? Who do 五、完形填空。 Judy is a student. She _____22 at Hongxing Middle School. She likes _____ 23 school very much . 22. A. writes B . studies C . works D . draws 23 . A. your B . my C . she D. her B D She works very hard . Every ______24 she gets up at six . Then she often ______ 25 English aloud( 大声地 ). 24. A. morning B . afternoon C. noon D . evening 25 . A. sees B. looks C . listens D. reads A D After that, she has her ______26. She often eats an egg, some bread and ______ 27 some milk . 26. A. breakfast B . lunch C. supper D . dinner 27 . A. drink B . to drink C. drinks D . drinking A C She has four _______28 in the morning and the lunch is at 12:00 a. m . In the afternoon, she has only three lessons . 28 . A. schools B . lessons C. meetings D . students B Then she has some time _______29 after-school activities. She often plays volleyball after class . 29. A. do B. does C. to do D . doing C _____30 about 5:00 p. m., she goes back home _____ 31 her friends. 30. A. On B . In C . At D . For 31 . A. and B . by C. about D. with C D 课时 3   Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. Music is my favourite s ( 科目 ). 2. I often c ( 交谈 ) with my friends on the Internet . 3. They do after-school a ( 活动 ) at 3:30 p. m . in the playground. 4. Hurry up, Sandy. It’s half p ( 晚于 ) seven . 5. My father u ( 通常 ) has supper at home. hat ctivities ast sually ubject 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. Sandy has a good time _________( climb) the hill. climbing 7. It’s time _______( have) class. Let’s go . to have 8 . We do morning _________ ( exercise) every day . exercises 9 . I go to the _____________ ( swim) Club after school . Swimming 10 . It’s hot today. Would you like _______ (go ) swimming ? to go 三、单项选择。 11 . After school Jane usually plays _____ volleyball for half an hour in _____ playground . A. the; the B . /; the C. the; / D . /; / B 12. — ______ do you practise swimming? —Sometimes. A. How soon B . How many C. How long D . How often D 13 . —Are those students your classmates? — Yes. ______ are all my classmates. I often play with ______ . A. Them; they B. They; they C. They; them D . They; their C 14. We do morning _____ at 8:45 a. m. and then our second class _____ at 9:15 a. m. A. exercises; begins B . exercise; begins C. exercises; begin D . exercise; begin A 15 . They usually chat _____ each other or play football _____ class . A. to; in B . with; after C. with; in D . to; after B 四、按要求完成句子。 16. I also like playing volleyball. (改为同义句) I _______ playing volleyball _______ . like too 17. Millie is in the school volleyball team. (改为同义句) Millie is _______ _______ _______ the school volleyball team . a member of 18 . Amy is a good swimmer. (改为同义句) Amy is _______ _______ _______ . good at swimming 19 . We often chat with each other or play games after class . (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ you often _______ after class ? What do do 20 . Sandy helps Kitty and Kitty helps Sandy. (改为同义句) Sandy and Kitty help _______ _______ . each other 五、翻译 句子。 21. 我最喜欢的课是语文课和英语课 。 _________________________________________ Chinese and English are my favourite lessons. 22. 放学后,他们有时练习打排球 。 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ After school, they sometimes practise playing volleyball. 23 . 我在学校过得很愉快 。 _______________________________________ I have a good/great time at school. 24 . 他们经常课后在操场上相互聊天 。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ After class, they often chat with each other in the playground. 25 . 他在校游泳队,是校游泳队的队员之一 。 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ He is in the school swimming team. He is a member of it. 六、完形填空。 Friends are very important in our life. I think one cannot live without _____26. 26 . A. friends B. teachers C. parents D . classmates A I have a very good friend . His name is Joe. My friend and I _____27 do our best to help each other . 27 . A. ever B . never C. always D . sometimes C My friend is a very kind and clever boy. Now we are in _____28 classes, but we like to _____ 29 together and help each other . 28. A. good B . bad C. same D . different 29 . A. study B . drink C . rest D. eat D A When we have some free time, we go for walks, read and _____30 about books, watch films, go to the park or play computer games . 30. A. think B . talk C. tell D . know B Playing computer games is our ___31. Both of us also like ___ 32 very much. We often go swimming together. 31. A. hobby B . subject C. homework D . dolls 32 . A. music B . art C. science D . sports A D We are football fans and we like to watch the football matches _____33 TV or go to the stadium . We _____ 34 the football club together . 33. A. on B . in C . at D . for 34 . A. have B . make C . join D. find A C I love my friend very much. I think he is a true friend. Our friendship is very ____35 to me and I will try my best to be a good friend, too . 35. A. cheap (便宜的 ) B. important (重要的) C. difficult D . easy B 课时 4   Grammar 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 一、从括号中选择适当的单词完成句子 。 1. It ________rains in spring. It’s good for plants. (often , seldom ) 2. Mike does sports every day and he is ________ healthy. ( always, never) 3. Helen ________ goes to school by bike. But today she wants to go to school on foot. (seldom, usually) always usually often 4. Sam is very busy so he ________eats lunch at home . ( always, seldom) 5. ____________ Andy wants to play games after dinner, but his mother ________ asks him to do his homework . (always , sometimes) 6. He is a good boy. He ________ tells a lie. (often, never) seldom Sometimes never always 二、单项选择。 7 . [ 蚌埠禹会二模改编 ]Mr. Brown arrived at the airport _____ 5:00 a.m. yesterday. A. in B . on C . at D . of C 8. [ 中考 · 南京 ]Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon _____ 20 July, 1969. A. in B . on C . at D . for B 9 . —Would you like some coffee? —No, thanks. I _____ drink coffee. A. always B . never C. often D . sometimes B 10. Jimmy doesn’t like vegetables. So he ____ eats them . A . always B . usually C. often D . seldom D 11 . More and more young people go skating ____ winter . A. at B. in C . on D . to B 三、用适当的介词 填空 。 Dear Windy, Thank you for your last letter. I want to tell you something about my school life. I study at Sunshine Middle School in Beijing. Our school starts ________12 8: 30 a . m. Usually we have four lessons ________ 13 the morning and three lessons ________ 14 the afternoon. at in in _______15 noon, we usually have a rest. We usually have after-school activities _______ 16 Wednesday afternoon. We don’t have lessons _______ 17 weekends. I love dancing. I am good at dancing . I often go to the dancing lessons _______ 18 Sunday morning. _______ 19 the evening, I often do my homework. At on on/at on In We have an art festival (节日) ________20 winter every year . It’s ________21 1st December. I hope you can come. Yours, Tommy in on 四、完形 填空。 There are four people in the Green family. They often do some housework together ____22 Saturday morning . 22. A. in B. at C . on D . of C Kate is Mr. Green’s daughter. She is 12 ___23 old. She often ______24 bedrooms . 23. A. days B . months C. weeks D . years 24 . A. cleans B . clean C . does D. do D A Her ______25 buys food for next week . Her mother washes the ______ 26. 25. A. sister B . daughter C. son D. father 26 . A. desks B . chairs C. clothes D . doors C D Jim, Kate’s brother, helps to water the ______27 in their garden. Jim likes to do some repair (修理) work. _____28 Jim helps his father fix (修理 ) things in the house . 27 . A. house B . cars C . flowers D . cats 28 . A. Sometimes B . Never C. Seldom D . But C A When ___29 finish the housework , the Green family often ride bikes to a park near their house . 29. A. we B . they C . he D . she B ______30 the park, they can play badminton and football. They all feel ______ 31. It is very good when the family work and play together . 30 . A. On B . In C . Under D . From 31 . A. bad B. happy C. sad D . unhappy B B 课时 5   Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. —Good l ( 好运 )to you! —Thank you very much. 2. I w ( 祝愿 )you a happy new year. 3. I often have a p ( 野餐 )with my family in the park in spring . ish icnic uck 4 . —How often do you go shopping with your mum? — T ( 两次 )a week. 5. Shall we visit the m ( 博物馆 )tomorrow ? wice useum 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 。 6. What about __________( have) a picnic on the beach? having 7. I’d like ________( tell) you something about my school day. to tell 8 . —Hi, Millie. How is it ________ ( go)? —Fine, thanks . going 9 . On Sundays, my brother often goes ________ ( fish ) with me by the river . fishing 10 . We practise basketball ________ ( one) a week. once 三、单项 选择 。 11. [ 中考 · 武汉改编 ]He writes his phone number _____ a piece of paper. A. on B . for C. in D . from A 12. We have seven lessons every day. And Maths_____ my favourite lesson. A. are B . is C. does D . do B 13 . — _____ do you go to a movie? —Twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D . How far C 14. She wants _____ the house. Could you _____ her, please ? A. clean; help B . clean; to help C. to clean; help D . to clean; to help C 15 . —Jeff, I will take an important exam tomorrow. — _____ A. Good luck! B . Congratulations! C. Good idea! D . You’re welcome! A 16. That is a beautiful picture _____ lots of _____ . A. and; colour B . has; colour C. with; colours D . by; colour C 17 . —Are those your toy cars? — Yes, _____ are mine. I often play with _____ after school. A. they; they B . them; they C. they; them D . them; their C 18. [ 中考 · 河池 ]We often have three meals_____ day . And we usually have _____ breakfast at 8:00 every morning. A. a; the B . a; a C . a; / D . /; the C 19 . Reading a lot can help us learn more _____ the world . A. for B . about C . with D . by B 20 . —Let’s play basketball. — _____ . Why not go to the movies? A. Sounds great B . That’s OK C. It’s too boring (无聊的 ) D . Sorry C 课时 6   Task & Self -assessment 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. There are over 200 countries in the w ( 世界 ). 2. We can’t kill wild animals for any r ( 原因 ). 3. You can read some books to l ( 了解 )more about DIY. 4. The students are r ( 准备 )for the exam now. 5. Doing morning exercises is g ( 有好处 )for us. eason earn eady ood orld 二、用方框里所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 。 6. We like doing morning ___________. interest, good, get up, lesson, exercise exercises 7. My little sister Eva can swim very __________. interest, good, get up, lesson, exercise well 8 . Sandy is good at all her __________ . interest, good, get up, lesson, exercise lessons 9. The film is very __________. I like it. interest, good, get up, lesson, exercise interesting 10. —Mike, it’s time__________ now. —OK, Mum. interest, good, get up, lesson, exercise to get up 三、单项选择 。 11. [ 中考 · 河北 ]This story is _______simple ( 简单的 ) English . My little sister can read it. A. for B. in C . with D . by B 12. Andy looks very tired because he has ______ homework to do. A. too many B . many too C. too much D . much too C 13 . Judy is very kind. She often helps me _____English . A. learn B . learns C. learned D. learning A 14 . Andy ______ his homework and his sister ______ model planes every Sunday afternoon. A. does; makes B . do; make C. does; make D . do; makes A 15 . It’s time for class. All the students ______ the lesson in the classroom. A. is ready for B . are ready to C. get ready to D . are ready for D 四、完形 填空。 Today is the last Saturday before Christmas. Everyone in the USA ______16 shopping for presents. _____17 is falling. 16 . A. be B . is C . am D . are 17 . A. Snow B . Rain C . Leaf D . Kite B A People are walking fast. They are trying to keep _____18 when they move from shop to shop . 18. A. happy B . nice C . cold D . warm D In the shops children are ______19 at the toys. They are talking to a man called Father Christmas . 19. A. seeing B . reading C . looking D . watching C He asks, “What do you want for Christmas?” In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer. The trees and fields are green then. But now it is winter and _____20 is white . 20. A. everything B . nothing C. anything D . something A At ____21, small lights make the houses and buildings ______ 22. Christmas is a beautiful ______ 23 of a year. 21 . A. evening B . night C. morning D . afternoon 22 . A. bad B . nice C . old D . new 23 . A. time’s B . times’ C . times D. time B B D Christmas Day always begins before _______24. Children wake up ( 醒来) very early in the morning . 24 . A. breakfast B . lunch C . supper D . dinner A They open the____ 25 from their parents. Then they wake up their parents , saying “Merry Christmas ”. 25. A. doors B . presents C . window D . TV B 写作素养提升练 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 本单元的话题是“我的一天”,非常贴切大家 的生活 , 从早晨起床开始到晚上睡觉,一天的内容 非常 丰富多彩 , 所以关于这个话题可写的东西很多 , 从 校内生活到课外活动,一点一滴都跟这个话题 相关 , 写起来也较为轻松愉悦。 安徽译林版七年级上 请以 “ Tony’s day” 为题,写一篇 80 词左右的文章 , 要求 字迹清晰 , 条理清楚,也可适当发挥,要点如下: 1. Tony 是一名中学生,他每天 6:00 起床,读半小时 英语 ,然后吃早饭 ; 2. 骑自行车去上学,大约十分钟到学校 ; 3. 学校八点上课,上午四节课下午三节课 ; 4. 下午放学后和朋友在操场上踢足球,五点钟回家 ; 5. 晚上做作业或阅读 , 十点钟睡觉。 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 早晨:起床,读英语, 吃饭,骑自行车上学 gets up at 6:00, reads English for half an hour, has breakfast, goes to school by bike 2 上午:八点上课 , 四节课 classes begin at 8 a. m., four lessons in the morning 步骤 构思 列纲 3 下午:三节课,踢足球,回家 three lessons in the afternoon, plays football, goes home at 5 p. m. 4 晚上:写作业或阅读,十点钟睡觉 does his homework or reads some books, goes to bed at 10 p. m. Tony’s day Tony is a middle school student. He gets up at 6:00 every morning. He washes his face and then he reads English for half an hour. After that, he has breakfast . He usually goes to school by bike. It takes him 10 minutes to get to school. His classes begin at 8 a. m . He has four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. 【 精彩范文 】 After school he plays football with his friends in the playground. He often goes home at 5 p. m. In the evening, he does his homework or reads some books . Then he goes to bed at 10 p. m. 1. I get up at…in the morning. 2. I go to school by…/on foot. 3. I take a … to school. 4. It begins/starts at… 5. I have… 6. I like/do not like… 7. After school, I often… 假设你叫 Amy, 请写一封电子邮件给你的 朋友 Tom , 告诉他你一天的生活。不少于 70 词。(首尾 已经 给出,不计入总词数 ) Dear Tom, I want to tell you something about my daily life .______ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ What about you? Please write to me. Yours, Amy ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Dear Tom, I want to tell you something about my daily life. In the morning, I often get up at 6 : 30. Then I have breakfast at 6 : 45 a. m. A quarter later, I ride to school. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school. We do morning exercises at 7 : 45 a. m. Our first class ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ begins at 8 : 00 a. m. In the afternoon, I usually play sports with my classmates. At 4 : 45 p. m. , our school finishes and I go home . I have supper at 6 : 30 p. m. After supper, I usually have a short rest and then do my homework. I often go to bed at 9 : 30 p. m. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ What about you? Please write to me. Yours, Amy   中考考点专练 安徽译林版七年级上 Unit 4 My day 一、单项选择 。 1. [ 模拟 · 合肥五十中 ] —It will ____only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Huang by highspeed railway( 高铁 ). —Wow, how exciting! I can’t wait. A. take B . spend C. cost D . pay A 二、用 cost, spend, take 和 pay 或其固定搭配填空。 2. She ________ $ 100 ________ a new dress. 3. The journey to the airport ________ about half an hour. 4. I have to ________ 20 pounds ________ this room each month . 5. They ________ two years ________ building this bridge. 6. The skirt ________ me 20 dollars. spent on takes pay for spent in costs 一、单项选择。 1. It’s 9 : 30 p.m., children! _____ is time to go to bed. A. That B . It C. This D . They B 二、完成句子。 2. It’s ________ ________ lunch . 3. It’s ________ ________ go home. 4. It’s time ________ me ________ ________ to school. time for time to for to go 一、单项选择。 1. Water Park is a good place_____ . A. to have fun B . have fun C. having fun D. to have a fun A 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. 昨天我们在聚会上玩得很高兴。 We ________ ________ at the party yesterday. 3. 我们这学期将快乐地学英语、说英语。 We are going to have fun ________ and ________ English this term. had fun learning speaking 一、单项选择。 1. [ 中考 · 黄冈 ] —Must I finish reading the book today , Mr. Brown? —No, you ______. You can finish it in two days. A. needn’t B . mustn’t C. can’t D . couldn’t A 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. Tom ________ a pen. 汤姆需要一支钢笔。 3. I ________ ________ work today. 我今天需要工作。 4. I ________ go there today? 今天我需要去那里吗? 5. —Must I go home now? 我必须现在回家吗 ? —No, you ________ . 不,你不必。 Need needn’t needs need to 一、单项 选择。 1. [ 中考 · 上海 ]Sue practises _______the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances. A. play B . played C . to play D . playing D 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. 我们经常互相练习说英语。 We often ________ ________ ________ with each other. 3. 熟能生巧。 ________ makes perfect. practise speaking English Practice 单项选择。 1. [ 模拟 · 淮南 ] We all like watching the TV programme The Readers ______ Saturday evening. A. in B . on C. at D. for B 2 . [ 中考 · 南京 ] Xinhua Zidian , or the New Chinese Dictionary , was first published (出版 ) _____ 1953 . A. on B. in C . at D. for B 3 . [ 中考 · 云南 ] Mother’s Day comes _____ the second Sunday of May. A. in B. on C . at D . for B 4 . [ 中考 · 宿迁 ]The Dragon Boat Festival falls _____ May or June every year. A. in B . on C . at D . between A 一、单项选择。 1 . [ 中考 · 安顺 ]My cousin is _____ heavy because he often eats _____ fast food. A. too much; too many B. too many; too much C. much too; too much D. too much; much too C 二、用 too much, too many 与 much too 填空。 2. I have ___________ work to do. 3. There are ___________ books in the library. 4. The passage is ___________ difficult for us. too much too many much too

