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unit 1 人教版七年级英语上册单元全套课件 My name's Gina. Section A 1a-2d 目 录 Section A Grammar Focus-3c Section B 1a-1f Section B 2a-2c Section B 3a-Self Check 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Section A 1a-2d To learn these new words: name, nice, to, meet, too, your, Ms. To learn the following sentence patterns: What's your name? My name's... I'm... Language Goals Emotional Goals Try to be polite and friendly to others. Learn to greet people and introduce yourself to your new friends. How to greet people? Warming-up Hi! Good morning! Hello! Good afternoon! How are you? Good evening! How do you do? How to introduce yourself? My name’s Gina! Hello! What’s your name? I’m Jenny! Nice to meet you! Hi, Jenny. Nice to meet you, too! Match the things with their names. cup map bag ruler basketball cap Role play the conversations with your partners. How many other words do you know in this picture? Write them down. 1a 1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________ 6.___________ 7.___________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ map book cup basketball clock key jacket schoolbag cap ruler 自我介绍句型: (1)My name’s... (2)I’m... —Hello, My name’s Gina. —Hi. I’m Jenny. What's your name? 拓 展 根据提示,完成句子。 1. I’m Lin Fei.(改为同义句) _ is Lin Fei.   2. My (名字) is Linda. My name name 运 用 假如你是李明,向陌生人做自我介绍,你说: A. My name is Li Ming. B. Her name is Li Ming. C. His name is Li Ming. D. Your name is Li Ming. A 回答 What's your name? 的三种形式 (1) My name is … (2) I ’ m … (3) 直接说名字 询问对方姓名的句型还有: (1 ) May I have your name ? 我可以知道你的名字吗 ? (2 ) May I ask your name ? 我可以问一下你的名字吗 ? (3 ) Can you tell me your name ? 你能告诉我你的名字吗 ? (4 ) Your name, please ? 请告诉我你的名字。 拓 展 1.My name is John Smith. (对画线部分提问)     name? 2. —What’s your name, please? —_________________ A. I’m a teacher. B. His name is Paul. C. How do you do? D. I’m Li Lei. D What's your 运 用 Listen and number the conversation[1-3]. A: What’s your name? B: Alan. A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms. Brown. A: Good morning! I’m Cindy. B: Hello, Cindy! I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you! A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Nice to meet you, too. 2 1 3 1b A: Hello! What’s your name? My name ’s … I am… I’m… A: Nice/Glad to meet/see you! B: Nice/Glad to meet/see you, too! B: Pair-work: Make conversations with you partner. you can use these sentence patterns Practice the following three conversations with your partner. Hello, Cindy! I’m Dale. Nice to meet you! Good morning! I'm Cindy. Conversation 1 1c Nice to meet you, too! Alan . What’s your name? Hello, Alan. I’m Ms. Brown . Conversation 2 Hi. My name’s Gina. Nice to meet you, too! I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! Conversation 3 A: Good morning! My name’s / I’m … B: Hello, …! / I’m … A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. Role-play Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1-4]. 2a 3 1 2 4 2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear. Eric Tom Alice Bob Mike Jack Mary Ms. Miller A: Hello! What’s your name? B: My name’s … A: I’m… B: Nice to meet you ! Make conversations with your deskmate. (You can use the following sentence patterns.) 2c A: What’s his name? B: His name is … A: And what’s her name? B: Her name is … What’s his name? 他叫什么名字 ? 他的 询问一个男生名字的时候可以说: What’s his name? 回答时候可以说: His name is … What’s her name? 她叫什么名字 ? 她的 询问一个女生名字的时候可以说: What’s her name? 回答时候可以说: Her name is … Listen and repeat the conversation with your friend! Linda: Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen? Helen: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda. Linda: Nice to meet you, too. What’s her name? Helen: She’s Jane. Linda: Is he Jack? Helen: No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. 2d 1.My name’s... 和 I’m... 都是自我介绍时需要用到 的句型,意为“我的名字叫……”或 “ 我是 (叫)……” 后者比前者更随意一些。其中 name’s 是 name is 的缩写形式, I ’ m 是 I am 的缩写形式。 Language points 这两个句型也可以用来回答 “ What ’ s your name? ”。 e.g. —Hello. I ’ m Helen. What ’ s your name, please? (你好,我是海伦。请问你叫什么?) —My name ’ s David/I ’ m David. (我叫戴维。) —What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? —Alan. /I’m Alan. /My name is Alan. 艾伦。/我是艾伦。/我的名字是艾伦。 What’s your name? 是询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句, what’s 是 what is 的缩写。有时句末也可以加上please, 以示客气、礼貌, 读时用降调。 please 可以用逗号和句子隔开。 例: — What’s your name? 你叫什么名字 ? — My name is Jack./ I’m Jack. / Jack. 我叫杰克。 — What’s her name? 她叫什么名字 ? — Her name is Gina. /She’s Gina. /Gina. 她叫吉娜。 双方初次见面经介绍后常说“Nice to meet you.”。这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可以用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表达一种高兴的心情。回答时一般在句末加too。这句话的同义句为: “Nice to see you.”或“Glad to see you.” 例如 : —I ’ m Gina. Nice to meet you! 我叫吉娜。见到你很高兴。 —Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 2.— Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴! — Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。 I.用所给单词的正确形式填空 。 1. Nice (meet)you. 2. ______(be)you Li Ming? 3. She is my friend.______(she)name is Lily. 4. ______(his)is a Chinese boy. 5. I ______(be)a girl. to meet Are Her He am Exercises II. 单项选择。 1. ______ her name? A . What B . How C . How is D . What ’ s 2. —Nice to ______you. —Nice to meet you , too. A . see B . meet C . look at D . loo k D B III. 翻译。 1. — 她叫什么名字? — 她叫吉娜。 2. 我是汤姆,见到你很高兴! I’m Tom. Nice to meet you! —What’s her name? —Her name is Gina. 1. New words: 2. How to ask for other’s name? name, nice, to, meet, his, her, too... What's your/ his/ her name? Summary 3. How to answer other's question “What's your / his/ her name?” A. My / His/ Her name's... B. I’m.../ He is.../ She is... C. 直接说名字。 4. When we meet sb. for the first time, we usually say Nice to meet you! 1. Review the new words and sentence patterns we learned today. 2.Practice the conversations we learned today with your friends. 3. Preview the new words and expressions. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To learn these new words: his, and, her, yes, she, he, no, not... To learn the use of be verbs. Language Goals To greet people and introduce yourself in a understandable way. Emotional Goal T: What’s his name? S: He is…/His name is… T: What’s her name? S: She is…/Her name is… T: Is he/she…? S: Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she isn’t . Free talk Introduce your friend to your deskmate. You can use the following sentence patterns: Questions Answers What’s your name? Alan. / I’m Alan. / My name’s Alan. What’s his name? He’s Eric. / His name’s Eric. What’s her name? She’s Mary. / Her name’s Mary. Is he Jack? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. Are you Helen? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. I’m Gina. Grammar Focus what’s = what is name’s = name is I’m = I am he’s = he is she’s = she is Grammar focus 1. What's ____________? I'm Alan. 你叫什么名字? 我是艾伦。 2. What's ____________? He's William. 他叫什么名字? 他是汤姆。 3. What's ____________? Her name is Elsa. 她叫什么名字? 她的名字是艾尔莎。 4. What's ____________? It is Jerry. 它叫什么名字? 它是杰瑞。 5. ____________ Tom? Yes, _________. 你是汤姆吗? 是的,我是。 your name his name her name its name I am Are you Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them. 1. your name What’s Cindy I’m What’s your name? I’m Cindy. 2. name his What’s Bob He’s What’s his name? He’s Bob. 3. Mike you Are am I Yes Are you Mike? Yes, I am. 3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: Hi, ________ your name? B: My _________Gina. ______ you Tom? A: ______, I’m not. ______ Bob. B: Hi,________. _______ to meet you. A: Nice to ________ you, too. what’s name’s Are No I’m Bob Nice meet 3b Practice the conversation in pairs. Pair work Practice introducing yourself and others in a group. How many names can you remember? 3c Language points Be 动词的用法 ( 1 )我用 am ,你用 are , is 连着他,她, 它;    单数 名词用is,复数名词全用 are 。    变 疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。    变 否定,更容易, be 后 not 莫忘记。    疑问 否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 ( 2 ) 含有 be 动词的一般疑问句结构: Be 动词 + 主语 + 其他 ? 其 肯定回答一般 是 “ Yes ,主语 ( 人称代词主格 ) +be 动词 ” ; 其 否定回答一般 是 “ No ,主语 ( 人称代词主格 ) +be 动词 +not. ”, 且在否定回答中 ,be 动词和 not 常常缩写, is not = isn’t , are not = aren’t 。 若问句的主语 是 第 二 人称,回答时要用第一 人称。 — Is he Bill ? 他 是比尔吗 ? — Yes, he is . 是 的,他是。 —No, he isn ’t . 不 ,他不是。 例 句 —Are you Anna? 你是安娜吗 ? —Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 —No, I'm not. 不,我不是。 单选 。 — Is he Tom? —________. He is Sam. A . Yes, he is B . No , he isn’t C . Yes, he isn ’ t D. No , he is B 运 用 翻译句子。 1. 我是埃里克,他是弗兰克,弗兰克和我是 中 学生 。 I ______ Eric. He ______ Frank. Frank and I _______ middle school students. am is are 2. 这是我的地图。那是她的钥匙。 This _______ _______ map. That ______ _______ key. 3 .—她是海伦吗 ? —不 , 她是辛迪 。 —___________ Helen? — No,_________ is Cindy . is my is her Is she she 代词分类 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称代词主格 I y ou h e s he i t 汉语意思 我 你,你们 他 她 它 形容词性物主代词 my your his her its 汉语意思 我的 你的 ,你们的 他的 她的 它的 温馨提示 1. 形容词性物主代词在句中通常作定语 , 其后一定要跟名词 ; 2 . 形容词性物主代词的前后不能再出现冠词 。 如 : his name 不能说 a his name 或 his a name。 I. 单选题 。 —What ’ s the boy ’ s name? — _______ is Eric. A . He B . Her C . His 解析 :he为人称代词主格;her为形容词性物主代词或宾格;his为形容词性物主代词。本空在句中作主语,这里应用人称代词主格。故选A 。 运 用 2 . How do you get on with ( ) little brother? I ’ ve just had a baby sister. I ’ m worrying about it. A. my B. his C. her D. your 解析:你与你的小弟弟相处得怎么样?我刚有了一个小妹妹。我正为此担心。与主语you对应,修饰名词brother,应该用形容词性物主代词your。故选D。 1. ______ (I) ruler is yellow and _______ (he ) ruler is blue. 解析:修饰名词应该用形容词性物主代词。 his 2.______(her) is your friend. 解析:空格 处是句子的主语,应该用人称代词主格。 She My II. 根据 提示,完成句子。 I . 用 动词 be 的适当形式 填空 。 1. Ms. Miller     my teacher ( 老师 ) . 2. I       Tom, and you      Bob. 3. —How      you, Mary? —I       OK, thank you. is am are   are am Exercises 4. —What       his name? —Tony. 5. —      your jacket brown? —Yes, it     . is Is is II. 单项选择。 1 . — Are you Mr. Lee? —______. A . Yes, I’m B . No, I am C . No, I’m not D . Yes, I’m not 2.—What’s ______ name? —______ name is Tony. A . I; I B. your; Your C. your; My C C Finish the e xercises in the workbook. 2. Preview the new words and expressions. Homework Section B 1 a -1f Language Goals To learn new words: zero, one, two, three, four, five , six , seven, eight, nine,phone,telephone,number... To learn how to a sk for and give phone numbers. Emotional Goals To learn the usages of numbers in our daily life. To keep contact with your friends. 0 zero English numbers Warming-up 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine Listen and repeat. 0 zero 2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight 1 one 3 three 5 five 7 seven 9 nine 1a Match the numbers with the pictures. one three four eight nine 119 120 122 110 Do you know the ir telephone numbers? fire car accident medical accident police Room number Bike number Try to read the numbers: Room 1 Bike No . 651503 1. 0+4= 2. 5+1= 3. 3+6= 4 6 9 work out the math problom s . What’s 0 and 4? Can you read it? 12598 4109358 3157807 6892410 2655416 9461488 0548913 2589715 Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. Telephone number: ____ ____ ____ —— ____ ____ ____ ____ 1b 2 7 8 6 9 2 6 Listen again and repeat the number according to the tape. 278-6926 What’s your phone number, Jenny? It's 781-9176. It’s your turn. 轮到你来说了! Ask for and give your phone numbers. 1c Role-play It’s 36987548. What’s your telephone number? It’s 503698802XXX What’s your ID number? Listen and match the names with the telephone numbers. Tom __ a. 929-31 __ __ Linda __ b. 398-61__ __ Bob __ c. 278-79 __ __ Mary __ d. 555-80 __ __ c d b a 1d Listen again and complete the numbers. Tom 278-79____ Linda 555-80____ Bob 398-61____ Mary 929-31 ____ 1e 28 24 49 60 Write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner. 1f Do a survey Join in a group, and then ask for the other group members' telephone number. Write down the telephone numbers, and do a report later. ( Write down at least 3 numbers ) zero, one, two … nine 零,一,二 …… 九。 基数词0~9分别为: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 。以上这些都是基数词。 数词分为两大类: 基数词和序数词 。表示“多少”的词为基数词;表示“第几”的词为序数词。基数词有zero, one, two等。序数词我们刚学了一个first(第一)。基数词可用来表示数字、年龄、编号等。 Language points 例:— What ’ s two and five ? 二加五等于几? —Seven. 七 (表示数字) —How old is it? 它几岁了? —It ’ s four. 它四岁了。(表示年龄) Lesson One 第一课 Unit One 第一单元(表示编号) What’s your telephone number, Li Xin? 李新 , 你的电话号码是多少 ? 这是一个由疑问词 what 引导的特殊疑问句。 telephone number 意为 “ 电话号码 ” , 也可以说成 phone number 。句型 “ What’s ... number ?” 常用来询问电话号码、车牌号码、身份证号码等,答语常用 It’s... 。 如 : — What’s your car number? 你的车牌号是多少 ? — It’s SV380. 是 SV380 。 拓展 电话号码的读法是将每个数字单独念出来。如果有两个相同的数字连在一起 , 可以读作 “double+ 数字 ”, 其中的 0( 零 ) 读作字母 o 或是 zero 。 1.His telephone number is 515-6879. (对画线部分提问) his telephone number? 【 运用 】 What is 2. —What’s her phone number? — _______. A. It’s 732-4351. B. It’s Jim@163. com. C. Yes, I am. D. I’m 254730. A Exercises one   two three   four   five   six   seven   eight  nine I. 用英语写出下列物品的数量。 1. 你的电话号码是多少? 是 354-8760 。 —______ ___ your number? —____ 354-8760. 2. Her telephone number is 357-4219 . ( 划线提问 ) ______ ___ _____ telephone number? What’s t elephone It’s II. 根据提示完成句子。 What’s her 3. _______ (七个) oranges are in the box. 4. —What ’ s five and four? —It ’ s ________ . Seven nine III. 从B栏中找出与A栏中相搭配的句子。 A (   ) 1. Hello, I’m Sally. (   ) 2. What’s his name? (   ) 3. What’s her phone number? (   ) 4. How are you? (   ) 5. My name is David. B A. His name is Tony. B. Hi, Sally. I’m Tom. C. Fine, thanks. D. I’m Lily. Nice to meet you. E. Her phone number is 348- 3451. B A E C D 1. How to count the numbers from 1 to 9 in English? 2. How to ask for and give telephone numbers? —What's ... telephone number? —It's... . 3. The usages of numbers in our daily life. Summary 1.Please make a report like this: I am..., and my telephone number is... His name is..., and his telephone number is... She is..., and her telephone number is... 2.Preview for the next class. Homework Section B 2 a -2c To learn new words: friend, China, last, first... To Learn key sentences : — What’s your first name? — What’s your last name? Language Goals Learn to ask for other's name, and to figure out full name, first name/given name and last name/family name. Emotional Goal Let’s read the numbers. 7 189 68945 123654890 56123089 128543691120 3452109876443 4589105532 Warming-up Can you r ead these phone numbers ? 536-7480 780 - 1243 766 - 4933 153 - 9087 - 6524 Yang Liwei last name/ family name 姓 full name 全名 first name/ given name 名 Do you know h im ? Bill Gates first name = given name ( 名 ) last name =family name ( 姓 ) Do you know h im ? My name is Allan Green . first name family name His Chinese name is Zhang Mingming. first name last name= given name= Read the list of names.Write F for the first name and L for the last name. 1.Alan 6.Jack 2.Green 7.Smith 3.Miller 8.Brown 4.Mingming 9.Zhang 5.Gina 10.Mary 2a F L L F F F L L L F Helen: _____/_____ name Smith:____ /______ name Fill in blanks. Han: _____/_______ name Tiantian: _____/______ name first given last family first given last family — What ’ s his /her full nam e/ first name/ last name ? —His/Her full name/ first name/ last name is... . Pair work Make conversations to ask for their full name, first name and last name. You can ask and answer like this: What's his first name and last name? Kobe Bryant Zhong Nanshan Read the messages and match them with the pictures. Circle the first names and underline the last names. 2b A B C My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672. I’m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344. My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155. B C A Alice Green Tel:7869-3451 Helen Smith Tel:8765-3320 Dale Brown Tel:5978-6320 Bob Hand Tel:7488-4093 Zhang Ling Tel:6477-0438 Eric Miller Tel:6547-2393 She is … Her first/last name is… Her telephone number … Introduce the students to your partner according to the given information. Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends in the name list. Names Eric Brown Gina Smith Dale Miller Zhang Mingming Jenny Green Mary Brown Telephone numbers 358-6344 929-3155 281-9176 257-8900 357-5689 232-4672 2C Friends 1. and 2. and 3. and Jenny Green Gina Smith Eric Brown Dale Miller Mary Brown Zhang Mingming 【 运用 】 1. I ’ m Dale Green. My last name is ________ . A. Dale B. Dale Green C. Green D. Green Dale 2. Ma Yun is a _____. He is one of the richest in ________. A. China; Chinese B. Chinese; China C. Chine; China D. Chinese; Chinese C B Language points 1.What’s your first name? 你的名字是什么? first name 意为“名字”,相当于given name。 first 此处用作形容词 , 意为“第一”。 例:What’s her first name? = What’s her given name? 她的名字是什么? 2.What’s your last name? 你的姓氏是什么? last name 也可以用 family name 表示,意为 “ 姓氏 ” 。 例: —What’s his last/family name? 他姓什么? —His last/family name is Brown. 他姓布朗。 在西方,名字在前,姓氏在后。 1.T he girl ’ s name is Linda Smith, so Smith is her ______ name. A. last B. family C. first D. A or B 2. — _______ is her first name? — Jenny. A. How B. What color C. What 3 . 他的名字是什么? _______ _______ first name ? 【 运用 】 D C What’s his 2. —Is your telephone number 398-71456? —Yes,     . A. it is    B. I am    C. it’s   D. I’m 3. —     — It’s 1883736519. A. What color is it? B. Is it your phone number? C. What’s your name? D. What’s your phone number? A D I . 句型转换 。 1. She is Mary Brown. ( 变为一般疑问句 ) ____ _____ Mary Brown? 2. Her telephone number is 357-4219 . ( 就画线部分提问 ) ______ _____ telephone number? 3. His last name is Miller . ( 就画线部分提问 ) _______ his ____ name? What’s last Is she What’s her Exercises 4. Her first name is Linda . ( 就画线部分 提问 ) _________ her _____ name? 5. I’m Eric Smith. ( 变为一般疑问句 ) ______ ____ Eric Smith? What’s first Are you II. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 我的名字叫戴尔格林。 My _____ ____ Dale Green. 2. 他姓米勒。 _____ _ _____ _ ______ is Miller. name is His first name 3. 你的电话号码是多少? 是 354-8760 。 —__ __ ____ your ___________ number? —_______ 354-8760. 4. 她姓什么? ________ ____ last name? 5. 我的朋友是在中国。 My ______ ___ in China. What’s telephone It’s What’s her friend is 填写句子,补全对话。 A: (1) __________________, Ms. Green. B: Nice to meet you, too, Alan. (2) _______________________, Alan? A: My last name is Miller. B: (3)_______________________________ A: My telephone number is 230-1568. B: (4) _________________________ A: Yes, I’m OK. Thanks. B: (5)__________________________ A: Yes, Eric is my friend. Nice to meet you What’s your last name What’s your telephone number? Are you OK? Is Eric your friend? Ⅲ. 补全对话。 Let's discuss 1.How to read telephone numbers? How to ask for numbers? 2.How to ask for and give full name, first name and last name? Summary Homework 1.Remember the new words and expressions. 2.Ask Students to collect some numbers (car number, room number etc.). Ask them to read out. Then write them down on the workbook. 3.Revise how to tell people’s last names , first names and telephone numbers. Section B 3 a -Self Check To learn to make an ID card. To grasp the key points of this unit and finish exercises. Language Goals To learn to give some of your personal information, for example, telephone number, first name, last name and so on, so that others can know you better. Emotional Goal 1.Do you have a school ID card? 2.What information does it have on the card ? Free talk Look at the ID card and answer the questions. What’s his telephone number? What’s his family name? What’s his given name? 57648901. Suarez. James. Use the information on the ID card to complete the sentences . PEP Middle School First Name: ___________ Last Name: ___________ Phone Number: ____________ Her family name is ____________________. Her given name is ____________________. Her phone number is _____________________. Alice Green 951-3397 Alice Green 951-3397 3 a What’s her telephone number? What’s her first name? What’s her last name? Jenny Green 281-9176 Jenny Green 281-9176 Given Name : ____________ Family Name : ____________ Phone Number: ____________ Jenny Green 281-9176 Fill in blanks and then make conversations with your deskmate. Fill in your own ID card and write about yourself. First Name: __________ Last Name: __________ Phone Number:__________ My first name is _________________________ ____ ___________________________________________ Jack. My last name is Huang. My phone number is 345-789. Wu Dong is my friend. Jack Huang 345-789 3b First name Tongtong Last name Ma Telephone number 0422-0828 School ID card number 20180288 School Guangming Middle School 写作指导 【思路点拨】 (1) 体裁 : 说明文。 (2) 人称 : 第一人称。 (3) 时态 : 一般现在时 ( 注意用动词 be 的正确形式 ) 。 写作模板 【参考范文】 Myself    Hello! My name is Ma Tongtong . Tongtong is my first name, and Ma is my last name. My telephone number is 0422-0828 . My school ID card number is 20180288 . I am in Guangming Middle School. First Name: Jenny Last Name: Chen Phone Number: 6322-7654 Her first name is Jenny. Her last name is Chen. Her phone number is 6322-7654. She is in Class 1 Grade 7. 你 会介绍你的同学吗? My name’s Mary Miller . My _______ number is 763- My friend is Gina Brown. _____ _____ name is Gina . Her _____name ____ Brown . Her ______ ______ is 234-1679. Her first phone last p hone number Gina Brown 234-1679 Mary Miller 763-8623 is ID Card First Name : Jenny Last Name : Cooper Telephone Number : 8748375 根据你的学生卡自我介绍,并用根据下面的ID卡信息,介绍一下这位同学吧。 middle adj. 中间的 n . 中间 middle 作 形容词 , 意为 “中间的 ; 中等的” , 常置于名词前作定语 , 如 middle school “ 中学 “ 。 (2) middle 可作名词, 意为“中间”, 常 构成短语: in the middle (of sth. ) “在 …… 的中央”。 ► It is in the middle of the street. 它在路中央。 Language points 1 . 中间的数字是零。 The             is zero. 2. 她在教室的中央。 She is                of the classroom. middle number in the middle 【 运用 】 Write out the numbers. 120 _________________________ 114_________________________ 119_________________________ 10086_______________________ 12315_______________________ 17951_______________________ one two zero double one four double one nine one double zero eight six one two three one five one seven nine five one Self Check 状元成才路 2. Match the sentences to make conversations. Hello, I’m Cindy. What’s your name? Hello. I’m Grace. My name’s Eric. What’s his telephone number? I’m Chen Kang. It’s 876-9548. Nice to meet you, Cindy. Nice to meet you, Eric. I’m Bill. Hi, Grace. I’m Alice. I. 你能区别哪些是姓哪些是名吗? Hunts Kelsey Bruce Adam Beckham Spears Jones Hand Nick Alan Tony Moore Barnes Mary Kim Potter Miller Gina Jenny Exercises Last names: Hunts Beckham Adam Spears Jones Hand Moore Barnes Potter Miller Adam First names: Kelsey Bruce Nick Alan Tony Mary Kim Gina Jenny II. 单项 选择。 1 . — What’s your _______? —It’s 123-9876. A. color B . phone number C . ID card 2 . My name is Tony Brown . Tony is my ______ name. A. last B . family C . first 3 . — What’s his phone number? — _____ 281-7585 . A. It B . Its C. It’s B C C 4 . 301 is __________ in English. A . one three zero B. three one zero C. three zero one 5 . — What’s your name? —My name is __________ . A . Yu xiaoqian B . Yu Xiao Qian C. Yu Xiaoqian C C III. 按 要求完成下列句子。      1. His first name is Alan . ( 对 画 线部分提问 ) _________________________ 2. My name is Tony. (改为同义句) ______ _______ Tony. 3. Her phone number is 929-31 . ( 对 画 线部分提问 ) _________________________________ What’s his first name? I am What’s her phone number? 4. My family name is Miller. (改为同义句) My _______ ______ is Miller. 5. is, his , number , 535-2375 , telephone (.) (连词成句) __________________________________ last name His telephone number is 535-2375. Ⅳ . 翻译句子。 1. 你姓什么? 2. 米勒夫人的名字是什么 ? 3. 中间的数字是几? 4. 她的电话号码是多少? What's your last name/ family name? What's Mrs. Miller's first name/ given name? What is the middle number? What's her telephone number? Ask your classmates about their information. 2. Fill in the table and then make a report . 3. Write an article to introduce yourself. Homework

