冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 46 Canada and the U

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 46 Canada and the U

Lesson 46 Canada and the U. S. 冀教版七年级 Unit 8 Countries around the World 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语 词汇 1. They speak English and __________ ( 法语 ). 2. There are many red ___________ ( 树叶 ) on the tree in autumn. French       leaves         3. What is China’s __________ ( 国家的 ) flower? 4. Don’t stand under the __________ ( 瀑布 ) . 5. I bought a pair of pants with ___________ ( 条纹 ). national    waterfall         stripes 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6 . 它 是一个瀑布,并且它在全世界都很著名。 It is a ___________ and it’s famous _________ __________ _________ __________. waterfall all over the world 7. 加拿大 的国旗上面有一片红叶子。 Canada’s __________ ___________ a red __________ __________ it . flag has leaf on 8. 在加拿大人们说英语和法语。 People __________ __________ and _________ in Canada. speak English French 9 . 美国 的首都是华盛顿。   The _________ __________ _________ the U. S. is Washington, D. C. capital city of 10 . 这 是一张美国的地图 。 __________ __________ ___________ _________ __________ the United States. of Here is a map 1. The girl comes from __________. And she can speak __________ very well. French   France 2. ________ speak _________ in __________. A. Frenchmen ; France; French B . Frenchmen; French; France C . French; France; Frenchmen D . Frenchman; French; French B 【 点拨 】 句意为“法国人在法国说法语”。 France 法国, Frenchmen 法国人, French 法语。故选 B 。 3. —Hey, boys. Look at the falling _________. — Well, it’s telling us that autumn is coming. 【 中考 · 玉林 】 A . leaf B . leafs C . leafes D. leaves D 4. —Do you have two ________? — Yes, I do. A. knife B . knifes C . knives D . knife’s C 5. ________ some food in the fridge. A. Here is B . Here are C . There are D . There isn’t A 6. Look! There __________ a photo of our English teacher in today’s newspaper! 【 中考 · 南京 】 A . is B . are C . have D. has A 7. 熊猫是中国的国家级动物 。 A panda is China’s __________ __________. national animal 8. English is _________ international language. A . a B . an C . the D . / B 一、单项 选择 1. This is _________ eagle . It is the national animal of the U.S. A . a B . an C . the D . / B   2. Niagara Falls is famous all _________ the world. A . in B. for C . over D . about C   3. In autumn there are a lot of _________ on the ground. A. leaf B . leafs C . leaves D . leave’s C 4. Canada is _________ the east of China. A . in B . to C. on D . at B   5. Jim is from _________. He speaks _________. A. France ; French B . English; England C . Chinese; China D . Australian; Australia A 6. —__________ country is northeast of China, Canada or Australia? — Canada. A . Where B . Which C . When D . Whose B   7. —Li Ming, where will you go during your holiday? — Maybe I will visit _________ in the U. S. A. the Statue of Liberty B . Niagara Falls C . the Great Wall D . Big Ben A   8. Here _________ a pen and some erasers for you. A. be B . is C . are D . will be B 9. _________ do you know about our school? A. How often B . How long C . How many D . How much D   10. —Do you know where Ottawa is? — Sorry , _________. A. it’s easy B . I know about Ottawa C . that’s great D . I don’t know D 二、按要求完成下列各题 11. Niagara Falls is in Canada .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) ___________ __________ Niagara Falls? Where is 12. My sweater is red and white .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) __________ ___________ is your sweater? What colour 13. He knows a lot about Canada .( 改为 一般 疑问句 ) __________ he __________ a lot about Canada? Does know 14. Canada’s flag has a red leaf .( 改为 同义 句 ) __________ __________ a red leaf on Canada’s flag. There is 15. The capital city of Canada is Ottawa .( 对 画线 部分提问 ) __________ __________ the capital city of Canada? What is 三 、根据 短文内容或所给提示,补全文中单词或用 所给 单词的正确形式 填空 What do you know about the U.S.? Let _______16 (I) tell you. It’s _________17 (southern) of Canada. The c 18 city of the U.S. is Washington, D.C. The flag ______19 the U.S. has stars and __________20 (stripe). me south apital   of   stripes It is red, white _________21 blue. The eagle is its ___________22 (nation) animal. The Statue of Liberty is famous _________23 the world. It ________24 (be) in New York. People in the U.S. speak English. Do you hope ____________25 (visit) it one day? and national in   is   to visit 四、补全 对话 ( 从 方框中选出正确选项,有两项 多余 ) A : Hi! Where are you from? ________26 B: I’m Australian. I come from Sydney. _________27 A. Are you English or Australian? B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, we are. D. What about you? E. And he often helps me with my Chinese. F. Are you from the U. K.? G. No, I’m not. A D A: I’m from the U.K. I speak English. Do you speak English? B: __________28 A: I have a friend from China. He can speak English, too. __________29 A. Are you English or Australian? B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, we are. D. What about you? E. And he often helps me with my Chinese. F. Are you from the U. K.? G. No, I’m not. B E B: Are you in the same school? A: ___________30 A. Are you English or Australian? B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, we are. D. What about you? E. And he often helps me with my Chinese. F. Are you from the U. K.? G. No, I’m not. C

